Scumbags Follow the Good System

Chapter 136: overworld

From a good month's salary, exclude the mail sent to the family. Buy some necessities for the rest.

She doesn't smoke or drink. Occasionally a barbecue costs less than 30 yuan, so for her salary of 1,700 yuan, 1,000 yuan is sent to her family, and 700 yuan is reserved for herself. She has a working meal and lives with her. Still living in the original dormitory for the rest of the staff after the crossing.

For living expenses of 700 yuan a month, she can basically have about 500 yuan left after buying some necessities.

After the main system promised to retrieve the data link of the eldest baby and the data link of the system, Cong Liangdang suddenly became nervous.

She first went to the mall for the first time, bought two decent clothes and pants, and then went to the hairdresser in the mall to spend a lot of money for a hairstyle, perming her always messy hair into **** big waves, and also Under the suggestion of the hairdresser's brother, I made one of the most popular light colors.

In addition to the money sent to her family in the past three years, plus the 100,000 yuan that he did not finish, and the money she had saved for three years, she had a total of 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. , Walking on the street, Congliang looked the same as those aunts who came and went by the roadside.

Fashionable and beautiful, and her temperament is very unique, a kind of heroic beauty.

But as a car drove by, Congliang rubbed her nose and frowned in a string of exhaust fumes. She felt that she still couldn't fit into this dazzling city. No matter how many years passed, she was still a native rural girl.

What allowed her to truly relax and blend in was still the landscape of her hometown, the freshness that blew her face when she opened the window in the early morning.

Congliang didn't know how long the main system would make her wait, but when she passed a cake shop on the street, she still hesitated to enter.

She remembered that the eldest baby especially liked these sweet things. When she left the store, she carried a lot of desserts in her hand. Everything she wanted him to taste.

When he returned to the building with his belongings, he stepped into the revolving glass door and casually cast his eyes towards the hall.

But at this glance, she did not see the cleaning aunts gathered in groups of three or five, as usual, gathered on the luxurious leather sofa, chatting and nibbling on melon seeds.

And in the center of the hall stood a person, a figure she was fascinated by. Cong Liangwei opened his mouth. The moment he saw the person clearly, his feet stiffened and he forgot to take a step.

She was pushed out by the revolving glass door on the smooth and slippery tiled floor, slipping out and finally thrown out.

She was swayed by the impulsive force of the glass door, her high heels slid several times on the tiled floor, and she barely stood still.

Cong Liang was short of breath, her eyes were blurred, the bag in her hand was red and her fingers were red. She stood still with her head down, with a pair of antique black short boots at her feet.

She looked up little by little along the short boots, the aqua blue satin robe, hanging straight above the short boots.

Before her eyes could climb to the girdle, she was wrapped around her neck. The trembling breath spurted to the side, and the familiar male voice got into the ear with a choked sob.

"I came with you... You don't, don't leave me, okay?"

Congliang's tears were accompanied by laughter, and all the bags in her hands fell to the ground. She clung to the man in front of her with both hands, and Song Xiaotu chirped in her thoughts.

She cried and laughed for a while, and she couldn't even utter a complete sentence, she just nodded vigorously.

The two were stuck together like two magnets, and after a long while, Song Chen let go of Congliang's waist. Instead, he held her head and pecked Congliang's face with his lips.

"Is this your original appearance?" Song Chen asked.

He thought that Congliang's true appearance must be different from being with him, but he refused to change it for him.

"Yes, I've always been like this." Congliang's voice was nasal, "Don't you like it?"

"I like it," Song Chen said, "As long as it's you, I like it no matter what you look like."

The eyes of the two were watery, and the tip of their nose was red. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and their soft lips pressed together.

Song Chen hooked the back of Congliang's head with one hand and her waist with the other, his eyelashes trembling, and he kissed her lingeringly and deeply, as if all his emotional thoughts and uneasiness were compressed into this one kiss, and it took a long time to stop.

Cong Liang was kissed five times by him, and when Song Chen let go of her, she felt that both calves were numb.

"I know." Song Chen kissed Cong Liang's forehead and said, "That man, he showed me everything."

"I know that you have never given up on me, and you are not playing with me," Song Chen said, "I know that you really love me."

"Me too..." Song Chen said here, stuck for a while, and then his cheeks were flushed, he still can't, I also like you to say such words casually.

"I know I know," Cong Liang saw his appearance, and quickly took over the words, "You don't have to say it, I know it all."

Song Chen looked at her with flickering eyes. He pursed his lips and smiled, and two small dimples appeared on his cheeks.

Cong Liang was shaken by the two small dimples, and a feeling rose in his heart, fluffy and soft, "Let's, cough," Cong Liang cleared his throat: "Go back to the house first."

Song Chen nodded. Congliang picked up the bag on the ground, Song Chen reached out to help her carry it, but Congliang was stiff, looking at Song Chen's intact hands in disbelief, then turned his head sharply and stared at Song Chen carefully.

"Can you see me?" Cong Liang held two bags like a lunatic, shaking them in front of Chen's eyes.

"Yes..." Song Chen looked inexplicable.

"Then take a few steps and I'll take a look." Cong Liang said urgently.


"Hurry up and take a few steps!" Cong Liang urged.

Although Song Chen didn't understand what was going on with Congliang, he still took a few steps obediently.

"Oh my God!" Congliang's joy was beyond words.

"That's great!" Cong Liang put his arms around Song Chen's neck and jumped on the spot a few times.

"Okay. You have already accepted the goods." The middle-aged bald uncle walked to the lobby and waved: "Don't go back to the house. Get the **** out of here..."

Congliang wanted to give the main system a big hug, but she just turned her head and saw a few shiny hairs on the middle-aged uncle's head, so she quickly stopped.

"Thank you!" Cong Liang said sincerely, "Thank you..."

The main system waved his hand arrogantly, his face full of impatience, signaling Congliang to get out of the way.

The smile on Cong Liang's face was sincere, but he didn't forget that there was one more serious matter. He changed the subject and asked, "Where's my system?"

"I didn't bring it out." The main system stroked his hair, avoiding Congliang's sight.

Cong Liang's expression instantly stepped down, and just as he was about to open his mouth, the main system glanced at her, "tsk", and said helplessly: "I'm here! In the office, come with me and get it!"

Xia Liang happily pulled Song Chen and followed the main system to the office.

"Hey," said the main system, pointing to an exquisite birdcage on the table, "that is, separation is separation. But it can't be done as adults."

Cong Liang looked at the table, a pair of brightly colored birds in the exquisite bird cage. She doesn't know what kind it is, but it is colorful and very beautiful.

One of them, with bright red feathers, was holding a worm in its sharp beak and handed it to the mouth of the one next to him. Just a head, and then arrogantly took the insect and ate it.

Cong Liang originally felt a little uncomfortable because the system could no longer become a human, but when he saw the interaction between these two birds, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Being able to be with Cong An is a virus planted by the system willingly. Whether it is human or animal, being able to be together is complete.

"Take everything." The middle-aged uncle tapped on the table, "Take it and get out."

Cong Liang sniffed, feeling that a thank you was too light, but she really had nothing in return.

For a while, his eyes were a little red, and he waited for the main system for a long time. His lips moved several times, and finally he said with difficulty, "Can you smooth me out for another night." Cong Liang couldn't help laughing when he finished speaking.

Take Song Chen to send, and carry the system and Cong An. He simply said with a stubborn face: "Now during the National Day, boss, it's hard to get a train ticket. If you go at this time, you have to stay at the train station."

"Bumble..." The main system pushed Cong Liang and Song Chen out of the office and slammed the door shut.

Cong Liang knew that he agreed, and silently said thank you to the closed office door.

She is still lucky in the end. She can wait for three years to stay with her lover and relatives for several generations. She is very grateful for this luck.

Taking Song Chen back to her small staff dormitory, Cong Liang pushed Song Chen to sit on the bed, placing the bird cage by the bed. The first thing is to find the phone from under the pillow, dial it with a smile, and call home.

"Hello?" Cong Liang was standing on the edge of the bed, his hand was not honestly scratching Song Chen's face, "Mom, it's me, I didn't tell you, I messed up a person..."

"Yes, he is willing to go home with me." Congliang said excitedly: "I will take him on the train tomorrow morning, and I will be home in about midnight."

"Well, I know, don't worry if you don't buy things indiscriminately. Well, that's it."

Cong Liang hung up the phone and directly straddled Song Chen's lap. Hooking his neck, he said, "We will go home tomorrow," Cong Liang kissed Song Chen's mouth, "In the future, we will never be separated again."

Song Chen was a bit abnormal. He wrapped his arms around Congliang's waist and said with a face full of anxiety: "We are not husband and wife here. If I come here so rashly, it will ruin your reputation."

"And... and I don't have anything in my body." Song Chen's anxious eyes turned red, "I can't bring my shop here, your parents..."

Cong Liang suddenly covered Song Chen's mouth, hehe laughed for a while, and then said, "Since you have seen our world. You should know that in this world, you don't pay much attention..."

"Besides, you don't need to prepare anything." Cong Liang curled his hair, "Because you are "my daughter-in-law" and marry me, you have to get in the way."


"It's my son-in-law." Cong Liang said with a smile.

Song Chen blushed and stammered, "I, I can support you..."

"Hahahahaha..." Conliang laughed so cheerfully for the first time in three years. Out of breath, she leaned against Song Chen's shoulder, and pulled his chest, all the way down.

"Besides," Cong Liang held Song Chen's ear in his mouth, "Who said you don't have anything... eh?"

The author has something to say: I wrote it early today and posted it earlier ⊙▽⊙, the little bunny is back, I will go home in a chapter tomorrow, and the text is over.

The system and from Ann become birds in flight. Guess which one is the system and which one is Cong'an, hahahahaha... Guess right, there is a red envelope.