Scumbags Follow the Good System

Chapter 37: The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

Yun Chou agreed so easily to Cong Liang to go home with her, but Cong Liang Mei was bubbling with snot.

Standing up, he rubbed his face like a dream, straightened the meat on his neck and another bag of sugar cakes, and looked at the cloudy ugly, whose face became more and more gentle in the sunset, and wanted to express his thoughts in two voices. Can't believe it.

In this life, her eldest baby is really rare. If all the worlds are so gentle and harmless, so they can talk, neither beat nor scold, she will be beautiful to death.

With a smile, she squatted down to hold Yun Chou's hand, and wanted to take her big baby home, but when she touched it, Cong Liang couldn't smile anymore.

Cong Liang squatted down and rubbed Yun Chou's fingers, his heart seemed to be tugged and hurt. Yun Chou's fingers were very different from his jade-like face, although the shape was still the familiar slender knuckles and rounded fingers. But it is a dense staggered number of large and small scars, old wounds on top of new wounds, and thick calluses on the tiger's mouth.

Yes, in the plot, it is said that Yun Chou relied on going into the mountains every day to dig for medicinal herbs to make a living, but he couldn't see it.

Congliang grabbed Yun Chou's hands and rubbed them in distress, and rubbed them on his cheeks gently, "Baby, don't go into the mountains to dig for medicinal herbs in the future, I'll chop wood to support you."

Yun Chou was still in his calm expression. After listening to Congliang's words, his empty eyes turned to Congliang, who was standing against the light. When his father was dying, he told him that if he wanted him to find a family, a lonely man couldn't live on his own. Yes, and told him that as long as he has a wife in the future, his wife will support him.

He couldn't remember whether it was five years ago or six years ago. During that time, the boss who often collected his medicinal materials and her husband went far away. The small pharmacy closed for two months, and no one collected the medicinal materials he picked. After the thin savings of the first month were exhausted, in the second month, he could only rely on the wild vegetables on the mountain to survive.

At that time, he was really looking forward to what his father said, to have a wife and owner who would want him, and then he could raise him and give him a home that would not leak or freeze, and would not eat the last meal.

He also deliberately put on the only good clothes left after his father's death at that time, and carried the villagers up the mountain and came out after dinner. He remembered that he was hungry at that time. His chest was on his back. It doesn't matter who is full, young or old, rich or poor, he can't see it anyway, as long as he can give him a home and stutter, he is willing.

But he went out for two days, and on the third day he did attract people, but it wasn't like he thought he wanted to give him a family's wife and owner, and it wasn't in the middle of the night, but in the middle of the night.

That was the first time he heard about his ugliness in the mouths of others. Although he didn't know what beauty was, it was also the first time he knew clearly that he couldn't have someone willing to support him as his father said. 's wife.

Unexpectedly, he really heard his "wife master" say that he wanted to support him today, but what to do with it? Yun Chou thought smoothly, like the old women in the village who came to him in the middle of the night said, he was born so he didn't even dare to light the lamp at night to see it, was he eating? Because he is stronger than ordinary women.

There is some sun-dried hemp in the yard. If you smear it on the scissors, I don't know if it will help the "monster" that has entangled him.

As the sun was about to set, Cong Liang pulled **** Yun Chou, "Let's go home."

Yun Chou meekly got up, and with Cong Liang holding his hand, he shuttled down the mountain on the twisty path.

Congliang followed Yun Chou's path up the mountain, and happily led the person down. When he reached Yun Chou's grass house, he helped Yun Chou to collect the dried herbs without using Yun Chou's hand.

"Do you have anything to bring?" Cong Liang asked, rubbing Yun Chou's fingers. Yun Chou paused for a while, then turned around and got into the shabby hut and came out with a bag. It should be the one from yesterday.

Cong Liang had the meat and sugar cakes she bought at the market on her body, and she was carrying herbs in a dustpan. When Yun Chou came out, she held the herbs with one hand, and took the burden with the other and threw it on her shoulders, "I'm very strong, I'll take it."

With his head held high, he pushed his elbow to Yun Chou's side, "You can't see, hold my arm."

It was already dark, and no one was encountered on the way from the end of the village to the Liangjia. After returning home, Cong Liang took Yun Chou directly into the room and asked him to sit down at the table. He drank water from the large well in the courtyard and soaked the meat first. After searching for several times, except for the clothes she burned in the morning. The quilt, there was no spare wood for burning, and finally Cong Liang had to drag the gate that was standing guard by the wall, which was broken last night.

The axe at the door was rusted. Cong Liang didn't expect it to work well. The door was made up of thick branches and roots, but fortunately they were all dry. She squatted on the ground and broke it with her bare hands. The length of the iron pot.

While Congliang was busy cooking, Yun Chou had already groped all over the house. As soon as he entered the house, the smell was not right. He has a good memory. I fumbled over and over on the bed, and my heart was a little cold.

There were no clothes in the cupboard, and no quilt on the bed. Sure enough, the smell just now was burning fabric, exactly the same as when he accidentally dropped hot coals on his body one year ago. He didn't even touch the teapot he heard when he hit the table yesterday. Changing clothes and not sleeping, Yun Chou now fully confirms that this woman is definitely not human.

In addition to the piece of meat she bought at the market, Congliang found a small jar of black sorghum rice. It looked like it had been aged for an unknown number of years. The seasoning was only salt, mixed with black and yellow impurities. It didn't look as good. The kind that feeds animals in the countryside is good. But there was no way, there was no food to exchange in the system space, so the only option was to cut the meat into pieces, boil it with salt, and then steam some sorghum rice.

The firewood is very strong, although the things are very poor, fortunately, the pigs at this time have not yet fed the pigs, and the pork itself does not need a very rich side dish, and the gududu is full of the aroma of the house.

Cong Liang glanced at the kitchen door, Yun Chou was sitting with his back to her, thinking that people would not be able to see even if they turned back, and began to exchange things in the system mall in the same way.

Although Cong Liang really wanted to exchange a double bed directly, but the wood of her broken bed was buried under the ground. It would be a bit laborious to dismantle it. Tonight, it will not work. I only exchanged the quilt and blanket, and the exchange was not very good. Anyway, in the future, I will buy the fabric of this world to wrap it up.

The two people's tableware, some toiletries, the taste is almost blind, and I can't find the smell of green pine, only to deal with the mint.

The system held Fang's head in both hands, looked worriedly at Congliang who was exchanging things, and then looked at the house and touched several windows, but at this time, the windows of the house were not used to enjoy the scenery but purely for ventilation. Yes, they were too young to climb out, so they could only put down their burdens and sit at the table, rubbing scissors and pickaxes with hemp grass and smearing their palms, Yun Chou sighed faintly, something in this world is messed up.

"Don't make so many things that this world doesn't have," the system reminded Congliang in his mind, "He is blind and not a fool."

"I said he bought it at the market. He doesn't seem to have eaten the sugar cake today. He must have never been to the market." Can't listen to advice.

The system watched the points drop, sighed sadly, and prepared to invite good friends to eat noodles. According to this exchange method, 700,000 won't take long, this prodigal woman.

In fact, Congliang picks up some affordable things. After finishing the event, he piles them up in the kitchen blatantly. He plans to move into the house after eating. When he picks up daily necessities, the meat and rice are ready.

Congliang lifted the lid of the iron pot, let out the heat, poured water from the washbasin from the wooden bucket beside him, and brought it into the house.

"After dinner, I'll wash your hands for you." Cong Liang diligently put the washbasin on another stool, grabbed Yun Chou's hand and pressed it in.

Yun Chou: "..." He suspected that this "monster" knew his plan.

He had just carefully smeared the hemp grass all over his palms, intending that if the scissors didn't work well, he would cover the "monster"'s nose with his hands for a while, the hemp grass would only smell good...

Cong Liang carefully cleaned the gaps between Yun Chou's palms and backs of the nails, pressed them on his body and rubbed them dry, and kissed them two times very gently. Then he took the basin and twisted his **** to go out to serve meals.

Yun Chou expressionlessly raised his hand to his nose and smelled it... After washing it with warm water, it was very clean, and there was no smell at all.

When the food was on the table, Cong Liang put the chopsticks in Yun Chou's hands, filled him with rice, poured the broth that was only salty but oily, took out a few more pieces of meat, and pushed it in front of Yun Chou.

Yun Chou can smell the medicinal herbs, and naturally he can also smell that there are no "additions" in this meal. He usually cooks it himself, and he must be cooking porridge with wild vegetables and brown rice. The meat, holding the chopsticks for a while, slowly began to eat.

Whether it's eating sugar cakes or eating, Yun Chou doesn't gobble it. Although the speed is quite fast, one bite after another, Cong Liang thinks that he eats very nicely.

After one bowl was eaten, Congliang added another one, but Yun Chou didn't move. He turned to face her, still the same cold tone without hesitation, "Why don't you eat?"

How could Congliang miss this good opportunity to perform, and quickly replied with the standard answer of the beginner's guide, "I'll wait for you to finish Baoer, I don't know how much you eat, I'm afraid you won't be full."

The guide said that sharing weal and woe can move people the most. In the last life, when she and Wei Zi were rich, this method could not be applied. In this life, there is finally room to play. Although Congliang did not lie, she was indeed hungry and she was indeed afraid of clouds. Ugly can't get enough.

Yun Chou listened to it without any reaction, and ate bowl after bowl, eating all the rice in a small porcelain pot steamed by Congliang, eating up all the meat, and drinking the broth very clean.

In the end, he licked his lips after eating, and Congliang gave the bag of sugar cakes to Yun Chou again, and Yun Chou ate it all, and in the end he didn't even give Cong Liang the slag.

We agreed to share weal and woe and let each other go. If you don’t eat, I won’t eat?

Cong Liang took the empty bowl down, and pitifully scooped some cold water from the water tank and filled it with water...