Scumbags Follow the Good System

Chapter 82: Juvenile Delinquent in Shura Field

Congliang did not know that Jiang Yin jumped from the boat in the middle of the night, nor did he know how exhausted he swam from the sea to the shore, and what he endured to keep the money in his arms.

She knew that today was the day to disembark, so she called Liu Gaoyuan and said that the ship had reached the shore, and the employees would not be able to disembark until all the guests on the ship had disembarked, probably until noon or evening.

Cong An asked her if she wanted to pick him up early in the morning, but Cong Liang thought about it and still had no idea. She went to Liu Gaoyuan these days to inquire about Jiang Yin's on board, but she didn't dare to ask the bottom line, for fear that Jiang Yin would notice her meddling and hurt her. To the fragile and sensitive self-esteem of teenagers.

Now that she has bowed to the eighth prayer, she has survived this month of worrying and missing. With this trembling, she does not want to surprise her with Da Baoer's mood, and waits at home with peace of mind.

It's just that even if she controlled herself not to rush to the side of the boat and waited, she couldn't control her excitement and anxiety mixed with sweet emotions. She woke up at six o'clock in the first place, and ate breakfast after washing and eating deliciously. Been running around the house like ADHD.

When Cong An goes to work, the system may be hibernating. He hasn't woken up for several days and won't eat anything. If he takes off his suit, he won't be affected by his suit's snake properties, but Cong Liang can't use it at all, so he can Sleep with it if it likes to sleep.

She went to lift the system's bed twice in the morning and wanted to say a few words to ease her emotions, but the system couldn't even open her eyes, and she slept all day long. Just ignore it.

She went back to her house, the windowsill, the kitchen, and the bedroom for a while. It was different from the behavior of a normal little girl who was about to meet her sweetheart. A normal little girl would dress up well, but when she took a shower in the morning, she didn't even look in the mirror. Down, but wandering back and forth.

Today is not only the day Jiang Yin disembarked, but also Jiang Yin's birthday. The dishes she prepared early were cut and sealed with plastic wrap. She just waited to fry them before they were served on the plate. The ice cream cake she made by herself Frozen in the refrigerator.

I also wandered around several adult shops, trying to find the kind of dog crotch pants that Wang Yi asked her to wear when she first crossed, but I couldn't find them after looking for a few shops, so I had to settle for the next best thing and get a suit of garlic. The leather-like white gauze skirt, the boss said is a particularly easy to tear fabric.

She didn't prepare a birthday present, but only a red ribbon. She promised Jiang Yin that she would sleep at the age of eighteen. She got up early in the morning and put on a torn and see-through skirt, tucked into her pants, and tied a ribbon around her neck. Bow knot, as a living birthday gift, earnestly looking forward to the return of her eldest baby.

At six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, Cong Liang couldn't hold back in his room. He put on a sports suit and put on his collar to block the knot of the ribbon, and went downstairs to stroll in the community.

The phone was sweating lightly on this late autumn morning. Cong Liang was staring at the time display. Now at 9:36, she has been swinging countless circles in this park, stepping on a few leaves that fell with the autumn wind. Shattered, she practiced the meaning of the four words, and finally saw the shadow of her almost crazy under the mirror of a blue taxi.

From the short distance from the garden of the community to the gate of the community, he suddenly ran out of the stance of flying over the eaves and walking the walls, a hug with a deep longing, but suddenly stood in front of Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin stood and paid the money, and reluctantly removed his hand from the taxi to let others drive away smoothly. He felt that he could no longer stand, and slept in a daze all the way in the car. I can't wait to fold it naturally, it's a little hard to climb the stairs to go home.

He shook his legs and turned around with difficulty like a patient with sequelae of cerebral thrombosis. He wanted to raise his head and glance at his window, trying to force his body with the desire of being close at hand, but he didn't realize it. As soon as he turned around, he was caught off guard to see the source of his spiritual support and desire.

The moment he saw Congliang clearly, he instantly collapsed like mud and lost consciousness.

Cong Liang stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled the person who was about to kneel on the masonry floor into his arms. Jiang Yin looked very scary. After Cong Liang saw it clearly, he was completely dumbfounded. A dead man who had just been fished out of a pond was barely breathing, and was hanging on her body like a rag doll that had been overwhelmed.

She stood under the bright autumn sun for a while, reached out to wipe the mist in front of her eyes, and whispered into Jiang Yin's ear, "Bao'er?"

Jiang Yin didn't respond. Cong Liang picked up Jiang Yin and quickly ran upstairs with the person in his arms. He entered the house, put Jiang Yin on the sofa, and quickly touched a few bottles of nutrient solution from the system space, and even brought back the only one left. Dan is out.

She poured two bottles into Jiang Yin, took off all the clothes on his body, and looked around for a long time. There were wounds on the exposed skin, and his back was blue and purple. Fortunately, no fatal injuries were found.

She didn't dare to give Jiang Yin the gel and rejuvenation pill directly. Although she didn't know what happened to Jiang Yin, she used something with surreal curative effect. When Jiang Yin woke up, she couldn't explain it. She didn't want to let this life go. Big Boa also regards her as a monster.

From the good use of quilts, Jiang Yin was wrapped up and carried to the bed, especially because he was afraid of any internal injury, he poured three bottles of nutrient solution, and when he saw that Jiang Yin's face was starting to turn a little rosy, he was relieved.

She casually called a doctor in a clinic in the community, called someone up to show Jiang Yin, and finally hung up a bottle of glucose and left a gauze iodine, and carefully cleaned all the wounds on Da Baoer's body. Found it, dealt with it, pulled out the hanging needle, and then took a breath and grabbed the phone.

"Hello? Why did you call me again, I said they could get off the boat at noon..." When Liu Gaoyuan's voice came from the receiver, he twitched twice from the corner of his eyebrows, suppressing his voice without being hysterical, but it was Incomparably sinister.

"I **** your mother, you wait for me."

Cong Liang hung up the phone after saying one sentence. He turned to face Jiang Yin, whose blushing was deepening and his breathing was steady and strong. He wiped his watery eyes with the left and right, and sat on the bedside and grabbed Jiang Yinyi. With one hand, distressed tears flowed.

Jiang Yin had been sleeping, and Cong Liang sat beside the bed and watched him sleep. All day long, until Cong An came back in the afternoon, Jiang Yin had no intention of waking up.

She prepared the dishes for Jiang Yin’s birthday and put them back in the refrigerator. Cong An made some simple dishes, but Cong Liang didn’t eat a single bite. She wiped Jiang Yin’s head and feet twice with a warm towel, and even cut her fingernails and toenails. Now, Jiang Yin was still sleeping soundly.

She didn't know what was going on with Jiang Yin and didn't want to ask Liu Gaoyuan. She was afraid that when she listened to Liu Gaoyuan's movements, she couldn't help but run over and crush him to death.

It wasn't until the sun set, that Liangcai finally left Jiang Yin's side and started to organize Jiang Yin's clothes. Only then did he see the neat red notes in Jiang Yin's bag.

Needless to say, Jiang Yin would do this because of the money. Cong Liang squatted on the ground, facing a pocket of wet notes, and couldn't help dropping a round of golden beans.

They were all soaked through, so Cong Liang threw Jiang Yin's clothes into the washing machine and took apart the money.

The whole money is 139,900, and the change is about 20 yuan. Cong Liang has covered the inner and outer rooms and even the bedroom, washed his hands, and boiled porridge in the kitchen, but Jiang Yin still did not wake up.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock that Congliang put the mashed rice porridge that had already been boiled in a heat preservation bucket and placed it by the bed. Then he took off his clothes and climbed onto the bed to hug Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin slept warmly on her body. Cong Liang hugged her for a while, and Da Bao'er's familiar aura enveloped her body, making her feel like she was immersed in warm water from body to heart. Jiang Yin fed nutrient solution and hung glucose sugar. , It should be fine if he doesn't eat, Congliang gently rubbed the warm body under Jiang Yin's quilt, and at some point, he breathed in sync with Jiang Yin and fell asleep.

Cong Liang dreamed that someone called "Sister" loudly. The voice was very small, but it clearly reached her ears. She looked around in the dream, but could not find the source of the voice or see anyone.

In a hurry, she opened her eyes, and her enlarged face was close at hand, which did not make her feel any panic. Her sleeping body was warm and her heart was warm, and the breath that Jiang Yin sprayed on her face was warm and not very bright. Under the ground light, a pair of eyes staring at her from a close distance also made her feel extremely warm.

"You're awake." Congliang raised his hand and touched Jiang Yin's face, swallowed the "what's the matter with you" that came to his mouth, and only pouted his lips close to Jiang Yin's lips and kissed him as tenderly as possible. .

"Sister~" Jiang Yin uttered the same weak voice as in the dream, only the two of them could hear clearly at such a close distance, "I miss you."

"I miss you too..." Cong Liang's lips were always on Jiang Yin's lips, and even when he spoke, it was like a kiss.

The two silently embraced under the quilt, using each other's irreplaceable body temperature and breath to relieve the long-standing miss.

After a long while, Cong Liangcai gently exhaled a sigh that even fell into his heart when he was sleeping, "Bao'er, are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Jiang Yin said.

"I cooked porridge for you." Cong Liang got up and turned on the light. She was now wearing a torn dress like garlic skin, and even had a ribbon around her neck that was crooked from sleep.

She first went to the bathroom to add warm water and squeezed toothpaste, and then she was busy pouring out the rice porridge to dry. Jiang Yin narrowed his eyes, followed Cong Liang's figure, shrank his neck under the quilt, and covered his upturned lips and cheeks. There are two small pits on both sides representing pleasure, and silently blushing earlobes, only one pair of eyes are locked on Congliang's body.

"Brush your teeth first," Cong Liang said, "and drink some porridge."

"...I can't get up." Jiang Yin only showed two eyes, blinked, and squinted, "My body hurts...I can't move."

This coquettish conscience has softened into a paralyzed honey juice." She reached into the quilt, picked up Jiang Yin, and served the paralyzed patient. She put two pillows on the back of the little ancestor, and then supported him. Jiang Yin leaned up.

In fact, Jiang Yin didn't lie. He didn't even know how far he swam, and now he has no strength at all. If you move, it hurts everywhere.

"Can you sit down?" Cong Liang asked. Jiang Yin nodded, saw the red bills spread out in a room, and smiled sweetly towards Cong Liang.

Congliang handed him the toothbrush, and she held the toothbrush, "Can you brush? Bo'er?"

Jiang Yin's earlobes were red, he nodded, and lowered his head to hold the toothbrush.

After brushing his teeth, the rice porridge was almost dry. Jiang Yin wanted to reach for it by himself, but was stopped by Congliang. He held his hand and kissed, "I'll feed you." Hand it to Jiang Yin's mouth.

After drinking a bowl of rice porridge, Cong Liang took out a small bottle from the drawer, unscrewed it, poured the milky white nutrient solution into a spoon, and handed it to Jiang Yin's mouth.

"What is this?" Jiang Yin asked.

"The doctor prescribed vitamin supplements." Congliang fed Jiang Yin the nutrient solution, cleaned the dishes, and then climbed back into bed.

"I want to smoke a cigarette." Jiang Yin kept his eyes on Cong Liang.

Jiang Yin's cigarette addiction is not heavy, so Liang Wenyan took the ashtray over, lit it with his mouth, and stuffed it in Jiang Yin's hand.

Jiang Yin took a sip, squinting his eyes in the smoke, although his voice was still not very loud, but he ate rice porridge and drank nutrient solution. This would be rosy and healthy, and he would no longer look like the dead man who was paralyzed in Cong Liang's arms in the morning.

Cong Liang climbed into the bed and leaned on Jiang Yin's side. The eyes of the two faced each other, and their eyes were filled with tenderness that was even more smoky than smoke.

Jiang Yin held the cigarette lightly with his left hand wrapped in gauze, and with his right hand, he went all the way up Cong Liang's skin-like skirt, and touched the crooked ribbon on Cong Liang's neck.

"Is this my birthday present?"

Good nod.

"What time is it?" Jiang Yin asked again.

Congliang glanced at the electronic clock on the wall, "It's half past eleven," he said, leaning into Jiang Yin, "Happy birthday baby..."

"I originally prepared a large table of dishes for you, an ice cream cake that I made by myself," Congliang pecked Jiang Yin's side face, "When you are well, I will make it up again tomorrow."

Jiang Yin was smoking a cigarette, blowing at Cong Liang with his head turned sideways, raising his eyebrows slantingly, although weak, he looked like a rogue.

"You don't need to make up for it after your birthday." Jiang Yin's birthday was originally the orphanage's choice of bone age based on an old Chinese medicine doctor.

"...Just give me a birthday present." Jiang Yin put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, looked sideways at Congliang, and his voice was a little heavy, "Just now. I want to open it."

"Huh?" Cong Liang's legs twisted Jiang Yin's hand that came in along the skirt, "Now?"

"Bao'er," Congliang said patiently, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "you can't do it now, you can't even sit still..."

Jiang Yin didn't say a word, but the dazzling eyes in his eyes dimmed, looking at Cong Liang's pitiful expression, "You promised me to do it for my birthday."

"Are you able to move?" Congliang clenched his legs, "If you can pull your hand out, I'll let you come."

Jiang Yin didn't have much strength from the beginning, his whole body was sore and weak, his face was red and his neck was thick and dragged for a while, but he still didn't move.

"Don't make trouble, have a good rest, and you'll be fine tomorrow." Cong Liang released Jiang Yin's hand and touched his head to comfort him.

Jiang Yin's mouth was curved downward, and he sat on the edge of the bed without saying a word. He took Cong Liang's fingers on his head into the quilt, and pressed them against the only place on his body that was not sour, but rather strong.

"...Tian'er." Cong Liang covered his forehead with his hand, not knowing what to say.

"You're playing with me..." Jiang Yin muttered in a low voice, "Your words don't count."

Congliang stared at Jiang Yin's dejected swirl. He couldn't stand Jiang Yin's small appearance, so he took out a bottle of nutrient solution and unscrewed it and handed it to him, "Drink this, I'll count."

"Didn't this drink just now?"

"It's good for your health," Cong Liang said. "The doctor said you should drink two of this stuff once, but you just drank one."

Jiang Yin drank the nutrient solution and looked at Cong Liang with bright eyes.

Cong Liang licked his lips, rubbed his old face, and stepped on Jiang Yin's legs gently, as if he was afraid of breaking him, licked Jiang Yin's eyes, nose and lips, breathing into Jiang Yin's ears, sighing. Said, "You..."

Jiang Yin was gently moved by Cong Liang's grasp, the two kissed lingeringly, and their breathing gradually became unreasonable. Jiang Yin leaned against the head of the bed and raised his head slightly, looking at him, the biggest and most impatient "birthday gift" in his life. , stretched out his hand and solemnly straightened the position of the ribbon first, and then untied it with great importance.

Cong Liangben was thinking about trying to fool Jiang Yin, but Jiang Yin's eyes were filled with water mist, his lips were trembling, and his cheeks were bright red. The burning eyes are like looking at a rare treasure...

Her whole body, a cell that sings naysayers and keeps her senses, no longer exists.

An extremely small creaking sound, followed by the slow and slow shoulders of Cong Liang's upper and lower shoulders, the messy intertwined breathing, the dull whisper, and the inseparable embrace of the necks.

Jiang Yin lifted his head and kissed Congliang, the tip of his tongue drove straight in, dancing around her, his breath trembling.

Cong Liang hugged Jiang Yin's neck, her face was crimson, her little daughter, who was almost invisible at ordinary times, showed her mood, her eyelashes flickered, and Jiang Yin tightly hooked her waist as she watched.

In the end, it was due to excessive energy consumption, and the effect of using nutrient solution for non-traversers was not very good. This first intimate possession of the two did not last for two minutes, and the virgin who was sick could not hold back the flood.

Jiang Yin was stunned for a moment, his face was flushed red, his head drilled straight out of Liang's arms, and he refused to look up at her.

Congliang didn't think anything at all, Jiang Yin was originally a young child, and in this state, he would be considered a real man after a second, but Jiang Yin was so shy that she couldn't hold back her joy.

He also sounded rather unkind, "Huh?" Congliang stretched out his hand to hook Jiang Yin's chin, and asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

"...Fuck off!" Jiang Yin's voice was hoarse and glared at Congliang.

It was quite late, Cong Liang smiled and kissed him on the cheek, not joking. He grabbed a tissue and wiped it off for Jiang Yin, and got up to clean up by himself.

The hot water ran down his thighs, and walked quickly from Liang to the bathroom without blushing. After cleaning up, he climbed into the bed, Jiang Yin turned his back to her, and his head disappeared.

Cong Liang turned off the headlights, leaving only one floor lamp, took out a small bottle, dug out Jiang Yin, and let him drink.

"Didn't I drink it just now?" Jiang Yin glared at the bottle that had been unscrewed by his mouth, "Are you **** stupid?"

From Liangle, "I won't be able to be stupid in two minutes," he said, pouring the small bottle into Jiang Yin's mouth, "The doctor said to drink three at a time."

Jiang Yin was forced to drink, and he wiped his mouth and stared at Congliang, "You just said that you should drink two!"

"It's good for your health, the doctor said that you can drink whatever you want..." Congliang vaguely pulled Jiang Yin down and hugged him. The quilt was pulled over his head.

The author has something to say: _(:з"∠)_ took... a small bite.

[Thank you little angels, your support is my biggest motivation, my brain is full of holes. 】

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