Sealed Lips

Chapter 110: Do you still like me

"Zhenzhen! Why do you push me?"

Push? Shang Zhen didn't explain, this kind of drama code Yue Meng used as before, now she has no interest in cooperating.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Yue Mengru bowed her head "confessedly" and pinched her sleeve in embarrassment.

"I know, did you hear it at the door? I... I like Brother Yan, I have liked it for a long, long time, but I know he is yours, so I didn't plan to grab it at all, as long as I can watch him silently, I I'm already satisfied... Zhenzhen, you misunderstood me!"

If it was Shang Zhen in the past, I was afraid that she would be so angry that she could not speak, but now that she is so good at singing, whether it is Shang Zhen or Feng Xingyan, there is only a feeling of disgust and disgust. .

"Have you finished? Get out after you finish. There's nothing to do here." Shang Zhen looked at her eyes and said one word after another.

Yue Mengru never expected that one day Shang Zhen would dare to talk to her like this, the next lines were stuck in his throat, and his face was flushed!

Feng Xingyan gave Shang Zhen a deep look, her eyes from her eyes to her lips, little by little, as if to see her deep in the heart.

"How can you talk to Mengru like this? Apologize to her."

He has a deep voice and can't hear anger and anger, but Yue Mengru feels that Feng Xingyan is giving her a head start!

She quickly got up and said helplessly.

"Brother Yan, don't blame Zhenzhen. She just misunderstood. Although we were together every day before, nothing happened. Brother Yan, please explain to her!"

It was nothing, but he kept showing off his speciality. Yue Mengru remained the same, and was the best at stimulating others, using others' ignorance to set off his general knowledge.

Shang Zhen and Feng Xingyan stared at each other, but she wanted to see what Feng Xingyan said.

Under her eyes, Feng Xingyan couldn't stagger her eyes, but said indifferently.

"Who is she, why should I explain to her?"

Yue Mengru was overjoyed!

"She is your fiancee!" she said to Cheng Zhen anxiously, Chunmei's face was full of uneasiness, "Zhenzhen, you really misunderstood, I... I didn't want to like Brother Yan! I didn’t do anything between Brother Yan and me. It’s a big deal. I won’t talk about loving Brother Yan again! Zhenzhen, please forgive me..."

Feng Xingyan said, "Why don't you say? Like is like, why don't you say?"

He stared at Shang Zhen with staring eyes, every sentence was helping Yue Mengru to speak, but his eyes were reluctant to leave Shang Zhen.

Perhaps after today, she will never appear in front of him again. Today, maybe it is the last time he saw her, saw her appearance, and heard her voice.

Feng Xingyan wanted to ask someone to take Shang Zhen to change clothes first, but he knew very clearly that the more angry he was, the more he would hate him, and he would completely forget him...

So he forbeared, with no worries on his face, only indifference, and he firmly believed that there was only indifference on his face at this time!

Feng Xingyan's words made Yue Mengru overjoyed! Feng Shao means that she likes him, should she say it out loud? Is this a hint? !

"Brother Yan..."

Yue Mengru squeezed his white skirt, and stood there with coyness, surprise, and guilt, the scene was very clear.

"I... can I really say I like you?"

After she spoke, she seemed to realize that she was wrong, looking at Shang Zhen on the side, an expression that was about to cry.

"Zhenzhen, I'm sorry, you are my best friend, I shouldn't be like this, but... but I really like Brother Yan... I can't help it! If you want to blame me, don't blame Brother Yan! My fault!"

Shang Zhen has a kind of intolerable feeling. If it weren't for her indifference like ice casting, I was afraid that Yue Meng would grab her hand and act in this play, right?

She looked at her sideways and asked in a very puzzled voice.

"How did you do it?"

"...What?" Shang Zhen suddenly asked, interrupting Yue Mengru's thoughts again, and then replied in response to her words.

Shang Zhen glanced at Feng Xingyan, very puzzled.

"How did you do it, say to me in my face that I am the best friend and love my fiancé? And also I forgive you for not being able to help yourself? Are you going to be a **** and want to build a torii?"

The house instantly fell into a dead situation!

Yue Mengru could not believe that Shang Zhen would say such a thing in front of Feng Shao!

Shang Zhen chuckled lightly, and Xing Pu sneered with a hint of sarcasm.

"I like this man, but in order to make him hate me, he was delivered to my bed with medicine. Yue Mengru, you have a big heart. You are so sure. Can the man with my body escape?"

Shang Zhen's words were more shocking than Shi Shitian. This time, not only Yue Mengru was speechless, but even Feng Xingyan was speechless.

"Drug medicine? I don't have it!......"

Regardless of Yue Mengru's multilingual incoherence, Shang Zhen didn't want to listen anymore. She walked towards Feng Xingyan step by step. With every step, Feng Xingyan had a feeling of being invisible!

He looked at Shang Zhen deeply, his throat rolled, his joy and pain tumbling at the same time, but he could not declare this impulse to his mouth!

Struggling, but not struggling.

Seeing that she had come to the bed, Feng Xingyan swallowed all the sweetness and bitterness, and tried to make a disgusted expression. He just wanted to speak, but Shang Zhen spoke first.

She was condescending and looked at him with a critical and indifferent look, just like a deity above, judging souls that needed salvation.

"So what about you?"

She's incredibly thin red lips, obviously embarrassed, but the momentum is aggressive, the thrilling beauty is more offensive! A pair of star eyes seems to see the deepest part of his heart!

She reached out and provoked Feng Xingyan's chin. This action was frivolous and extremely evil.

When the cold fingertips touched Feng Xingyan's chin, his body shook slightly and looked up, looking directly at Shang Zhen's suddenly eerie smile.

"When I touched my body, it was my person. Do you want to escape?"

All the voices of Feng Xingyan were pinched! His body trembled with danger, but his soul was sucked into her eyes! Falling, falling deep!

The whole person is controlled by the woman in front of evil beauty in applause!

He does not escape! He wanted to take her crazy! Enjoy the ultimate joy in the world!


"You said, you like me."

Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

The crisis of Fang Cai seemed to be a flash in the pan. After she tightened her smile, there was a bit of bitterness in her mouth.

She changed her fingers to pinch. At this time, she refused to let go of the man and wanted him to answer.

Why, just because he is a man she can't get in her past life and life?

"Say, do you still like me?"