Sealed Lips

Chapter 268: Let's dissolve the engagement

Lin Wenfeng coughed a little embarrassedly, then immediately dumped the egg, wiped the pot again, and took out another egg.

"Just made a mistake."

But the new egg seemed to compete with him, he could not separate it perfectly with one hand!

Shang Zhen didn't expect Lin Wenfeng, a police officer, to have such an interesting side. She walked over and rescued the shattered unlucky egg from his hand, and successfully smashed it into the pot.

Smelling the smell of eggs, Shang Zhen suddenly had a feeling of nostalgia. Once she lived alone, when she was not so crowded, she would cook for herself, sometimes even felt that it was only for herself When cooking, it is the happiest time to live.

When did it start? She can't realize happiness more and more, life is black and white for her, and the occasional color just flashes.

Did the three years of purgatory in the academy actually have such a big impact on her psychology? She thought that as long as she survived and did not give up, she would not be affected and would not go crazy like other experimenters.

"Let me go." Shang Zhen was suddenly interested in fried eggs. "My cooking is actually very good. Do you want to try it?"

Lin Wenfeng is skeptical. People like them rarely cook by themselves. Most of them are servants. Shangzhen can cook and has good cooking skills?

With such a thought, his eyes dimmed, which also proved from the side that she had suffered a lot that she should not have suffered.

Seeing that Lin Wenfeng didn't answer, Shang Zhen still made his part subconsciously. The eggs were fried to a scent, and the salty taste was moderate. Coincidentally, Shang Zhen and Lin Wenfeng like to eat old yolk fried eggs.

Shang Zhen saw the noodles and gave up two bowls of noodles. When the finely chopped green onions and golden eggs covered the white soup noodles, even after breakfast, Lin Wenfeng felt a little hungry.

But a glimpse of the thin sweat on Shang Zhen's forehead, Lin Wenfeng thought that for a person who had not eaten for a few days, making breakfast was a laborious task.

"Sorry, I knew I should have come."

Shang Zhen returned to the small living room with two bowls of noodles and said casually.

"It's okay, if you are injured and you will cook for me, I will feel embarrassed."

But, cooking for you, I feel very happy...

Lin Wenfeng didn't say this sentence, especially when Shang Zhen was watching him cooking, he even had a quick heartbeat, thinking that this should be the case for a small family.

"Taste it?" Shang Zhen handed the chopsticks to him.

Lin Wenfeng took a sip and thought it tasted good, not salty or not light, fragrant, and the scent of green onions and eggs perfectly blended together. It is no exaggeration to say that the chefs of five-star hotels use these three There is nothing delicious about Shang Zhen's noodles.

Seeing Lin Wenfeng like it, Shang Zhen suddenly had a feeling of being recognized, and the corners of his mouth could not help rising.

"Eat you like it!"

Lin Wenfeng laughed, "I'm not afraid enough."

Shang Zhen gathered his bowls together and pretended to feed, said, "I want to eat too, there is not much."

After talking, both of them smiled. After forgiving to put down their prejudices, Lin Wenfeng was still a good person.

This is also related to Lin Wenfeng, who saved her and took care of her. In fact, Shang Zhen looks very cold, but in fact it is still very soft. It is the kind of people who are good to her and she will definitely double back.

But the quiet time did not last long, and a sudden knock on the door came, making Shang Zhen's smile condensed.

"Strange, property supervision here is very strict, no one can enter except the occupants, and I have no familiar neighbors..."

That being said, Lin Wenfeng still went to open the door. As a policeman, he was not afraid of anything, but considering Shang Zhen's speciality, he glanced out from the cat's eyes, and his expression was transient!

"Yes... Feng Xingyan."

Shang Zhen stopped eating noodles and looked at him scorchingly.

"Do you open the door?"

Lin Wenfeng's mood is a bit complicated.

In fact, this question is meaningless. Feng Xingyan will come. It must be certain that Shang Zhen is here. He does not open the door, and there are a hundred ways for the outsiders to force the door.

So Shang Zhen did not hesitate.

"Go ahead."

Even... she is not ready to face Feng Xingyan.

As soon as the door opened, Feng Xingyan saw Shang Zhen in the living room for the first time. He directly ignored Lin Wenfeng and walked towards Shang Zhen, but was stopped by Lin Wenfeng!

Pang Qi behind Feng Xingyan said unpleasantly, "Master Lin is self-respected, Miss Shang is the fiancee of the young master, you have no right to stop the young master!"

Feng Xingyan looked at Shang Zhen worriedly, but Shang Zhen didn't look at him. He took back his gaze annoyedly and stared at Lin Wenfeng angrily!

"What did you do to her?!"

"This sentence should be what I asked you!"

Beautiful alone is interrupted so quickly, Lin Wenfeng's anger is no less than Feng Xingyan!

As soon as he changed his temper, he asked aggressively, "Do you know where I found her? On the roadside! She has a high fever and is almost dying! What the **** did you do? Why does she seem to be greatly stimulated? You Say you like her, your love is to hurt her?!"

"We don't care about our business."

After Feng Xingyan said coldly, he walked towards Shangzhen. Lin Wenfeng wanted to get started, but was stopped by Pang Qi and others!

"Feng Xingyan! Don't stimulate her!" Lin Wenfeng was stopped by several people and shouted loudly, "She is very unstable and she even wants to jump off the balcony this morning!"

This is not alarmist, but his true feelings, and the volatile mood before Shang Zhen also illustrates this.

Upon hearing that Shang Zhen wanted to commit suicide, Feng Xingyan was breathless! He hurriedly approached Shang Zhen, but he dared not touch her.


He touched her shoulder carefully and relaxed a little, "I'm here, I'm here to pick you up, no matter what I did wrong, will you come home with me first?"

"I can go home."

Shang Zhen raised his head and looked at him steadily.

"But I have a request."

Feng Xingyan suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart, he asked in a tight voice, "What do you want me to do?"

Shang Zhen said calmly.

"I want to cancel the wedding."

Feng Xingyan was shocked.

"In short, I don't want to marry you."

Shang Zhenyan's words made Feng Xingyan's chest choked with pain in one breath! He tried to control his emotions and asked, "Why?"

Thinking of the barrier-like research institute, rosemary flowers, and the three years of life and death, nightmare, accompanied by the shadow of her rebirth.

In the eyes of Shang Zhen, anger gradually emerged!

"Because, I don't like you anymore."