Sealed Lips

Chapter 369: Dissatisfaction

Shang Zhen gathered the long hair that had spread out, revealing a proud curve.

"Are you satisfied with what you see?"

Feng Xingyan watched her deeply obsessed, her body stretched to the extreme, as if she would break off at random, her eyes became deeper and deeper, her breathing more and more rapid.

"Zhenzhen..." He swears in his heart that next time, he must also tie her up, tease her in every possible way, so that she also feels the pain of being torn by desire, and then she is so cruel! for sure!

Shang Zhen lowered his eyes. His fingers were like gifts, and he opened his shirts one by one, exposing his abdominal muscles and smooth vest line soaked in thin sweat. His fingers were on the belt, testing his patience.

Feng Xingyan gasped on his head for a long time, he felt that the prostate had a sense of bloating and pain, but Shang Zhen's movements were slow, he was going to be crazy!

The purple eyes were soaked in water mist, and even a bit of blood was revealed on the lips that were bitten.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Shang Zhen didn't let him wait too long, but just moved slowly. She unleashed his desires, let Feng Xingyan stand up impatiently, and made a sultry groan.

"Hurry up..." he urged dumbly.

Shang Zhen was touched by his voice and glanced at him.

She didn't take off the two's clothes completely. Her overlapping lower body was covered with a long skirt, she could not see anything, and then she took off her pants in a tempting gesture.

When Feng Xingyan watched Shang Zhen pick up that small piece of cloth with his fingertips and dropped it on the ground, he also heard the sound of his reason breaking into pieces!

Her eyes seemed to be able to see the scene of madness through her skirt, and her body was more congested and harder.

When the body is in conflict, both of them make a trembling sound.

Shang Zhen looked at him confusedly, and suddenly said dumbly, "...Actually, I guess you have a conspiracy waiting for me. At first, I didn't want to come. I didn't want to go out of this step and let you break my defense again. ."

Her words made Feng Xingyan wake up gradually with a sense of reason. He lowered his body and grinded his head, asking in a dumb voice, "Why do you still come?"

This problem caused Shang Zhen to show that very, very helpless expression with complicated eyes.

"Because when you think about it, you prepared everything carefully, and if I don't come, how disappointed you will be, so inexplicably I can't control myself..."

Feng Xingyan was shocked.

Shang Zhen put his hands on both sides of his body, and his body was supported above him with a wonderful curve, the eyes were bright and the voice was low.

"...Things that I thought completely thrown away, because of you, they came back again. I thought I was sensible enough, cold-hearted and ruthless, and you, breaking my principles time and time again."

She seemed to sigh in doubt, "So, what should I do with you?"

Feng Xingyan's heart agitated violently, except for a certain part of their intimate contact, the other parts of the body were not entangled, but at this moment, he felt that their souls were entangled, wishful thinking, evil circumstances, or tight Tightly entangled, unable to separate!

"Admit it, Zhenzhen, you love me."

No matter how calm she is, but he has already felt her body is boiling because of him, she loves him! This cognition is like the most intense aphrodisiac, so he just thinks about it, his body can't help shaking.

"Love you..." Shang Zhen's expression repeated inexplicably, her low, muffled voice itched to Feng Xingyan's itching, he hummed, his body up, squeezed into her body a little bit!

Both people's bodies were trembling, and every inch of entry made Feng Xingyan feel the tightness and heat of madness!

Breaking through her, in addition to the ultimate physical pleasure, there is a strong thrill of conquest and plunder! Let his eyes be bloodshot, clenching the roots of his teeth, so that he would not tear her away desperately...

"You love me, Zhenzhen, you love me, admit it!"

Otherwise, how could she explain that she frowned because of the pain, but still relaxed herself to accept his advance?

How else to explain, she wanted to leave again and again, and insisted on him again?

She was so calm, let Feng Xingyan desperately suppress the urge to enter the end, and slowly open up the territory, even if it is so comfortable, no one can bring him.

It seemed as if a long time had passed before Feng Xingyan fully entered. At this time he was sweating, but he did not forget to coax her with pity.

"Does it hurt? I'm very light."

Shang Zhen gritted her teeth so that she didn't show a little uncomfortable expression. Finally, she opened her eyes as if washed, and said cheeks flushed.

"Compared to your last time, it's much softer."

She said that it was terrible. Feng Xianyan had a large bean of sweat sliding down his forehead, and the blood vessels under his muscles were spraying. He seemed to hear the sound of blood flowing fast!

"Unlock me, I will make you happy!"

Shang Zhen chuckled, "Are you kidding me?"

She moved her body and successfully made Feng Xingyan breathe in.

"You can't bear it now, but you will definitely go mad under the action of medicine. Didn't you say that I am a famous weapon?"

Feng Xingyan has been crazy, and since she said this sentence, he has been crazy!

"So... let me do it, you just have to enjoy it."

Having finished speaking, she ignored the opposition of Feng Xingyan and grasped the depth herself, slowly ups and downs, deadly sultry, strong and extreme pleasure, but it made people more dissatisfied!

This is definitely the happiest and most painful moment that Feng Xingyan spent.

"Deeper! Baby, deeper!"

Because the range of Shang Zhen's movements is too small, Feng Xingyan has been walking on the edge of madness and madness, and the itch will never itch! Not only does the body have no relief, but it is even more difficult! Obviously you can be happier! As long as she is a little deeper, a little deeper!

Shang Zhen's long hair stuck to his chest with a curl, and he hummed like a cat, mutely said, "I don't want it, so big, I can't eat it."

Feng Xingyan wanted to vomit blood, how could she not eat it, she could do it for the first time!

Every time he wanted to move on his own, Shang Zhen staggered. He could only cater to her rhythm, letting go of her indulgence a little, and then ushering in a stronger counterattack!

When he finally vented, the kind of dissatisfaction had made itching deep inside his bones! He was not satisfied at all, no! It should be said that it is even more unsatisfactory than before!

But after more than an hour of tossing, Shang Zhen was already exhausted.

Her small face showed a satiated look, and after cleaning up the two, she ignored Feng Xingyan's obstruction and slowly groped on the sofa, even going to sleep!

"I'm so tired. I'm on the go. Should your medicine be relieved? Then I'll go to bed first."

Understand? !

Feng Xingyan felt that he was still in a state of hardship, and he wanted to cry without tears. He was more uncomfortable than when he had no solution, okay!