Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 2423: Has the DNA paternity test result come o

His instinct has never been missed!

"My son, I am Shangguanling. This is my wife. We have a daughter named "Shangguan Anning". Our daughter was kidnapped more than ten years ago! We have been searching for her whereabouts but have not been found. Until three months later, we received a video of our daughter being brutally killed."

As a tough guy, Shangguan Ling felt extremely painful when he recalled that period of black time.

"In this way, we thought our daughter was dead. Until recently, we saw you and Xiaojin's variety show on the Internet, and thought you might be like our daughter, child, I don’t know if you are, but from my own In my heart, I hope you are our daughter."

Mrs. Shangguan looked at Ruan Mianmian, and suddenly she knelt down in front of Ruan Mianmian, "My child, please, can you do a DNA paternity test?"

Ruan Mianmian looked at the Shangguan and his wife in front of him. She held Ye Jinyu's hand and exerted a slight force.

"But, what if I am not!"

Mrs. Shangguan obviously did not expect Ruan Mianmian to say this. She said, "If not, it means that our daughter was brutally killed by drug dealers in the past!"

The death of the daughter was a torture of the soul for Shangguan Ling and his wife.

Especially when they saw that video, they often woke up from nightmares.

That was a terrible nightmare!

"I do."

Ruan Mianmian finally agreed to do a DNA paternity test.

Mrs. Shangguan was ecstatic. She held Ruan Mianmian's hand and said with excitement, "Thank you, child, thank you."

Because the DNA paternity test requires sampling, the sampling and testing are all done by Ye Jinyu himself.

After Ye Jinyu took the three samples and left, the living room of Li's family became extremely dull for an instant.

Mrs. Shangguan took out a photo album from her handbag and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"After Ningning's accident, I have always regretted it. Why didn't I take good care of her? How could I let the drug dealer take advantage of it?"

Shangguan Ling assisted Mrs. Shangguan, "It's not your fault, it's mine, and I didn't protect you."

Li Qingcang was very clear about Shangguan Ling's visit to the old lair of drug dealers.

However, Li Qingcang did not expect at the time that drug dealers would be so crazy when they retaliated.

"This is a photo of Ningning when I was a child. I have been watching it, especially when I saw the video of Ningning sent by them. I have been thinking that my little Ningning is so afraid of pain. At that time, she must have been calling Mom, keep calling mom, hoping that mom can save her. What I hate is that I can't save her at all, even..."

Mrs. Shangguan could not cry.

Ye Tianxin's eyes were also reddish with blood.

Only people who are mothers know how heartbroken her child is if her child is no longer in this world.

How desperate it should be!

How sad it should be!

She was not in China at the time, and she did not even know what happened to the Shangguan couple.

"Quiet, show me the photos."

Mrs. Shangguan handed the photo to Ye Tianxin. When Ye Tianxin opened the photo album, she saw a very cute baby.

"This was taken when I was born?"