Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 914: Must confess today

"I can't meet alone with a woman other than my wife, it will give a feeling of betraying my wife."

The thankful heart suddenly convulsed.

In his heart, the most important thing is his wife.

That woman named Ye Linlang is really lucky.

"Then in your work, don't you need to get along with women alone?" asked gratefully.

Xie Xuning nodded, "No, all around me are women. If I have to have such contact, I will bring others."

It is true that Xie Xuning always keeps his identity in mind at all times. He is a married man, and he will keep a certain distance from other men.

The last time he went to the park with thanks, it was also because his guards were not far away.

"Then I can let Mo Shi accompany us."

Thanks for taking a step back, she just wanted to take an opportunity to confess to Xie Xuning.

"That's okay, I'll arrange it."

"Just, today, is that okay?"

Thank you for looking at Xie Xuning eagerly. She must solve everything by today and so on, otherwise she will have no chance to get close to Xie Xuning.

"it is good."

As Xie Xuning, there is no problem in taking someone to the Forbidden City.

"Then I will clean up now."

Xie Xuning nodded and walked out.

Thanks for taking out the mirror from the drawer, she patted her face with her hand.

Her face is so red.

At first I didn't realize that my face would be so red.

Her heart is beating very fast...

When I was about to thank you, I felt like my heart would suddenly stop at any time.

Thanks for opening the closet and looking at the clothes in the closet, she took off the white coat outside and wore a white turtleneck sweater inside. The hem of the sweater was pierced into the woolen skirt and a pair of high heels was on her feet. boots.

Thanks for taking out the comb and brushing her hair. Her hair is black and straight.

But because of the winter, there is a lot of static electricity, and she also sprayed a little hair-care nutrient water on her hair.

Thanks again, he looked at his glasses again, and his lip color seemed a little light in the mirror.

She took out the lipstick and applied a little to her lips, but it seemed a little too thick, so she had to use a tissue and wipe it a little.

Gratitude stretched out her hand and covered her face. After feeling the heat of her face in the palm of her hand, she couldn't help closing her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thank you, you are not a 17- or 8-year-old girl anymore, why are you still like this?"

People who fall in love often do this, wondering if they are sick from time to time?

Her heart is beating so fast.

I thought of going to the Forbidden City with Xie Xuning.

Thanks to it, I feel as if... I'm getting younger.

"Doctor Xie, are you ready?" Xie Xuning asked, standing outside the door.

Thanks for taking out the coat from the hanger and putting it on herself. When she left, she looked at herself in the glasses again.

Thanks, come on.

Thanks, come on.

Be sure to confess today, don't miss it.

This man is a man who can make your heart beat. If you miss it, it will be a regret for your life!

The door opened, and thankfully walked to Xie Xuning's side, "Let's go."

Mo Shi sat in the co-pilot. She secretly glanced at the gratitude she was sitting in the back row, and couldn't help thinking, Dr. Xie today seems to be more gentle and feminine than usual...