Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife

Chapter 1227: Assassination star array, five artifacts

In the sacred light, the long black hair of Bailimomo gradually turned to dark purple, and those blue eyes like the sea became more and more thorough, and the light blue spiritual power was more intense than before. Sitting cross-legged in the center of the bright red formation, he concentrated his aura to swim it all over the body, absorbing the light green spiritual power from the side.

"How do you feel?" Leng Yetong withdrew her spiritual power, and stood weakly holding the little unicorn beast, asking softly.

"Well, there is a lot of power." Baili Liumo didn't move during the formation. He closed his eyes slightly and felt his strength, opened his eyes, and said lightly, "I don't want to use it for a month, and there are three more. God is enough. "

"I can't think of you as a very talented kid." The little unicorn beast said in amazement. Rebuilding the body of God is complicated and difficult, and the process has taken a long time. It can be accomplished within a month by a genius, such as Leng Yetong. And this hundred miles of wandering is obviously a genius among geniuses. For 23 days, I am afraid it is the record of this world.

"Let's take a break first, I'll get you something to eat, and we'll continue tomorrow." Leng Yetong stood up with her own body, walked into a dark room with some futile steps, and took out some food from the inside Put it in front of Baili Liumo.

Looking at her like this, Baili Liumo felt so distressed that she wanted to stand up and help her, but in the end she didn't move. He must now be sitting in the middle of the formation. If he moves, the formation's spiritual power will be leaked, and everything he did before will become useless. Looking at the food in front of me, my appetite wasn't much better. I just ate a little.

"This time, you have suffered." Baili Liumo looked at Lian Yetong with a pale face, and said with some blame.

In the process of reshaping the **** body, Leng Yetong acts as a guide, which is the role of the former little unicorn beast. This time, I wanted to let the little unicorn beast be the guide, but I do n’t know why, the spiritual power of the little unicorn beast and the spiritual power of Bailimomo would be mutually exclusive, but her spiritual power could be combined. So the helper became her helplessly.

"It's okay, but after going out, I have to rely on you to protect me." Leng Yetong smiled and said indifferently.

"I will definitely protect you." Baili Liumo heard that it was even uncomfortable in her heart, how strong she is, standing behind others and being protected, this is probably not what she likes, but for the sake of He turned out ... There was a touch of distress and firmness in the blue eyes, and he vowed here, and in this life, he would be better than the world, and he would never lose her.

Leng Yetong just smiled lightly, but didn't say anything, presumably because she didn't have the strength to say more now, she slept heavily relying on the little unicorn animal. The little unicorn looked at her with some distress, urging the spiritual force to make her hair longer, and then the thick hair became a quilt, and gently covered her.

As a guide, it takes a lot of spiritual power. In fact, her spiritual power is not bad, but the power of Baili Momo is too strong, so it costs more naturally. After 9 times of guidance and integration, you can Complete the remodeling of the Divine Body.