Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife

Chapter 433: God tomb (34)

"Now it's up to me to destroy this space. Doesn't the weak water flow to the world? Or do you already have a method? Even if this space no longer exists, the weak water will not come to the world?" Leng Yetong looked up. Looking at her, sharp eyes seemed to want to see through her eyes through her eyes.

"I have a way, so you just need to help me destroy the underworld, and I will arrange everything else." Murong Xinger nodded slightly, said with a smile, turned around, and continued to walk forward. . After walking about half an hour, the haunted altar of the altar appeared in front of him, pointing to the direction of the altar, Murong Xinger said lightly, "It is there, the middle is the jade, and the chain next to it is The three chains need to be cut at the same time. At the moment the chain breaks, Hades must be broken, otherwise Hades will destroy any living things, and then break through the imprisonment of space and come to earth. "

"I know, but with my own strength, can I really destroy Hades?" Looking at the black Hades in the center of the altar, Leng Yetong frowned, and for the first time he lost his confidence.

"I will help you." Then, Murong Xinger turned into a ray of green smoke and entered into the cold night pupil. The pain in her chest struck again, holding her **** tightly and breathing for her. It became a luxury. This sadness lasted for a while, and the pain slowly relieved. Leng Yetong took a long breath, stood up, and a vitality flowed in his body.

"Three of you, one for each chain, must be cut off at the same time, you know?" Leng Yetong pointed to the three chains that bound Hades, turned his head, and said to the three.

"Um." Nodded, the three of them made a single tone at the same time, looked at each other, went to the altar, and stood in their place. Leng Yetong handed the soft sword to Baili Liumo. Only the three of them had no spiritual power, and they didn't know if the cold weapon would work.

"One, two, three, fall!" The three looked at each other, shouting their passwords, and the three forces fell on the chain at the same time. The sound of "Titicaca" three times, the chain shattered and the jade slowly moved into the air Suspended, Leng Yetong's eyes narrowed for a moment, and a huge spirit ball condensed in his hand. The spiritual power contained in the spirit ball surprised Beichen Moxuan. Such a strong power? Did she break the seal?

The spirit ball collided with the fuming jade, and the fuming jade that had just floated began to fall in general. The broken jade pieces fell to the ground and turned into dust, which disappeared into the wind. The surrounding space began to shake violently, Leng Yetong felt a soft body, a force disappeared from her body, a bump, if it wasn't for Bailimomo's support in time, she would fall to the ground.

"Let ’s go, the center of the altar is the exit, this dark space is about to collapse, you go quickly." Murong Xing'er said eagerly, his eyes looked at Beichen Moxuan with affection, and he greedily refused to look away and gently He smiled, and begged, "Please help me to take care of him. Don't let him go on stupid."

"Well, I will." Leng Yetong nodded, solemnly promised. With her promise, Murong Xinger smiled relievedly, and disappeared as soon as she shook her body. Even though Beichen Moxuan was reluctant, he was pulled to the center of the altar, and when a flash of light flashed in front of him, several people lost consciousness.