Seeking the Flying Sword Path

v9 Chapter 23: Leave

"What kind of beauties do you want? Become a disciple of the emperor?" Qin Yun looked shocked. "Is this true?"

"Of course it is true, as long as you can afford it," the devil smiled.

"What would it cost if I wanted to become a disciple of the Prince of Plum Blossom?" Qin Yun asked.

"A superb magic weapon," said the devil with a smile. "Become a disciple of the monarch, you will get a powerful practice. If you are talented enough, the monarch will also cultivate you. And your status will never change. At least In the Kingdom of the Plum Blossom, you can walk sideways. "

"Forget it, I can't take out the super magic weapon." Qin Yunlian shook his head, and then said again, "Senior demon, the world is vast and the strong are like clouds. I want to buy some detailed information about the strong in the world."

"All countries in the world, many big families, all innate powerhouses, even the demon powerhouse ... I have complete information, you can buy it all at once, and it is cheaper," said the devil.


Buying information is normal.

Whether it is Qin Yun's hometown world or this big world! When the strength reaches a certain level, there will be an urge to buy the information of the world's strong. In this way, walking the world knows who can't offend! Even if life and death fight, know the details of the enemy ... life and death fight can be a little more certain.

"City Lord, this is the information I collected and recorded overnight. The forces within three hundred miles around Wind Wolf City are all clearly recorded." The old man in blue robe came to pay homage, and respectfully gave a thick book with both hands.

The maid on the side took it forward and took it to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun, who was sitting there drinking, seemed a bit drunk. He took the book and opened it, looking at it page by page.

Although the bandit leader who had just arrived in the world killed the band leader who asked for information, it was obviously not comparable to this book. Qin Yun had a general understanding of the three hundred miles around, but now he knows some hidden backgrounds.

"Magic Door?" Qin Yun turned to see one of the pages.

The magic charm gate, which fled here six years ago.

At that time, only the apprentices and several female guards, who were sheltered by Tiemu Tu, settled down, rebuilt the magic gate, and began to collect some disciples.

"The magic charm gate not only has enemies outside, but also glances at them in the city." Qin Yun secretly said, "Before, there was the shelter of Tiemu Tu before they could survive here. No wonder the girl named Charm Blue had always wanted Tell me something. "


Qin Yun sighed secretly.

"The demon **** ruled the world, the weak and the strong eat, the weak is already miserable. The magic charm door is both beautiful and weak, and fate can be imagined ..." Qin Yun continued to read the books, and soon finished.

"The city owner, two deputy city owners, and figures from all sides have arrived at Wind Wolf City, and they can come and visit the city owner at any time." The old man of the blue robe said, "When does the city owner think they can see them?"

"Since it's all here, let's go tonight." Qin Yundao, "Just set up a banquet in the city's main house, you go to arrange."

"Yes," said the old blue robe respectfully.

"And ..." Qin Yundao said, "The charm of the magical charm gate attracted her, and it will be my maid next to me."

The old man in the blue robe shrank his pupils slightly, and he also glared at the charm young girl! There are even a few thoughts on the current magic charm master, but now Qin Yun's words ... let the old man in the blue robes be agitated.

"Yes, I'll let her here." The old man in the blue robe laughed.

"Go." Qin Yun nodded.

The old man in the blue robe retreated respectfully. When he retreated, he murmured secretly: "It is indeed a born magic body, and it really seduced our new town owner. Huh, she found a new backer."


Magic gate.

"Qing'er, that's the little girl I just bought three days ago, called Mu Yu, very talented in practicing our magic charm, and her talent is second only to you." The beautiful lady in purple robe stood outside, looking The little girl in the room, who was not learning Chinese characters, said to the charming young girl aside.

"Talent is second only to me?" The charm young girl was a little surprised.

"I was pleasantly surprised before, and even felt that the days of my magical gate are getting better and better, and I think the rise of the magical gate is also hopeful." The beautiful lady in purple sighed. It's hard to say, everything is between the thoughts of this new city owner. Except for him, even the two deputy city owners are afraid that it will be difficult to completely shield me from the magic gate. "

The magic charm door was hit too much.

The strength is not enough to protect them naturally.

"Master, my magic charm gate will get better and better." Mei Qingqing said.

"Um." The lady in purple robe turned away and left.

The charming young girl stood outside and looked at the house. Soon the middle-aged woman inside the house brought her little girl out after teaching. When she saw the charming young girl, she saluted: "His Royal Highness."

"Um." Mei Qingqing looked at the little girl, "Your name is Mu Yu?"

"Sister Charm Green." The little girl also saluted.

"Where are you from?" Mei Qingqing asked.

"I grew up in Tiemo ... Wind Wolf City." The little girl was a little timid.

"Where's the family?" Asked Mei Qingqing.

"Uncle father and mother are dead," the little girl whispered. "My brother and I were sent to the slave market. The brother died of illness and died in the slave market. I was selected by the master."

The charming young girl heard and gently touched the little girl's head. She had seen so many things, even her own origin was even more miserable. She whispered: "Muyu, from now on the magical gate is your home. If anything, just come to see my sister. "

"Um." The little girl nodded, her eyes glowing. For the little girl who was sent to the slave market, being able to enter the magic gate ... is indeed much better than imagined.

"Take her." The Charm Girl ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." The middle-aged woman left with her baby girl.

The charming young girl stood there alone, watching the little girl go silently.

The entire magic gate ... rely on her alone to resist.

She was also tired.

She really wanted to protect this ‘big family’ and the younger sisters. Only she can rely on beauty and body.

"Qing'er, come, the city's mansion is here." The voice of the demon lord sounded in the ear of the young girl.

"Come to the city's main government?" The charm young girl was startled and rushed towards the main entrance.

The main entrance of the magic gate.

Several knights arrived here, headed by a sergeant Sergeant A. The Sergeant Sergeant dismissed the horse as soon as they saw the fascinating sorceress and the charming young girl leading some middle-aged women.

"Little has met the Charismatic Girl." Sergeant Qing Jia smiled respectfully. "The city master has an order. From today, the Charismatic Girl will be the personal maid of the city master. The Charismatic Girl please prepare quickly and follow me to the master Government. "

"Tight Maid?"

The beautiful lady in purple robes, the charming young girl and the middle-aged women behind her were all relieved, and even a lot of them showed excitement.

"Qing'er, don't hurry to prepare yet." The beautiful lady in purple robes commanded in excitement, and preached at the same time, "Let you be a close-hand maid, but you can serve by yourself. You have to serve the new town master. New town The Lord is much stronger than that Tiemu Tu ~ ~ with him, enough to shelter our magic gate for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, the magic gate is enough to rise. "

"Well." The charm young girl was equally excited.


After a while.

The charming young girl went to the main city house.

"Meiqing, meet the Lord of the City." The girl charmingly salutes respectfully, and she looks at Qin Yun with a touch of tenderness.

one way or another.

The new town owner ‘Wind Wolf Cloud’ is a congenital triple-strength powerhouse. Strong, young and handsome, the young girl feels that she has been waiting and is sweet in her heart.

"Um." Qin Yun glanced. "Be with me, remember ... be obedient, don't make your own claims."

"Meiqing understands." The girl charmingly said respectfully.


The city hosted a banquet that evening.

Because this new town's main strength is too strong, one's own strength is enough to sweep the entire wind wolf city to unite, so no one dares to stab! Even two deputy city owners are extremely respectful! You know the Tiemutu era ... the two deputy city lords are still a bit arrogant.

"I'm going to retreat for a few days, Mei Qing, deacon, and you shouldn't call to disturb me if there are any major issues." Qin Yun ordered.


The old man in blue robe and the young girl with charm were saluting respectfully.

"Um." Qin Yun then started retreating. In the realm of congenital triplet, it is normal for one to retreat for ten or twenty years.

Qin Yun opened the formation in the still room. After maintaining the formation, he quietly left the Wind Wolf City.


Riding the black wind all the way, flying in the clouds and fog, straight to the 'Spring Mountain City', thousands of miles away.

"According to the information I got from the Vientiane Hall, one of the two magic gloves is in the hands of the Devil God, and the Devil God ... In addition to submerging in Meihua Mountain, he usually lives in Chunshan City." Qin Yun secretly said, "First, find a way to kill the greedy demon **** and win the magic gloves."