Seized by the System

Chapter 1025: 5 stars

Fang Ning was only a few days lost in the mood of grief, and soon returned to the happy life of eating, drinking, and shopping. The previous frustration disappeared without a trace.

In the days after that, he sometimes went to see the large grain fields cultivated by monsters all over the Americas, and sometimes went to China to see the various drug gardens in charge of black cats. Finally, when he had time, he went to the moon above his head. Lu, teasing the group of little stonemen who were just born less than half a year ago.

This makes the uncle puzzled by the score.

After Fang Ning returned to the system space, it finally asked.

"During the Chinese New Year, you are still worried that the sky will collapse and the universe will be consumed. Why don't you worry about it in a few days? Is there any way you think of it?"

"Uh, I still didn't think of any way." Fang Ning admitted honestly.

"Then why are you so comfortable now?" Uncle puzzled.

"Oh, the sage said that if you can spend every day happily, don't spend your time in sorrow," Fang Ning Zhenzhen said, "and you said that there are billions of years before the universe can dry up, then Let's talk for a few hundred years. "

"Uh, I'm so stupid, I only know that you are thinking about long-term things, but I forget that you still have advanced procrastination." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"I have no choice but to do this first." Fang Ningli said arrogantly.

Such peaceful days passed day by day. By the middle of January of the fiveth year of Shenyuan, the news came from the inheritance of the secret realm. Ren Ruofeng had sent hundreds of millions of robots to the magic star to do the early development work.

Master Zhi Nan is a compassionate person. In the previous negotiation, Mr. Ren only put a few babies of babies to feed the other party, so that the other party immediately chose to give in.

It was difficult for Zhi Zhi to decide to create another planet with a harsher environment. As a place where the demons will spend in the future, he just repaired the magic star and continued to use it for humans.

Heard this news, Fang Ning admired it very much, but the uncle ridiculed him.

"It's really a fool to work hard to pick up a good foundation, and was sent back in three words. This guy is stupid than Lu Su, it's just a braised egg!" Uncle said disdainfully.

"Uh, what you said really didn't have any chivalrous heart," Fang Ning despised. "The planet was originally the old man who they found by raising funds to support the Tianhe River God. For the follow-up use. The monk with difficulty is just seeing humanity for a long time. In the future, if I want to use it as a place for the demon demons, I do n’t have a real heart of occupation. People are not the uncle who has borrowed Jingzhou and does n’t want to pay it back. "

"Cut, he's stupid, what am I saying wrong?" Uncle did not admit it at all.

"Yeah, no one is as smart as you, and no one can take advantage of you." Fang Ning shook his head.

"No, you often take advantage of me, and there is that broken book, come and beat my autumn wind if you can't move."

In the system space, the green-skin frog suddenly jumped out when one person was fighting against the other.

"Master, Tiandao just informed me that the five-star Cynomorium Array has been arranged, and I hope the master will test its power."

"Five-star Cynomorium Array?" Fang Ning suddenly dazed.

Uncle saw that Fang Ning seems to have forgotten, and quickly came out to suppress him: "Look at you, just know to play, don't you forget, when I killed the ghost statue incarnation, this broken frog, what I said would delay me In half a month, what five-star big array will be built by the two goods heaven to fight against the upper realm spirit avatar ... "

"Uh, I'm sorry, I really didn't think about it for a while," Fang Ning said, "Who can think of Tiandao to mention this now?"

"Oh, this is the case. Originally Dao Dad wanted a quick version, but the master was so powerful that he directly killed the ghost incarnation. Tian Dao fell down the donkey, so he spent more time to get a full version." Green Skin Frog quickly explained.

"Damn, I'm too honest. At that time, the two goods said that they would give a thousand merits every time they dragged one day. You said that I would delay him for a year and a half. Isn't that a few hundred thousand days of merit?"

"I've done it, greed isn't enough to swallow elephants, you have been delayed for a long time, don't people still run? Hundreds of trillions of experience fly away, aren't you more distressed?" Fang Ning appeased.

"The same is true. Since this is the case, I do n’t care about this thing. It ’s just that now I want to let Uncle Ben test the Shenma Five-Star Cryptography, it ’s no good," Uncle Zhenzhen said, "Now Uncle Ben has defeated the ghost Zun, has been promoted to Shenlong Dazun, this appearance fee is calculated according to the true god. "

"Uh, little frog, you have heard it now, then tell me about Heavenly Dao." Fang Ning said to the green-skinned frog.

"Okay, master." The green-skinned frog answered very simply.

Few items, it replied: "Tiandao Dad said, give you 10,000 merits, take out three large array free usage times. After three times, every time you use, it consumes 10,000 merits."

"One hundred thousand merits, thirty free times." Uncle directly raised the price ten times.


The green-skinned frog froze for a moment, then repeated, "Heaven Dad said, he agreed."

"..." Uncle was speechless.

"..." Fang Ning stunned the dog.

"Cunning!" Uncle subsequently angrily ruined, "This hallowed heaven and earth, as the natural will, the master of fortune, and the common respect of life, even playing such a trick on such a baby under five years of age, should it shame?

"Alas, as I expected, this heavenly path has integrated human civilization and wisdom. Its birth is different from those mysterious sideways path. It is the first to have humans and then the heavens, because the laws of the world change to produce wisdom. One If you are conscious, you will have a wealth of learning objects. We should treat it with caution in the future. "Fang Ning sighed.

"Uh, what's the difference between the mysterious heavenly path?" Uncle asked a big loss and asked humbly.

"The mysterious side is that there is a heavenly path before someone, and the heavenly path consciousness has no learning object, so it was stupid at first, no, it was simple, and it was easy to be fooled by people, just like the saints in the myth of the wild, can be taught by Merit is recognized by Heavenly Dao, thus achieving the holy throne, and even relying on empty mouths to speak loudly, you can get massive merits and sanctification. However, our Heavenly Dao will never make this kind of mistake ~ ~ Analysis.

"It turns out so," the uncle said very depressed, "So I fell in love with it today!"

"There is no way," Fang Ning said to the uncle alone, shielding the green-skinned frog, "This heavenly way, I am afraid that you can see that your rules of conduct will definitely not go back and forth, and promise nothing."

"Forget it, the one who wants to lose, I will not be so easy to agree to any of its requirements in the future." Uncle said sorrowfully.

"Eat a bite, and grow up."

Fang Ning is not optimistic about the uncle, even he himself, does not think that he can fight the heavens on wisdom. After all, although the other party was born a few years ago, but the fusion of the civilization wisdom of the entire humanity, so many talents accumulated mental intelligence, How can he fight?

At this time, the green-skinned frog continued: "Heaven's father said, it's not too late. Tomorrow, at three o'clock in the afternoon, he launched a five-star lock-up array and asked you to test over the earth."

"Uh, how do I feel a little cold?" Uncle said involuntarily.

"Me too, this time is not auspicious."

"Yeah, let it change time."

The green-skinned frog shook his head and said: "Heaven Dad said, this is the time when the large array is the most powerful, it is a must-have item for testing, and then it will be tested when the large array is the weakest."

"What is the effect of the break, please tell Ben Zun in advance." Uncle wanted to threaten.

"Within five stars, the upper limit of power that can block all spiritual beings ..."