Seized by the System

Chapter 481: Strange fuel

Carrying Fang Ning, the black tiger traveled along the North American land southeast.

Fang Ning looked down. There was a lot of flat land below. There were farms and pastures everywhere. Cattle and sheep were in pieces. There were all kinds of machinery that were busy and busy for various tasks.

These busy people on the ground below, just like the little gray ant holding a tiger hair in the head of Black Tiger Tom at this time, have no awareness of the future destiny and can only drift with the waves.

Seemingly free, in fact, the web of destiny has been woven by the goddess of destiny.

Fortunately, Mr. Fang's family has gained the ability to jump out of the net of destiny.

Fang Ning was quite complacent, and then looked at the ant. When he became interested, he wanted to ask one or two.

After all, thanks to the other party, you can master the secret realm of the undead and transform it into a city of righteousness. Only then did the "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves" take shape.

The system space, the dragon mystery, the city of righteousness, these are the three nests he arranged for himself ...

He immediately said: "Brother Tiger, this little ant is also brought back from the city of righteousness. Seeing that it is so close to you, it seems that it is due to the same country."

This valiant armor is clearly showing off!

What a righteous city, this is Benhu, yuck ... Ben Cat ’s secret realm.

Tom Cat thought indignantly, while carrying his enemies, he still had to make up for it.

It restrained his anger and revealed a pleased tiger face: "Oh, it may be that the tiger's temperament is too gentle, which makes this little ant feel dependent."

At this time, it completely forgot that he wanted to kill the opponent with one paw at the time, but he didn't continue to do it only because of fear of exposure.

As for the real reason why this ant entangles itself, it has a vague guess. This ant may have a very high talent for death. There is a kind of "dead marching ant" in the upper realm, which is good at eating death.

It is estimated that this broken ant was aware of his background, and then he was obsessed with it, and wanted to steal the essence of his cultivation, and wanted to evolve.

What a hate!

But the broken ant didn't know, and he wanted to use it, hum, since I lost my orb, I had to pay for it.

Fang Ning just heard it funny, this Tom Cat, with a cruel heart, ignoring death, dare to speak up, put gold on his face, and it should be reduced to the end of the uncle's mount.

At this moment, the little gray ant lying on the head of the tiger seemed to be aware of it. He stretched out two tentacles and wobbled around as if to say something.

Fang Ning hurriedly asked the uncle: "What can this guy say, can it be translated?"

Well, since the uncle successfully translated the high-level language of the octopus last time, Fang Ning has used the uncle as a translator.

"Oh, it's saying, there's delicious food below ..."

Fang Ning was not relieved and said: "You say this, is there any basis?"

"Yes, this action is the same as when Daqing tried to steal my mature herbs in the medicine garden." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"It makes sense, after all, it's all worms, and the body language is still similar," Fang Ning felt relieved, and then said to Tom, "Brother Tiger, let's go down, the devil's nest should be right below."

Tom looked down and saw that there was a busy industrial area below, and people roared from time to time.

From time to time, we can see strange human figures wrapped in iron blocks, patrolling the road, and occasionally stop some people to interrogate.

This scene is like a science fiction factory of the future, which is very different from the impression given by the so-called Devil's Nest.

"Sister, the following is heavily guarded, are those robots, the" mechanical police "being widely used in the news by the United States?" Tom is showing off only a little current knowledge.

There is no way to be locked in the dragon mystery for a few months, and it has become a cat of the last century. I only know this new thing, but I still watched it for hours.

"Yes, these are mechanical mechs, a group of people who abandon human feelings and lose themselves. They only know the execution of orders, they don't know whether they are right or wrong, they are self-righteous." Fang Ning did not rate them highly.

The reason why people are people is that they have feelings. If the feelings do not exist, what is the point of high efficiency?

Tom's eyes flashed, but this kind of guy who has no ego and only knows to execute orders is not the best executor?

No wonder Zhi Nan will concoct them out, if his balance will be composed of such people, there will be no betrayal like Anderson.

The reason why he will be exposed so quickly is definitely the secret of Anderson!

That's right, Tom is a smart cat after all. He has already noticed that the Knight Knight has found his real body, but maybe he just wants to use himself, and he has been seeing through it and turning himself into his mount.

Wait, listen to what people say:

People with lofty ideals, things have come true, breaking the wreck and sinking the boat, the Qin Pass of the Hundred and Twenty Two is finally Chu;

Painful cats, the sky does not bear, the salaries and taste of the courage, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu.

I must be patient, so that the clouds can open the sunrise, and the water droplets wear stone!

So Tom Tiger, driving in the cloud, slowly landed in a remote corner.

Fang Ning came back from the other side and immediately retracted into the system space, throwing his body to the uncle.

Nonsense, already in the devil's nest, he certainly has to go ashore ...

Chivalrous A glanced around and saw a series of copper walls and iron walls dividing the industrial area into different areas.

And the area where they fell at this time seems to be an area where fuel is stacked, and the symbols of "no fireworks" are painted on the warehouses.

There are many robots on the four sides of the warehouse, patrolling closely.

He seemed to find something, and then walked towards a warehouse.

Throughout the whole process, the robots seemed to turn a blind eye to the knighthood ~ ~, did not look at him at all, and did not come up to block it.

Fang Ning shrank in the system space, watching the big screen broadcast.

I saw on the big screen, Xia Kejia took the Black Tiger and sneaked into a fuel warehouse.

It's just something strange in the fuel storehouse.

It is not gasoline, nor alcohol, nor natural gas.

It is a row of liquid nitrogen freezer. In the liquid nitrogen freezer, you can see through the glass door, there are people with twisted faces freezing inside!

They have different looks, including white, black, and Asian ethnicities, but they have a common feature, are young men and women, and are at the most energetic age.

"No wonder there will be so much death, these people have just died shortly!" Tom Tiger glanced over again, could not help murmuring.

It doesn't know how many deaths have been harvested. Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that these people have been dead here for less than 24 hours at most.

"Hateful, in the light of day, even killing and storing blatantly, there is no way of looking at the king!" Xia Kejia said lightly.

"Yeah, my dear, this must have been created by that difficult mind. Sure enough, it is the devil of the upper realm. In such a large area, haven't he executed tens of thousands of people?" Tom took the opportunity to give the other person eye medicine.

"Well, this matter needs to be confirmed."

The uncle of the system did not foresee the spells returned in the past, and of course he would not make a conclusion at will.

Tom Cat doesn't take it for granted, such a big handwriting can only be difficult to do with wisdom!

There is no other reason. On the earth today, there is this courageous devil, no one but him!

But what means did the other party use to kill so many people, but it was not stopped by Xia Ke A?

This method needs to be learned well.

It thought insidiously.

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