Seized by the System

Chapter 482: Robot

Chivalry A has scanned all the fuel warehouses. As the black cat Tom casually blows, this large fuel storage area actually stores 57002 people!

It really is tens of thousands!

"This is a slaughter!" Fang Ning shook his head and sighed. Apex novels update fastest

But he did not understand why the uncle did not find out.

"Uncle, did you find it when you upgraded the system map?" Fang Ning wondered.

"No, these people voluntarily embrace death ..." The uncle of the system said lightly, and also used euphemisms, presumably afraid to scare Fang Ning.

"Hiss ..." Fang Ning took a breath, although the soul was in the system space, but still felt the cold air in the freezer passed into my heart.

It was this kind of evil law that made people choose to die, and it was a complete loss of conscience!

He remembered that this was definitely a trick of wisdom. He once preached that the soul should give up the flesh and the soul enter his happy land!

In this way, Tom Cat really did not wrong the other side!

This devil must be removed!

He couldn't imagine the situation where the other party stretched the devil's claws towards the people around him. You know, once a person believes in something, you want to correct it. It is a difficult thing, and it can make loved ones vomit blood.

"Ya must be exterminated, otherwise, the troubles are endless!" Fang Ning firmly said.

Uncle turned a deaf ear, but just patrolled back and forth, as if analyzing what Fang Ning was puzzled by.

"what are you doing?"

"Where am I looking for these people? Why haven't they found traces of their souls?" Uncle said casually.

"This still uses analysis? They must have been put into the realm of land by intellectual difficulty ..." Fang Ning was speechless.

"Nonsense, if that's the case, would I waste my time? I let the broken book get in and check it." The uncle despised.

Not long afterwards, Xia Kejia looked out of the warehouse, and a robot was visiting.

Uncle System pointed at a robot and suddenly said: "I now understand where the souls of those people have gone, even on them."

"You mean, these robots are in the body? But they should already have a soul. Why should it be difficult for Zhi Ji to get another one? Is it that he wants to play dual-core overclocking?" Fang Ning felt instinctively.

"Huh, rich man, can you make it clear? I'm a martial arts side system. It's difficult for me to understand these technical terms." Uncle wondered.

"Dual core is a two-person phase? Not good, I understand, he is trying to crack our working mode!" Fang Ning said with fright.

"Eh, I understand. Are you saying that this is difficult to understand how we think?" Uncle System was very surprised.

"Yes, we have brought so much trouble to Zhikang. He must aim at us. He is the devil of the upper realm, not a stupid villain. For so many days, he has n’t done anything. The project is not good, he just wanted to copy our work model! "Fang Ning said with palpitations.

"Oh, then he is delusional, because you have no working mode, except to eat is to sleep ..." Uncle said indifferently.

"Talking nonsense again, am I still going to play?" Fang Ning said sternly.

"Uh, I was wrong ..." The uncle was defeated by the host's brazenness again.

"However, if you say this, I will be relieved. If he replicates our work model, there will be only one end ..." Fang Ning said proudly.

"That's the practice of discarding all the numbers." Uncle replied very proficiently.

"Null talk, my number is very good, it can be hung up, can be krypton gold, won the battlefield, got the hall." Fang Ning was very dissatisfied.

At this time, a robot had entered the fuel depot. He also could not see the knightly armor. He seemed to be patrolling the freezer along a fixed route, and then went out.

"Catch a look?" Fang Ning suggested.

"Okay, let Tom cat do it, cat is the most suitable for catching mice." The uncle of the system dumped the pot casually.

In a few moments, the black tiger emerged from the air, jumped, and threw the robot from the back to the ground.

Tom Cat was very depressed at this time. He didn't expect to work part-time as a thug in addition to being a mount ... The key point is that he can't afford both jobs.

It knows why the valiant armor that the thief didn't let go does not personally start. This robot should have no sins in itself. After this guy hits, he won't get heaven feedback, so he won't waste energy ...

"Answer my question," Xia Kejia stood in front of this robot, said lightly.

I saw that the robot's eyes glowed red, shining on the knight armor.

"People recognition mode started, looking for database comparison ..."

"Compared to success, knights, unclear strength, unknown gender, unknown age, krypton players, winners of life, sons of destiny, heroes of the dragon, suspected real dragons coming, duo ... respond to suggestions, surrender.

The robot muttered to himself, then raised his hands happily.

"Mom, the uncle's details are almost clear by them." Fang Ning was very annoyed.

"No, none of them ..." Uncle dismissed.

"Yeah, anyway, uncle, you are an intangible thing, they have no place to touch them, and they can't guess your real existence at all." Fang Ning said without words.

"I'll ask you, is there another person in your body?" Xia Kejia asked the robot.

"Yes, that's the auxiliary core." After the robot chose to surrender, it was really refreshing.

This surprised Fang Ning ~ ~ This is another strange thing. Why didn't Zhiji set these robots without feelings to be absolutely loyal?

Still said he couldn't do it.

Tom Cat saw this scene on the side and shook the tiger's head with disdain. Why? These robots are not absolutely loyal creatures. The speed of surrender is estimated to be faster than Anderson ...

White blinded Uncle Tom.

Chivalry again asked: "What is your working mode?"

"Switching between each other, I was on duty during the day, and he came on duty at night, 24 hours a day." The robot answered honestly.

"24 hours? This can be comparable to the efficiency of the uncle." Fang Ning was surprised, his advantage seems to be much smaller.

"Null talk, I still have ten threads to start together. How can it be compared with me?" The uncle showed great dissatisfaction with all the comments that degraded himself.

"Well, you are still strong, but there are more than ten people?" Fang Ning reminded.

"Uh, that's not true, but they have birth defects. As artificial artifacts, they are not in the list of Dao Dao's ten thousand people, and they don't have Tian Tian ..."

"You don't have it either, it's me who has a family," Fang Ning took the opportunity to suppress.

"Damn, it's all I'm working on, but you're the one who sells pets and invites credit." Uncle is very depressed.

"Nonsense, I am the natural creature under heaven, you are just my ... good companion ..." Fang Ning quickly recovered the injured system. This guy has evolved a lot and cannot be too straightforward.

"Forget it, just live." The uncle is still easy to meet.

Chivalrous A continues to ask questions.

"How many people do you have?"

"You can't answer beyond the authority. Only you can answer: the security robot with the same function as me, a total of 36 people, responsible for the maintenance of the energy warehouse." The robot replied.