Seized by the System

Chapter 673: Soul Brand

Righteous City.

At this time, there was a busy scene in the city, and Fang Ning was too lazy to worry about the cumbersome business operations, and everything was left to his custody.

After all, real business is no more than a simulation game. There are too many annoying things. In order to achieve a small result, it takes a lot of effort, including and not limited to liaising with people, coordinating different departments, and allocating resources ...

With Fang Ning's temperament, how can he handle these things patiently?

This other person is Cang Gongzi, and there are two dragon carps.

They have always been responsible for urban construction and the operation of the city after its completion.

However, Cang Gongzi has been decadent because of his father's repression, and is now taken over by Bai Ruocang. With the cooperation of the dragon carp, and after all, the background of his famous origins, he can barely manage to run a new city.

After all, the modern division of labor is extremely fine, as long as you know what to learn, how to use people, and professional things are left to professional people to do.

It's just that now Bai Ruocang is often distracted. He always wonders why he didn't take over the successful giant rat king city?

Why did Bai Shixin squeeze himself out with a few tricks?

Otherwise, he can send hundreds of millions of giant rats to death, to revenge the blood sea.

Although he is a cowardly guy from the bones, never underestimate the power of hatred.

Before going to the battlefield, relying on hatred to inspire morale is often extremely useful and can make people wait to kill the enemy and serve the country. This is more intense than the so-called reward.

On this day, Venerable Dragon sent Thomson the Black Tiger to meet him.

"Xiao Cang, you and Dragon Carp should cooperate with Tom Hu's work to help him develop a Yinqi medicine garden as soon as possible, put it into operation as soon as possible, and see the return soon. All the needs for this project are listed as the highest priority. Understand ?"

Bai Ruo-cang shook his whole body, and now he understood that he shared the body with Cang Gongzi, and others might not be able to distinguish it, but in the eyes of His Holiness, it is the slightest.

You can know from the salutation, because the other party did not call "Cang Gongzi", but called his own name.

The dragon carp can also detect this, that is because they work together every day, and the other party is born as a sect, relying on observation and observation, not power magic.

And His Holiness can see that that is the invincible God's eye.

He nodded again and again at the moment, and said, "Sovereignty, rest assured, I will definitely be on my mind."

"It's so good," Xia Kejia was just about to leave, and suddenly asked, "You have followed this seat for almost two years, and it has been quite diligent. Have you ever thought about reincarnating your family?"

"Ah ..." Bai Ruocang stunned. He naturally thought about such things.

He even knew that His Holiness had the magical technique of resurrection, and even knew that the ghost king Bodhisattva could reincarnate the dead to the insect spirit.

However, he never dared to hope that Bai Shi could recover.

Because in his knowledge, the spirits of other family members have been wiped out by those giant rats.

In this way, whether it is the Venerable or the ghost king Bodhisattva, what can be done?

He is a cowardly person again, and he does not want to beg for others in his bones, but he secretly works hard, hoping that one day a miracle will appear.

"Sovereign, can't a person who has lost all his soul return?"

Chivalrous A did not answer immediately.

"I said that the rich, what kind of life do you find for me again? The resurrection technique is not so powerful, it must be shortly after death, there is still a physical existence." Uncle said dissatisfied.

Fang Ning said silently: "Why are you always so ruthless? Didn't you find out that the green dots representing Bai Ruocang are not showing signs of blackening?"

"Uh, I found out, what's the matter? Dare to blacken and brush it off. Anyway, he is not a son of Cang, or a tendency of complete justice. I have many friendly forces now, and he has nothing special."

"You are so ruthless and unjust, no wonder that the heroic achievements were triggered by me ..." Although Fang Ning knew the nature of the uncle, he was still very speechless. He said with heartache, "It is always necessary to give people a hope. It is hard here. In a world where there is only hope, people can be positive, not decadent. "

"Oh, to put it bluntly, you are still fooling people. In case he hopes to become disappointed, the rate of depravity will be faster." The uncle said angrily.

"How can I be as shameless as you? You have to know that I and the two monuments of Heaven and Earth are very familiar with the operation of Heavenly Dao. Their family died after the birth of Heavenly Dao. In fact, the imprint of the Soul of God has been recorded in Heavenly Dao ... Heaven The stele records ten thousand people, the earth stele protects itself, but the human stele that has not yet been born is a magic weapon of heaven and earth that records the imprint of the soul! Through it, these imprints can be traced back to restore it ... "Fang Ningzhen Zhen said.

"His ... I did n’t expect the rich man, you actually mastered the means that I would n’t even know, this really made Tongtong eat a whale!" The uncle is after all a good system. Now he understands the feasibility of this kind of means. Shook his astonishment.

"Ha ha ha ha, do you really think I just play every day ..." Fang Ning proudly said.

"No, I haven't said it a few times before. In addition to playing and sleeping every day ... even lazy to eat, yes, since you finally come out, please give me this righteous city. I ’m running out of funds now, and I ’m consuming all of it. You have to pay close attention to let it make money for me. ”Uncle said very dissatisfied.

"Good, then let me deal with Xiao Cang's things first." Fang Ning appeased.

Then, Bai Ruocang heard a sound of nature.

"It's impossible to put it in the past. But this seat has five points of confidence. In the future, you will find the brand of your Bai clan. You must remember that you can't give up hope at any time, don't be blinded by hatred, and go. The right way. "Fang Ning said seriously.

"Yes, His Holiness has learned that Freesia must follow the teachings." Bai Ruocang bowed deeply and was deeply moved.

"Well, it's so good. Only when you put love and justice in your heart can you make mistakes, and you can keep your bottom line when making various choices," Fang Ning found through the system map. The dark meaning in the point is retreating, and I am very satisfied.

"Yes, my dear, I must keep in mind ~ ~ Okay, now you introduce me to the operation of the city of righteousness. The daily consumption here is huge, a lot of eggs, eggs, milk, energy supplies, It is very difficult to transport them from the outside for a long distance. It is the right way to realize the self-economic cycle as soon as possible. "Fang Ning continued.

"The Venerable said that we are doing this as soon as possible, and now the situation is like this ..." Bai Ruocang started to introduce it now.

Although he is a little white, he is diligent enough, and some people are taught. After all, he is a cultivator. He has a good memory, and he can still come in with information about the city of righteousness.

Several major areas of the original Righteous City, the central city, business districts, and residential areas have been established and started to operate normally.

The agricultural area has a certain scale and is gradually expanding. Grain and vegetables have been put on the market and are supplying residents in the city, greatly reducing the dependence on the outside world.

The core output that the city can currently provide is the Yuanqi Academy of Sciences, which is responsible for producing intellectual achievements. Recently, a number of new achievements have been published, and patents are being sought, as well as external promotion.

As for other more functions, the city does not yet have it. It is not yet possible to form a complete industrial chain like the secret realm of truth.

After all, it has only been more than a year to build, and it has been extremely difficult to build the infrastructure.

For example, the nuclear power plant under construction is just beginning. The power in the city is still relying on temporary emergency diesel power stations, which is costly.

This is not a game played by Fang Ning. Just click on the mouse and quickly build the building.

Fang Ning had also envisaged the power generation of the Qi before, and also succeeded, but later realized that the Qi is valuable, it is used to strengthen the soul itself, and should never be wasted on providing energy.

The upper world has been developing for so many years, and in Anderson's records, it has not relied on vitality to improve people's livelihood on a large scale.