Seized by the System

Chapter 680: The source of all methods

Half a month later, it was already three years in July.

Villa group in the southern mountain area of ​​Qicheng, Shenzhou.

"Son of God" William lives.

"Come on, William, eat another grape ... this is the newly listed Huiyuan grape."

"Okay, sweetheart, you eat too."

A burst of joy and laughter rippling in the tree-lined villa courtyard.

Robert, who was pouring beer at the corner of the party, frowned. They were all geniuses. Why is there such a big gap?

Everyone's knights, every day is either a practice, a monster, a way of punishment ... The strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

His nephew, once known as the "son of God", was still addicted to the flamboyant beauty, surrounded by beauties, and utterly ruined the godsend endowment.

You know, he is so deserted time, and in several years, he can practice all the way to the peak of the pond level, only one step away from breaking through the lake level.

It is conceivable that if the other party can have half of the knights' hard work, now they have become a lake-level strongman, and they can even go further.

It is a pity that everyone has their own ambitions and cannot be forced.

More than half a year ago, "Nine Turns to Golden Pills" was born, and the other party generously sponsored a huge amount of US $ 3 billion to help promote this exercise.

Over the past six months, there have been considerable progress in various parts of the world. At least the number of people who have practiced the first turn has reached millions.

The population base is put there, there are talented people, and even the rich class among them, can rely on true krypton gold to accelerate this process.

After drinking for a while, Robert suddenly said: "I heard that Venerable Dragon opened a store called" The Source of Ten Thousand Laws "in this city, which allows people who practice" Nine Turns to Golden Dan Jue ", Go there to access mana, even trading mana. "

"Oh, I heard this from a local jewelry dealer. He said that his three children have already opened an account there, and asked me if I want to do one ... So the day before yesterday I already gave me sweethearts All accounts have been opened. "William said, sitting around a group of beautiful women, without looking up.

"Yeah, William is really a generous person, helping us to practice the mysterious Eastern divine skill successfully, and also helping us through those troublesome things." A group of beautiful women laughed and laughed.

"Uh, you really haven't delayed the business." Robert couldn't find an excuse to teach his nephew, so he poured another bottle of Laoshan beer ...

"That's of course, but there is too little mana to access there, and it's not worth buying. By the way, uncle, do you know what mana unit there is?" William asked.

"Uh, I have seen their introduction, which is to use a man who has a cultivation qualification in the double F level and the cultivation realm is concentrated, and the mana obtained after 8 hours of normal practice a day, the unit name is" Dan Yuan ", It ’s called 1 Dan Yuan mana. It can be used to release one of the tiniest spells, firework. ”Robert answered seriously.

"It seems that my uncle has done a lot of work. China has started to set the standards for the new era ... which means they have to define this era. I thought that this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so fast." William shook his head Road.

"Actually, we can still catch up." Robert stared at his nephew seriously.

"Forget it, we have been ahead for centuries, and now it's our turn. This is the ups and downs that people in China often say. It's no surprise." William didn't care.

"You, you ..." Robert held back for a long time, but still didn't say it.

He has long known the character of his nephew, that is, to have fun in time, unwilling to waste great time in boring practice ...

This kind of values ​​is not necessarily wrong, because according to information, many cultivators seem to live long, in fact, 80% of their time is spent in meditation.

Such a monotonous life, if it can really live forever, the key is that many cultivators do not even live as long as mortals.

Going out of flames, blaming your sins, striving for victory ...

The benefits that practitioners get are beyond ordinary people's imagination. Similarly, the danger they face is also beyond ordinary people's imagination.

People sit at home and the disaster comes from the sky. This is the most appropriate way to describe the practitioner.

"Okay, okay, there are a lot of talented people, and there are a lot of rice. I am a wealthy and idle person. Besides, I do n’t have to contribute less. At least without my financial support, it ’s impossible for the practice to spread in rice grain. Quickly, it can give many children in the slums another reliable way out. This will allow them to maintain their lives by selling mana in the future, without having to engage in some dirty and despotic business. "William boasted.

"Yeah, William is a famous philanthropist." Another compliment from a group of beautiful women.

"Oh, this is what everyone who has received huge rewards from society should do. The dragon said well, in this world, only love and justice are the righteous way, and follow the right way to have a happy life." William smirked.

"Uh ... well, I can't say anything about you. But I came here this time to open a source of omnipotence in Mijiajian ..." Robert finally revealed the purpose of this trip.

"Oh, let's say, how much money do I have to invest? Recently, the jewelry business is good ~ ~ There are really a lot of rich people in China, especially the ladies who like magic jewelry ... the most are willing to spend money." William didn't care.

Robert was a little embarrassed, and many dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared.

In any case, my nephew really treats money like dung.

It seems that money is nothing precious in his eyes, and as long as the money is spent, it will be invested in large sums.

At this point, the vast majority of the rich cannot do this at all, and they often go out with hundreds of millions of dollars, which is definitely impossible, and they must be invested after a rigorous argument and a lengthy investigation. Say, just allocate the funds to yourself?

Not to mention my uncle, my father is useless ...

"You can first acquire a commercial bank for transformation, change the previous operation of the currency, and directly replace it with the mana operation ..." Robert is the rice kernel of the commercial kingdom. Early on, he saw the bright future of mana bank.

"Oh, is this right? Then go buy it, just call me for how much money I need. It's just that I want to remind my uncle, I saw it in the shop of" The Source of Ten Thousand Laws ", they It is through a huge crystal to store mana, I am afraid that is a top-level magic weapon, you may not be able to buy the same ... "William suggested.

"I naturally know this. I have investigated it clearly. It is a magic weapon for storing mana. I can allow Venerable Dragon to invest in our mana bank. The object of the shareholding is this magic weapon for storing mana." Robert was very self-confident.

"Gao Ming, in the end is my uncle, and the business acumen is as powerful as me." William admired.

"Uh, what you said makes me feel weird," Robert was very depressed. "Forget it, then I'll be busy. You are ready to transfer money."