Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 913: Right decision

This incident really taught Wu Biao a big lesson, there are some outsiders and there are outsiders, so behave in a low-key manner.

But what can he say? In front of a major shareholder of a luxury goods group, he was like an ant, so he had to leave with the bodyguards dingy.

The people who eat melons also feel that the world is crazy, and a courier brother has become a major shareholder of a luxury goods group.

The mocking and disdain of Ye Chen instantly turned into surprise and admiration.

Although all the people who come to the store are wealthy people, the status of group shareholder is beyond their reach.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being able to get acquainted with the major shareholders of the world luxury goods group will definitely help a lot in the future.

However, they were all embarrassed about Ye Chen's attitude just now, and they had to miss this rare opportunity.

Seeing Wu Biao being blasted out, the male salesperson's face became even more ugly, and he knew it was his turn next.

Sure enough, Zhang Meng looked at the male salesperson and said: "I just said very clearly, you have been fired, hurry up and get rid of your bedding."

The male salesperson ignored the manager Zhang but looked at Ye Chen and begged: "Boss Ye, I was wrong just now, please, your sir, please spare me this time."

He thought that Wu Biao had a feast with Ye Chen before, insulting and mocking Ye Chen.

But he can be regarded as an accomplice at best, after all, Ye Chen is a major shareholder, so he shouldn't have the same knowledge as him.

"I'm just here to buy clothes. Shop Manager Zhang has the final say. And I also think that as a world luxury brand, customers should have a good shopping experience, but I didn't feel it at all here." Ye Chen Said lightly.

He completely threw the pot to Zhang Meng, so that it seemed that he was not as knowledgeable as the little salesperson, and he wanted to see Zhang Meng's attitude.

Although Zhang Meng had just criticized the male salesperson, Ye Chen always felt that there was something to play in it.

Presumably, the relationship between the male salesperson and Zhang Meng is very good, and Ye Chen also wants to see if Zhang Meng will intercede for this brainless man.

He had already thought that if Zhang Meng could not satisfy him, he would immediately replace Zhang Meng and choose another person.

As the majority shareholder of Armani Group, Ye Chen doesn't rub the sand in his eyes.

Zhang Meng is not stupid. Of course he can hear what Ye Chen said. He knows that Ye Chen was there to test him.

He had already thought about satisfying Ye Chen no matter what, so he had a decision in his heart.

"You said that you are a big man who has the face to beg Boss Ye here. Look at what you are doing. You have violated the taboo of a salesperson. Don't talk nonsense here and go." Zhang Meng's expression was cold. Pointing to the male salesperson and said.

Ye Chen was very satisfied with Zhang Meng's approach.

"Store Manager Zhang, you must keep your eyes open when recruiting salespersons in the future. Their behavior is directly related to the image of our brand." Ye Chen warned.

"Boss Ye, I must remember your teachings." Zhang Meng said respectfully.

The male salesperson looked at Zhang Meng and said angrily, "Zhang Meng, I'll go to my aunt to file a complaint when I go back."

Zhang Meng ignored the male salesperson's words. In fact, he had already figured out that it was a kinship after all, and looked back for this brainless man to find another job.

However, Zhang Meng felt that if this man made such a fuss, if he were to go to work elsewhere, he would probably cause trouble for himself, so he would simply ignore it.

Ye Chen also felt that this male salesperson was really too brainless, and he didn't hesitate to speak and act.

The male salesperson left the shop angrily and just hit a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a suit head-on.

"This guy, why don't you apologize when you hit someone?" The middle-aged man looked at the male salesperson.

As if he didn't have long ears, the male salesperson glared at the middle-aged man and continued to walk forward.

The middle-aged man saw that the male salesperson was wearing Armani brand work clothes, so he didn't say anything.

After all, for such unqualified people, there is no need to waste too much talk with them.

The middle-aged man continued to walk forward and walked into the Armani store. He saw Zhang Meng and said, "Brother Meng, you should educate your clerk. If you bump into someone, you don’t even apologize, and you don’t care. appearance."

"Brother Yang, that person was fired by me." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

The middle-aged man in front of him is not someone else but Wang Yang, the president of the Bank of China. This man is also Zhang Meng's cousin.

On weekdays, if there is nothing to do, he will talk to Zhang Meng.

Wang Yang didn't speak, but walked straight to Ye Chen, and said excitedly, "Ye Dong, you are actually here."

When Wang Yang just entered the store, he noticed this young man in express clothing.

I met Ye Chen once at the bank before, and I was very impressed with him.

But think about it, shouldn't Ye Chen go to deliver the courier? How could it be in his cousin's shop.

How lucky he is to meet the **** Hao Ye Chen here today, how can this not make him feel excited.

Seeing Wang Yang's polite attitude towards Ye Chen, the customers in the store were even more surprised.

For Wang Yang, these people who are in the wealthy circle are certainly known.

That was a big man with assets of hundreds of millions, but such a big man turned out to be Ye Chen and Ye Dong.

It seems that this young man is really extraordinary.

Ye Chen gave a soft "um".

In fact, among these people just now, there are still people who question Ye Chen's identity.

But after hearing this "Ye Dong", the voice of doubt disappeared.

There was another discussion in the store.

"I heard that right, the president of the Bank of China called the courier brother Ye Dong, which is incredible."

"In the end what happened."

"I feel that my brain is not enough."

"I believe from the bottom of my heart that this little courier is a great man."

These people also have a lot of deposits in the Bank of China, but Wang Yang's attitude towards them was neither lukewarm nor lukewarm.

But Ye Chen is not ordinary, that attitude can be described as respectful, even licking.

The attitude between the two is enough to see that Ye Chen's identity is extraordinary.

Some people are even talking about Ye Chen's worth at least tens of billions.

With so many assets, how could it be an ordinary person.

The people present felt that the wave after wave of things happened was like a roller coaster ride.

No one could imagine that a seemingly ordinary courier brother turned out to be a goddess who made the president of the Bank of China lick it.

Zhang Meng also took a sigh of relief. He was very grateful for the decision he had just made. Not to mention that Ye Chen is his boss. Even a cousin and a big bank leader would be a licking dog in front of Ye Chen. This young man is powerful.

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