Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 983: Rescued

Ye Chen was already in his heart, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Ye Xiao is Ye Chen's cousin.

Although the cousin has a poor family, she is very strong and does not rely on others. She has been working-study outside.

Ye Chen sent Deng Qi to the door of the hotel.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do at home, I have to go first."

Deng Qi thought that Ye Chen asked herself to go to the hotel to do that kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen left by himself when it was delivered to the hotel.

Deng Qi also saw that Ye Chen was in a hurry.

"Mr. Ye, it's okay, if something happens, you can go first."

After Deng Qi got out of the car, Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator and the car shot away quickly.

Ye Xiao just sent Ye Chen the address.

Deng Qi looked at Ye Chen's back and murmured: "This bad guy didn't even leave me a phone call. It's really not sincere."

But Deng Qi also took a sigh of relief.

The threat was finally resolved.

She quickly put on a mask and sunglasses and walked towards the hotel.

Golden KTV is a private room with a local name.

Ye Xiao hid in the bathroom and called Ye Chen.

Today, when a few sisters came to KTV to play, they met a few brothers.

Everyone played in a box.

But they didn't expect that on the way, there were a few more slickly dressed people who seemed to know a few seniors very well.

There are more and more people in the box.

Ye Xiao didn't even know many people.

Seeing this situation, several sisters originally wanted to leave.

But I didn't expect to be stopped by these people.

They begged hard, and finally, these people let them drink and let them beat them.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Xiao finished drinking, he suddenly felt dizzy.

The body is very weak.

At this time, she finally understood that she had been drugged.

Ye Xiao was very smart and hid in the bathroom.

In Magic City, he only knew one person, Ye Chen.

Ye Xiao was very anxious, if those people found out, Ye Chen would be over after a while later.

Ye Chen drove like a golden nightclub.

But because it is in the urban area, it is the peak period, and the speed of the car is also very unsatisfactory.

He took a look at the time, and at this speed, it would take at least half an hour to get there.

Ye Chen was very worried, could Ye Chen stick to it.

Also, Ye Chen called Sun Tao.

"Hey, Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Tao's voice came over.

"Xiao Tao, do you know the owner of Golden Nightclub? Can you get in touch?" Ye Chen said anxiously.

"The owner of the Golden Nightclub, know you? Is there anything you want to do with him?"

"You call him immediately. In the Tianzhao private room, my sister was drugged. Let the people at the Golden Nightclub take care of it."

When Ye Chen finished speaking, Sun Tao knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I will definitely do it for you."

Sun Tao hung up the phone and immediately called the owner of the Golden KTV nightclub.

After hearing this, the boss personally took a dozen security guards and rushed towards the private room of Tianzi.

Ye Chen was driving the car and was rushing to KTV.

"Brother, why haven't you arrived yet, they are already smashing the door."

"Sister, don't shoot, I've sent someone to rescue you, hold on for a few more minutes, and they will be there soon."

"Brother I'm so scared, they are already smashing the door, save me."


At this time, the door of the toilet was forcibly opened.

"Ye Xiao, why are you so difficult? Your sister is waiting for you."

A man's voice sounded.

"Who are you? I don't know you at all, stay away from me."

At this time, the phone was hung up.

Ye Chen knew that his sister had been exposed.


After all, Ye Xiao came to school, and his aunt entrusted him.

If something happens to Ye Xiao, how can he explain it to his aunt?

Now the distance is too far, Ye Chen can't help it.

Now I can only find a way to get there quickly.

Ye Chen couldn't control so much when he heard his sister's screams.

Although there were a lot of cars, Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator and started racing wildly.

With superb driving skills, Ye Chen's speed is fast, but he can cleverly avoid other cars.

Golden KTV, Tianzi box.

Chen Li knocked at the door.

Several girls have been recruited, but Ye Xiao entered the toilet and did not come out.

When the drug's effect broke out, he was about to break the door forcibly.

In fact, Chen Li had already taken a fancy to Ye Xiao a long time ago, and that's why this round was set.

After knocking on the door a few times, Ye Xiao did not open the door.

He just broke in.

Seeing Ye Xiao actually call, he rushed in and grabbed the phone to hang up.

Then grabbed Ye Xiao's hand and dragged her out.

Seeing Ye Xiao's delicate body, he hugged Ye Xiao directly.

Because Ye Xiao was drugged, her body was very soft, and she couldn't resist at all.

At this moment, she was completely desperate.

Ye Xiao was pulled into the box by tension.

At this time, several cousins ​​were taken advantage of.

Even some clothes were torn.

However, although a few people are very clear-headed, they only have a place to be slaughtered.

If things develop like this, they are all over.

Zhang Li pulled Ye Xiao into the private room.

Although Ye Xiao wanted to resist, but there was nothing to do.

But at this moment.

With a bang, the door outside was kicked open.

Huang Daqiang, the owner of the Golden Hotel, rushed in with some people.

"Don't move, whoever dares to move, I will kill him."

Huang Daqiang looked at several people with cold expressions.

He looked at everyone with cold eyes and asked, "Who is Ye Xiao?"

Ye Xiao was overjoyed when he saw someone saving him.

"it's me."

Ye Xiao pushed the man beside him and walked over.

But just after two steps, he fell to the ground as soon as he softened.

Huang Daqiang's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Your parents have not hurriedly helped Miss Ye to the sofa."

Two security guards ran over and helped Ye Xiao up.

Huang Daqiang walked up to Zhang Li and said coldly: "You guys are quite courageous. You dare to play with my friend's sister so you can die."

Zhang Li shuddered in fright: "Boss Huang, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"Boss Huang, my father is Zhang Yue. We have eaten together before."

Zhang Li was really scared this time.

Huang Daqiang is very powerful, and he is notoriously ruthless on the road.

His father didn't fart at all in front of Boss Huang.

Zhang Li has already investigated, and Ye Xiao has no background.

What's the matter with the big brother's friend.

Zhang Lichang's bowels are all regretful. If he knew Ye Chen's background, he would not provoke a big man like Ye Chen anyway.

Now not only is he going to be unlucky, but he may even hurt his father.

Zhang Li knelt on the ground and couldn't help but kowtow to admit his mistake.

Huang Daqiang originally wanted to directly destroy the other party.

But thinking of what Sun Tao said, Bin Bin upgraded Shanzi to make a decision.

Huang Daqiang said with a cold face: "Your parents, come here too."

Several other people also came to Huang Daqiang tremblingly.

These people knelt on the ground obediently and slapped themselves.

After all, Zhang Li is in Huang Daqiang obediently kowtow, they are nothing. The newest chapter address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: The full text of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning to read the address: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group: opening selection of the president of the billionaire group mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 983 was rescued). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundred Millions Group", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (