Self-cultivation of the Exorcist

Chapter 115: Get off again


When the lighter fell on only half of the scarecrow, it was instantly ignited along with the remaining human skin.

This is why Du Wei didn't put it in the backpack at the beginning.

The flames are burning.

The flame with the evil spirit as the burning object showed a strange crimson color, and the light directly forced a large shadow back, and even the nun could only take a step back.

In an instant, Du Wei felt that his stiff body had returned to normal.

There are still 34 seconds, and the bus is slowly stopping.

Du Wei didn't get out of the car immediately, he stood in front of the rear door, looking at the nun coldly.

He is blocking the door, to make sure that the nun can stay on the bus and let her die by the rules.

But half of the scarecrow's body was originally not big, and the form of its existence was very strange. After the flame was ignited, it burned very quickly.

Fortunately, relatively speaking, the faster it burns, the greater the fire, and the farther the nun is from the rear door.

In this case, Du Wei did not need to consider whether he would die at the hands of a nun.

He even reached out and picked up the lighter and put it in his pocket.

The sound of the rain mixed with the wind slapped Du Wei's back and quickly wetted his back. A cold and sticky feeling made him quite uncomfortable.

When he just rushed to the rear door, Yu Guang glanced at the situation outside...

It's the continuous wheat field, not the school...

"It seems that my luck is pretty good."

Du Wei stared at the nun, and finished speaking in a cold voice, and like self-suggestion, he said to it: "I will go back alive. Before that, I will completely solve you, and the curse on me will also So weakened for a while."

After speaking, he took out the only remaining bottle of holy water from his pocket and prepared for the next step.

In fact, when he first came into contact with things like holy water, Du Wei felt that the church's use was too low-end.

Even if it is put in a water gun, it is much more efficient to deal with evil spirits.

But when he faced the evil spirits later, he found that it didn't make much sense.

The amount of holy water sprayed by the water gun at one time is limited, and the damage to the evil spirits is basically the same as tickling, and sometimes, the evil spirits will suddenly attack and even affect the human body.

For example, the invisible evil spirit could not be found in the state of spiritual vision. If it were not on the bus, Du Wei would probably have died in its hands.

The holy water in the glass bottle has an advantage, that is, when the danger comes, as long as you let go, the holy water will flow out after the glass bottle falls on the ground and breaks.

In this way, you may be able to save your life at a critical moment.

While thinking of this, Du Wei was also calculating time in his heart.

Before 12 o'clock, there are less than 20 seconds.

In the bus, abnormal changes have begun to occur-this is the rule that will definitely die if you don't get off the bus at 12 o'clock.

At that time, Andrew Dawquet left a message in that booklet before he died.

The content is: He feels that he is becoming a part of the bus.

It can be understood as being swallowed...

Du Wei squinted his eyes, and suddenly there was an unfounded fear in his heart, not psychological, but physical instinct.

It's as if there is an inexplicable connection between myself and the bus, but this connection is malicious.

He is being gradually devoured...

But this situation has only just appeared, and it is not yet obvious.

But the nun in the middle of the bus suddenly changed.

As if it had been burned by fire, the originally gray skin was rapidly turning black, as if it had been carbonized, it gradually cracked.

Its eyes also seem to have lost water, gradually shrinking and cracking.

At the same time, an extremely suppressed bitterness permeated the carriage.

There are still 10 seconds to reach 12 o'clock, but half of the scarecrow's body is almost burned out, and the flame is gradually shrinking.


Du Wei's pupils shrank, there was a sharp buzzing sound in his ears that he hadn't seen for a long time, and a strong tingling sensation came from his heart.

This kind of pain only appears in the first and second stages of spiritual vision.

When Du Wei entered the third stage of Lingshi, it had disappeared, but now it appeared again, and it was even more painful.

Psychologically, he can maintain absolute rationality and calmness, but physiological feedback cannot be controlled.

At this moment, Du Wei even felt his heart beating violently, the blood seemed to boil, and the sight in front of him was gradually covered with blood.

Click...a sound.

In the mask on Du Wei's face, a crack gradually opened up, from the position of the right eye diagonally downward, until the position of the chin, there was a crisp cracking sound.

The mask is the best thing Du Wei currently uses to deal with evil spirits.

Not only can it resist the evil spirits, but after wearing it, it will also give you the identity of an evil spirit, which must not be destroyed by this.

So Du Wei slammed the glass bottle containing holy water on the ground fiercely.

With a snap...

Debris splashed everywhere.

Du Wei gritted his teeth and forcibly controlled his body. When he fell backward, he fell out of the bus.

The rain fell on him, and the air was extremely humid.

But at the same time he came out, the nun also appeared at the back door, looking at him condescendingly.

5 seconds left...

Du Wei slammed out the silver cross dagger of Andrew Dawquet with his left hand, and without taking it out, he threw it towards the Then, he took out the ring with his right hand...

But the nun's foot has already stepped out, and she will be able to step out in the next second. There will be no rules and restrictions at that time.

"I still have a chance..."

This thought flashed in Du Wei's mind, he stood up directly, holding the ring in his evil right hand, and pasted it towards the nun.

Block the door...

The nun paused and stretched out her hand to Du Wei.

This scene looks like a man who proposes, handing a wedding ring to the most beloved woman...

But at this moment, the nun suddenly trembled all over, split her mouth, and made an extremely sharp sound.

This kind of sound is not like what a person's vocal cords can produce, it's strange and penetrating.

Seeing this, Du Wei suddenly flashed a trace of clarity in his eyes, and immediately backed away.

Next second!

The doors were closed, and the entire bus was replaced by darkness.




The sound was huge, as if the nun was violently hitting the car door.

After being possessed, the evil spirit is powerful and terrifying.

The evil spirit Du Wei can even hold Harry's collar with one hand and hold it high.

The nun was also attached to Marilyn Manson's body. It crashed so wildly, but there was no sign of the bus being shaken, as if it wasn't in this space.

Du Wei looked at the bus stiffly, but he didn't notice anything under his spiritual vision.

I can't see what happened to the nun inside, but it must be the most terrifying sight.

The seemingly unremarkable, old-style bus is actually more terrifying than all the evil spirits Du Wei has seen so far.

This thing is specifically aimed at evil spirits...