Self-cultivation of the Exorcist

Chapter 205: Raise it

In the house.

Du Wei picked up the Joker card that he had thrown away on the ground again.

He looked at himself in a tuxedo on the card, beside his leg, the wolf hiding in the dark had opened its blood basin and would bite it down at any time.

"It seems that next time I use this Joker card for a gambling game, the evil spirits will do it on me."

Although the voice was flat, it revealed unspeakable fatigue.

The first clown card is very helpful every time you use it.

But with the increasing number of uses, its hidden dangers have quietly emerged.

Du Wei has two Joker cards.

Each one has a part of evil spirits.

This one representing the gambling game has reached a critical point.

In other words.

As long as Du Wei uses it again, the evil spirits will begin to devour it, and there will be a situation that Father Tony once said.

That is-become part of the evil spirit.

Silently stuffed the joker card into the wallet.

Du Wei cleaned up the room, and didn't care about the squirming balloon fragments scattered on the ground.

The red balloon seems to be Pennywise's medium.

But even after the gambling round was over, it was about to get the antique clock but it was blown up, and it was still not completely dead.

Things like evil spirits are completely idealistic.

As long as the balloon recovers, it will continue to exist.

But it is too weak now, even if it recovers as before, it still has no ability to leave home.

Du Wei will not be afraid of it, and it will not be able to gain strength and become stronger.

This is very unsolvable.

In the past, Du Wei was surrounded by evil spirits and fell into a very incomprehensible situation. If he was careless, he would die without a place to bury him.

But now.

It turned out that Pennywise was targeted by Du Wei and fell into a more incomprehensible situation.


ten minutes later.

Du Wei cleaned the house.

At this time, the red balloon also returned to its original appearance, but it seemed to have shrunk, a full circle smaller than before.

Under the state of spiritual vision.

Du Wei could hardly feel any abnormality, as if it was indeed just an ordinary red balloon.

"Keep it at home first... Maybe it can play a role in the future."

When Du Wei said so, he took the red balloon and walked up to his attic.


And this time.

At the New York Police Department.

Officer Tom received a call from the police in Dray Town.

He cursed with an uncomfortable face: "Fuck! I have already said that Dr. Du Wei is our best friend of the New York police. The staff in Dray Town will give feedback on things in Dray Town. Don't bother me again, OK? "

On the other end of the phone, the police in Derui Town said helplessly: "But three students were frightened, and the parents insisted on us to give an explanation."

Tom said coldly: "What? What? Do they have direct evidence to prove that this is related to Dr. Du Wei? This is unreasonable harassment!"

The other party asked: "Then how can I comfort them?"

Tom disdainfully said: "Do you still want me to tell you what to do with this kind of thing? Or do you think you are not suitable for this business? If this is the case, then I only suggest Li to resign immediately, thank you!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time.

One of his subordinates knocked on the door.


Tom said without looking back: "Please come in."

The subordinate opened the door and hurriedly said: "Head, the police at Essegrin have found some special information, I think you should take a look."

Heard this.

Tom raised his head and looked at him, his expression serious.

The matter of Vaderism is currently not only handled by the church.

Officials have defined it as a vicious case, which is resolved by Essegrin and the police in New York, so the data and information on both sides are shared.

Tom took the documents from his subordinates.

When you open it, the eye is eye-catching: the title of the fire incident in the 1994 Maria Maternity Hospital in Essegrain.

Immediately, Tom frowned and began to examine it carefully.

His subordinate explained next: "Head, the police in Essegrin investigated the birth population information form of the same year based on Joanna’s date of birth, but found that in the same year, there was a fire incident in the local Maria Hospital. Many medical staff and pregnant women with babies died in the fire that year."

Tom looked at the file and said displeasedly: "Why is such an important thing, I only know now, did the **** on Etheglin grow up eating shit?"

The subordinate explained: "The head... this kind of thing is rather bad in nature, so it was suppressed, um... you should understand."

Tom snorted to express his dissatisfaction. He asked with a calm face, "So, they suspect that this fire was intentional, and Joanna was the baby who was supposed to be buried in the fire?"

The subordinate replied: "They are indeed so suspicious, but at present we can only find Joanna's genetic sample, that is, for the time being, it is only suspicious."

Genetic comparison is the best way to determine a person’s identity.

But newborn babies rarely do gene backups, and the technology at that time is not universal.

Tom said without hesitation: "Let them contact those who lost their children. You can try Joanna's genetic sampling to investigate her real parents."

"Also, archive all the newborns who died in that fire, and investigate some newborn data from Essegrin and New York in the same year, to see how many lunatics of Vinda taught that they found out how much they resembled Joanna. Such poor people."

The subordinate immediately said: "Okay head! I will do it now."

As he said, the subordinate hesitated again, looked at his boss's haggard face, and gritted his teeth.

"Head, you have only slept for an average of three hours a day these days. If you continue like this, you will be overwhelmed..."

Tom waved his hand and said, pointing to his dark circles and said disdainfully, "That's why you can only be a subordinate, and I am the boss."

Before getting to know Du Wei, during the period when he often went to the red light district, he basically went to work as usual from the beginning of get off work to the next day.

It's just two or three hours of sleep a day, which has no effect on Tom at all.

He is still full of energy.


It was more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

Furman District.

Carrying the insulation box in his hand, Du Wei took out the key from his pocket and opened the door of Alex's house.

Since the relationship was completely determined yesterday.

Alex gave him the spare key of the house.

This represents trust as soon as you enter the door.

I saw Alex lying on the sofa, browsing some web pages in front of the laptop.

Seeing Du Wei coming in, Alex turned his head and said lazily, "Baby, how did you arrive? If I hadn't called you just now, I guess you will have a while."

Du Wei hurriedly apologized: "I went to deal with some things in the morning so it was delayed. Don't be angry."

Alex curled his lips, noticed Du Wei was carrying the thermal insulation box, and asked in surprise: "What did you bring me?"

"When I came, I thought you should have not eaten, so I made a portion for you by the way."

As Du Wei said, he walked to her and sat down.

Alex's beautiful eyes lit up, but he still snorted: "If you can cancel the term by the way, maybe I will be very moved."

As she said, she leaned on Du Wei's shoulder and kissed gently.