Self-cultivation of the Exorcist

Chapter 238: How many evil spirits have I pitted?

10 o'clock in the morning.

   Du Wei took the other exorcists all the way to the hospital.

  Find Slivika’s ward.

   After opening the door.

   saw a doctor doing an examination, and Bishop Jon stood by.

   He saw Du Wei and others arrive, and immediately made a hissing gesture.

   Du Wei and the others stood at the door and closed the door easily.

   It took a while.

   The door of the ward was opened again.

   The doctor wore a mask, glanced at Du Wei and others, especially on Du Wei's body, and stayed for a while.

   "Sir, there seems to be something wrong with your mental state."

   The doctor's qualification certificate hanging on his chest says psychiatry.

   Obviously, he is a psychiatrist.

   The difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is that the former mainly contacts patients with serious mental problems, while the latter contacts less serious patients.

   can be seen as a partial overlap.

   Du Wei raised his eyebrows when he heard the psychiatrist's words: "I haven't had a good rest recently, and my energy is more tight. Of course you are too."

The other party shrugged, turned his head and said to Bishop Jon who closed the door: "Mr. Slivica's condition is probably like this. I can't be sure when he will wake up. The suggestion is to get a brain CT first. Mental disorders may also be caused by problems in the nervous system."

   Jon's face was a little gloomy: "I see, I will trouble you."

   "Don't be too polite, after all, I am a doctor, and you have already paid for it, so you can say anything."

   After speaking, the psychiatrist turned and left. Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Du Wei again.

   I don’t know why, he always feels that this man’s temperament makes people fearful...

   can happen, and feel very safe.

   is like what is described in a textbook, that kind of psychiatrist and psychologist with current problems is always covered with a layer of disguise, extremely rational and self-control.

   After the doctor leaves.

   Jon waved his hand at the other exorcists, and then said to Du Wei: "Let's go to the side and talk."

   said, he walked into the corridor.

   Du Wei stood beside him, and the two walked side by side.

   "Now Slivika may become a vegetable. I don't know how to explain to his children and his wife..."

   Jon's voice was a little low, and his words also revealed fatigue and frustration.

   Du Wei thought for a while, and said in a soft tone: "Actually, you don't need to inform them now, wait until the cause of the disease comes out and look at it later, maybe there will be a turnaround."

"hope so……"

   Jon shook his head, and said solemnly: "Okay, let's talk about the passage. What happened to you inside?"

Du Wei hummed, and said calmly: "That passage has the power to distort people's spirit, and the more you walk in, the easier it is to be distorted. At the top of the passage, there is a vague outline of a human face, which affects Slivika was lost, and he was covered with a gray mist."

   "It's kind of like being possessed by an evil spirit, and then Slivika attacked me, so I fired a shot."

   Jon thought for a while and said, "But you are fine from start to finish, why is this?"

   Du Wei explained: "When the evil spirits, I will not have negative emotions such as fear, and always remain rational and calm, so those things are not effective for me."

   Jon suddenly said: "I probably know something about hunters, so is this your advantage against evil spirits? It would be great if every exorcist had this ability."

Du Wei said indifferently: "That's not a good thing, and that is, the fuzzy outline of the human face seems to affect people's thinking, because at that time Slivika told me that he saw the Lord, but the Lord he described Just like Mary Shaw."

   Jon squinted his eyes: "It's fear..."

   Du Wei said: "Yes, then there is a gap in the innermost part of the passage. Through that gap, I saw a school, which was full of evil spirits."

   "However, those evil spirits couldn't see Slivika and I. After analyzing it, I was able to determine that the reason was related to the door."

   heard this.

   Jon looked and thought, recalling the killing mechanism of evil spirits circulating in the church.

   Then, he made a judgment: "Because the door has not been opened, the evil spirit does not intersect with reality."

Du Wei replied: "There is this reason, but I suspect that those evil spirits existed ten years ago, including the school. Once the door is opened, they will come out of the passage, so I filled the entire basement. "

   "But before, the door was locked. Obviously someone knows this. The church has to check this."

   Jon agreed and said: "It is indeed necessary to check, but fortunately you have sealed the basement, otherwise, once someone opens the door, I can't imagine how terrible things will happen after the evil spirits come out."

   "The evil spirit of a school...I am afraid that thousands of people will die..."

   When it came to this, Jon's tone was very helpless.

   He clearly knows that once this happens, the church must send hunters to solve it, and all hunters must be dispatched.

   The hunters of the church have basically reached the tipping point, and they are no longer different from the evil spirits.

  In other words, it might make things worse.

   Hear the words.

   Du Wei was also a little depressed. Although the door and basement were sealed by himself, in fact, the evil spirits and reality are actually connected.

   Because there is another weird bus.

   school is one of its stopping points, evil spirits can take a bus, although they have to go back.

   But sometimes, someone gets in the car.

   When I got on the bus for the first time, a black man lost his sense of autonomy and walked in step by step. The school was covered by heavy rain, and only the outline of the school...

   Besides, nine other student evil spirits were trapped into Massas by themselves...

   The more Du Wei thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

   It seems that from the beginning to the present there are more and more evil spirits who have hatred with them. Although there are many solutions, it is a cycle of evil spirits.

   is like borrowing a debt. Although you can repay the debt, the more you borrow, the more you borrow.

   "I can't remember how many evil spirits I have pitted..."

   This sentence is what Du Wei said in his heart.

   After returning to New York, he intends to record the evil spirits he has encountered to remind himself that there are hidden dangers.

   At this time.

   Jon said suddenly: "By the way, Mr. Du Wei, Slivika will stay in the hospital for a while, and the church will send a special person to take care of him. In the afternoon, we will fly to the church headquarters."

   An inexplicable color flashed under Du Wei's eyes: "I'm looking forward to it."

   Jon shook his head: "It may be a little troublesome, but someone at the church takes you seriously, by the way...Father Tony also knows that you have become a hunter..."

Speaking of this, Jon’s expression is a bit strange: "And he bowed his head to Mrs. Senna to help you, plus the internal evaluation of you in the church has been very good, and your girlfriend, which is really an enviable relationship. ..."

   Du Wei frowned, and immediately took out his phone.

  He suddenly realized a problem. He hasn't called Alex to report his safety today...


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