Sell Evil

Chapter 11: capital

Tianyi doesn't seem to have any opinion on the consultant's attitude, but just calmly said, "Speak slowly, sit first."

坐 "Sit on your face?" The consultant naturally observed the surrounding environment when he entered the room. Obviously, there was no other seat in the bookstore except for a sofa chair occupied by Tianyi.

With a long sigh of relief, he actually stood up, walked into the door behind him, took out another sofa chair from the bedroom that was more messy than outside, rested on the opposite side of the desk, and returned to his own On the seat, he said again, "Sit."

The consultant crawled through the messy pile of books, sat facing each other, and repeated the purpose of his trip again: "You owe me 300,000 things, and still have impressions."

Xi Tian said: "Let's owe it first."

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill my face?" The consultant's tone was loose and usual, but it wasn't a joke.

Xi Tian smiled unwillingly: "Do you want something to drink?"

For consultants, there are three possibilities for the appearance of such a smile, sorted in descending order of possibility: first, this person named Tianyi is strong and fearless; second, Tianyi has full confidence , I won't really do it myself; third, this product is not afraid of death.

All thoughts were done in just one second, and the consultant still seemed to be indifferent: "Tomato juice."

"Do you think there will be such things in my shop?"

"What do you have?"


"anything else?"


"I see, I can just drink water."

"No, you don't understand, only coffee."

"Do you make coffee without water?"

"The last bit of drinking water was used to cook the last pot half an hour ago, and now only tap water, you should not be interested."

所以 "So you only have coffee as a drink."


"You asked me what I wanted to drink just now, as if I have many choices."

"Blutter out of politeness."

This time, the counselor sighed, "Okay, coffee."

Wu Tian immediately said: "The pot is over there, and you pour it."

The consultant wanted to lift the table as soon as he heard the words, but he resisted. He got up and walked two steps, took the coffee pot, poured himself a cup, and just lowered the pot in his hand. Tianyi said, "By the way Bring me a cup too. "

The consultant really poured him a cup. He put two cups on the table and sat back in his seat. "Since you invited me here, there must be something about me."

Wu Tian said together: "Yes, first, the first step ..." He changed the two cups on the table: "The cup that you spit out for you."

Consultant deliberately covered the action with his body when he was doing this. He didn't expect to be discovered by Tianyi, but after being exposed, he didn't react much, just saying, "What about the second step?"

Wu Tian together: "What I want to talk about is cooperation."

"Do you mean criminal counseling?" The counselor said: "I can consider this. Personally I suggest you go for robbery, the amount is preferably more than 300,000. In addition, this consultation has to be charged separately."

Tong Tian said together, "I don't mean making a plan on one or two things, but long-term cooperation."

The consultant said, "Oh? How long does it mean? One month? Two months? I plan a case for no more than five days. After the plan is formulated, I rarely participate personally from preparation to implementation. If you have a long term Cooperation means constant crimes within a certain period of time. I do have a European marathon bank chain sweeping plan, and that thing does require some degree of contingency ... "

"I noticed that while you were testing DeWitt, you were also revising your plan at any time." Tianyi interrupted.

The consultant said: "This test is private work. But business is business. From the perspective of the tobacco club's commission, the result is doomed."

所以 "So you killed Joseph Lucches." God together.

哦 "Oh? Do you know such things?" Said the consultant.

Tianyi randomly took the book from the bookshelf behind him and threw it to him: "You look at it first, you will understand after a while." He took a sip of coffee: "While you analyze the authenticity of this book, I said Two sentences. "

"In January, you made a plan for the Governor of the HL North Division II, Jim Malone, to win the Governor's seat. You also used your contacts to match him with Silver Shadow and carefully deployed. Do After that, you get paid and stay away.

In terms of your ability to do business, it is not difficult to obtain the information of the empire, so you must have checked the blood crickets when planning for Ma Long. But I'm pretty sure that you haven't seen the blood cricket himself. Your understanding of him should be based on HL's "Dangerous Four Criminals". In other words, it still stays in the impression of the murderer in the "Middle Scarlet Midnight" incident.

So your plan failed. "

The consultant quickly flipped through the book in his hand, without raising his eyelids, but replied indifferently: "Occasionally, this kind of thing happens, and the incompetence of the performer leads to failure, which is inevitable."

Tian smiled: "Hmm ... there's some truth in what you said, yes, your plan has no loopholes, but the reason for the failure, you can't blame Malone or Yinying's head. Because you all committed it Same error. "

The consultant is still turning the book. He has read nearly half of the book, quickly digesting information in his mind, analyzing various possibilities, but the dialogue with Tianyi is still clear-cut: "You want to say that I do n’t have enough estimates of the strength of the blood pupa ? The original data did not record his ability level at all, and the worst case I predicted was 'fierce.' After the conflict with Steel Discipline in January, although they launched a guy named Faro to the outside world Hero, but the internal intelligence of HL shows that the main actor who calmed down the situation was a policeman named Luo Nice, known as a paper man. And the empire also updated some evaluations of the blood sacrifice since then, which verified my It is estimated that he is indeed a ferocious ability.

My plan is based on this. Malone has a strong hand from Yinying to help out. The enemy is in the dark. He is in the dark. When necessary, he can mobilize the local army. Both the paper man and the Faro can be used. Object. With so many combat powers, is it really impossible to kill a single-strength solitary fighter? If you give me these conditions, the success rate will be 99%. "

Wu Tian together: "Back to the previous topic, if you cooperate for a long time, you can get these conditions."

"Oh, that's it ..." The consultant closed the book and put it back on the table: "Suppose you now have a device or ability that can interpret human thought. Then you throw out a sentence like this. Huh ... in my opinion You just want to engage in resistance organizations. Let me just say that this is not the first time I have received such an invitation. What is your 'condition'? Hundreds of thousands of believers? How many states and counties? Or how many? A factory that produces weapons at the speed of sausage production? "

Listening to the other person's apparent disdain, Tianyi is very happy: "Very well, it seems that you do not take into account the question of 'how many people' and 'how many guns', that is really not important."

Tong Tian together: "At this stage, in terms of materiality, I have this bookstore."

"Hah, I hope you have enough coffee." The consultant was tepid.

Wu Tian said again and again, "The book you just read is not a capability, it is indeed a device, and this bookstore records the scientific system and the complete system for manufacturing this device."

The consultant's expression changed for the first time after entering the bookstore due to the language of the other party: "This is probably the most exciting lie I have ever heard."

Xu Tian repeatedly sipped two coffees, and then said, "In terms of manpower, a guy who has been confirmed and can cooperate or use it, one is called Zuodao. I think you have heard of him more or less."

"Ah ... the father of contemporary false documents, ridiculous, absolutely arrogant ..." the consultant answered.

"There is also another person named‘ Accounting ’who is also very rare.”

The consultant said: "Slightly heard."

"The world's most outstanding craftsman and the most annoying idiot ..." Tian Yi pointed to a row of bookshelves in the corner: "hidden into the subspace with bookmarks, he couldn't run anyway."

"Why did he hide?"

He Tianyi replied: "The guy he hid has confirmed to be a mate, with loyal quality, reliable strength, and half man and half ghost. I will introduce it to you someday."

"You are really strong and strong." The consultant also took a sip of coffee, as if he became more and more interested.

Tong Tian together: "At the start of the plan, three people were not confirmed. These three people are the key people and one is indispensable."

The consultant didn't interrupt, he looked forward to Tianyi's talk.

Xi Tian smiled: "The first one is you."

"I said I wasn't surprised, but I can listen as a compliment," said the consultant.

"The second one is the **** key."

Adviser Wu said: "Hmm ... then you're going to be disappointed. He has been arrested and thrown into the Tidal Prison. As far as I know, no prisoner has ever escaped Hell Island alive."

"I know all about it, but the third person can help me get God's key out of hell."

I do n’t need to say the name, the consultant has the answer: "You mean that blood cricket?"

正确 "That's correct, but the last time he contacted him, he refused to cooperate, and it seemed that he had to work harder."

"Oh, even if you win, his strength is really amazing?"

Wu Tianyi sneered: "You have to ask him how strong he is, and answer this question first. How do you think his ingenuity ranks on this planet?"

When the consultant just wanted to blurt out the answer, something flashed in his mind, and then he laughed: "Oh ... is the blood cricket so strong?"

Wu Tian together: "In terms of manpower, in the initial stage, this is the case for the time being. Then finally, we talk about material and people, and then talk about intangible assets."

"Ha? What? Ha ha ... Is there any political capital in your body? Is it that kind of? Belief? Doctrine? Or are you the illegitimate child of a royal family?"

Xu Tian shook his head: "It is a banner, silver, with a black reverse cross embroidered on it."

"What's the point?" The consultant asked. UU reading books

"Someday, you will know the answer." This answer is either mysterious or owing, Tianyi is not going to say it anyway.

The consultant stood up and stretched out: "So, what do you want to do with this?"

"Destroy all inherent order and create a new world."

"Okay, okay, besides yourself, let me be counted, you have seven partners, two of them are still hanging. Without a soldier, there is no so-called scientific system, and you want to do it. Well? "Said the consultant." I'll confirm first, this bookstore won't become a giant robot or something, right? "

He Tian said: "No."

"Well, let's go closer. Let's talk about a local government, the local garrison, plus the police, the HL exclusive army, the noble private armed forces, and so on. Those who are capable. Do you think that with the power of eight people, besides the township government office, you can still achieve a higher level of administrative agencies? "After this exit, the consultant suddenly felt a bit strange, why did he help him unconsciously? Tianyi made a plan?

Tian Yi said: "There are still many things to tell you. Don't rush to make a conclusion. The immediate urgency is that we must leave Chicago as soon as possible. The **** owl and the tea fairy will arrive immediately. If they meet directly ... what will happen to the **** owl? Kill you, I can't even imagine it.

As for the tea fairy, for many years he always felt that he was my old enemy. Although he didn't want to admit it, looking at this stupid world, he really wanted to pick a sharp figure from the empire. The dark water is unknown at this stage, if things are not rushed, things will be difficult.

All in all ... Excuse me, close the store door, I'm going to activate the transfer device. "