Sell Evil

Chapter 19: burn one's boats

"Did you pretend that painful expression just now?" Sean asked. //

"Of course, my performance is no worse than those escape masters on TV." Shen Key said with a smile: "After all, they are ordinary people. Some tricks are dangerous to them, but not to me. Trouble. When I was fourteen years old, I had 90% of the escape magic done, and getting out of **** was as common as eating and sleeping.

In my eyes, the experience of dealing with people like you and the risk of fraud in battle is the real death show. "

"What the **** did you do?" Sean regained a little calmness. "Did the escape magic you learned in the circus also be useful in the face of super powers?"

"Hehe ... then you might think of magic too magically. In fact, it's meaningless to say that things are broken. The combination of props and skills is just that.

For example, the magician puts on a restraint, tied it with a chain, and then hangs it upside down, locked in a large coffin full of water on all sides, and adding five or six locks to the outside of the coffin, allowing him to get out of sight ... Do you think this is difficult? I can tell you clearly that most ordinary people can do it as long as they are trained. Because those are skills ... unlocking skills, joint dislocation skills, and vital capacity training ...

It was a show, not a sentence. In general, all props are locked with the same small key. Before the magician comes on stage, the key will be wrapped in a special material and swallowed, or a special fake skin will be hidden under the body. Wire or something. After the escape begins, when the magician does not want the audience to see certain small movements, he will use his own acting skills to cover up, such as spitting out some bubbles, doing large-scale movements, and pretending to be struggling. The purpose is nothing more than It stirs the water or distracts others.

And my painful expression just now is like this performance. If I don't make that look, I put on a calm look of "I can hold my breath for half an hour". Focus on cracking your abilities, and you won't relax your vigilance and think you are in control. "

"Understood ... you got yourself five minutes through a so-called show in front of me." Sean said: "Okay. It's worthy of praise. So, what's the situation changed next? I can give you another one. Zhang Wang. No ... countless Zhang Nets, and this time, I will interrupt your hands and feet during your struggling time. "When he said this, he was already in action.

In this narrow metal path. Sean's ability advantage is obvious. As long as he has enough time, he can even turn a closed environment into his own nest. At any time, he can use the nearby energy cobwebs to help him. These generated cobwebs are It does not disappear immediately and can be kept in physical form for a considerable period of time.

"It's boring, don't you think. Faced with the same kind of lock. Will I spend the same time as the first time when I solve the second pass?" Shen Key said.

Obviously, this meant something, but Sean couldn't take care of it anyway. His ability was released outside the house.

The thick and tough cobweb once again surrounded the **** key. Wrapped in several layers this time, these nets can be clearly seen with the naked eye. But God's Key hardly moved. As before, these cobwebs became fragile on their own. The loss of life is usually loose, or even broken into a fine powder. This process is only a few seconds, and it is impossible to form an effective bond to the **** key.

"Now there is no Hades fog, and I am not the prisoner wearing the bracelet." God Key said: "I used the 'lock' on the absolute shadow, otherwise you are long gone. Even if only ' It's enough to restrain your cobwebs. Hmm ... give up, Sean. I don't want to kill you, make way. "

Shen Key's tone is very confident. In fact, he is bluffing. As he said, this is a "death show", and the acting trick that deceives the opponent is also one of the fighting methods. He is a heterogeneous person, so the other party can't understand his depth, so he still has a high chance of success.

In fact, God's Key is now in a very dangerous situation. As mentioned earlier, the ability of Divine Key is divided into "lock" and "solution", and the energy form is divided into "rigid" and "flexible". Changing the different energy forms to use the power will have different effects. After entering Tiandu, God's Key “locked” himself. Of course, the lock at this time will not limit his strength, and can help him immune to the lord's remote suppression.

But later, ‘lock’ was used on Jingying. Since only one target can be locked at a time, God Key can only use ‘solution’ to deal with the battle with Sean. And the God Key cannot be like a blood pupa, and can only protect itself from the influence of the lord by relying only on its overwhelming energy. At this moment, the **** key must keep his energy form as a soft form focusing on defense, and always leave a certain base force to prevent the lord's long-range attack.

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, even if Sean gives up the ability to use force to break the power and fight with the **** key to a fierce level of power, it is a proper way to win, with physical and energy suppression. Take the absolute advantage.

"Don't dream, God Key." Sean said, "Want me to let you go? Huh ... I don't care if your ability restrains me. If you want to destroy the core of power, just walk over my body. At this point, Sean knows the stakes. If the city ’s power source is destroyed, at least half of the defensive weapons will fail as soon as the Freedom Front and Xingtian ’s army arrive. Live ammunition. Without the protection of a one-way defensive force field, those facilities that fire live ammunition will not be able to resist before it will be all over.

At this time, God's key moved.

Now that you have to do it, start with the strong one first, and the shape of the body appears, and the light of energy flows through your fingers.

Sean retreated several times, and couldn't wait to avoid this blow. Only by this move, he saw the clue: "Ha! It really is a bluff, this imminent attack is a manifestation of your invincibility! "

He was about to kill him, hit the **** key to spit blood, and then, who would have thought, the amazing upheaval happened at this moment.

In this second, by accident, the whole day suddenly shook, and the east wing of the city actually sank a few moments, causing the entire floating island to tilt to a certain degree in that direction, and after this blow, The suspension function on the east side of the island has obviously been damaged, and the sky is descending at an extremely slow speed ...

Everyone in the city who has a certain sense on the energy level is shocked. Because they all understand that the destructive power of this attack comes from a certain ability.

"Are you kidding ..." Sean looked startled. He knows that this is definitely not the work of a few people over the blood, and the position is not right, but he really does not know who else can do this?

"That's fine, it seems I don't have to step over your body." Shen Key said, "No matter who it is. If he does this a few more times, it doesn't matter whether the core of the power is running or not. The whole island is It could be broken. "

"Asshole! This is what your associates did!" Sean turned his head: "Anyway, I'll fix you here ..."

"I have something to go first!" When Shen Key's words were passed into Sean's ears, he was already running in the opposite direction. The cobweb couldn't stop him at all. In just a few seconds, God Key decided to give up and go to the core of power. If Sean came after him, he would play hide-and-seek with Sean below the floating island, but he could not escape.

"Damn ..." Sean whispered and thought for a few seconds. He decided to give up the pursuit and go to the east side of the island to see what happened. Play cat-and-mouse here with such a cunning guy as God Key. I'm afraid there will be no results after playing the island.


Tiandu, floating island surface.

The three men who were besieging the blood sacrifice all stopped the siege at the moment when the incline occurred. The blood sacrifice was advancing and retreating freely. There was still room for effort. After seeing this, he did not entangle. Exited the war.

"This energy ... what is it ..." Jefferson looked to the east, very close to the moment of sunrise. In the twilight sky, a black awn rose. Form a towering sky of dark light.

The monstrous evil energy burst out, and the air became heavier. At this moment, some instincts of the capable people were awakened, as if there were natural enemies approaching themselves, a dangerous atmosphere, a desperate sense of oppression and existence. My heart rises.

After absorbing more than a hundred abilities, Chaos finally began to reveal its horror.

At the same time, the east side of the city.

The pavement and buildings in this area have been completely destroyed, thunder fire fell into the cracks on the ground, a large piece of clothing on his chest was soaked with blood spit by himself, and his chest was violently undulating. From his breath, his The lungs were obviously badly damaged.

On the side of King Kong, the skin on his entire body was covered with fine cracks, and he looked like a piece of porcelain glued by glue. At this moment he was desperately picking up metal fragments on the ground, chewing and swallowing.

The paper man flew in the air, but he was not hurt, but his half of the face still had expression, and his face was as pale as the destroyed half, because he had witnessed a master such as Jason Luka, The respectable governor, mentor, and friend, was swallowed by a huge black ancient snake, lost his life sign, and fell into the dark abyss.

He shook out his communicator and said, "I'm Colonel Ness. All the soldiers and commanders who heard this, please listen to me. I'm on the east side of the line of defense. District, I ask everyone, please note that it is everyone, regardless of your rank, whatever status, who wants to live, do not approach here. Go immediately to evacuate civilians, all troops retreat, and try to notify the lord and Jingying two chiefs to I'm here ... "He suppressed the mood swing, finished the sentence, and then threw the communicator.

"You're quite dutiful, hehehe ... hiss ..." Mirror face, no, Samer said.

"I just gave this last order for Luca." The paper man replied in a cold tone: "If it was me, he would do the same." He said, tearing open his face The paper bandage revealed the half of the **** face. In fact, his wound had already healed and the skin had grown out, but there were scars on his face, and there was almost no smooth skin.

"You are wrong, monster. I am not a due diligence person. I do not follow rules and I am not good at communicating with people. In most cases, I only bring trouble to my superiors and fellow robes." Zhixia said; "I never wanted to When I am Colonel Lott Ness, I am me, Paper Man. "The paper around him limped, surrounded by:" Duty, justice, revenge, anger ... I am always looking for a battle Reason, or a conviction that I can carry through, but at this moment, I found out that the original blood is right. "With the words of the paper man, the paper around him suddenly turned into a giant hand, stretched out Forefinger pointed to Samer: "The reason to go to his mother! Kill me and kill me. It's what I want to peel you off!"

"Hehe ... I remember when you were in the magic city, you appeared at the door of Tianyi's bookstore. At that time, your ability made me remember it so far, hiss ... Now that you want to die, I'll do it. However, you have to surrender your abilities before you die. "Samael didn't care about the fierce murderousness of the paper man, and laughed at it.

The paper man didn't say much anymore anymore, using paper as wings, dived away. Behind him was a mass of paper that gradually gathered. Visual inspection, these papers should be stacked in the hundreds of cubic meters. At this moment, the paper man is letting his ability to move with his heart, imitating thousands of realms. The paper seems to be scattered and disorderly, and the paper rolls away. In fact, each piece has a close relationship with the controller. The power is amazing, even if it is one of them. A piece of confetti. It can also be divided into gold split stones.

The two men on the ground free front were beaten by Samuel just now. But after two minutes of rest, he finally came to breathe.

"Hey ... whether we help him or not, if he hangs up, it will be a matter of time before we are eaten by that monster." Though Lei Huo said so, he himself was not sure whether he could fight with his current injuries. .

"Of course I want to help, but I can't count on you." King Kong looked very calm when he answered.

"What did you say!" Lei Huo thought the other party was mocking again. I just wanted to snoring, but saw King Kong's actions different.

I saw King Kong reaching into his third rib. Through the rocky skin, pulled out a flat leather bag. Two glass test tubes were inserted into the bag. Thunderfire was the first time that this guy's steel skin could be stored.

"This is a small gift given to us by Xing Tian. Before he came out, Mr. Berg quietly gave it to me." King Kong said, throwing two test tubes with liquids into the mouth together with the bag, swallowing it and swallowing it Already.

"Dou Shen wine?" Lei Huo exclaimed: "Hey! Wait! One is for me!"

"Berg asked me to keep it and decide when and how to use these two standard doses of Doosan." King Kong looked back at Thunderfire and said, "Do you know why he didn't give it to you? Because you are too impulsive to think about things. Well thought out ... this problem is best to change in the future. "

What Thunderfire heard from King Kong's words, this kind of self-supporting FLAG line is not a good sign.

"Let's go, Thunderfire, your current situation, it shouldn't be a problem to escape from the sea to Tenchu." King Kong said, "If the paper knight and I can't win, we won't miss your shot."

Thunderfire stood up and stepped forward to grab King Kong's neckline: "Asshole! Why did you distribute the Dou Shen wine so much? Look down on me, do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"What are you talking about!" King Kong took a backhand and grabbed it, holding Thunder's neck in one arm and seizing it in his hand: "Do you want to propose to Gris after the war? Oh ... don't show that kind of surprise In addition to her, even the guards at the main gate of the council know this. ”He raised his arm.“ The second place to save you is mainly for my partner. ”King Kong has turned and pointed away. The gap in the wall: "Live well, thunder, live till the end of the war, and witness for me the new world for those who have died." Then, he politely pushed the thunder fire's body toward the eastern sky. Throw.

Thunderfire was also helpless. He felt that the energy of King Kong experienced an explosive increase after drinking a double dose of Dou Shen wine. He must turn his body into a thunderbolt at this moment, and then recover after the acceleration process, because that surge The accelerating force of the flesh is really unbearable. He understood that it was clearly King Kong was driving him away.

Due to the extremely fast speed, after King Kong waved his arm, Thunderfire turned into Lei Ya and was generally thrown out, and disappeared into the sky. When his figure reappeared, he was ten kilometers away.

Sameer saw that the prey ran away, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the way of thunderfire's escape was difficult to stop or pursue. What's even more annoying to him is that the paper knight is fighting in the air in front of him. The more he fights, the more brave, even if he bows up the snake body and shoots in black, it is difficult to hit the opponent.

Samal made a trembling hissing sound from his throat to show his anger, "Don't shake anymore, you flies! Hiss ... sky, UU reading never belongs to you mortal!"

On the back of the black snake, flesh and blood fluttered, and the symmetrical black bone joints broke out. Not long after, six pairs of black bone wings appeared on the back of the snake. These twelve bone wings spread to the sides. Each foot is ten meters long.

Suddenly, a fire light came on, lighting up the unknown sky ahead of time.

The wings on Samal's back burned, and the surrounding temperature suddenly increased, apparently unaffected by his snake body. Every time he fluttered his wings, there was amazing heat rising. He flew into the air, screaming at the neck, and the paper that was approaching him had become ashes from a few meters away. It seemed that energy could not protect the paper from the effects of this flame.

"It's really hot." The person who spoke was not very loud, but it still spread into Samuel's ears, and the latter realized something, but it seemed to be late.

King Kong appeared at the tail of the snake. He grasped the tail of the giant snake not far from the ground with both hands. His palm was white as if it was teppanyaki. After confirming the grip, he roared and shook the huge The body shook and threw it out, throwing it into the sea under the floating island in a posture like a shoulder drop. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)