Sell Evil

Chapter 22: Countdown to Destruction (1)

A month ago, in outer space, the Mirage Space Station. . +? (. + nbsp; \\ s *

The only way to get here from Earth is to take a manned spacecraft. Even in the 22nd century of this parallel universe, sending people to space is still not an easy task. In the field of aerospace, it may be the only patent technology that the Empire has left.

It is impossible for the resistance organizations to develop such a technology industry that consumes a lot of resources and does not bring too much substantial returns without the base area being stabilized. Even if you don't count the manpower and technical costs, just talking about the cost of a space shuttle can arm a ground force.

But there is indeed a weapon of great strategic value in space-Genesis.

As mentioned in the previous article, these three words often appear along with nuclear bombs, because they have one of the most fundamental commonalities: Both are weapons of destruction that are generally recognized as being banned. Generally speaking, it will only be used in the face of someone or something that poses a serious threat to the life and civilization of all humankind.

The reason why Zhugezhai dared to bring nuclear weapons to Tiandu as a backup plan is also to consider the particularity of the situation. The city today is no longer just a symbol. At this stage of the war, the nobles and royal families in other counties on the earth have basically fled here. Of course, it cannot be said that these people are all wicked, but no matter who they are, they will suffer Civilians treat them equally.

In the face of righteousness, righteousness, and enmity, personal thoughts and actions are insignificant.

Just like in another parallel universe, "patriotic young people" in a certain country think about destroying an island country all day long. In the current situation, the use of nuclear bombs against the sky is not a conventional method, but it may not be without supporters. Under the rule of the empire, there were so many netizens who clamored online to kill Tiandu, and they should applaud.

Closer to home, let's talk about these two weapons. The most intuitive difference between the two is naturally reflected in the effect of the attack. It can be made clear with an example: suppose God exists and he has a big face. Then when the nuclear bomb exploded on his face, he would be disfigured on a large scale and be affected by radiation all year round; and when he was attacked by Genesis. His entire face would be intact, except that his nose disappeared and replaced by a large round black hole.

This is an embarrassing multiple choice question. Do you really want a detonator to explode against your face? Still want to be struck vertically by the cylindrical laser sword ...

From a strategic perspective, Genesis should be superior to nuclear bombs. Genesis is launched directly from space, and the destroyed shock wave can reach the target area within seconds. There is almost no time to escape and no defense method. Even if it can create a directional force field that can withstand the power of Genesis, I am afraid it is too late to respond when the attack arrives, unless someone can tell you in advance when Genesis will launch and the time is accurate to the second.

Nuclear bombs seem to be easier to deal with, and there is still a chance to intercept them while the missile is flying, or while the transport aircraft is throwing them. After all, the reconnaissance weapons of this era are still relatively strong. The technology for various small unmanned airframes is also quite mature.

Of course. There is only one Genesis device, and nuclear warheads ... it is difficult to say how much exists on earth.

The only Genesis device in the world is equipped on the Mirage space station. This space station is just like its name "Phantom". It should not exist. As a project that generates financial expenditure every year, it does not even have a formal number. So it is even more impossible to have a complete file.

The Mirage is both a space station and a spacecraft. After discarding some parts, it can carry the Genesis device back to Earth. To ensure that the location is not found. The special refraction field of the space station can also shield 98% of the detection methods from the earth. Theoretically, even the naked eyes of some people with specific abilities cannot find flaws.

The Mirage is equipped with a total of twelve staff members, six are professionals with different vocational skills. Each post has a formal executive and a standby alternate. The rotation period of personnel is one to three years. Wait. The specific cycle and date of the rotation are uncertain. Generally, it will be notified 48 hours before the start. After the local replacement arrives on the space shuttle, the replacement must immediately return on the space shuttle.

These twelve people need to undergo a psychological test at least once a week. If there is a mental state abnormality, Tiandu will issue orders to other crew members as appropriate. The rest of the personnel on the Mirage are obliged to imprison mentally impaired regardless of their functions Or execution.

Mirage is not a meteorological satellite, nor is it responsible for scientific research. The crew's mission here is to maintain Genesis and, in some cases, execute orders to use the weapon. The only stronghold that can communicate with them is in the Royal Palace of Tiandu. A ground team with the highest level of empire authority oversees the operation of the Mirage at all times. Their job is to ensure that the weapon is in a normal condition and stay with it. The crew can be rational and loyal. As for the only person who can issue a Genesis order, only the emperor.

The whole project seemed to work perfectly, it was foolproof, but ...

One day in February, an unexpected visitor ushered in the universe.

A pot-shaped object, breaking through the second cosmic velocity, flew out of the atmosphere, approaching the orbit of the Mirage. Humans have been flying into the universe for more than a century. Near the earth, there is a lot of space trash of this size. Therefore, when the gadget approached, members of the Phantom only used conventional methods to break it with beam weapons outside the space station, making it a safe collision volume that the space station could bear ... that is, fragments.

They didn't even know it was a miniature space shuttle with a passenger inside.

The shadows of outer space are as dark as moist black velvet, and people can fall asleep if they are surrounded by such darkness. It is under the cover of such an environment ... A black, semi-liquid human figure, bullied the Mirage, and adsorbed on the surface of the space station, waited patiently in the universe for several days, and finally found an opportunity to sneak in ...

What happened later was almost the same as a horror movie, "Alien i", "Black Hole Surface", "Black Friday x". I don't need to say that you also know what Dark Water has done.

In short, it didn't take long. The space station was under his control. Darkwater plays twelve roles by himself and conducts psychological tests as usual (the test process is that a psychiatrist on the earth will talk to the twelve crew members one by one on the weekends each week. The conversation required by each person The duration is usually about ten minutes. So the dark water keeps coming out of the room, changing its appearance, and then entering ...), and maintain some regular communication with the ground (conventional communication does not need to open the video).

That's it for half a month. There was no flaw in the dark water, and there was no doubt at all in Tiandu.

Obviously, this operation has been planned for a long time, whether it is the ability to survive in outer space by using simple hovering equipment. It is still the ability to imitate that only the powerful fourth kingdom of Darkwater can do it. It is because of his existence that this kind of task is made possible.

As Gunsmith told Tianyi, "You planned everything half a year ago, so let me and the Marshal make‘ that ’.” The “that” here refers to the miniature space shuttle.

Tianyi's requirements are very simple. They do not need to be regarded as a thing for people to ride, as long as they can transport about a cylinder of liquid into space. It doesn't matter if you make a big titanium can.

then. On the day of March 11, when the sun in the East 11th (time zone) rises, at the designated moment, the dark water will cause an inevitable destruction and fall from the sky.


At 4.30 am, the palace was just on fire.

King Kong is throwing Samer to the sea. The black snake has a large body, but King Kong's strength is not small at this moment. It was Shengsheng who tore down the flying monster.

Only then did Samael pay attention to the paper man, but he did not notice it for a moment. Hard to resist, was thrown out of the outer wall of the east side of the floating island, and fell towards the sea.

But the height of the sky is there, and Samael has a full adjustment time in the air. Before he touched the seawater, he stopped the fall and just approached the sea. The hot energy on his bone wings was on the water. Steamed a large white mist.

Looking from a distance, the giant shadow of this black snake seems to be a scorpion with no pliers and straightened body. It slowly swims up and back on the floating island.

Sameer raised his height, and as soon as he emerged, he was attacked head-on by shattering paper. He didn't hesitate. Shekou made a black mang burst. This time the black mang didn't spread in a straight line, but flew out in countless ghostly shadows.

The huge physical disadvantage of the ability made Paper's papers quickly defeated. Samal's snake head was protected by those black substances, and the back of the snake was blazed with flames. Difficult to approach.

King Kong is not afraid of this. After drinking a double standard dose of Dou Shen wine, he only feels that the power is constantly flowing from the body, and the strength of his steel skin is even more dramatic.

He stepped a little, and his tall body broke out at a speed no less than that of the mad-level abilities. He jumped up to Samael's snake belly, ignoring the oncoming heat, his arms shook straight, his fingers embedded in the belly, his palm twisted outwards, and he tore to the sides, tearing the monster. tripe.

He succeeded, and a section of the black snake's narrow abdomen was ripped apart by his brute force. But what happened next second made King Kong regret.

After cutting through the belly of Samuel's snake, a black corrosive liquid spewed out directly from the inside. King Kong was close to him and was naturally splashed. Although he had energy protection, he had to close his eyes quickly to avoid Eyeballs were damaged.

The moment he closed his eyes, a corpse soldier sprang up from the belly of the snake, jumped over King Kong's shoulder, and bit his mouth open. The corpse's fangs were shattered by King ’s hard skin when its jaw was closed, but the corpse did not know the pain and was crazy and abnormal. He continued to bite it with the broken tooth and beat it with sharp claws Cut, for a while. It was replaced by an ordinary person, and I am afraid it was broken by the body long ago, but it was relatively easy for King Kong to withstand this attack.

King Kong couldn't bother to ignore the monkey's tickling offensive, but only subconsciously kicked Samael and flew backwards. He closed his eyes, grabbed it, and took the ride on his shoulder. The corpse soldier on the ground immediately raised the other arm, screamed, broke the corpse soldier in two, and threw it out.

Wiping his face, hissing on his fingers and skin, but King Kong opened his eyes indifferently: "What the **** ..." He spit and sighed.

As soon as the scene in front of him was clearly seen, King Kong's expression changed, and Samael's torn snake belly looked like an open portal, and one after another jumped out of numerous corpses.

The black corpses looked basically humanoid, covered with black corrosive liquids throughout the body, with many missing arms and legs, most of which were tooth decay. In addition to crickets on the faces of the corpses, an extremely distorted pain was revealed.

For every person he swallows, he can create one more such corpse soldier. If he wants, he can create an army with several times more physical combat power than ordinary human beings. However, the weakness of corpses is also significant. They have no independent thinking ability, and their intelligence is not enough to use human technology-based combat weapons. If Samuel does not control them, they can only act according to instincts.

From the appearance of the mirror face, until this moment, King Kong can be said to be more and more desperate. In the previous four-on-one, I couldn't hurt each other at all, but now I finally hurt, but I just discovered a new ability of this monster ~ ~ what exactly is this guy? Is the demon who escaped from hell? King Kong gritted his teeth and fisted off a few corpse soldiers who came forward, but there were too many corpse soldiers and there was a steady stream, and he would be buried in the corpse soldiers when he went down.

"The flying one is not easy to catch, so I'll swallow you first, hiss ..." Samael said with a lowered snake head. After releasing a considerable number of corpses, his belly quickly healed.

How could King Kong sit still, and when Shekou came under pressure, he quickly flung off the two corpses who were biting his arm, swept away and kicked away a few more, and quickly turned and leapt backwards.

Samuel's snake was no slower than him, shaking his bones apart, and Mars scattered. He kept the mouth open and flew forward.

In just a few seconds, King Kong was caught up, gulping and gulping.

Suddenly, a blood shadow flashed, at an incredible speed, rushed into the huge mouth of the black snake from the side, and then rushed out from the other side, pulling Samuel's forked tongue with his hand, and forced the snake head Tugged and turned. (To be continued ...)

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