Sell Evil

Chapter 7: Hate face

2101, February 17.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a white ceiling with the smell of disinfectant in the air.

的 The five senses of the body gradually recovered. You could feel the presence of an infusion tube on the left arm. Then you noticed that the left half of the face was stinging. From the left eye socket to the part of the chin, there was a faint pain.

The paper man wanted to reach out and touch, but the sound of the electronic door opening came at this moment. He looked down and two people in HL uniforms came in. A man in his fifties with white spots, even when looking away, the sharp scars on his face are very obvious; the other looks very young, and his blue hair is not dyed, but his military uniform The level represented is quite high.

"Sergeant Lott Ness." Tea Fairy spoke first: "Or is it paper man?"

The paper man did not answer the question, but asked himself: "Where is this? Where is the blood?"

The man next to Chaxian is the mentor in Faro's mouth, and one of the top masters of HL's European headquarters, Jason Luca, is the instructor of the capable person at the headquarters. At this time, he deterred with the unique tone of the military officer: " Officer Nice, let me remind you that the Venice incident is currently under investigation. Your position is not clear and you are not qualified to ask questions. "

Who knew that Paper Man didn't bother to care about him, and got up directly from the bed, tearing off all the equipment attached to him: "In a few days, I will submit a report to ... to whomever you want, I am not interested in your administrative process. "He found his clothes in the closet in the corner of the room, all washed and ironed, and his belongings were placed in a basket on the table.

"You were unconscious for nearly five days, and the instrument showed you signs of recovery twenty minutes ago. I don't think it is appropriate for you to go out and hunt down a dangerous class four wanted person because of your current physical condition." Chaxian said calmly.

The paper man still ignored, he quickly got dressed and turned: "What about my shoes?"

卡 Luca was a little angry, he said in a cold tone: "Sergeant Nice, if you refuse friendly talk, I have to arrange a formal interrogation process."

"If I can stop it, I will try it." The paper man went barefoot and went outside.

Tea Tea Sigh sighed: "Mr. Luca."

"Subordinates are here."

"Try not to hurt him, there is work."

"Yes, sir."

After a brief conversation between the two, Luca came to the back of Paper Man in an instant like a shadow, and the vision of Paper Man did not capture the movement of the other party at all, so for him, Luca disappeared as it was. .

I have no time to react in the future. My hands have been backcuffed behind my back. I do n’t know what material the handcuffs are. The paper knight struggled a few times without seeing any results.

"I advise you not to do this, otherwise it would be too ugly for my feet to be handcuffed." Luca then came to the front of the paper man again.

One second before I spoke, the paper man just wanted to make a round kick with the trend. As a result, he wasn't lucky yet. The other party had already changed his standing position and understood his intention.

Seeing this, the paper knight knew that in this environment without too much paper, it was impossible to compete with the other party, he gave up the resistance in force, and said, "What you are interested in is nothing more than the death of the nobles. I All I can say is that everything was done by Colonel Malone. He hired ... "

"Hired a killer of Yinying, imitated the bloodstained killing method, and attempted to kill you and Colonel Faro during the battle, and the ultimate goal was the throne of the Governor of Venice." Tea fairy interrupted the paper man : "In the past few days of your coma, the truth has come to light, at least inside HL ..." What he said was that the people and some aristocrats were still watching the incident in fog.

Luca also said: "The **** urn in your mouth, Chevro Chirios, was the biggest suspect of San Marco's" Scarlet Midnight "ten years ago. The lunatic ripped Jim Malone into an alley After sharding, and then hunting down those silver shadow killers across the city, none of the dead was a whole body. Finally, he caught three live mouths and took them to the door of our second branch. "Listen to Luca With this gritted tone, Xun's behavior seemed to be riding a **** on the facade of the HL organization.

"Ha ha ... ha ha ha ..." Paper Xia laughed, apparently he heard this meaning. Malone is a sub-minister of HL, but with the silver shadows, kills nobles, and fights for power; while blood crickets do what the law enforcers should do, although in an extremely horrible and cruel way ...

Luca saw the paper man laugh, and just before the attack, Chaxian reached out and stopped him: "Sergeant Ness, it's just a bitter smile."

The paper man instantly sank his face: "These things were supposed to be what I did. As a policeman, I'm not as good as a killer. Even this life is left by chance under his control ... The weak, even choose how to die. No power. "

Seeing him look different, Tea Tea Fairy said, "Sergeant Nice, I hope you will not personally hate ..."

"Less nonsense!" The paper man growled. "What happened to my left face ?!" he asked suddenly.

The two in front of him fell silent.

"Hmm ... hahaha ... I've seen it in your eyes ..." Zhi Xia said, "There is no mirror or something in the room for this reason.

Chaxian decided to open up the topic: "Sergeant Ness, you are currently in our possession, and the only person who survived the fight with the blood sacrifice. To catch him, you are the key. I hope you can cooperate with us. . "

The paper man tore up the artificial skin on his left face and saw the left side of the bridge of his nose. UU Reading starts from the left eye socket and extends to the chin. About one third of the face has been There is no complete skin, flesh and blood under the skin, and no lips, teeth and gums are exposed. The reason why he was able to speak normally just now and did not have intense pain, thanks to the superb medical technology these years.

The paper man also knows this technique. The plastic surgery department in ordinary hospitals also uses this method to treat patients with severe burns. This part of his face can never be cured, and the pain will gradually disappear after a period of time. One layer uses artificial cells, which can replace the skin, and will soon adapt to the conditions of exposure to the air. As for the outer layer of artificial leather, it is purely for the sake of aesthetics. It does not matter whether it is present or not. Even if it is torn off, it can keep the flesh exposed State and will not be infected.

The paperman's pathology report floated from the bedside, and the paper was layered on his half of the face. At first glance, it looked like a mummy bandage. The paper and the face fit together and looked like the same. A large blank was embedded in the face puzzle. It was as if a piece of paper face was wrapped in human skin, but a part of the paper was exposed.

"What's your name?" Paper Xia looked at Tea Fairy Road.

Luca: "Police officer, pay attention to your wording."

The tea sage didn't mind: "Clauzer Wittstock."

"Oh, the seventh prince who doesn't stay well with the palace but wants to go to HL." It seems that the paper knight has heard his name: "Is tea fairy?"

There was a smile on the corner of Tea Chaxian's mouth: "Blood badger is one of the prey I am very interested in, Officer Nice, no ... Paperman, I need your help in this hunt."

The paper knight said: "I can't ask for it."

那么 "Follow me, then, use this new look to wash away humiliation."