Sell Evil

Chapter 7: Hunt

For the remainder of February, from Lincolnwood to Burnham, from Midway Airport to Lake Michigan, Chicago was immersed in a storm of blood and murders occurred in every corner.

Congested streets, secluded alleys, taxis, subway stations, barbershops, factories, homes, even villas in the rich areas of the north, or under the eyes of a nobleman. Mafia corpses can be seen everywhere. This is the real war.

The development of the situation is beyond DeWitt's prediction. The Lucches family did not take much advantage in this assassination operation. The people of the Genovese family will not always get together and be counted.

During this kind of war, there was almost no progress in the sale of net alloys. Joseph Teng couldn't do anything about it. Official members of the family were in danger until the end of the war.

On March 1st, DeWitt's patience reached the limit, and he decided to talk to him with four eyes, that is, Mike. Since the night of the negotiation, the boy has disappeared like an outsider. Get rid of it.

Mike lives on the third floor of a rental apartment, and the neighbors are not very good. The rent in this kind of place is very cheap, and the situation is similar to that when DeWitt first arrived in Chicago.

I knocked on the door a few times, and there was no movement in it. DeWitt shouted at the door: "Open the door, four eyes, I'm DeWitt, I'll break in if no one else enters."

Then there was a sudden movement in the room ...

Mike opened a crack in the door, and the iron chain inside was still pulling. He looked left and right and said to DeWitt, "Turn around."

"What?" DeWitt asked frowning.

Mike: "How do I know if someone is holding your gun against your back at an angle I can't see, and I'll confirm if you turn around."

DeWitt tilted his head: "Listen, if you want to watch men go round, I can recommend a few more alternative bars for you. Now open this **** door, don't force me to ruin it."

Mike closed the door, lowered the chain, and reopened the door: "What's the matter?"

"Oh, so now we are talking in the hallway, let the pimps in this building and the drug dealer listen to the anecdotes of the mafia? I knew that I should stand downstairs with a loudspeaker I talked to you. "

Mike sighed: "Okay, come in." He flashed over, let Devitt enter the room, and then looked around carefully before closing the door.

"What were you doing just now? Do you value the taste of the movie?" DeWitt seemed to go back to his own home, went in and turned around, and finally stared at the laptop screen on Mike's desk.

Mike hurried up from behind and closed the computer: "Hey! It is polite to respect the privacy of others."

DeWitt spread out his hand: "'Tobacco Club Forum'? Your hobbies are really weird, do you secretly collect hookahs or something in the cabinet?" He directly started using the webpage he just saw to open up Mike.

Mike: "The Tobacco Club is not a club that studies the soil ... It's a fraternity of retired people. They just took the name."

"Oh, do you mean the kind of organization that specifically recruits retired male members of the working class to get together to smoke and drink beer and saunas?" DeWitt continued the language attack.

"Yes, this group is filled with a group of crazy retired elderly people, including one of my cousins, do you have any questions?"

DeWitt lit a cigarette by himself: "I don't think so, because according to my estimation, it is difficult for people like me to enjoy the luxury of retirement."

Mike sneered: "Ha, do you mean that you will die young?"

DeWitt replied: "No, I will sleep in the coffin with my power and money, and enjoy a king-like funeral. After my death, I will become the object of countless colleagues to imitate and try to surpass."

"You dream less ..."

DeWitt felt that it was almost time to move on to the business. He said, "The people of the Genevieve family are stronger than I thought. I have no patience with Mike, and I need information that can be determined."

"I told you already. After the night of negotiation, they replaced all their mobile phones, including the secret contact methods on the Internet. Now how they communicate, I have no way to check." Mike impatiently said: "Oh, by the way, if you don't forget your memory, I can remind you that you told the other person that I was a hacker so much that it caused this result."

"Four eyes, four eyes, you are too real. I am going to train you as my assistant, but you are always complaining about objective difficulties." DeWitt replied casually.

Mike said: "Objective difficulties? The first day I saw you, you said that I needed my technical support, and then when I stole someone's information in the car, you killed everyone and threw it into the lake. "

DeWitt explained: "No way, I originally wanted to grab the money and let them go. Who knows that their resistance and tenacity exceeded my expectations."

Mike continued: "That's fine, at least you know that you have two police uniforms in the trunk in advance to run away, leaving no trace after burning the car. But the second time, you were directly in a group Armed, angry killer sold me in front of him. "

DeWitt added: "What was so tense, my position was more dangerous than you at that time. Besides, I was already prepared. Didn't you also take the protective medicine of WM2030 beforehand?"

"When you gave me the pill before departure, you said there were vitamins and 2.5 mg of diazepam."

"You look as anxious as a menopausal woman who has just been menopause, so I think this explanation is more time-saving and labor-saving."

Mike said; "Well, now you have to be able to" finalize "intelligence, do you think I can change the whereabouts of an important person in the Janowice family like a juggler?"

"Yes, or why should I come to you," DeWitt took for granted.

"Hey ... you shameless grandson." Mike said: "You wait." After that, he went to the next room with his laptop.

In fact, DeWitt's Chinese is not proficient, so he did not fully understand Mike's first sentence, but only knew that he was scolding people.

In fifteen minutes, DeWitt burned three cigarettes, and then waited to estimate that he would start smoking marijuana, and at this time Mike returned, holding a sheet of paper just printed in his hand.

给 "Here, you bastard, this hotel, I don't know which room. You look for it yourself, there is more than 80% possibility that Frank Genovese lives there."

DeWitt raised an eyebrow: "Can I ask how you did it?"

Mike replied impatiently: "There is a transaction between Frank and the police, and in this special period they will have more frequent contact. The police have a mobile phone number that is specifically connected with the Mafia, and it is generally not replaced, and I It was solved a long time ago. So I just checked their call records and tracked the activities of the police in the past few weeks. In addition to the police station, home and the shops he frequents, and some recorded crime scenes, there are still so Several public places, where he has a longer stay.

Then I marked those stops on the city map, made a map, and circled a range. E Frank's character would never venture to a police station very far away from his residence, so he must be within this range.

There are so many people in the Grand Hotel. He dare not live, so I hacked the computers of all small and medium-sized hotels in this area and used the exclusion method to remove those who stayed in the real name. Finally ... this is it. "

Devitt froze for about five seconds: "Um ..." He took the piece of paper from Mike with a few lines of text, and decided to change the subject, and stop provoking the dead house: "That ... four eyes Do you stay in the city without going back to school? "

Mike: "Yes, I usually don't go to class, but I can still graduate next year, so you don't have to ask me any more. There is nothing left."

DeWitt left Mike's apartment, and he felt a little overjoyed. It seemed that the four eyes were a rare talent. Such a person must be accepted as his own confidant, not the Lucches family.

Although he still has his own abacus in mind, UU reads, but now he has to rely on the power of the Lucches family. Therefore, it is urgent to catch or kill Frank Genovese first, so as to end the war as soon as possible. If it is dragged on, Joseph Luces is not a bad stubble. It is difficult to ensure that the old fox will suddenly turn his face. .

Uh ...

After an hour, in the hotel marked by Mike.

缪 Samuel Genovese is talking to his brother Frank.

"Three other family members died yesterday, and we have recently lost a lot of people, some of them ruthless, but the Lucches family is no better than us. Joseph Lucches and Tommy Galliano have not been in a long time Appeared in public, their mansion is empty. This is an unprecedented contest. No one is absolutely safe. Only by destroying the other party is victory, and we will be winners. "Frank was slightly excited. Talking.

Samuel said, "Can your police friend provide more specific help? His appetite is not small, but his ability is limited, isn't he?"

"I have instructed Arthur to help us catch a lot of Lucches people. There were also cases of killings on the spot, but he could only do so. After all, the police could not kill at will. If there is no actual evidence, as long as Lucche The people of the Sri Lankan family did not resist, and they would soon be able to get out of the game. "Frank explained:" If we rely heavily on Arthur's power, he will soon be suspected by his colleagues. At this moment, we can only recover the disadvantage. Count on our own killer. "

Samuel took a puff of cigarettes: "Then, if necessary, O'Neal also got his hand."

He said that Cao Cao Cao Cao was here. Onni suddenly rushed into the house without knocking on the door: "Boss, second boss, the situation outside is a bit abnormal."