Sell Evil

Chapter 9: One thousand three hundred and fourteen

Chapter 913

When people want to do nothing, nothing can be done. -Leon Batista Alberti

The beginning of this story is the late Middle Ages. In this case, it is necessary to explain what the world was like at that time.

In general, the human world of the fourteenth century can be divided into three parts: the Christian world, the Muslim world, and the Confucian world.

If there was an alien watching Earth on the moon at that time, his first impression of the Muslim world would be much more impressive than that of the Christian world. He will see a very large territory, and its territory is constantly expanding.

The earliest Muslims were Arabs united for the first time on the Arabian Peninsula under the leadership of religious leader Mohammed. Many readers may not know much about Muhammad, in a sense he is another version of Jesus. He believes that he has accepted the call of God to warn people that the "doomsday judgment" is coming, that the faithful can go to heaven, and the evil punishment is to go to hell. He asked believers to perform a certain ritual, the "five benefits" of Islam (including daily prayers, alms, fasts, and pilgrimages to Mecca). These rituals, combined with the discipline of the Qur'an, provide not only a religious belief, but also a social law and political system. The believers felt that they were brothers with a common mission to each other, which helped to unite the Arab nations that were still scattered at the time.

After the death of Muhammad in the park in 632, the Arabs rushed out of the peninsula and quickly expanded to the Byzantine Empire and the Sasanian dynasty in the Middle East. It then expanded eastward to China, westward through North Africa, and into Spain. By the end of the first phase of Muslim expansion in 750, a huge Muslim empire had emerged from the Pyrenees to India and Morocco to China. Between 750 and 1500, Muslims underwent a second phase of expansion. During this period, they went west into Central Europe, north through Central Asia, east into India and Southeast Asia, and south into the African continent; the territory of the Muslim world doubled again, and its area far exceeded that of Eurasia The Christian world at the western end and the Confucian world at the eastern end.

At that time, in terms of territories, Arab talents were the most qualified group of people to call their territory "the world". Of course, I don't know whether there is a word like "world" in their language.

Speaking of the world, let's talk about the Confucian world. The Confucian world does not refer to China, but to the entire East Asia. China is the ruler, and its periphery, North Korea and Japan, are regarded as affiliated.

The Confucian world is an introverted society based on agriculture. So the pace of change is very slow and confined to the basic structure inherited from earlier times. On the other hand, the Confucian world is very different from the other two worlds in that it is unity.

Puzzling minority groups like the various Balkan Christian groups in the Ottoman Empire, and religious disagreements between Hindus and Muslims in the Mughal Empire do not exist in China. This cohesion in China was not a new phenomenon that existed at the time; it has existed since the early stages of Chinese civilization thousands of years ago and has continued. Chinese civilization is the oldest and uninterrupted civilization in the world.

The main reason for this long-lasting continuity of Chinese civilization lies in its geographical conditions, and its degree of isolation from other great human civilizations is unparalleled. The Mediterranean connects Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and the Indian Ocean enables India to interact with the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. But for most of history, China has been cut off by mountains, deserts and the vast Pacific Ocean. It seems that this kind of isolation is a double-edged sword.

Finally, talk about the Christian world in the West.

Leaving aside unfounded national pride, objectively speaking, until the twentieth century, most people on this planet will take it for granted that only Westerners can make those changes that change the path of human life, create a new era in world history, Historic reforms or discoveries. In fact, this view is completely unreasonable. Muslims and Chinese people also have a great maritime tradition. Only in the early days of modern times did the world's pattern reverse and change.

For most of the Middle Ages, Western Europeans always felt isolated and threatened at the western end of Eurasia. From the expansive prairie that traverses Eurasia in northern China and reaches the Danube River, there are nomadic invaders on the earth at the time: nomadic invaders: Hun, German, Avar, Magyar, Mongolia And Turks; once an empire weakens and they have the opportunity to take advantage, they take advantage of their unparalleled mobility to break into the center of civilizations.

However, in the early modern period, with the rise of a vibrant new West, Westerners had the upper hand in technology, especially in the manufacture of weapons and ships. This gave Western Europeans the same advantages as the Eurasian prairie in the world's oceans. Mobility and advantages enjoyed by nomads.

In that era of change, the Islamic and Confucian empires were retreating from each other and becoming increasingly rigid. But in Western Europe, the Renaissance and the Reformation have profoundly changed all aspects of Western European life. A new civilization full of vitality and expansionism was born of modern civilization. It is fundamentally different from any other traditional, agricultural-based civilization on the planet. This modernization process continues to run today with acceleration, and influences the historical process of the modern world ...

In 1314, it was also a summer. Rome, Italy.

Europeans of this year believe everything. No matter fantasy, science fiction, fantasy, or magic, if you set up a table to tell a book, you might be able to name a group of believers.

God, evil gods, witchcraft, magic, alchemy, and black technology. Basically, everyone has researched anything. Of course, you ca n’t do things that are more inharmonious.

At that time, people could completely tie up their teenage innocent daughter as a witch and burn it so that they could sleep soundly.

It was a year of fierce contention between royal power and religious power. It was a dark age. There are many injustices in modern courts, such as "witch crime" and "heresy". Europeans were still convicted like this a hundred years later, and Jeanne was burned to death.

Speaking of burnt death, on March 18 of this year, De Morais, the head of the Templars, was tortured. As mentioned earlier, this brother cursed two people before death, one was Pope Cremon V. In the world, this man went to Huangquan on April 20 of the same year, and the other, Philip IV, was still alive in the summer.

It is said that he is a beautiful man and a king with some means. Although he died bizarrely by the end of the year, after all, he was still alive and well.

So, while this dude is alive, some people have a lot of mental stress, and that is Molly ’s nephew, the young Earl of Kiecher de Boge.

He had secretly inherited the position of chief commander a few years ago on the eve of Black Friday. Of course, this position has basically become synonymous with wanted criminals.

Importantly, with a wealth of formidable nations, he led a group of the most reliable relatives to flee France and to Italy.

This pile of treasures he vowed to "hide to the end of the world" is like a curse that follows, as if there is an unknowable power that will cause those who are related to this treasure to die one by one. Since the treasures were stolen from the tomb pillars, in the past few months, counts of Earl Boge have died for various reasons. As I said just now, people in that era were not afraid of ghosts and gods, but the theory of evolution has not been put forward. People have to find some spiritual sustenance to explain things that cannot be explained.

The earl carried a heavy load on his shoulders, and the kind of treasure that could not be put down was really a troublesome thing. He couldn't hide it, didn't dare to use it, couldn't be found, and he couldn't carry it forever. You also need to worry about whether you will be cursed to death.

It was under that pressure that he came to Rome.

That evening, the count came to an alley. The place was very dirty. It smelled like a slaughterhouse. Maybe there was a pig farm nearby? Who knows, anyway, in this alley, you can see all kinds of disgusting things, flocks of mung bean flies hovering around a pool of water on the ground; drunk drunkards are thrown out of the bar ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ sleeping on the edge of the foul ditch and snoring; the bully beat the skinny old man; even the women in the Fengyue place had rough skin and underarm odor.

If a Roman man was going to write an autobiography, when he tried to remember the worst night of his life, 80% of his mind would come to such a place.

The count's dress was very low-key, but his temperament when walking made him out of touch with this environment. He covered his face with a handkerchief to slightly block those bad smells.

After searching for a long time, he finally arrived at his destination, where the earl spent a lot of money to ask the "informed" people in the city. It is said that the boss here can help you solve all problems.

It was a bookstore with a small area. The wall was painted with the word "ks" casually. The torn wooden door was hidden, and the paving was chosen in this location. It was not like someone at all. Patronizing look.

The earl seemed to want to retreat when he saw the situation. He hesitated for a while, and thought to himself: since all are here, let's go in and take a look.
