Sell Evil

Chapter 9: Warlock

Chapter IX Warlock

In the evening of May 16, near ten nautical miles north of Iceland-other book friends are reading :. e ^ see

A hundred meters below the sea surface, a dome-shaped submarine factory is hidden. Inside the Dome, an unfinished submarine is parked in the center of the plant. The ship is ten meters high, eight meters wide, and about ninety meters long. Many toy dwarfs, wearing green clothes, wearing green hats, wearing pointed shoes on their feet, and about 1.2 meters tall, are working briskly inside and outside the submarine. If these dwarfs are not making weapons, but producing toys, they are likely to be suspected of being Santa's nest.

In a computer room above the factory, there was a guy in his early twenties who was about the same age as the consultant. At this moment he was lying on a huge sofa, and the armrests on both sides of the sofa were equipped with complex cào panels and keyboards. In front of you is a 120-degree arc-shaped surround display screen. There are dozens of small split screens on the screen. Some screens are filled with puzzling data. Some screens show a certain part of the submarine. Structural drawings, and some are feedback and instructional requirements for toy dwarfs.

This extreme hand speed is like a seizure, but the man who can still accurately move through every step of the computer is known as a warlock--other book friends are watching :.

Almost every genius can do some amazing things in childhood, and warlocks are no exception.

When he was in the third grade of elementary school, he spent a week and completed the first more formal and complicated application in his life-"Hacker", also called "k".

This thing is very easy to use. First of all, install "noisy" on mobile phones, laptops, portable smart players, and even sp (electronic pen with functions of recording, writing, scanning, mobile hard disk, etc.). Then, no matter what kind of electronic device you install this program on, when you walk in front of an electronic mén, you just press a key and wait a few seconds to a minute, mén will open ...

The original intention of the warlock to design this program is to deal with the problem of always being late for school. But later, several senior students who bullied him at school discovered the little secret of the warlock, and under the threat of force, downloaded the troublemaker.

Before the end of this semester, the entire family of those classmates were arrested. The warlock has never heard of any of them since, he only knows that this has to do with the theft of several banks in the city. . ~~

In the end, the police found the warlock, and sent a police officer to talk to the warlock, confiscated his procedures, and strictly prohibited him from writing similar things in the future. After this haunting incident, the name Philip Nord (the real name of the warlock) was included in the list of special characters that hl needed to pay close attention to.

Two years later, the fifth-grade warlock watched an old movie "Terminator 2" by accident, and then he went to the rental shop of the old movie to complete the entire series. He was surprised. One was in the twentieth century. Some people think of ideas, why haven't they been realized so far?

So, when he was in the second grade of high school, after years of hard work and hard work, he finally completed a stuff called "Skynet". In order to celebrate this little success, the warlock in a good mood hacked a news site in Tiandu, and painted a line of graffiti: rfun, xd.

Because of his sharp technique, the relevant department mén could not find his whereabouts through technical means in a short time. Later, he could only track down the warlock through various hardware restrictions and exclusion methods, and cooperated with traditional criminal investigation methods.

After being arrested, the warlock was sent to hl headquarters in Tiandu.

Responsible for the interrogation was a major-level Agent HL named Kou Linhuan. His position was not high, but his status was not low. As a nobleman, he was already a viscount, and he married a royal family as his wife. . Unfortunately, his wife died early, making him a coward. As a noble who has obtained royal status, he is only twenty-five years old, and is awoken by himself every day. It stands to reason that a man of this condition should have at least a dozen young and beautiful nvs after his wife died. Earthly embrace. However, Kou Linquan didn't seem to be ready to continue the string. Since his wife died, he has a wine gourd around his waist all day long, and he takes a few sips when he is fine. Everywhere he goes, he looks drunk, whether he is working or resting It looks like this, to outsiders, it is already a guy who can't be saved. However, his identity is there. As long as he insists on coming to work, you will not be able to fire him. Over time, people will give him nicknames and drunk.

On that day, the drunken master had the warlock's file under his arm, took a wrong step of crab step and zombie step, shook into the interrogation room, opened the chair, sat down like a fall, and raised the Erlang tuǐ to open the file. He flipped through a few pages and said something in his mouth: "Hmm ... Zhongji ... Skynet ... Fun ..." He suddenly closed the file and patted the table, staring at the warrior who was only 13 or 14 years old. Breath: "Say! What's your purpose for coming to Earth?"

This is the general situation when the warlock was first formally arrested, and the only time he was arrested in his life.

The upper level of heaven means that this young man, the first treatment method: find a political commissar to give him a few years of brainstorming and brainwashing, and to serve the empire in the future; the second treatment method: directly throw it into cháo Xi prison and wait for death, Two paths let him choose. The Warlock's choice was to pretend to agree to the first option. When he left Tiandu, he ran on the way to the house arrest place.

Later, it was rumored that the drunken master was greedy for the cup, and negligent care led to his escape. What's more, it was said that Kou Linyi deliberately let people go--good-looking novel :. Of course, these words have no exact evidence. If you want to convict a Viscount, you must either find a backstage helper who is in a higher position than him, or come up with an iron certificate, otherwise it is all nonsense. Those who had no evidence to talk to Luàn were later approached by mén one by one with a gourd, and gave a saliva face to face, and greeted their ancestor eighteen generations by the way. Go away.

In short, since that year, warlocks under the age of fourteen have begun their journey into exile. Fortunately, he knew how to withdraw money from an ATM illegally using something other than a chainsaw, and realized the importance of hiding his whereabouts and his own dangerous situation.

The binary world is the second spacetime of his life, so he uses a new name in the Internet-Warlock.

That is the mysterious wizard in dnd, who is alone, loves freedom, and never follows the rules. It does not rely on spellbooks and mentors. It has the ability to cast spells by nature, and can create magic by intuition rather than logic. Talent is outstanding, and it can be powerful without hard work, so it is difficult to share knowledge with others, and thus be regarded as alien by those who are mediocre.

Philip Nord, he is a warlock who applies binary magic to the guru's realm.

After ten years of experience, the warlock's computer accomplishment has been regarded as a myth by hackers. His name is regarded as a benchmark. The closer he is to him, the closer he is to the throne of the hacking god.

And the "Skynet" written by the warlock at that time, in his opinion, it can only be regarded as a very immature work, and it is simply not worthy of the name "Skynet". If he could really make and film The same Skynet system in it, I am afraid that humans have been at war with robots for several years.

However, things are not over yet. In fact, the empire ten years ago continued the project after receiving the "Skynet" program written by the warlock. The system changed and became an emerging industry at the end of the 21st century, fully supporting brain-controlled games. Full virtual online games.

The amazing light brain in those online games is part of the Warlock ’s "Skynet". The Empire used it as an entertainment project and promoted it to the civilian market to observe and test this system in the military and space exploration. And even the development prospects of artificial intelligence.

Almost a year after the launch of such games, traditional TV games and online games have been rapidly replaced. Full virtual online games have become one of the mainstream ways for young people to relax and enjoy themselves, all thanks to the warlock ’s 14-year-old The cornerstone of technology.

After talking about the past, back to the present, while the warlock was lying there busy, the mén in the machine room was pushed away.

A boy who was about ten years old walked in. He didn't knock mén not because he had no tutor, but because he was the master of this "toy fortress"-the toy marshal.

In fact, the actual age of the marshal may be more than fifty years old. He will become what he is today, or thanks to an experiment that was originally given. Of course, in the inverse cross, except for the idiot ... I'm sorry, no one except the gunsmith really took him as a child. UC Reading at

"What about the kid?" Marshal said.

"It seems that something is added to the fourth engine." The warlock replied: "I connected a nearby dwarf worker to see if I could talk to him." He made a few quick cào, not long after, on the big screen There is another split screen. The video signal in the screen is transmitted through the eyes of the toy dwarf.

After turning the toy dwarf's head dozens of degrees, he saw the gunsmith, and then the camera stopped, and the dwarf walked over.

The gunsmith was riding in a large-footed robot that was more than two meters high, and the cockpit of that model was open. The gunsmith was sitting inside, pulling various cào vertical rods, wearing goggles on his face, oily face, and hair puffing luàn, which was just like a standard crazy scientist.

"Gunsmith, the boss just called." The marshal's voice sounded in the toy dwarf's sounder.

The gunsmith stopped what was in his hand, turned his head, and replied, "What are you doing? Come on!"
