Seventy-two Changes of the Evil Spirits

v3 Chapter 87: trap

"Bacchus Sacrifice" is probably the most beautiful memory in Yu Zhenren's life.

On this night.

Although the moonlight is not full, it must be extremely clear.

The evening breeze is always gentle, with clear waves.

The long street is lively, the crowd is jubilant, and the lanterns are strange and shining like stars.

And the most luxurious part is undoubtedly gathered on the river, the tallest and most conspicuous boat, the painting boat of the Lierlou.

There are the most beautiful lighting, the most wonderful juggling, the most wonderful singing and dancing, the most distinguished guests and the most beautiful beauties. Of course, the most delicious food is indispensable.

Collect the rare North and South Luo, fried, fried and cooked everything.

It can be said that the shark's fin and bear's paw are just a vulgar thing, and the delicacies of mountains and seas are also waiting.


The delicious food at the finale of the banquet is actually the most common.

Fish meat.

Fish slices made by San Niangzi himself.

Sanniangzi's craftsmanship needn't be said much, just as handsome as her talent.

Speaking of this fish, it was specially raised in the living pond of the Lier Building, and it was soaked with petals and wine for many years.

In order to be fresh, the time has been fixed, and the fish is now caught from the pond and transported from the Lierlou.


It's a good fish.

Everyone will say that when they meet.

The scales were like gemstones, their eyes were bright and black and white, and they threw forcefully on the chopping board, and the two strong female workers almost couldn't help them.


"Huh? What's in the fish's mouth?"

When everyone laughed, pushed their cups and changed their cups, waiting for San Niangzi to show off their skills.

A discordant voice came out.

The person who asked the question sat at the top of the banquet. This person is the magistrate of Xiaoshui and the honor of a county. So even if this sentence is almost self-talking, the people at the banquet can still hear and listen to it.

Ever since, for a time, everyone, whether they were guests, maids, or guards, cast their sights on.

They saw: a small round handle-shaped thing was spit out from the flapping big fish's mouth.

what is that?

In the eyes of the public, the answer will soon be revealed.

The female worker holding the big fish suddenly put her hand into the fish's mouth, and then took advantage of the flow.


The cold light spreads, and it seems to cut human eyes.

In that phantom pain, people can see clearly.

This is a sword.

A sword that is half-arm long and short, with extremely thin and sharp blades, waiting to kill!


Someone screamed.


Someone added.

The warm room suddenly boiled over.

Some were sluggish, some fled in embarrassment, some yelled, some screamed for help... all disturbed and messed up.

The assassin ignored him, just hand-held a sharp blade, hurried to take the magistrate!

In fact, there are many guards in the boat, and the guards can be strict, but who wants to stage a "specialized assassin king"?

A guard close by tried to stop it.

But the assassination came too suddenly, and the Jianfeng came too quickly.

They didn't have time to arrive.

The sharp blade hidden in the belly of the fish, which had escaped the heavy scrutiny, had penetrated the county magistrate's chest after a blink of an eye.


Blood is flowing like a fountain.

But the assassin's face showed a look of confusion and even anxiety.

What is perplexing is, how can the blood splatter when the blade is thin and has not been pulled out yet?

What is disturbing is.

From the moment the blood splashed, the dinner seemed abruptly quiet.

She looked around, but was shocked to find that Xizhong seemed to have stopped, and everyone maintained their movements and demeanor from the previous moment, frozen.

And just outside the banquet hall, on the deck across the door, the juggling is still going on as usual, as if nothing happened at all...

"I caught you."

The assassin turned his head back suddenly. The magistrate who had been killed by the sword came back to "live" at this time and showed her a big smile.

"I caught you."

She looked back in a panic, and everyone in the reception twisted their necks and turned their faces to her with a smile.

Immediately afterwards.


The door closed suddenly.

The assassin shuddered and was awake from panic. She wanted to pull away, but found that the blood splashed on her body covered her like a living thing, becoming tough and sticky, like a net, killing her to death. Hold on.

She could only watch the doors and windows locked one after another, and watched the people with smiling faces swarming.

Their ears were filled with "hee hee" laughter.

"I caught you."


Outside Xiaoshui City.

The low mountain where Shuiyueguan is located.

Li Changan hides alone in the deserted forest, overlooking the bustling lights of the Bacchus Festival.

Although separated by heavy forest barriers and long distances, under the synesthesia of Bacchus as a bridge with Li Changan and Yu Mei, everything that happened on the painting boat, for example, he can see the lines on his palm, vividly.


At this time, Li Changan could see the endless crowds on both sides of the painting boat; he could see the acrobatics called "wearing pole" being performed on the deck; even, through the window, he saw the third lady split the big fish slices, winning The whole house cheered.

But alone, I couldn't see the scene of "specializing the assassin's king", and couldn't see the weird thing of "time freezing".

"These worms are really amazing. They actually built another layer of illusion on the illusion." Li Changan tutted, "If we hit this trick earlier, we would be over."

"Not at all."

Bacchus retorted.

"If it hadn't swallowed the vine demon, the phantom butterfly would have no such ability. Moreover, its cannibalization of the illusion has not spread to Xiaoshui City. It must have cost a lot of money to construct the illusion in this illusion."

One person, one god, you say one thing to me, although the dignified phantom butterfly's control of the illusion is deepening, but the situation of Yumei is not the slightest worry.

the reason is simple.

Because all this was expected or planned.

With the advent of the Bacchus Festival.

Several people had to admit that just slaughtering the big demon one by one was not enough to bring the phantom butterfly out of Shuiyueguan.

The cards in your hand are getting smaller and smaller, and you will lose all the games. After the three people discussed, they decided to increase their stakes to make a bet.

And this bargaining chip is Yu Mei himself.

So last night.

Yu Mei's murderer stripped his face and was smashed by someone. The patrol hurriedly left. The survivor happened to awaken when he was beheaded, and because he was an earthworm, he was lucky enough to escape. …Everything is self-directed and self-acted.

For this reason, Li Changan took a risk and eliminated several patrol teams together with Yu Mei, so that Phantom Butterfly thought that his minions were unusable. To deal with Yu Mei, his deity had to take action.


Li Changan looked back at the direction of Shuiyueguan, the moon star was scarce, no complaints.

The Baihua Butterfly still hasn't left the nest.

Only let the worms make a "fantasy in a fantasy".


still have a chance.



Under the hunting of the demons, the assassin's counterattack was weak and short-lived.


She was firmly nailed to the ground by a long bone drill through her limbs and shoulder blades.

His face was full of blood and his eyes were dull.

The demons surrounded her laughing and pointing, as if they were very dissatisfied with her weakness, especially not happy about the ambush.

Until a monster stepped forward and tore a piece of human skin from her face.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Probably because of the fact that under the skin is a face full of short hairs and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

Yumei's deity is indeed a monster, but she is a locust tree, not an ape.

What's even stranger is that at the center of the eyebrows of this monkey face, under the fluff, there are many unhealed scratches faintly. Upon closer inspection, the combination of these scratches looks like a...Talisman?

The demons looked at each other.

Many dark arcs suddenly jumped out of "Fulu".



Thunder trembling!


The painting boat of the Lier Building is two stories high, floating on the water, like a small platform, looking at all the boats.

The boat was connected to the two sides by ropes, and the boats and ropes were covered with various colored lights, reflecting on the water, and at a glance, they thought it was a fairy palace in Tianhe.

The top floor is divided into two, and half is used as a banquet venue. In previous years, it was simply surrounded by curtains or screens.

But this year is different.

Because of the evil spirits recently, a pavilion has been specially built, and it is also easy to arrange guards.

However, the tourists on both sides of the strait don't care how big people on the painting boat cherish their lives. They just focus on the other half of the painting boat on the stage.

What is staged at this moment is an acrobatics called "Dai Rod".

A fat woman held a large bamboo pole, which was more than twenty feet high, with some twigs on it, all carrying ribbons and lanterns, and nine little girls leaped back and pranced on them, performing all kinds of thrilling shows. Look. The spectators underneath are dazzled.

And to the end of the tide.

A little girl climbed to the top of the pole lightly and "changed" a plate of fruit.


Take a step.

Actually jumped directly from high altitude.

But he didn't fall just like that. Instead, he floated in the air among the clothes and flew straight to the banquet on the other side of the painting boat.


The two sides of the strait suddenly rang a hundred times of cheers.

The juggling team above is very famous in the nearby area, and everyone knows that their good jokes are called "fairies blessings."

But the performance just now is wonderful, but it's just like a few monkeys. Talking about immortals?

Where is it now?


It really flew over!

Ever since, the cheers were thunderous, and the money was raining.

The spectators' eyes widened, when they wanted to see the next wonderful performance.



A muffled thunder exploded on the river.

The painting boat trembled violently in the thunder, and when the colored lights shook, the lights shattered like glass, rustling falling onto the river surface, forming large swaths of thick fog.


It covered the entire painting boat.

Why don't you let it be seen?

The audience underneath looked at each other, and those who had just returned the money to reward them were even more regretful, calling for the money back. More tourists were attracted by this movement, thinking that there was something novel.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but the painting boat is already in chaos.

Not only for the sudden thunder and shaking, but also because many charred corpses appeared out of thin air at the banquet. Although they were out of shape, at first glance, they knew they did not belong to humans.

All sorts of inexplicable changes were in a mess between the banquets, and no one even noticed that the "fairies" who flew over the bamboo poles to present the gifts had already stepped into the banquet.

What she held in her hand was not a gift for celebration, but a short sword that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

Until someone exclaimed:

"Beware of assassins!"

The panicked people were shocked.

But she was already flying forward.

Jianguang throughput.

For example, Bai Hong ran through the sun and came directly from the magistrate of the seat.

This moment.

The scene in the previous illusion seemed to be staged again.

The maid screaming for help, the guests evasive in panic, the magistrate who opened his eyes to die, the guard who was struggling to stop...there are also the "worms" who were hiding in the crowd, and under the anxiety, they have revealed their original form.

She was all in her eyes, but she didn't care about it at all.

She only asked the Dionysian silently to Li Changan:

"Has the phantom butterfly out of the nest?"