Sha Qing

Chapter 93: Force Majeure (3)

The Hummer military fired and started with a jeep, and reversed in the capture of a sound bomb. Gennady, who was surrounded by security guards, was sitting on the back seat. His extremely tight nerves were loose and he was about to speak, but he felt that the mouth was sticky and full of liquid.

He had a lip, black and red stained blood, and debris of invisible human tissue, which poured out continuously, and quickly dyed a large red coat. There was severe pain in the chest and abdomen, and Gennady was so painful that he wanted to howl, but he could only make a "snoring" sound from the broken throat, his arms scratching helplessly in the air.

The guard next to him changed his face and immediately looked at Gennady's injuries. However, he did not have any injuries.

Gennady finally had a few painful convulsions, and Huo looked down. The security guard stretched his fingers around his neck and frowned, "He is dead. The cause of death should be poisoning."

Another security man was shocked: "Poisoning?" All the dietary expenses and people and contacts of Gennady are in their control. When was the poisoning?

"Oyster steak," said the flight attendant who had been neglected in the corner, combing her messy hair with her hands. The makeup on her face couldn't conceal her experience when she took a closer look, and she was a middle-aged mature woman in her forties. Before the security turned the muzzle, she calmly pulled an ID card with a special logo from her collar: "Clara Mitchell, head of SRC Strategic Resources' outreach department."

SRC company? In other words, their employers killed the person they wanted to protect? Several security guards in the back seat were still in utter silence. The driver saw the individual rocket launcher carried on the shoulder of the attacker dozens of meters away through the windshield, and his face suddenly looked like earth: Russian-made RPG-29! The U.S. military did not eat this thing in Iraq. It can penetrate ordinary main battle tanks, not to mention just a Hummer. Even if it accelerates at full speed, it can't escape the bones!

The opponent should be a mercenary, with a goal of Gennady. Their security personnel are just loyal to their duties, resistance will inevitably die, and surrender may still have a chance. He immediately braked, raised his hands to get out of the cab, and shouted, "Gennady is dead! We surrender!"

His voice was far away in the silent wilderness. Although Wolf could hear it, he sneered dismissively: "Go to death!" He was about to launch, and a voice of killing came from the headset: "Wait, Wolf, situation Changed. "

"... Okay, a few hundred dollars for a round of armor-piercing bullets, one can be saved." Wolf twisted his neck and removed the bazooka from his muscle-twisted shoulder, holding it lightly in his hand.

Aurora ran to his companion all the way, his tone was rapid: "The previous information was wrong! What Gennady participated in the research and development was not a memory chip technology at all, but an airborne electronic warfare system! We encountered the military's A-class secret! "

"The intelligence is not provided by the SRC company? They are not related to the military? What the hell!" Cried Kuike.

The team members looked at the captain. On the other side, Gennady's body was also carried out by the security guards and placed on the ground. The captain glanced at the female flight attendant who was getting out of the car and arranging the wrinkles of clothes, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Clara came up with more than a dozen muzzles and looked calmly, saying, "Hello Arctic Fox, I'm Mitchell, head of the Outreach Department of SRC Strategic Resources. I'm sorry to have intervened in your mission, not trust. However, your ability is the company's requirement that I must track and monitor the progress of the task throughout the process. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. "

Kuike said stubbornly: "Do more! You will be blasted into the sky with that car one second later. How much is your company's pension?"

Clara was not annoyed: "At least enough for my family to spend a lifetime."

"What do the data in Gennady's computer mean? Why lie to us with the wrong information?" Aurora asked in a cold voice.

Clara smiled, and apologized with an indifferent pride: "Against who is responsible for the misinformation now cannot solve any problems, is it? Gennady is one of the developers of the new electronic warfare system But at the same time, he is also a foreign spy. He must die, and his name cannot be killed in our hands. You are doing a good job. However, you have also touched things that you must not touch, and even produced evidence for yourself. Some greed-don't try to deny that Gennady's computer has a monitoring program installed. Once those materials are read and copied by unauthorized personnel, an alert will be issued to the terminal. At this moment, the military's reinforcements We will be here soon. "

Fuck! For a moment, the horse lost its forefoot and forgot to turn off the monitoring program first ... Aurora secretly annoyed.

"You are the employer, and we completed the task as promised, and there was nothing wrong with it. You have to take responsibility for this and give a proper solution." The captain Shen Sheng said.

Clara looked around the sixteen top international mercenaries present, "Snowfield", "Wolf", "Quick Passenger", "Aurora", "Piranha", "Darius" ... each one Everyone has their own strengths, and each code name is an industry legend. However, their team "Arctic Fox" with "Captain" as the core is the real powerful weapon.

It was a pity that nine people were killed and several were separated, Clara thought with regret. But it doesn't matter. As long as most of the main players are retained and new blood is absorbed to retrain, an upgraded version of the "Arctic Fox" will rise even stronger.

"There is only one way, and it is mutually beneficial." Clara extended her right hand to the captain with a smile. "Welcome to join SRC Strategic Resources, you will get unprecedented resources and guarantees. The era of mercenary squads alone is over. Only by joining a war service company, establishing a management system in accordance with the modern business model, and contracting business to the outside world can we create greater benefits. "

In the team members' own concubines and plans, the captain pondered for a long time, and finally stretched out his right hand to meet each other.

Clara's smile widened into a satisfying sweet smile, which was immediately splattered with a scarlet stream of blood--

The dark blade was cut mercilessly from the neck, and a swift knife cut off the esophagus and trachea at an instant, and death came instantly.

Clara wasn't even able to shake her from the shock of death, and her smile was still frozen on her face—Xueyuan appeared sideways from behind the captain, with blood dripping between her fingers. The captain seemed to want to say something, but the words and the right to survive were deprived together. After a few seconds, he fell like a tree struck by lightning.

"——Xuyuan!" Someone growled in anger.

Snowfield just coldly shook a drop of blood and inserted a military folding knife back into his waist.

"He is not the captain." In the headsets of the players wearing communicators, the voice of killing the youth was calm and clear, with an unquestionable determination, "Before the explosion, the captain's shoulders were pierced by an iron bar, and even if healed, one will remain. The triangular wound, but he didn't have it, only I know about it. We all want the captain to be alive, but hope is not always realistic, we have to accept reality. "

"Is there any evidence for what you call reality? Except for what you said empty-mouthed?" Piranha tried to suppress anger and doubt, his eyes flushed.

"Think guys, everything from the 'captain''s death to the present, everything is interlocking, in order to introduce us to this predicament that must be breathed away. This is a trap, before the call to order , The thief / thunder has been laid, who is driving us, one thunder and one thunder stepped down? Who is the real convener? Who takes the task? Who sets the battle plan? Who agrees to the solution? If you think, if Really the captain, I will not consult everyone just now, can't wait to agree to accept the control of others arbitrarily? Is the captain such a weak and reckless person? "

The killing of the young man asked, and silenced all the players.

"Maybe you don't know yet. The IX security company that attacked our company two years ago was just one of dozens of subsidiaries of SRC Strategic Resources. This information comes from the FBI and is absolutely true and reliable." A glance at the dark-haired agent next to him. The latter returned his warning gaze.

"Then the cause and effect of this matter can be speculated: Two years ago, IX Company tried to absorb the" Arctic Fox ". Perhaps they had also contacted the captain privately, but the captain flatly refused. So they thought that as long as the obstacle of the captain was removed Then, suppressing and suppressing the most popular 'Arctic Fox' at that time can put us into a situation where the dragons are headless and have to climb up to others. However, even careful planning can not keep up with the rapidly changing situation. Just after the attack, IX company was subjected to The deportation of many countries in South Africa was too time-consuming, and it was even more difficult to complete the 'Polar Fox Hunting' plan. Two years later, this almost sunken plan was resurfaced by someone in the parent company SRC. With this fake 'captain' and a series of conspiracies afterwards. "

Someone in the SRC company? The team members turned their eyes full of animosity and murderous power on Clara, who was white and desperately rubbing blood on her face.

"More importantly, the other old injuries on the counterfeit goods exactly matched the captain. What does this mean?" The killing paused, condensing the voice into a sharp blade: "It shows that one of our seventeen people is acting as a tiger. Betrayer! "

traitor! who is it? The players were stunned, and their fingers gripped the handle of the gun.

Just then, the sky came the sound of propeller howling--the military's reinforcements really came!

Snowfield broke into the sky and said, "Let's solve the problem before, and then talk about other things."

As if suffocating, Wolf raised the "mini-gang" fast-fire machine gun, a powerful fire killer, and yelled at the shadow of Clara and the invisible large company behind her: "Go to **** ! "

When the military's helicopters, vehicles and combat troops arrived, only the cracked railroad tracks, empty trains, dead bodies and cluttered battle trails were left on the wasteland. "Arctic fox", just like its name, came swiftly, suddenly, and once again became the legend of the mercenary world.

On the off-road vehicle that has been traveling for more than ten kilometers, the survivors of the "Arctic Fox" held their guns and ran on the shoulders of their teammates, walking silently in the hunting night wind.

Aurora once again remembered the conversation with Sha Qing before leaving.

"Come back, devil, I can help you take off that **** shackle." Aurora said in a rare and serious tone, "I have found a way to crack the code on your ankle."

Sha Qing was silent for a long time. Beside him, the detective's cell phone rang in his pocket.

Leo took a few steps to answer, then turned back, and said to Sha Qing, "There is another case."

"The new serial killer?"

"No ... yes, but it's trickier than that, a copycat."

"Imitate who?"

"——Imitate you."

He frowned, taunted at the corners of his mouth, and cold smile mixed with aversion and compassion, repeated in a low voice: "Imitate me."

"Sorry, Aurora, I'm going to let you down." He told his former companion on the other side of the communicator, "I am grateful that in the ten years of the" Arctic Fox ", I learned a lot and grew into a real Warrior. However, everyone has their own destiny, even if you want to stand still, there will be an irresistible force that will pull you and run in the direction you want to go.

"I've been entangled with that power and can't be separated anymore.

"So, goodbye, my friends."

He tore off the headphones, crushed them with his soles, turned his head and said to Leo, "Let's go."

In the apartment, the Phalanx had just replaced himself with a new bandage, and the door was knocked.

He pulled out his hand / gun with caution, walked over and looked at it from the cat's eyes, inserted the gun back to his back, and unlocked the door lock and chain.

Daqing and Leo came in.

"The mission is complete?" Fang Zhen asked. "What happened to the others?"

Sha Qing replied softly: "It's done, the target is dead, and none of the teammates are injured. Oh no, the captain is dead again."

He emphasized the word "again" and stared at the square with a smile: "Do you know where the flaw is?"

"What flaw?" The Phalanx asked somehow.

"You said that you have been with the 'Captain' for almost a month. Since he is a counterfeit who is always worried about being taken apart, how can he spend so long with someone who is familiar with the original owner and who may take it apart at any time? There is only one possibility, It is you who knows the inside story and became his current accomplice. I think that before the SRC company used fake surgery to fake the captain, the first member of the "Arctic Fox" to contact is you. You have to ask them to get rid of Interpol Hunt, and they also use you to convene other team members, aren't they mutually beneficial? What else did they promise you? Money? Selling the case? After rebuilding the 'Arctic Fox', let you be in power? "

The Phalanx reached out with a thunderbolt to pull the gun at the back. Leo took a quicker step and hit his knee with a shot.

His right leg knelt down sharply, and the bullet hole, which had lost sight, penetrated the door panel.

Leo stepped forward and kicked his hand / gun.

The square array is like a beast with a stubborn resistance, roaring and fisting. If he is not injured, if his opponent is only Leo, he can easily escape even if he cannot easily win. Unfortunately, there is a killer next to it.

Together they hit him on the floor.

Leo grabbed the square, folded one hand from his shoulders back, pressed the other hand against his back, and shackled it with alloy handcuffs to prevent the other party from prying open the keyhole or breaking the phalanx to escape.

Sha Qing squatted down, looked at the half face of the square array exposed from the blood-stained bandage, and sighed sincerely: "I didn't tell the other team members, but they will one day know that I hope they will be like me then Restraint. By the way, do you dream about the captain when you sleep at night? "

The Phalanx squinted their teeth unwillingly and desperately, squeezing out from the gap between their teeth and making a murky throat.

Leo reached for his cell phone and called the phone of his ex-partner: "Rob, send you a gift. Call your Interpol friend called" Vi "and ask him if he wants to kill his informant."

Ten minutes later, the police broke into the door and took a limping square array.

Rob also rushed over, and thanked Leo Dora Dora: "Awesome, you really caught him! You don't know how many times Wei has complained to me because of that unfortunate informant. Say no one wants to find him to borrow fishing lures in the future ... "

Leo waited for a burger or sandwich and gagged his mouth. Sha Qing patted Rob's shoulder with a smile: "We rushed back overnight and had no time to have dinner. How about a big dinner?"

Rob calculated the grade of the "big meal" in his mouth and the amount of banknotes in his wallet, nodded his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

The three of them went downstairs together and went to the black Chevrolet Suburban. They vaguely returned to the days when they crossed the states and solved the case together.

Rob drove the car, Leo sat in the back seat, and Shao Qing lay lazily on his thigh. The hero of Spanish male singer An Likui wanders coldly and affectionately from the car radio:

"... If you see me cry, will you cry, can you save my soul tonight.

You will always be mine, or will you lie, run away from me, avoid me,

I've fallen into it, I've lost my mind, I don't care anything ...

Baby, I will be your hero ... "

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