Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1671: ?(*?)?Bear Boy and Fishman Island (4)

[Shadow Bear Tibbers' Journey to the Dimensions] Novel is free to read, please bookmark 17 novels【】



"Is there a shortcut over there?"


Annie was originally following the crowd in front, followed the mermaid king and a group of ministers and guards towards the banquet hall of Dragon Palace City, but when she saw a huge murloc pushing a huge dining car on the way After passing by, her feet could not help but slow down and gradually landed at the end of the line.

Because, she saw, there seemed to be a lot of delicious food on the dining cart pushed by the big murloc, and it also exuded a tempting smell that was very different from the food on land?

"All right!"


"It must be!"



Thinking that the murloc was going to send the food back to the banquet hall, Annie thought that there must be a short cut, first looked at the guys in front, and then at the murloc pushing the dining cart towards the other side, she thought. Thinking about it, she didn't want to miss some kind of food on the dining car, so she resolutely turned around and followed.

Not long after, Annie followed the other party to a huge tower made of hard shells, and took advantage of the opportunity of the murloc guard to open the door to carry food and walked in carelessly.

But the murloc was only focused on putting the food in and hurriedly closed the door and left, never seeing her who was relatively small in size.



Soon, the gate of this weird palace was hastily closed by the murloc guard.



Immediately afterwards, even though it was a somewhat dim environment here, Annie also saw it: this place didn't seem to be a shortcut as she had taken for granted, nor was it a banquet hall, but it seemed to be just the boudoir of a huge little mermaid sister?

Yes, she saw it. There was a very big mermaid lying on the big bed in the huge room not far away. The size of the other person was much bigger than the Cammy that Annie knew, and as far as she saw the other person Roughly estimated from the way he was lying on that big bed, it might be at least ten meters away?



Then, Annie began to look around the room.

Much of the room is submerged in water, and the furniture, apart from the huge scalloped bed with long draperies, bedside tables, two bedside lamps, and intricately carved chandeliers, is much more Beautiful decorations such as seat vanity mirrors.



"We seem to be in the wrong place!"


Right now, seeing that there is only a sleeping young lady here and the dim environment, Annie knows without being reminded that she must have come to the wrong place, and this is not the place she imagined to receive guests.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that Uncle Xiong didn’t go wrong, it was a bad little master who insisted on advising him to come here with him, so he must not agree with that ‘we’ or something .)

"never mind!"


"Anyway, I've come here, and I want to eat anyway, and she hasn't woken up yet, so let's try to have a big meal first!"

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