Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1750: |????) Who is fighting?

"La la la ~?"


Early the next morning, Anne bid farewell to the fat aunt in the hotel, and now she is walking alone on the country road in this magical world.

In fact, under normal circumstances, she would definitely not get up so early.

After all, there are no such weird capitalists in this world who want to urge her to work, but, although there are no such bad capitalists, there are a large group of strange uncles who wake her up.

Those guys didn't know what was going on, they got up before dawn to eat and drink, they were noisy, their armor and weapons clinked when they walked, and those nasty war horses roared from time to time , which annoyed her.

And if it weren't for the hot hotel, a place where anyone can live, and it wasn't Queen Anne's own home, I'm afraid she must have thrown a spell through the window long ago, throwing those nasty guys in Tens of thousands of miles away, how could I let those guys who had been arguing for half the night and got up so early bother her?

Of course, it's useless to say anything now, anyway, she has already got up and left the hotel, even if those nasty guys go back and continue to make noise for another night, she certainly doesn't mind.




At this moment, Annie, who was wandering aimlessly, suddenly heard a sound like muffled thunder coming from a distance.

"Tibbers, what's that sound?"


Now that the sky is bright and sunny and there are no clouds in the sky, it must not be the sound of thunder when it is about to rain, and the distance seems to be quite close, which makes Annie feel a little curious.

(It was Pyroblast that exploded, that stupid male native human you taught earlier, who has learned that magic and is fighting!)

(● ̄? ̄●)

(Because this is a high-magic world, Tibbers was not too suppressed, so it didn't hide it, and directly gave the basic information it learned after scanning to the lazy but curious bad heart The little master told it.)



"Pyroblast? Hot guy, he learned it so quickly?!"


Hearing what Tibbers said, Anne couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

She didn't know the guy named Hai En who was driven away by her yesterday, but she didn't know where he heard about her eradicating monsters, and then came to find her suddenly, crying and begging She said that she wanted to learn magic from a teacher, but at that time, of course, Her Lady Queen Anne vehemently refused.

After all, teaching apprentices or something is too troublesome. Last time I taught that Irena she was lazy and handed it over to Tibbers, who doesn't know magic, let alone teaching those who don't know magic , is not cute, and at the same time is a bit stupid.

But then...

Being quarreled by the other party was really helpless, so she just randomly took out a blasting technique to fool the other party, and drove the other party away directly.

According to Annie's thinking, that small trick like Pyroblast is enough for the other party to learn for several years, and by the time the other party learns it, she probably won't know where she has wandered off for a long time, and there is no need to worry about the other party coming to the door again. .

But who would have thought that the other party not only learned it in one night, but also used it flexibly, and directly took it out to fight with others. Compared with the witch Irena who was eaten by Tibbers many times at the beginning, it is probably faster. Is it only a little bit away?

Of course, although that guy is a little bit worse than Queen Anne's former student Irena, he is still much, much better than Tibbers, who I have raised for many years. After all, her family's The stupid little bear has not been able to learn any magic until now. Fortunately, she still allows it to use her magic power. It is really blind.



(Tibbers didn't want to talk, and gave his bad little master a big roll of the eyes from the bottom of his heart...)



"Why didn't it ring again..."


"According to that guy's magic power, it should be possible to put two or three of them?"


"Did he really learn so fast?"


After waiting for a while, Annie couldn't help hesitating again when she realized that there was no such thunderous explosion rumbling just now.

"never mind!"


"Let's go!"

"Tibbers, let's go and have a look!"


As she said that, Annie threw the little bear Tibbers in her left hand.

And then, when Tibbers slowly swelled and grew bigger, she jumped onto its shoulder and sat down, not worrying about the dark red flames around its body at all.

"Set off!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

"Also, put out the fire quickly, if you accidentally burn the forest, they will let you carry water yourself!"



It wasn't about fighting. Seeing that Tibbers had let out the burning Shadow Flame to affect himself from looking at flowers and plants, Annie slapped its big round head fiercely.

"It's over there, the voice is coming from over there!"


Seeing the reluctance of the other party, Anne had no choice but to angrily tugged at the plush ear and pulled it in the direction she thought was right.



At this time, in a village about half a day away from the roadside inn, the traveling swordsman Alvin, the trainee magician Hein, and a certain witch from the Temple of Light are defending against the more than a hundred imperial troops. The threat, while slowly retreating to the north of the village.

Under normal circumstances, the three of them would definitely not be able to withstand the attack of a small army of more than a hundred imperial soldiers. After all, there were more than a hundred soldiers, and forty elite soldiers The light cavalry, the orange-haired swordsman Alvin in the front alone is obviously not enough.

But, they still have that magician Hayne who suddenly learned the explosive fire technique for some reason!

Just now, Hayne blasted over a dozen imperial soldiers with a blasting technique, and then, from time to time, he would throw some small fireballs at the soldiers and enemies in front, which made the imperial soldiers feel very afraid. Want to rush up and crush those two people regardless, but hesitate?

So, just like that, in the stalemate between the two sides, the three retreated to the other end of the not-so-spacious stone bridge in the north of the village, taking advantage of the geographical advantage, to follow the group of people who gathered but did not dare to get too close The imperial soldiers held off.


"It can't go on like this, why don't you take Liana and go first!"

"Go north!"

"Go to Sallas City! I'll stop them here!"

Standing on the side of this small bridge, looking at the imperial cavalry and large group of infantry who were wandering in the village in the distance, and might rush over at any time regardless, Alvin swallowed hard, and then held it firmly. The sword in his hand urged Hein and Liana behind him.


"No! No!"

"No way!"

"Erwin, without me, you will definitely die!"

However, after hearing Alvin's words, Hein refused loudly on the spot.

Although he had already seen that Alvin was really good fighting alone, but he definitely couldn't do it in the face of so many imperial soldiers.

Besides, the commander of the opposing cavalry has never made a move. Although Hein didn't know how powerful the opponent was, he believed that if he hadn't provided magical support and deterrence from behind, the opponent would have rushed over.

What's more, without the full support of Hein and Liyana, who knows a little bit of magical healing, the enemy will definitely swarm up. At that time, even without the commander of the opponent, Alvin will be finished!

And once Erwin is finished, he and Lianna will be chased by the enemy's cavalry soon after they don't run very far. At that time, there will be no Erwin to stand in front of him. How could the master and Liyana, who basically had no fighting ability, fight against so many vicious imperial troops?

Therefore, their current situation is that no one can do without the other, and if anyone dares to run first, the last three may all die!

Among other things, based on the imperial soldiers lying on the ground in the distant village, Hein felt that the imperial commander on the horse with a gloomy face would definitely not let him, the instigator, let him go. He is a trainee magician.

"That's right!"

"Mr. Alvin!"

"me too!"

"It's all because of me that you and Hein were involved, so I will never leave you or Hein will go first!"


At this time, Liana also spoke, and said stubbornly.

Just now, when the group of imperial soldiers rushed into the village aggressively, she learned the purpose of those imperial soldiers from Leon, who claimed to be the leader of the Azure Dragon Knights, and the other party was clearly looking for her Liana.

Originally, she also planned to leave with the other party. After all, her arms couldn't twist her thighs, and she didn't dare to resist those terrible guys from the empire, because resistance was useless.

However, when she was uneasy, her childhood sweetheart, Hein, who grew up together, and Mr. Alvin in front of her would suddenly rush out of the house beside her, killing and injuring them all at once. And also killed and injured many imperial soldiers, and then rushed all the way to cover her, and brought her here from the village abruptly?

"Let's go, let's go together!"

"Or, if it doesn't work, just leave me behind. You go first. Their goal is me, and they won't be too eager to chase you!"

Then, Liana suggested again.

Just now, she was arrested by the imperial army, and then rescued by two people and held here. Her mind has been in a mess, and she finally calmed down and regained a little reason until now.

"No way!"

"Liana, now that they have killed and injured so many people, do you think they will let Alvin and I go?"

Hein certainly didn't agree with Liana's taken-for-granted and naive thoughts.

If he was the commander of the imperial army on horseback, if twenty or thirty soldiers under his command had been killed, then he must have wished to hack and crush the two of them as soon as possible. How could it be possible? Is there any reason to let it go easily?

"do not talk…"

"Now we can only fight with them!"

At this time, Alvin also felt that his thoughts were a little naive, so he stopped the two of them, and at the same time, he did not forget to be alert to the group of imperial soldiers on the other side of the bridge.

Although the three of them had no hope of winning, with Hein's magical support, it was not so easy for the other party to rush over the bridge easily.


"We must hold on!"

"The village chief sent someone to Sarras city to deliver the letter before dawn. I hope they can meet the lord's patrol team on the way, right?"


Otherwise, Hai En didn't dare to continue talking.

Anyway, he only knows that it is definitely not an option to continue to confront the enemy here. After all, Hein himself knows that his magic power is running out, and at most he can only use one more Pyroblast. If the enemy finds out that he lacks magic power, Liana may be fine, but he and Erwin will definitely die!



"Quickly surrender!"

"Call that chick out, I might even spare your lives!"

"Did you hear that?"

At this time, on the side of the Imperial Army, the infantry captain Barter became a little impatient, and shouted at the three people on the other side of the bridge from a distance of more than a hundred meters in the village.




It's a pity that Hein, Alvin and Liyana, who had already made plans, didn't give him any answer, and they were still on guard on the other side of the bridge.



"Adjutant Liat!"

"What should I do now?"

"There's a mage over there, and that bridge. With so few of us, even if we force ourselves, we won't be able to cross it!"

Seeing that the other party was not fooled, and that he didn't want to talk to him at all, the empire captain Barter had no choice but to go to the side of the adjutant Liat and complained.

"As I say!"

"We should have brought some crossbowmen in the first place!"

If there is a team of archers here now, it doesn't need many people, only ten or eight will do. In that case, the three guys on the other side of the river will have to walk around!


"Don't say those useless things!"

Liat hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't dare to do it himself.

Not to mention the skill of that swordsman, just the magic of that mage made him very afraid.

After all, he is far from reaching the level of their leader Leon, so the magic released by the little mage just now is still a bit threatening to him, especially the stone bridge is neither long nor short, just enough to Limit the circumstances of his evasive route.

"you go!"

"Go to the villagers and ask, is there another way to go around this river?"

"If I can, I'll take the cavalry around. Without that bridge and that river, they're dead!"

After a long time, the adjutant Liat frowned slightly, and then he quickly thought of a solution that was not an option, and gave instructions to the captain.

It is definitely not possible to charge directly from the bridge, but if it is from other places, such as the flat and spacious mountain behind the three of them, then Taliad is sure enough to kill the mage and the swordsman. Kill it on the spot!


"Why didn't I think of it?"


As he said that, Barter, the captain of the imperial army, slapped his head, then cruelly made people laugh and rushed to a villager's house not far away.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of screams and begging for mercy in that house. Obviously, the way the other party asked would definitely not be too friendly.



"General, general?"

Hearing the abnormality in the house, Liat frowned slightly, and was about to say something when suddenly, when he heard the sound of horseshoes, he couldn't help but turned around in astonishment, and saw Leon, the head of their Azure Dragon Knights, riding his horse away. The south rushed towards them quickly.



"The lord's army is coming soon, why are you still here?!"

"Where's that woman?"

Seeing the gathered imperial soldiers and looking at the corpses lying on the ground, the visitor's expression froze, and then he yelled at Liat, the adjutant who was about to say something angrily, and asked.


"General, two boys ran out to disrupt the situation, especially the sorcerer, his spells are very powerful, they are blocking the bridge on the other side, so we..."

Liat was a little ashamed, and he didn't dare to say that he was taken hostage by those two people carelessly. Then, he was afraid that the loss would be too great, so he didn't dare to act for a long time.


"It's him?!"

Following his adjutant's instructions, Leon also saw the three people on the other side of the small river at a glance, and saw the trainee magician who didn't answer his question that he saw yesterday.


"There is no time, all those who resist will be killed!"

Time was running out, and Leon, who had just rushed back because he had to leave beforehand, obviously didn't want to delay any longer.

"Get out of the way!"

Therefore, looking at the two little pawns in front who still wanted to continue to be chariots, his heart became ruthless, and then he clamped the horse's belly, pulled out the long knife at his waist, and rode the horse towards the bridge.



Seeing the legendary leader of the Azure Dragon Knights, that unparalleled warrior turned back to the village, and even launched a surprise attack on himself, Alvin gasped in fright, and couldn't help but hastily turned his head without looking back. He yelled at his partner behind him.

"Blast Flame Technique!!"

Hayne did not disappoint Alvin, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a red magic circle lit up on his body and in front of his hands.

Immediately afterwards, a huge burning fireball appeared instantly and blasted towards the head of the charging Azure Dragon Knights!



Seeing the magic attack, Leon simply cut it with his sword!

boom! !

The explosion sounded again in an instant, and the flames that exploded directly engulfed the leader of the Azure Dragon Knights. At the same time, the shock wave of the explosion also shook the stone bridge that was not very strong.



However, without waiting for Hein and Erwin to be happy, they saw again in horror: a figure with flames on his body rushed out of the flames in an instant, and slashed at the one in front with a sword.


not good! Alvin raised the long sword in his hand and blocked it,


However, the weapon in his hand suddenly snapped off, and at the same time, the extremely sharp long knife, which seemed to have a powerful enchantment and was good for killing immediately, still accelerated and slid towards Erwin's neck come over.


It's over!

Seeing this, Alvin, who had no chance to react, only had time to exclaim in his heart, and then subconsciously closed his eyes.


(?ω?) It’s the end of the month, it’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass~!

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