Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 206: Landing on the planet (5)

At this time, on the synchronous orbit of planet JNO.3, the huge space colony of Hope still stayed directly above the ground base and flew synchronously with the rotation of the planet.

After sleeping for less than two hours, the young captain Leona of the Hope had to prepare once again to return to her job on the bridge.

Due to lack of sleep, mental exhaustion, and being troubled by what happened on the ground, Leona ignored the greetings of other crew members she met on the way. Frowning and staring at the deck ground in front of him, he hurriedly walked in the passage.

Because, there is a new situation in the base command center that has just landed on the planet's ground and has not been deployed soon, she must deal with it personally!

Especially in this critical period, once there is any accident and mishandling, maybe, the more than 100,000 people on the earth on their colonial spacecraft will face a dangerous situation that will never be restored!

"Ah! Captain Leona? You are here."

Hearing the sound of the automatic door opening of the bridge command center behind, and seeing Captain Leona walking in with a cold face, the second officer who was acting as the captain quickly stood up to the opponent. He saluted, and quickly moved away from the captain where he was sitting.

Now that the captain of the Hope has returned to the bridge again, the power he delegated has been automatically transferred to the captain, and now he has returned to the position of the second officer again.

"The situation on the ground...what is going on now?"

This is Leona's biggest concern. The bases on the ground, especially the energy harvesting, are directly related to the survival of their space colony ship Hope.

If things are urgent, Leona is even thinking: Should I invest a lot of SCV engineering vehicles, and then do my best to collect enough energy and materials, and then leave early and leave this dangerous star field completely?

"Report to the Captain that after Ghost Agent No. 1 killed the unidentified alien creature, so far, no other abnormalities have been found. Everything is calm! The alien creature should have accidentally drifted to the beach. Ordinary creatures on the planet?"

He was just staring at this matter, so the second officer gave an answer without thinking about it.

Ghost agent 01 is the number of Little Annie, and is currently the only ghost agent on the Hope, number NO.1!

Up to now, on the Hope spacecraft, it seems that no other immigrants with phantom potential have been found, and they don’t seem to have confidential procedures and phantom schools for training ghost agents on Earth, so, yes. Predictably, for a long period of time in the future, they will only have Little Annie, the only foreign aid ghost.

"No! Isaac, you are wrong, I have a hunch, this matter is definitely not as simple as you think!"

After Captain Leona walked to the captain's position and stood still, he shook his head tiredly, and directly denied the conservative idea of ​​the second officer Isaac, who has entered middle age and is staid and cautious.

Then, she directly sat back on her captain's position, rubbed the temples that were swollen from lack of sleep, and took a breath.

After thinking about it, she stopped what she wanted to say next, and simply started to call up the holographic panel, and re-scanned carefully what happened during the period when the alien creature was discovered and killed.

"Wait! Isaac, has the barracks been built for the ground base?"

This... how can it be so fast?

After seeing one of the messages on the information board, Leona froze for a moment. If it was carried out according to the original plan, there should be at least more than an hour of progress before the initial formation is completed, right?

"That's it, Captain, Commander Doug, after discovering that there were extraterrestrial creatures on the planet JNO.3, he transferred all the SCV engineering vehicles that had been used to collect energy back, and then they joined the barracks together. In the construction work."

"Because, she believes that there is no way to protect the engineers who are doing collection operations far away from the base when the troops are insufficient, so let them participate in the construction of the barracks in the base."

Regarding this matter, the second mate Isaac felt that Doug did a good job, and it was a prudent approach, and it was a more sensible choice for the situation.


After going through the information in the log for a while, Leona was silent for a while with her arms folded. She was thinking and didn't say anything.

"Dawn, how are the preparations of the recruits and engineers going now?"

What a pitiful day, the current HMS Hope, even Galen and Dreyus' two marines with no actual combat experience, have become veterans? And those civilians, who have only been recruited and trained for a few days, quickly topped their original recruits?

This was the mission that Leona had already given when she was in the captain's lounge.

Now, those people should be almost ready, right? They are now a group of troops and no longer civilians. After such a long time, they should be able to dress up.

She has now made up her mind: send more manpower, send more troops! The collection and construction of the entire ground base must be accelerated!

Later, after finishing this matter, she has to train and recruit more recruits and more engineers from the more than 100,000 immigrants. She wants to develop the military strength of the Nozomi.

Then, the other remaining base command center of the Hope is dispatched to the planets in the nearby star field or directly collect various metal minerals in the asteroid belt, and wait until more metals and other materials are collected and smelted. , It will be directly transported to the ground base on planet JNO.3, so that Doug and the others only need to concentrate on collecting crystal and gas energy.

She believes that the two command centers are launched at the same time, with separate labor divisions. If this is done, it will definitely reduce the pressure on Doug and the others?

"Your Excellency, the Viper Squad and the two hundred best recruits have already boarded two armored transport spacecraft, ready to set off to the ground base on planet JNO.3."

"The second batch of SCV space engineering vehicles and the corresponding engineers are also ready. After the ground troops have landed and the two armored transport ships return, the second airborne operation can be carried out."

This matter, after Captain Leona had given the order, Sugon Brain had executed it very efficiently, and under the efficient interstellar mode, it did not make any mistakes.

However, Suguang Zhinao still feels that instead of calling them an army, the group of recruits should be called armed civilians wearing armored power suits and holding electromagnetic rifles. Perhaps this is more appropriate?

"Now, you can order them to start landing on JNO.3! Then, connect me to Commander Doug on the ground base."

After making up his mind, Captain Leona needs to talk directly with Doug in the ground command center, directly arrange some important tasks, and once again change the previous base development plan.

"Captain, what is your order?"

Soon after Leona had just watched the two armored transport ships leave the inner airport in the abdomen of the colonial spacecraft and began to accelerate towards the planet JNO.3, Commander Doug’s holographic projection appeared in front of her. The other party also hurriedly saluted her.

"Doug, the situation has changed now, and I have a very bad feeling... Therefore, the original development plan may need to be changed appropriately."

Although Leona also knew that changing the base construction plan at will would cause a lot of trouble.

For example, the work links of various units and items are out of touch, and there may be a serious decline in work efficiency, resulting in unnecessary waste of human resources, etc., but now she has no better way.

"Please give instructions, Captain!"

Nodded, Doug in the ground base didn't ask much.

She herself knew that after the appearance of unknown alien creatures, the necessary changes must be reasonable!

This is the same as before, she Doug issued an order without authorization to make the SCV engineering vehicle for the preliminary energy collection and survey withdraw to the vicinity of the base in advance.

"Doug, your task will be very heavy in the future. The construction of the second and third islands will stop now! I need you to collect energy and materials on this island with all your strength and maximize Complete the original plan content!"

After talking about his own arrangements, without waiting for the other party to respond, Captain Leona went on to say:

"Furthermore, I also need you to directly transport half of the energy collected every day to Nozomi after starting large-scale energy extraction!"

This is Leona's preventive measures. Once she finds that something uncontrollable occurs, it is very likely that Hope will go directly into the warp speed, jump and evacuate the star field?

"Yes, Captain! However, if we abandon the construction of the second and third islands, the metals or other minerals on this island will not be able to meet our later production and construction needs."

Because most of the planet JNO.3 is covered by strong acid oceans, and the rest of the land is mostly islands of different sizes.

The place where they landed now is one of the islands rich in high-energy crystals and high-energy gas, but the problem also arises. On this island, other metals or other mineral resources are not very abundant.

If they were to stop the construction plan of the second and third bases according to the order issued by Captain Leona, they would have many projects that they could not proceed. At that time, even if they collected more energy and did not have enough metals to produce modules, no matter it was a variety of buildings or combat units, they would not be able to mass-produce them.

"Our second command center will soon bring you asteroids in space to collect all the necessary materials and transport them to the ground after smelting! Now, do you have any questions?"

Now she has asked Zhi Nao Shuguang to file this matter, and she believes it will be implemented soon.

Because, in space, in the asteroid belt, collecting and smelting various metal minerals on a large scale is much more efficient than on a ground base under the influence of planetary gravity!

"Nothing, Captain!"

Now that the captain had already arranged it, Doug didn't say much.

Next, her job is more clear: she herself only needs to speed up the production and construction of the main base wholeheartedly.

Then, it seems that a little more defense can be developed?

"Very good! Now the first batch of 210 Marines has begun to land on the planet. Later, the second batch will support you with a large number of engineers and SCV engineering vehicles. This is what Hope can provide Your greatest support, next, you must hurry up and carry out production work without any mistake!"

Having said this, Captain Leona paused and stopped.

"Doug, you must know that we have no supplies anymore..."

At present, the materials on the Hope are the most, and it can also produce some Marines' individual equipment and SCV. Moreover, the amount that can be produced will not be too much. She urgently needs Doug's ground base to operate as soon as possible and feed back a large amount of energy to Hope as soon as possible, and then she can make other arrangements and work.

"Please rest assured, the captain, I will go all out!"

Doug, who was the first officer of the Hope before, certainly understands the dilemma of the Hope now.

Therefore, she decided that after more Marines and SCV engineering vehicles came down, she immediately let go of her hands and feet and proceeded to the next leap-forward large-scale construction!

By then, all basic facilities will be built, which will not only feed back the large amount of energy and materials of the Nozomi, but also produce a large amount of military equipment.

Then, the Hope spacecraft in space only needs to provide necessary personnel support for their ground bases. She believes that everything will be fine in time!

"Very well, now you are ready to receive the new batch of Marines who landed. Good luck, Doug."

After speaking, Captain Leona closed the call and lay down on the captain's seat back.

After busying everything and explaining everything clearly, she now needs to squint her eyes here, barely take a nap, and recover a little bit of energy.


"Hey, Galen, and Little Annie, are you okay now? Our troops have come to support you!"

On the combat panel of Galen, who was on duty on the ground, and Little Annie, who was silent, suddenly came the loud voice of Dreyus.

Now the two armored transport spaceships they were on had begun to slowly fall to the base command center and opened the heavy hatch. They were running out of the crowded cargo warehouse in an orderly manner.

Just now, on the Nozomi, after hearing that there were alien creatures on this planet, Dreyus could not wait to do a big job. He said: His electromagnetic rifle is now hungry and thirsty. Up!

"Dreyus, you are so lucky... You can get out of the spaceship with ease? Don't you know: Before, when we landed, that **** old **** Planck , That reckless old drunkard, he just threw us down in midair!"

When I remembered that his party was thrown down by the old drunkard from Planck from a height of thirty to fifty meters, Galen was furious!

Now, standing in Galen’s position, he can easily see the two armored transport spacecraft next to the base command center, and now they just landed on the ground, when they opened the belly behind After the hatch, a large number of heavily armed Marines walked out of it.

"You are the old bastard! I tell you now, Galen, I swear: Next time, if you as a **** take my spacecraft again, your jump height will never be less than 100 meters!"

It is now in the public communication channel near the base, but it is shared internally, so Captain Planck quickly heard Captain Galen of the Cobra team slander him.

Then, he yelled directly in the public channel.

The reason why he Planck will land on the ground honestly this time is just because of the group of recruits who have only trained for a few days. He can't bear to let their heads land first when they fall, which causes unnecessary Attrition only!

Cobra squads like Galen and others, and veteran marines like them who have experience in high-altitude free jumping landing training, the next landing height is definitely not as simple as thirty or fifty meters.

"Old wine cabinet, next time, I will never be your transport spacecraft again! Soon, I believe that the new spacecraft of our base will also be manufactured. By then, your broken ship will never be The only option!"

Galen sneered similarly.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no choice, or if Hope had only two armored transport spacecraft now, why would he choose to take this old drunk maniac’s spacecraft?

Whether it was to capture Little Annie's rescue capsule before, or when he landed on this planet, the other party's mannerisms gave him a lot of shock!

Thinking of the situation where the rescue capsule almost hit the spacecraft and dived to land on the planet, his calf cramps now! If you can drive a spaceship like the other party, I'm afraid, only desperate lunatics can do it, right?

"Haha! Very good! Here, I welcome you next time to take those new people's ships with hundreds of hours of simulated flight experience and 0 hours of actual flight experience! Next time, you must never come to me, uh..."

After speaking, Planck burped another wine. It seemed that he had just drunk a lot.

For his own flying skills, Planck has always been very confident!

You know, he is a famous old driver! For decades of drunk-driving spacecraft, whether in the dangerous gravel asteroid belt, or in the desperate ship with the smuggling boat team, he has never missed it!

Ordinary people, no matter how long the opponent’s training time is, how can they have such superb driving skills like him?

For example, if Planck’s piloting skills for a small spacecraft are S-level before drinking, then when he drinks a lot, his piloting skills can at least improve to SS+! Mortals like Galen will never understand the superb realm of this master level!


Hearing this, Galen was suddenly shocked. It seemed that he felt that what the other party said seemed a bit reasonable?

Compared to this old madman who has been driving a spaceship for decades, it’s even more dangerous to ride on the ships of those newcomers whose actual experience in manipulating the spacecraft is zero?

"By the way, Galen, why didn't I hear little Annie's response?"

After gloating in the panel, watching Galen and Captain Planck who were blushing with quarrel for a while, Delius thought of and asked about Little Annie.

It stands to reason that he has just said hello, that little kid who likes to lively, she will never say hello, right?

"Um... she seems to be lying on her commanding heights now?"

Galen also looked at the position of Little Annie on the radar with some uncertainty. The orange sign that belonged to her was still stopped at the predetermined position.

After thinking about it, Galen turned around and walked past a pile of strange rocks, and looked towards the position on the high ground.

That's right, little Annie is still lying in that position, she hasn't turned on the stealth mode, so Galen can see clearly with the naked eye.

"Hello? Little Annie? What are you doing now? We are about to change shifts!"

Now that the reinforcements have arrived, there are still a full two hundred and ten people, so Galen decided to notify Little Annie.

At this time, it's almost time to change shifts, and they can go back to the large barracks that have been built and have a good rest.

"Hello! Hello? Annie, are you listening?"

Galen, who hadn't received any reply, couldn't help but called again and clicked the button to link the video on the virtual interface.

Just now, didn't Little Annie have been clamoring to rest? They said they wanted to sleep, they said they wanted to take a bath, and they even said they wanted to pee and so on, which made the bladder of the Marines become tight.

But now, finally, when the support arrives, she can change shifts and rest, but why does she make no sound?


When he opened the video communication panel, Galen couldn't help being short of breath!

That little kid, she was asleep with her eyes closed? Snoring slightly from time to time, and even saliva is about to flow out?

It's no wonder that Dreyus just called her but didn't get any response. It turned out that this little kid, she was sleeping? Thanks to him, Galen always thought how hard she was lying there, she was still lying there motionless, and wanted to praise her.


Just when Galen wanted to say something more, little Annie suddenly opened her eyes and became energetic.

"Hey, Little Annie, are you awake? Come down now, we are going to change defenses, you can go back to the barracks and sleep!"

Thinking that he had awakened the opponent, Galen sighed in relief, carrying his rifle, and walking back while speaking to the red and white figure who was still lying on the high ground in the distance.

"Wow! Lots of enemies! The number is probably... hundreds of them? Great, let's have fun now!"

Annie ignored Galen’s call. Now, she has received a reminder from her little bear Tibbers: In front, it is still the sea area, and there is a large wave of monsters attacking. The number is about a thousand. Is it still the kind she killed before?

Then, while Xiao Anni quickly loaded her weapon, she also turned on the stealth mode of her armor for the first time, and disappeared directly from Galen's sight.

However, in the radar display of the friendly forces, she can still be seen lying on the spot without moving.

"Little Annie, what are you doing? Please don't mess around!"

Seeing that the other party suddenly disappeared and said that there was an enemy, Galen frowned a little displeased.

She was still sleeping just now, right? Moreover, she still woke her up, how could she find an enemy?

Liaring military information is a very serious crime! Now, they are doing military affairs, they can't make jokes like they did when they were on the Nozomi.

Galen didn't believe it. How could a kid who just woke up and saw hostility when he opened his eyes?

"I'm not kidding!"

Bang! ! !

Just after Annie's words, after the gunshot, a bullet of a large-caliber electromagnetic sniper rifle whizzed over Galen's head.

Then, Galen, who was walking back leisurely, was shocked to find that behind him, there seemed to be some strange noise?

"Enemy attack! Everyone, get ready to fight!"

When Galen found out that Little Annie shot at the top of his head, he originally wanted to severely reprimand the other party and forbid the little kid to make such dangerous jokes.

You know, that is the bullet of a 20mm electromagnetic rifle. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an electromagnetic gun! In case, if she accidentally missed the shot, if she wiped it on herself, then he would declare that Galen was over!

However, when he turned around, he saw another hideous monster like a calf at the seaside hundreds of meters away. Its headless corpse was sprayed with red and green blood and fell down. On the beach, Galen immediately retreated a long distance.

After finding a simple bunker, he put his electromagnetic rifle on his shoulder, began to aim, and at the same time yelled sharply in all public channels.

Because, he found that on the beach in front, he saw dense monsters, they were crawling up silently from the sea.

"Enemy attack! Dreyus! Bring your marines to support. There are a lot of monsters on the beach, hurry up! This is not a drill!"

Galen opened fire and said loudly and hurriedly.

"Repeat! There are many enemies! We need support now!"

Da da da……

While taking time to speak, Galen continued to ignite violently.

The 8mm nail bullet in the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, like no money, sprayed at the monsters at a super high rate of fire.

As the bullet shot past like a chain of fire, soon, on the body of that large group of giant insect-shaped monsters, a cloud of green and red blood burst out.

Da da da……

At the same time, the other members of the Cobra squad who were still on alert also began to rely on their favorable terrain to face the sea and fire violently.

"Dreyus! Come and support us, we can't stand it anymore! There are too many of them!"

Galen was horrified to discover that the fire nets of the few Marines in this direction seemed insufficient to resist those four-legged giant bugs that were constantly climbing up from the sea?

Moreover, they are too resistant to fight, right? He found that sometimes, they strafed past bullets, unless they hit the head and other vital points, otherwise, it would take several shots to kill or disable the opponent.

Just now, after Little Annie killed the first monster that sneaked ashore, more than two hours passed. These monsters actually started to attack on a large scale again?

Could it be that the one at the beginning, it just came to explore the way?

"Hold on! We are here!"

After Dreyus replied with Galen in the channel, he quickly turned to the new Marines who had just run off the transport spacecraft and heard the battle, who were in the state of being in the circle, shouted:

"Everyone has it! Hurry up, run, and come here with me! What are you still doing over there? Come here!"

After a hello, Captain Dreyus, who ran for a few steps, discovered that, just after he greeted, except for the nine Viper team members under his team who responded to the order immediately, the others Except for some of the two hundred Marines who hesitated sparsely and ran after them, the others were still looking at me at you. I looked at you in a daze?

"Attention all Marines: Go to the beach defense line immediately to support operations! Make no mistake!"

At this time, the base command center that discovered the situation also issued a red combat order after Commander Doug’s order in the mission information panels of all Marines who had just landed on the planet .

"Huh? Yes!"

"Which direction is the beach?"

"Okay, okay! We will come right away!"

Finally, under the urging and leadership of Dreyus, after Commander Doug issued the red combat order on everyone's panel, the Marines finally followed the Viper team running in the forefront sparsely. It was like a sheep herding, in a sparse and messy formation, swarming towards the beach.

"Wow! What are you doing against Laozi? Want to cause trouble?"

"Ah, bah! You suddenly stood in front of you and didn't move! Are you still blaming me?"

Suddenly, the two marines in the running ran into each other inexplicably, and then they rolled into a ball. They fell to the ground and entangled, and they couldn't stand up for a long time?

"Obviously you hit it first! I just wanted to stop and study how to open the safety device of the electromagnetic rifle just now!"


Hearing this on the public channel, Commander Doug in the base command center could only stare dumbfoundedly at the two Marines who were at the back of the team and were complaining about each other about to get up.

Now, Doug is very suspicious: They can't even walk well, they can still bump into each other when they run, and even they don't even know where the safety device of the weapon is and how to open it? With the Marine Corps, which can't even talk about recruits, can they really stand on this seemingly dangerous planet with an unknown number of terrifying alien creatures?

For the first time, Commander Doug had a little doubt about his future on this ground base...

The update is coming, are there any tickets?