Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 285: Battle of Rohan (4)

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"My rowan tree..."

In this large valley south of the Misty Mountains and east of Isengard, in this ancient forest, there is an old and distant voice.

"Your brilliance is dazzling...under summer...your tree crown is golden a tall crown..."

When Gandalf and Annie met with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas who entered the Fargon Forest, the tall tree man with tree whiskers was carrying two little Hobbits Pippin and Meli in deep here. Walking in the deep forest of Fargon.

Then, under extremely boring idleness, Treebeard was chanting to the two hobbits the old-tuned poetry that their shepherds liked. Because the tree shepherd speaks slowly and the intonation is very long, it often takes a long time to finish a short passage until the two little hobbits sitting on it sound drowsy. Ground.

"What a beautiful poem..."

Treebeard, who felt very good about himself, didn't notice the half-dangling eyes of the two hobbits, so it planned to change to another song and continue singing for a while.

For so many years, few people who can talk to it can enter the Fargon Forest and still see themselves alive. Therefore, the tree beard does not intend to give up this opportunity to chat with outsiders.

"Tree whiskers, how far are we?"

The Hobbit Pippin sitting in a fork above the tree's head is a bit impatient. So far, they have been wandering in the Fargon Forest for a long time!

However, until now, it seems that they have not reached their destination? The place where you enter the eye is full of those strangely shaped ancient trees. If the tree whiskers are not for the two of them to go by themselves, they must get lost!

"Please don't worry..."

"Perhaps, you will feel a little far away...My home is deep in the forest, right at the foot of the mountain..."

After hearing the tree's whiskers, the two hobbits stood up and began to look into the distance, and then they quickly gave up.

Because, in the distance, there are several hills, they don't know which one the foot of the hill is referring to? Moreover, even if it is the most recent, it is estimated that it will take a long time to go? Now they both complain a little bit. I don't know what Gandalf and the others are going to do. Why don't they want to bring them together?

"I promised Gandalf to protect your safety...With my protection, you will definitely be safe..."

"I believe... you guys, maybe you will like my next poem?"

After comforting the two hobbits on his shoulders and head a little, Treebeard intends to continue reading its poems that seem to never finish.

"By the way, Treebeard! What we heard from Gandalf before, it seems that you have a bad relationship with Anne Witch Your Excellency? What's the matter?"

Meli didn't want to continue to listen to this old tree man who was both stubborn and slow to talk about those boring old poems, so he quickly opened up the topic.

"Yes! Tree whiskers, I also want to know why! Did that little witch offend you?"

Pippin was also more interested in this topic, and after hearing Melly's question, he immediately came up.

According to what Gandalf secretly told them before, if the two hobbits hadn’t just appeared in time, and attracted the attention of the treants and the little witch, everyone had a step to go down. , Maybe, the lawless little Annie has already started fighting with the tree people, right?


"This is because... that little human girl, she is an evil little witch... She also wants to burn our forest... My last forest of Fargon..."

"Moreover, she actually wants to grill those cute little squirrels... the evil witch..."

Just wanting to continue reading a tree whisker of his own original poem, after hearing the two hobbits ask about it, he used the ancient language of the tree people a little angrily to snorted an unexplained sound.

It has tree whiskers, and doesn't like the little girl playing with fire very much, very much! In fact, they don’t like any creatures that play with fire or use fire!

Because the flame will burn their trees and destroy their forests!

At the time of the War of the Ancients in the First Era, the evil Veramogos and the demons under his command burned the forests that their tree shepherd was responsible for many times, destroying one after another. Similarly, they have burned many treants...

Of course, tree whiskers do not like humans or dwarves who play with axes and cut trees! They will also destroy their forests, cut down their precious trees, build their ugly cities and make room for those farmland?

In Treebeard's eyes, their Numanor people are also a bunch of bad guys, all invaders...

"No! Tree whiskers, I think you might have misunderstood something?"

"Witch Anne is actually a very nice person, she is not evil, she is at best... sometimes just a little bit mischievous?"

While in Rivendell, Piping, who had been stalking the dog with the little girl, quickly defended Annie.

As for grilled squirrels, Pippin often went to catch and eat with Melly when he was in the Shire. It was delicious! It’s just a bit difficult to grasp, and not a lot of meat?

Therefore, Pippin doesn't think there is anything bad or evil in this. After all, treants can grow up by eating soil, but hobbits or humans like them must eat meat!

"Pippin is right!"

"Master Anne is actually not evil, she is a great little human girl! She is strong, and she is also very good. The insects will not look down on us just because we are weak!"

"Perhaps... the most bad thing she has done is to secretly catch the sika deer pulling the cart of King Elrond and roast it?!"

After hearing Pippin's words, Melly, who was sitting on his familiar shoulders, nodded in response. He also liked that powerful little witch very much! He felt that the other party seemed to be similar in temperament to the two hobbits? Moreover, although she is a little weird sometimes, but most of the time, she is easy to get along with, as long as she is not deliberately annoyed!

"Um... Elrond? Sika deer?"

The tree beard groaned as he walked, it suddenly felt a little bit confused just now, because it seemed to be familiar with the name Elrond? Although it has forgotten a lot of things due to sleep too many times?

But it felt that it was likely to have heard of or knew the one called Elrond before? However, for a while, it couldn't remember who the other party was or where it had seen it...

"No! Melly! Are you crazy? You must never tell this thing!"

When I heard that Melly dared to tell the story about the sika deer that Lord Rivendell ate the cart pulled by Lord Rivendell together with them when he was in Rivendare, I sat above Piping exploded right away, and he couldn't wait to jump down and cover the opponent's unobstructed mouth.

How can such things be said casually? !

You know, that sturdy flower deer is the most beloved pet of King Elrond... It is said that the thing still comes from the kingdom of God called Amen Chau? Seems to be an auspicious beast? !

Pippin still remembers very clearly. At that time, when King Elrond learned that his sacred beast was missing, he was so angry! After scolding the guards, he furiously made the soldiers roam around the forest, trying to find for him the lost flower deer that would never come back? !

And if you let the other party know that his beloved sacred animal Hualu has been captured alive by a powerful little girl and entered the belly of the three of them, then it must be a big event, right? !

Now that I am aftertaste, Piping is still drooling!

That kind of magical beast from Amen Chau, the taste is really unusual! That kind of excellent taste and extraordinary taste bud enjoyment is definitely not comparable to the ordinary beasts here in Middle-earth Continent.

It's a pity that they didn't bring kitchen utensils, and they didn't have enough spices, and in that kind of fearful environment, they had no choice but to have a barbecue...

"Merry! We sweared that we must never talk about this nonsense!"

After warning Melly again, Pippin suddenly remembered something.

He remembered that in that golden forest, there seemed to be the same kind of deer? It's a pity that Master Anne didn't go on an expedition with them at the time, so the two of them who thought they were inadequate eventually did not dare to attack the beast of the Golden Forest...


Meli seemed to realize that he had just made a mistake, so he hurriedly looked at the old shepherd tree beard who was listening to the conversation between the two with curiosity.

" shouldn't tell that Elrond King? We are friends, aren't we?"

After a few glances at the thick moss-like beard of the tree beard with pitiful eyes, Melly asked cautiously. If the tree man and King Elrond were familiar, Meli felt that they would almost find a way to hide from the Shire sooner.

"Elrond...Who is King Elrond?!"

After thinking about it for a while, the tree beard shook his head in annoyance. It is a little bit confused now who is the Elrond King, but at the same time it is quite certain: it must have heard of this name before!


"King Elrond is a human being, he is very tall, has black hair, blue eyes, and his skin is a bit white... and he is also the owner of a large logging farm. It is said that he particularly likes to cut trees? Believe me , Treebeard, you will never like him!"

"That's right! That's it, that Elrond King, there are rumors that he wants to cut down at least a large area of ​​forest every year in order to make money!"

After looking at each other with rejoicing eyes, Meli and Pippin hurriedly told Shube about everything about the Elrond King.


"Although... it feels like you two are not completely telling the truth... but... I really don't like that guy... If I see him, I will squash him..."

Logger? Or a human who specializes in cutting trees to make money? And cut down a large area of ​​forest every year? !

It's so shameful and cruel! If you chop a little wood for survival or necessary things, Shusu Ninbu will pass! At most, as invisible?

However, if it is to make money and wantonly felling, then it certainly cannot be forgiven!

So, if these two little hobbits are telling the truth, and the facts are really like this, Treebeard feels that next time he meets the human named Elrond, it’s for those in Middle-earth The beautiful forest, it will definitely step on it directly with one foot, and will never give the opponent a chance to quibble or escape!



After hearing the murderous words of the tree beard, Melly and Pippin looked at each other secretly.

Then, they prayed silently, hoping that the tree shepherd tree beard would never touch the Elf King Elrond in Rivendell! Otherwise, when the time comes, maybe something big will happen! After all, that is much more serious than stealing the deer!

"By the way, tree whiskers! I seemed to have heard you mention just now that you tree people have lived for so long, at least tens of thousands of years? But why do you have only a few hundred tree people left?"

Pippin, who didn't want to be entangled in the sensitive topic just now, quickly asked.

In any case, he needs to quickly divert the attention of the old tree man. He doesn't want to hear keywords like Elrond or Sika deer appear again.

"In nearly ten thousand years, haven't you ever given birth to a tree person?!"

Pippin is really curious about this question.

The magical tree shepherd, and the kind of move that is dominated by them, will kill all the evil big tree Huen that enters the Fagon Forest?

At first he thought: Tree people are the kind of big moving trees that grow up! They were originally ordinary big trees, the bigger they grew, the taller they grew, and then on one day, they suddenly opened their eyes and plucked the roots out of the ground as feet? This becomes a tree man?

But if this is the case, shouldn't the number of shepherds be so small?

But if the opponent was born by the mating of male and female treants, where are the little treants? Why did they visit the Fargon Forest for so long, so they never saw it?

"Um... little tree man..."

After hearing the Hobbit Pippin's words, Treebeard mumbled that he didn't know what he said, but his expression suddenly became depressed.

"We... haven't had a tree baby for many years..."

Tree whiskers sighed heavily again. This is a very serious problem. It has been entangled with tree people for a long time, so that they are now almost on the brink of extinction?

"Our tree wives... they are all gone..."

Treebeard turned his head, and it seemed that he didn't want to talk to the two hobbits about these things that made him feel uncomfortable and sad.

Their tree-herders, the tree-herders who still live here in the Fargon Forest, have been bachelor for thousands of years... and if there are no other accidents, this state will continue, and then they are likely to continue. The light will continue until the day of complete extinction? !

"Oh! I'm sorry...but, can I ask how they died?"

Although Treebeard didn't seem to want to continue this topic, Pippin still wanted to keep asking.

You can’t find this kind of breaking news anywhere else! In the future, if they finish the adventure and return to the Shire, they can also write down these things like old Bilbo Baggins, and then when they have time, they can brag to Shire’s relatives and friends. Isn't it?

"Dead? No... they are not dead..."

Hearing that the Hobbits actually misunderstood, thinking that their tree wife is dead? The tree whisker shook his head negatively, and Pi Ping, who was sitting on his head, almost lost his balance and fell.

"The tree wives... they are gone... now we can't find them either... we lost them ourselves..."

As he spoke, it seemed as if the tree beard was hooked on something particularly sad, and he began to speak loudly:

"We once crossed the Anduin River and went to the land where they lived, but...we only found a desert..."

"Everything was burned and destroyed by the war... the war caused great damage to their residence..."

"Our tree wives... they are not there..."

"We searched and and call...and we asked everyone we met..."

"Some people say that they have never seen the tree wife... Some people say they go west... Others say they go north... Others say... they go south or east ?"

"But no matter how we find... we just can't find them... we... really lost them..."

The more you go down, the more sad and angry the tree whiskers' tone! If the shepherds would shed tears, I'm afraid they must be howling and crying now?

This may be part of the reason why the tree-herders in the Fargon Forest hate half-orcs, humans, and almost all intelligent creatures?

In their eyes, it is the flesh and blood creatures who have cut down their beloved forest and destroyed the habitat of their tree wives! This hatred is greater than the vast Fargon Forest now! Their grievances are higher than the tallest tree!

Countless years have passed since this matter, and they almost forced their tree shepherds to become as chaotic and crazy as those Hu En. Therefore, for Hu En hunting the creatures that enter the Fargon Forest, the tree whiskers have been Is it to open one eye and close one eye, or even just ignore it, and use sleep to pass the lonely time?

"You haven't seen our tree wife in the Shire... have you?"

After speaking, Treebeard turned his head and looked at the two little hobbits expectantly. These people are said to have visited a small half of Middle-earth. Maybe they have seen their tree wives? !

"I haven't seen it... How about you, Melly?"

After looking at the pitiful appearance of the tree beard, Pippin could only shook his head regretfully. He was pretty sure that they did not really see the tree beard resembling the tree beard in the Shire. tree?

"The tree wife? What exactly do they look like? Tell me first? Maybe, where have I seen it?"

Melly also thought about it seriously, and then he quickly turned his head and asked the tree beard. Because, he found that he himself didn't even know what the tree wives looked like, how could he recall whether he had seen each other?


"What the tree wives look like...We don't remember much..."

Treebeard was stunned for a moment, then blinked its huge eyes, thought about it hard, and finally, suddenly became more depressed...

Because time is too long, and they stayed in the Fargon Forest for too long, and even the tree wives have almost forgotten what they looked like...

"Maybe... we the tree shepherd can only... follow the requirements of the evil little witch..."

After seeing the hobbits who didn't know where their tree wife was, the tree whiskers sighed as he admitted his fate.

Although Treebeard really dislikes the evil little human witch, it still accepts its fate now! For the tree wives of the tree shepherd, for their next generation, in order not to be a bachelor tree anymore, the tree must decide to give in to the little witch for the time being and do it according to the other's orders...

"Your Excellency Anne? What reason does she have? Why do you follow her request?"

Pippin felt a little puzzled and inexplicable, didn't they just talk about the tree wives? Why did it suddenly involve the little witch Annie again? What does this have to do with her?

"Yes! Treebeard, didn't you just say that you hate Lord Anne Witch?"

Melly also asked curiously.

What makes these powerful trees willing to give in to a little girl they hate? He thought this matter might be more interesting than the tree wife or something!

Today they know a lot of weird things. Maybe, after returning to the Shire, they can really learn from the old Bilbo and write everything they know into a thick book?


"That's right... The little witch is very evil... She asked us tree people to respond to her army... We don't like war... but... she seems to know where our tree wife is..."

There is nothing more that can be used to threaten a group of bachelors thousands of years of tree shepherds to find a tree wife! Therefore, after the words that the little witch secretly said to it at the time, Treebeard could only sigh deeply again.

It really has no choice but to compromise...


"Tree whiskers? Are you really sure? As far as we know, Her Excellency Anne Witch is sometimes naughty, maybe she is lying to you?!"

After Piping and Meli looked at each other awkwardly, they could only bite the bullet and persuade the old tree man.

The temperament of that little Anne Witch, they have come into contact with more, and they are more clear! Therefore, they don't really want this honest and honest old tree man to be coaxed by a certain unscrupulous little girl, and then end up with a bamboo basket fetching water?

In that case, it would be too cruel to their tree shepherds...

"Do not……"

"That little witch, she is a strong man who does not lose to Vera, she will not lie to me easily..."

Hearing the words of the two hobbits, the tree beard rolled its huge yellow-orange eyes for a while, and finally shook his head slowly.

"She described to me..."

"In that deep forest... there is a sea of ​​strange flowers... the plants there... the vitality is exceptionally vigorous... and... several clusters of special forms of green energy..."

"That... is our tree wife... several tree wives..."

Speaking of this, the tree whiskers even began to tremble.

Obviously, it is very excited now, if it hadn’t been for the evil little witch to ask them to serve in her army and meet her requirements, then he would tell them where the tree wives are, maybe, it would have called now. Companion, with the fastest speed, ran to the tree wives non-stop day and night, right?

Never underestimate the determination of this group of people who have been bachelors for thousands of years!

"But, based on this alone, you can be sure that they are your tree wives? Haven't you all forgotten their looks?"

"That's right!"

Piping and Meili were also a little bit dumbfounded for a while. They didn't expect that this tree shepherd could actually rely on these inexplicable descriptions to be so sure that those things were their tree wives?

Didn't they even forget themselves? Now, why is it so certain? This matter, the two of them sounded a bit unreliable! That's a flower, or something like energy, must it be a tree wife?

"No... the tree wives will change into a special form... this... I'm pretty sure... that's them..."

"We have been waiting for too long...too long..."

"Now...finally find them..."

"So... even if we are to be with the evil little witch... even if we start a war... let us destroy the whole world... we will not hesitate..."

For the first time, Melly and Pippin actually saw that cruel expression on Treebeard's face! Of course, there are also those big yellow orange eyes that are getting brighter and brighter...


On the Luohan Prairie, three horses stopped in the distance of this huge herdsman city, looking at the palace towering on a huge stone mountain and the entire residential area surrounded by the stone mountain below.

There are three horses and five knights here, and the one who rides a white tall horse alone is Little Annie! After she walked out of the Fargon Forest with the other four, she forcibly occupied the horse that Gandalf had finally summoned!

Then, the dwarf Jinli naturally shared a gray war horse with the elf prince Legolas, and the white-robed wizard Gandalf, squeezed together with Aragorn on the maroon war horse. On the back.

"Andolas, Medusa's golden palace!"

"Here is the Luo Khanate, where the palace of King Xiyudun Hussar is located! We are finally here, I hope everything is too late..."

It was here. After seeing the palace and the city in the distance, Gandalf was a little relieved. Now, he can finally no longer have to squeeze on a horse with Aragorn passionately. That is really true. A kind of torture...

According to the exiled Iomo who Aragorn met before, the current King Hiurdon of the Khanate of Rohan seems to have been controlled by Saruman with evil spells and become indifferent to us? !

If this is the case, then they must act quickly!

But Gandalf knew that some spells, once they last too long, are likely to have a bad effect on the human brain!

Originally, Gandalf was still a little worried, he was afraid that his magic would not be able to counter that Saruman's control of King Xiuton Hussar? After all, Saruman is much stronger than Maya, who is still limited in strength!

Don't look at his white robe, Gandalf now wears a white robe, but he himself knows that this was given to him by Queen Galadriel of the Golden Forest, and he has nothing to do with his own strength! He did not die in the battle against the Balrog, nor was he resurrected by the Veras and lifted the limitation of strength.

However, after taking a glance at the little girl riding on his Miaras horse, Jie Ying, Gandalf nodded secretly. Although this little girl is always messing up most of the time, if there is this If the little girl is there, it should be easier for him to counter Saruman's spells!

"Huh? Is this finally here?"

Anne, who had been napping on the horse's back, opened her eyes in a daze when she felt the horse stop.

"Then let's go in quickly? It's exhausting! This horse, it's not fun at all, it runs too slowly, and it's very bumpy!"

At this time, Xiao Annie patted the white horse under her with dissatisfaction, wanting it to quickly carry herself to the far gate.

On the way, she slept uncomfortably on the horse's back!


A person riding a horse alone, dare to say tired when others are not allowed to ride with her? Gandalf and Aragorn don’t know what predictions to use to describe this messy little girl!

"Annie...Jieying said, it doesn't like you very much..."

After turning his head and looking at the white horse who was shaking his mane on his neck and squirting his nose, Gandalf endured, but still couldn't hold back his partner's thoughts.

"Oh? Then it should feel lucky!"

Reaching out and grabbing the opponent's white mane, and turning his head over to look at the eyes of the huge horse, Annie nodded and shook her head soon.

"Uh, fortunately...? What's this saying?"

Gandalf didn't quite understand this little boy's thoughts, but Jie Ying didn't like her, but felt lucky? What kind of logic is this? It makes no sense at all!

"Because horse meat is not tasty! It's bitter and astringent?"

"So, I won't eat it because it doesn't like me! How about it? Should it feel a little lucky?!"

This beautiful horse, if it were other animals, and hated itself, it would have been roasted and eaten by Annie!

"What do you look at? Look again, be careful and I will eat you!"

After seeing this big horse daring to turn his head and stare at him, daring to be angry but not speaking, Annie stared back mercilessly!


"Yes, not only Jie Ying feels fortunate, I am also very fortunate!"

Gandalf's lips trembled, and it took him a long time to say such a word.

Fortunately, his mount is a horse, isn't it? Otherwise, its fate might be the same as Rivendell and some magical creature in the Golden Forest!

That little kid, really thought she didn't know what she did? It's just that he doesn't dare to break it casually!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Ms. Galadriel also knows that this little girl ate her magical animal, right? Otherwise, she wouldn't have the expression of rushing people back then?

"Let's go, let's follow along..."

Therefore, Gandalf could only be with other people, with faint eyes looking at the white horse that started to run to the gate of the city in pain, and the little ghost in the blond and red skirt on its back!

"I really don't understand, why does my old father Groyin like this little girl so much? But I don't like her at all!"

"Weird all day, and scheming, sinister and cunning, not like a normal little girl!"

The dwarf Jinli in Legolas' arms saw the little girl rushing out on horseback, and then he had the courage to mutter a few words with dissatisfaction.

"I don't like her very much either..."

Legolas nodded, agreeing with the view of the dwarf in his He also didn't like this little girl who likes to give people the nickname "Ann"!

Before looking at her, what did you call yourself? Little white face with pointed ears who like to play bows and arrows? What are all this said! ?

The Silvan elves in their dark and dense forests were originally pointed ears and good at bows and arrows. He did not deny this! But what is the nickname of this little white face? This is a good word, right? !

"Okay, stop complaining, at least she's not too bad, and she's still on our side, isn't she? Let us quickly follow up..."

Seeing in the distance, it seemed that the Rohan cavalry guarding the gate planned to encircle the little girl who was running wild. Gandalf hurriedly let Aragorn, who was in charge of riding the horse, follow him.

He really didn't want this little girl to make a fuss about the royal court of Luo Khanate after making a fuss in the Fargon Forest? !

On the Shirakxigil Peak, Gandalf had personally seen the terrifying power of this little girl when she went crazy, and it didn't seem to be her true strength? So, he definitely didn't want to see that a certain little girl threatened to burn the whole Andoras again?