Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 419: Defias Republic

"That, cousin...?"

"I still don't quite understand why we were selling weapons and equipment to the new Defias Brotherhood at a high price, but at the same time we promised to sell it to Grian Stallman at a lower price? Let's keep it. Now, can’t you continue to sell it to the Defias Brotherhood at the same price?"

Brak, the goblin of the Stranglethorn Vale Venture Capital Branch, is walking with his direct descendants and some mercenaries of races such as trolls and ogres, escorting dozens of carriages and equipment from east to west in the moon On the road in Brook Town.

More than five days ago, they boarded and unloaded the cargo from a suggested pier next to the bridge leading to the Twilight Forest from the Westfall. The journey went smoothly. They had passed the intersection of Death Farm and the northern Sentry Ridge. And they were heading west. By now, they had been able to see the wall of Yuexi Town and the blue flag of Stormwind City in the distance, finally reaching their destination.

Snapped! !

"You know what a shit!"

"Anyone of us can tell: Those from the Defias Brotherhood are about to fight with the Kingdom of Stormwind in the Westfall. If they only sell to them and let them win, then It might be a one-off sale, but there will be no profit in the future!"

"But if the people from the People’s Army of the Westfall and the Defias Brotherhood fight against each other evenly, there must be countless transactions! Until we successfully squeeze the last copper coin in the pockets of both of them. ! And this is what we goblins should do, do you understand?!"

Black, the goblin director of the venture capital company, slapped his cousin's elm head fiercely, and then reluctantly explained these two sentences.

If this guy hadn't been his own cousin, he would have thrown him into the coolie camp to do coolies or throw him into the crystal mine south of Stranglethorn Vale to mine! This guy is not like a goblin at all, just like a stupid and stupid ogre or the wild boar over Kalimdor!

"I still don't understand..."

Clutching his beaten head tightly, the little goblin still followed his cousin with low eyebrows, and replied slightly.

"You don't understand? If you don't understand, that's right!"

"Otherwise why would I be the director of the company, and you are still a temporary worker until now?"

This bastard, it's because of him that Braque has been helping each other, otherwise, he would have been fired by the company and I don't know where he was sold. Where can he live as cool as he is now?


"Didn't the manager of our Stranglethorn Vale branch have said that our venture capital company must strictly abide by neutrality, and can't join any war casually? And you..."

Snapped! !

However, the little goblin hadn't finished speaking, and Braque slapped his brain severely, and he almost staggered to the ground.

"Is it all your fault? You still have the face to blame me?!"

"Remember, from now on, you will shut up honestly to me! Later, you have to watch me wink and act. If you dare to talk nonsense again and ruin my major event, I will definitely sell you to the crystal mine. Go, let you work hard until you die!"

When I think about it, Braque gets itchy with hate!

Maybe after today, he may not be able to mix with the venture capital firm in Stranglethorn Vale. This is really a waste of his so many years of arrangement and dredging the relationship. He spent so many gold coins back and forth. It seems that after waiting for another two years, when the old guy retires, he can legally take the position, but now... …

"I warn you: today, from now on, you are not allowed to say a word! Otherwise, you will be dead!"

Finally, when gradually approaching the gate of Yuexi Town and seeing a group of cavalry and militiamen leaving the gate and hurriedly rushing over to his side, Blake hurriedly warned his idiot again viciously. The cousin said, and then secretly made a gesture to prepare his brothers and the mercenaries of various races hired by him to **** the goods.


"You are late! We said yes, the goods must arrive within two weeks, but now, two weeks have passed!"

At this time, when the cavalry ran up first, about two hundred infantrymen from the previous side rushed to the front of the goblin team ahead of time. When they pulled their horses to stop the goblin team, they first looked at the covers behind the opponent team A big car with linen, and then in a very bad tone, with that condescending attitude and directly looking down at these greedy and cunning green-skinned guys.

If it weren't for the urgency, and if they didn't have time to produce their own in the Wild West, where would they buy the high-priced equipment of these goblins who came to sell goods two weeks ago?

"No! We did not breach the contract!"

Hearing the other party's breach of contract, the goblin almost jumped out of anger.

"It is written in the contract for two weeks, and today is also the last day, but now it is not dark, then we have not breached the contract, we have always been on time! You see, the goods, they are now all in the big cars behind us! Look, have you seen the carriages with boxes behind? There are a total of forty carts, which must be enough for you to arm at least two thousand soldiers!"

"Well, time is money, my friend! Hurry up and give way. We will deliver the goods to you as soon as possible. After your inspection is over, we have to go back in a hurry!"

He held a short-barreled musket in his left hand, and his right hand also deliberately or unintentionally grasped the hilt of the scimitar in his waist. He looked up a little dissatisfied as he was riding on a high-headed horse and blocked his team brutally The human cavalry who entered the city yelled.

"Huh! The stables are not in breach of contract! However, the Western Wilderness is now an extraordinary period, and Lord Grian Stallman has ordered that no armed forces other than Stormwind are allowed to enter Moonbrook Town, and of course you are included! "

"So, you can deliver the goods with us here now!"

I scanned the opposing team again, looking at the goblins holding muskets or short-knife shields, as well as the few blue-skinned trolls, huge brown-skinned ogres, and the knight secretly estimated these goblins. The number of escorts in China is close to 1,000, and the combat effectiveness seems very good?

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and prevent the other party from making trouble in the city, it is not easy to suppress, their Westfall People’s Army and the other party diplomatically connect with each other at the city gate, and then kill these non-human guys early will always be right. .

"Hey! Man! We are all at the gate of your city now, but you don't let us in? Aha! You humans are so polite!"

"But, for the sake of those gold coins, the generous director Burak won't care about you rude fellows! Now, this horseman, what about the balance of our goods? As long as you take it out, back Those carriages full of goods, you can send someone to pull them away!"

Although he couldn't go directly into the city, he felt a little regretful in his heart, but he still said with that indifferent expression. Of course, money matters must not be sloppy, so his first request to open his mouth is to let the other party take out the money first.


However, the cavalry did not say much, because he himself knew that this was indeed the nature of these goblins! These guys who saw money and opened their eyes, if they couldn't see the gold coins, they might actually turn their faces if they were not careful.

So, with a wave of his hand, he asked the soldiers who rushed to bring out the small wooden box that had been prepared long ago, and put it in front of the goblin, then directly opened the lock and lifted the lid of the box. The neatly placed stack of golden coins was exposed.

This is the balance of the goods, one is not too much, one is not too much!

Bang! !

Just taking a look, Braque stepped forward and slammed the box over, then hugged it tightly. This actually surprised the cavalry. He felt that the opponent would at least count the number for a while to confirm the number and delay a little time.

"Okay, the goods are at the back. Go and inspect the goods yourself, and then sign for me to take away!"

Now Braque's attention seemed to no longer be on humans, he was just fiddling with the small wooden box full of gold coins. After a while, without knowing what he did, the small box disappeared in an instant. It seemed that he had stored it in a magical space storage pocket?


After coldly humming and watching the ugly state of the goblin, the cavalry waved his hand, causing the two hundred soldiers following him to rush towards the carts in the goblin team.

They need to carefully check the condition of the goods first, and if there is no problem, they can directly pull it into the city. As for the delivered goblins and other monsters, like the kind of ogres or trolls, who cares about their lives?

Anyway, they would never let these monsters in in Yuexi Town, they could only roll back where they came from!

"Goblin! What happened to these two carriages? Are these construction machinery our goods?"

The cavalry slowly squeezed past the tall ogres watching them inspecting the goods and the disgusting trolls in Stranglethorn Vale to the south, and then they patrolled the convoy unscrupulously, beckoning the soldiers to open one. A bar-shaped wooden box to view the equipment inside.

Then soon, he focused his attention on the two different big cars at the front of the team. And when he sat on the horse and tore open the linen covering their shelves, what he found was that there were several cars side by side, much like those construction machinery of logging robots?

For these robots, the knight felt a little puzzled, he never remembered that such a thing was on their cargo list! So, do their goblins travel thousands of miles to sell this thing to them? Humph! They will not be fooled by the talents of the Wild West, and spend a small amount of money to buy such expensive and useless things for maintenance and spare parts!

"Oh! You mean those gadgets... it's something we plan to use to attack your Yuexi Town!"

Huh! ! !

As soon as the goblin supervisor Brak’s voice fell, he suddenly raised his hand, and the short-barreled musket in his left hand accurately hit the cavalry’s face, causing the opponent’s unprotected head to be large in an instant. The projectile was directly broken into a broken watermelon and planted from Maanshan without a word...

Yeah~! Yeah~!

The frightened war horse suddenly wailed, then turned his head and took his head with his broken head and his calf still hung on the stirrup, rushing away...

"Kill me all of them! Leave none of them!!!"

In fact, before the goblin director Burak ordered, countless muskets and other ogres and trolls' excited fighting sounded!

A famous Westfall People’s Army knight riding on a tall horse was caught off guard. Either they were beaten into a beehive by a musket and fell down with blood covered in blood; or they were directly standing next to them. That kind of tall and strong ogre tore off the saddle with one hand, and then the huge mace smashed their heads with or without helmets.

As for the two hundred infantrymen who are inspecting the cargo, it is even worse...

They didn’t even succeed in drawing out their weapons, so they were rushed by the goblins and trolls that surrounded them, and various sharp blades directly cut them into chaotic corpses, or they were simply killed by the cruel and bloodthirsty Zantaga. Or the Baliaman ogre trolls bite their throats alive, and are eaten alive by these monsters in the wailing struggle...

After all, the trolls or ogres will never have time to eat or drink during the day when they are employed in the land, and there is no reason for them to refuse the food delivered to the door! Besides, goblins don't care about the little things that they eat or not!

It didn't take a while, and it soon became quiet! The 200 Westfall People's Army infantry and several cavalry who entered the goblin **** cargo team were completely wiped out in less than half a minute, completely silent.

"Hurry up! The artillery immediately get the artillery off the car and set up the artillery position! Those engineers, immediately start the flying golems and Gundam fighter armors, and drive them off the truck!"

"Also, you musketeers, line up right away! Damn trolls and mindless ogres, you bastards, don't eat anymore! Come forward and line up for me! Otherwise, you just Don't even think about getting paid!!"

Angrily wielding the short-barreled musket in his left hand, and with his right hand directly withdrawing the delicate scimitar from his waist, the goblin supervisor Black yelled and threatened the hired trolls and ogres.

"Listen it to me: Archmage Annie said that after taking Moonbrook Town, he will give us two thousand pounds of gold! Then, each of us can get at least two full pounds! Listen clearly! Has it happened? That's two pounds of gold, not two!!!"

That's right, the little girl mage who flew to their goblin steam transport ship before was the one who intimidated them with an evil magic curse, and told them to attack Moon Creek Town at this time!

Otherwise, all their goblins, ogres and trolls will all die!

Of course, in addition to cursing and intimidating, the little girl also made a promise to them: as long as they capture Yuexi Town, she will give them a lot of gold, the big gold ingots he has seen!

Black, the goblin, never thought that someone would cast such a big piece of gold...

"Watch, cousin..."

"I remember, the noble Queen Anne, she said at the time that she was going to give us five thousand pounds..."

Bang! ! !

The little goblin's hesitant words weren't finished yet, so his cousin Brak hit the back of his head with a knife, and then fainted silently.

"Whoever dares to be lazy, this is the end!!"

"Hurry up! Put the cannon on it first and smash their gates! Before they recover, they must attack! Move fast!"

Shouting loudly, Blake viciously commanded his mercenaries. While aiming several naval guns at the wooden door in Yuexi Town, he also let the goblin engineering robots start to pull goods from those Jumped off the shelf of her carriage...

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, the People’s Army of the Western Wilderness in Yuexi Town was still in confusion and panic. Before it had time to make more reactions, the shells that had been loaded for several years, they used the method of approaching and direct aiming accurately. Shattered their two slightly thin wooden doors.

"Kill! Go in!"

"As long as we capture this small town, we will be rich!"

Black, the goblin director, brandished a scimitar and ordered, however, he didn't follow along and rushed up, just stepping on a wooden box to give orders.

Afterwards, countless ogres, goblins, and the troll mercenaries of Stranglethorn Vale cheered loudly, and followed the goblin robots, against the sparse rain of arrows shot down from the simple city wall, directly from The broken gate rushed in!


"Your Excellency Grean! The big thing is not good!"

"Those goblins, those goblins and those monsters, they attacked and killed all the soldiers we went to receive the goods, and they smashed the city gate and rushed in!!!"

When Grian Stallman, who heard the guns and shouts of killing, just led hundreds of elites to the east gate of Yuexi Town, he directly ran into a group of soldiers who had retreated in panic. Then, one of them ran to Grian's horse in grief and anger, reporting loudly to the old Paladin and leader of the People's Army of the Westfall.

"Damn it! Are those goblins crazy, dare to attack our city in Stormwind Kingdom?!"

Grian Stallman didn’t understand that the cooperation between the People’s Army of the Westfall and the venture capital firm of Stranglethorn Vale and the purchase of emergency weapons and equipment was a good thing for mutual benefit, and the money was given. Did not fall back like Stormwind! Then, why did they take the risk of being hostile and crusaded by the Stormwind Kingdom and forcibly attack Yuexi Town?

This is a totally unreasonable thing, he really can't imagine, why do those goblin chores do this, and what are they doing? !

However, before Grian Stallman reacted and led his troops to kill off the goblin at the east gate, suddenly, in the direction of the southwest corner of the city, there was a burst of hacking and the explosion of muskets. sound?


"Interesting! Little Vanessa, you still have such a secret road that leads directly to the city? It's really amazing. When was it dug?"

"Did you dug after you came to this place?"

In Yuexi Town, on the balcony of an exquisite two-story wooden house leaning against the high mountains in the southwest, Annie, Vanessa, and Lana, her maid, are looking at Diffie below Pete, general of the Asian Republic.

He just wore heavy golden plate armor, a fully enclosed helmet, and a red background with a robe printed with the cross pattern of golden mason hammers and daggers. He stood there majesticly and waved to guide him. , Let a plate-armored infantry of the Defias Republic, who also had the same full-body plate armor and shirt, rush out from the house.

When they were reprimanded by the so-called general and formed a square formation one by one, they were soon commanded by that Peter to go out to fight first, and then he continued to deploy the continuous rushing out of the secret passage of the house. soldier.

From their position, it can be seen that on the distant streets, the phalanxes in red shirts are fighting with those panicked, severely inadequate organization and combat effectiveness, and equipment of the People’s Army of the West Wilderness. With.

As more and more soldiers rushed out of the secret road, the soldiers of the Defias Republic who founded the country under the witness of Little Annie herself and announced that they joined the Flame Alliance for the first time, they held high. Crossing the flags with golden stone hammers and daggers on a red background, shouting slogans loudly, they attacked towards the predetermined target locations in Yuexi Town...

Now, here in Yuexi Town, except for the **** battle on the east gate side, on this side, looking around, countless figures in red shirts are gradually starting to be here not too big, but not too big. Gradually spread out in the streets of small towns.

They constantly defeated the people's army units in the Westfall that appeared in a panic from everywhere to suppress them, and then sang all the way to the east gate where the fighting was most intense, as if they were planning to flanking those interceptions. The main force of the Western People's Army of goblin mercenaries?

"That was... I dug it up when my father was still alive, but it has not been activated..."

"Also, my dear lord!"

"I am now the Queen Vanessa of Defias Republic, and I am also a member of the Flame Alliance! So...please, please stop calling me Little Vanessa..."

With her cheek twitching slightly, she looked at the little girl sitting on the balcony of the small wooden building holding a teddy bear and dangling her legs. For a while, Vanessa didn't know what to say.

If calculated according to the time in the world of Azeroth, she herself is indeed younger than this sister Anne? But... if you look at her real age and size, she is several years older than this little guy!

So, now Vanessa is very confused about the title between the two!

If the other person looks like an adult like herself, then it is not impossible for her to call her sister or let the other person call herself a sister or something! But now...Anyway, she always feels that this thing makes her whole body wrong!

This thing is really weird!

Her sister Anne, who just ran out to play for a few years and then came back, turned out to be younger than herself? The other party actually only stayed outside for two years? So, the question is, who is bigger now? Who should call another sister? In short, this matter really makes her find it difficult to sort out!

Therefore, now that she has successfully declared the founding of the nation, after she has transformed into the queen of the Defias Republic, she only calls her her Majesty the Queen or the Adorable Lord. As for the matter of calling her her sister, she definitely cannot say it. Yes, don't mention it again.

"Okay! Little sister Vanessa, I will remember!"

Blinking and looking at the other party's tangled and serious face with a smile, Annie didn't mind continuing to sway her legs, without putting the other party's opinion on her heart.

Since I have been my sister for a while, she will always be my sister! The crying little Vanessa, it would never be possible to turn over and become a sister!


After realizing that her protest was invalid, Vanessa barely sullen her face, exhaled, and stopped worrying about these things, but began to concentrate on watching the red shirts in the distance, holding Di aloft. Flag of the Republic of Fia and killed the soldiers in the distance.

Seeing that the battle was going well at this time, her heart was finally relieved. If nothing else, she will be victorious today and will inherit the legacy of her father Edwin VanCleef:

‘Justice will be done one day! Everything will eventually be repaid! ’

‘One day, those oppressed, hungry and cold people will step on my blood and pull your filthy nobles from that hypocritical throne! ...My death is not the end, but only the beginning...! ’

The above is the content recorded in a yellow diary given to Vanessa by an old Defias Brotherhood. It was recorded by a member of the Masons' Guild lurking in Stormwind on that stormy day on the execution grounds of the Cathedral of Light, carefully and kept until now...

And Vanessa, who got it, firmly believed: she would finish all the things recorded in the diary, and she would definitely! Now, taking down Moonbrook Town, taking down the Wild West, and establishing her own Defias Republic is just the first step in her plan!

A few days ago, when their master Anne Meng ran to their secret farm and told them about the fact that they had intimidated and bought a large group of goblin mercenaries, Vanessa acted decisively and organized immediately. This huge action!

At that time, she was planning to rush out of the secret tunnel that her father Edwin VanCleef had dug when the goblin attacked Moonbrook to attract the attention of the enemy. Take down the most important military powerhouse and largest town in the Westfall of the Kingdom of Stormwind!

And now, judging from the battlefield situation, they have succeeded! The people's army in the Westfall that has been messed up will definitely not be able to defend this city.

As long as the People’s Army of the Western Wilderness can be eliminated to the greatest extent today, there will be no force in the entire Western Wilderness that can compete with her Republic of Defias! At that time, it won't take long for her country to completely annex this area and threaten Stormwind City!

In this regard, she is very confident in the newly-promoted Queen Vanessa! She believes that the red-bottomed golden stone hammer and dagger flag that is flying high in this courtyard will surely set off a frenzy of uprising against the tyranny of the nobles in Stormwind Kingdom!

"Also, little Vanessa...Why did you refuse to replace that dagger with a sickle? You don't know, only that would be more suitable..."

Everything looks good now, except...

Annie is very dissatisfied with the other party's relentless request to change the hammer and sickle flag she suggested into the current hammer and dagger flag! Fortunately, she worked so hard to draw the flag, but in the end, this hard-hearted guy had to change a good sickle into this, which is really disgusting!

You know, after listening to the other party's slogan, she came up with such a great idea after a thought!


(Tibbers expressed a bit of annoyance about the spoof of a little master who copied the world of Azeroth after seeing something from the earth... It always felt that the original act of uprising was After the little master tossed, it suddenly seemed to change a bit? Look at the red flags and shirts below, and then look at those familiar patterns, it will have to sigh in my heart.)

"My Majesty Queen Anne..."

"The other suggestions you gave me are quite good, but... I still think the sickle and my Defias Republic are not suitable for the scene! Think about it, the stone hammer represents the predecessor of the Defias Brotherhood and represents me The masons’ union in my father’s hands is very good! And the dagger represents the Defias Brotherhood that we organized. In this way, everyone can understand it! If you replace it with a sickle, then No..."

"And you look at it now. In order to take care of your valuable comments, I also specially changed it to a curved dagger that is similar to the sickle. It is also similar to the original sickle... And now things have been set, the flag and the war The robes are gone, there is no way to change it! So, please don't bother with such small things..."

Vanessa really did not understand why her Queen Anne had to entangle herself with the sickle and dagger for so long?

Isn't this just a banner? Compared with the sickle representing the farmer, she insisted on using a dagger better! Because that is more representative of the core component of her Defia Republic! Besides, in order to take care of the other party's emotions, she specially bent the dagger...Anyway, she felt that the original pattern did not look bad.

"It's not good at all..."

"If you want me to say, the name of the country should be called the Soviet... The name of the highest yuan should be called the Soviet General Secretary... What good is the title of your queen... This is really boring..."

Little Annie, who felt that her opinion was not taken seriously by the other party, began to mutter a little bit angrily. Fortunately, she also helped this little Vanessa so much, and she refused to accommodate her even with such small things!

Sure enough, these guys started to go bad after they became adults, and none of them were as obedient or foolish as they were when they were young...


At this time, just as Vanessa wanted to continue to watch the groups of soldiers form the yard and rush out orderly, enjoying the feeling of incomparable satisfaction, suddenly, They heard that at the east gate, someone seemed to be blowing the horn for support?

Obviously, now the main force of the enemy must be on the East Gate side! Maybe, the other party has been blocked by her soldiers and goblin mercenaries?

"My Majesty Queen Anne, I'm going to command the troops to fight now, you must be careful!"

After saying this, Vanessa didn't wait for the little Annie and Lana next to her to react, and jumped directly from the second floor to the large courtyard grass below.

"Quick! Pete! Leave the coordination and the whole team to your deputy!"

"You call up the orcs and the archmage, let's go to the east gate to kill the old knight Grian Stallman!"

Regarding the old paladin who almost caught himself and dared to organize a confrontation between the People's Army of the Westfall and his own Defias Brotherhood, the troublesome noble Grian? Stallman, she has always looked at each other very uncomfortably! Today, she will take the opportunity to destroy the old guy who has been pressing their Defias Brotherhood and dare not look up!

Of course, she didn't want to go to single-handedly singledly, but directly called the general of Defias Republic, the orc shaman named Regar, and the surrendered archmage Kom. There are so many now. A powerful helper, that old paladin would definitely not be able to escape.

Besides, if you really can’t beat it, Lord Anne Moe of their Flame Alliance is still sitting on the balcony on the second floor. When the time comes, let alone the old Grian Stallman, even if it’s a hundred. A paladin group is useless! She had heard of the Meng Lord, Tarren Mill's defense line, and the coalition forces in Stormwind were beaten away by a Titan summoned by Meng Lord. As long as the Goddess of Light Titan was still there, those coalition forces would definitely not help them!

Therefore, with a powerful helper as her backing, she has time to arrange it slowly, instead of hurriedly creating temporary pressure on the Stormwind Kingdom and forcing the other party to stop the Northern Expedition as she thought before.

Starting from today, Vanessa wants to let the nobles of the entire Stormwind Kingdom know what will happen to those who fight against her Defias Republic! Soon, she will set off a storm of uprisings everywhere, and it will surely make the nobles of Stormwind sleepless!


(;'Д`) ゞSome plots need to be sorted out slowly, how is this water...Don’t talk nonsense! !

Ah ah ah ah ah

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