Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 448: La la la

Follow the Titan Road of the Temple of Wyrmrest to the south, beside the ruins of the Titan Road on the southeast of the Blue Dragon Sanctuary and on the southwest coast of the Emerald Dragon Sanctuary, there is a lively construction site that serves as a large fleet of the Flame Alliance When I finally arrived here, this temporary port began to be built nervously by a large number of sailors and soldiers.

At this time, the person in charge here is Dailin Proudmoore, the former Admiral of the Alliance of Lordaeron!

However, he led the fleet to the north this time. Not only his seventh fleet, but also a large number of ocean-going sailboats mixed in by the kingdoms of New Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, they formed one together. The super-large fleet finally reached the southernmost part of the Northrend continent three days ago.

"Uncle Dai Lin! What use are you building so many big wooden boats now? You may not believe it, I can burn such a big one with a fireball!"

Sitting on the cargo box of the temporarily constructed dock, Annie stretched out her hand and gestured exaggeratedly towards the largest and most beautiful flagship of the Admiral in the distance. That ship is indeed very big and beautiful, but it is a pity: it is made of wood!

In fact, the huge warships and the white sails that are almost invisible to the side in this temporary pier and on the sea are all made of wood, and most of them have nothing. Magic and iron armor protection, such a sea ship, it’s not easy to burn!

"I remember, hasn't the flying warship modified from the goblin airship becoming popular now? Also, the steam ironclad gunship that was invented using the dwarf steam tank?"

"I've heard that Sister Sylvanas is ready to eliminate those wooden sailboats in the army. Now Quel'Thalas has begun to build a magical engine aerial fortress and floating gunboat, Lordaeron and Di The Republic of Fia is also vigorously building steam-powered armored dreadnought ships..."

"So, Uncle Dai Lin...These warships of yours are really outdated. They will be beaten if they fall behind!"

If Annie remembers correctly, in the current Flame Alliance, in the outer suburbs of New Silvermoon, the High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas to the north, the High Elf Mage and Dalaran are using the energy of the New Sun Well and were once alliance The related structural principles of the Naxxramas that were shot down began to mass-produce magical aerial fortresses with powerful air-to-ground attack capabilities, magic protection, and flying capabilities, as well as those floating airbag high-speed gunboats and transport boats.

In addition, in the northern coast area to the north of the Kingdom of New Lordaeron, a lot of new steam shipyards and steel plants were secretly built. In addition to dwarf craftsmen, they also hired a large number of goblins. They are working hard. Produce a new generation of coal-fired or fuel-steam armored dreadnought ships!

Obviously, the Flame Alliance, which was forced by the Northern Expeditionary Forces of the Stormwind Alliance before, was embarrassed, and was also laid down on two sites. The Flame Alliance, which was almost defeated, received a huge amount of financial assistance from Annie. In addition to using it for economic development and construction In addition to the infrastructure in the alliance, it also plans to make full efforts in the navy and air force that can greatly increase combat power.

The decision-makers of the Flame Alliance seem to intend to directly use the omnipotent krypton gold law to forcibly expand the high-end combat power, in one fell swoop, to establish the absolute crushing strength of the navy and air forces of the Eastern Kingdoms, so as to be relevant for the future Azeroth full-scale infighting war. ready?

Strictly speaking, this matter is actually a top secret in the Flame Alliance. Only a very small number of high-level kingdoms and people involved in the plan know about it, and it is absolutely forbidden to disclose it to any outsiders, even if it is Dailin Proudmoore to help the flame. The Admiral of the Alliance is no exception! As for what Xiao Anni just said, if another person dared to do this, it is estimated that she would have been arrested and quarantined a long time ago.

"The navy of the Flame Alliance is going to be updated? This is the first time I have heard..."

When he heard the little girl say this kind of news at first, Daelin Proudmoore was taken aback, because it was indeed the first time he heard such a thing, but after thinking about the identity of the other party, he stopped. Ran nodded.

"Forget it, these are not important!"

"But... Queen Anne, what you said is right. We naval ships, they are indeed a bit unable to keep up with the development of the times, and sooner or later they will be eliminated..."

"Actually, our Kul Tiras has no ability to continue building naval warships... These anchors are anchored on the right, they are the last team of our Kul Tiras Naval Seventh Fleet... and the ones on the left , Is the fleet of your Flame Alliance."

After Daelin sighed, he pointed to the magical warships and some sailboats with Lordaeron flags in the distance.

In fact, without a little girl preaching to him, he himself knew: The era of sailing battleships is likely to really end gradually... If it were thirty years ago, his sailing battleships could indeed cross the endless sea. , But now... After several orc wars and the repeated invasions of the Burning Legion, the various technologies and the use of various energy in the world of Azeroth have continuously made great progress over the years!

For example, the war equipment of dwarves, goblins and gnomes, the research and application of magic, holy light, elements, and even fel energy by humans and elves, etc. Now those airships and airplanes are not uncommon, and this The little girl just said that it’s not that strange that the Flame Alliance wants to create floating fortresses, flying gunboats, and dreadnoughts...

"I am getting old now... The once glorious maritime kingdom Kul Tiras is also in decline. Naturally, our Seventh Fleet will gradually be eliminated by the age..."

"Soon, my admiral's name will soon become nameless."

Thinking about the embarrassing situation of Kul Tiras, thinking about his two sons who died in battle and the only daughter who was mixed with the Stormwind Alliance, Dai Lin's expression could not help but dim, sometimes, he didn't even Know where the country is.

In fact, during the days when he led the mixed fleet northward to Northrend, Dalin himself also saw that the warships under his command might even include the magical power sails of Quel'Thalas that were about to be converted into civilian use. The ships are incomparable, let alone the flying warships and steel dreadnoughts that the little girl said before!

In just thirty years, the era that belonged to their older generations just died out unknowingly...

Think about the past, in the most glorious time of mankind, in the seven kingdoms of mankind, Terenas Menethil of Lordaeron, Gene Greymane of Gilneas, and Aiden of Alterac. Perenold, Thoras Trollbane of Stormgarde, Speaker Antonidas in Dalaran... Now they are all in vain, and the glory that belonged to their older generation has long since vanished... …The only thing left is his own Kul Tiras still lingering.

"Then Uncle Dai Lin, why don't you join the Flame Alliance? You may not know. Now our Flame Alliance is rich. It's no problem to help you build a country or something!"

"And, when the time comes, maybe you can lead those steel dreadnought fleets to continue going to sea? You may not know that those steel dreadnought ships are much larger than your broken ships, and they must be even more powerful!"

Although Little Annie herself didn’t care about the affairs of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, she couldn’t even remember where the other party’s land was, but after seeing Uncle Dai Lin’s bleak look, she thought for a while. Indifferently invited.

Anyway, now that there are too many weird things in the Flame Alliance, it might not be a big deal to add another Kul Tiran kingdom.

"Haha! You little guy, don't even want to play this set with me!"

"Let me tell you, the girl from Menethil's Kalia has persuaded me many times, but I just want to fight the Orcs and the Burning Legion... Regarding the Stormwind Alliance and your affairs, I don’t want to get involved. Besides, my daughter... Forget it, what are you talking about!"

Shaking his head, Dai Lin smiled bitterly and rejected the slippery little girl, and rejected the personal invitation from the leader of the Flame Alliance. In short, with the two-tier relationship between Lordaeron's righteous daughter Kalia and his daughter Jaina, he Dalin will never join either of the Flame Alliance or the Stormwind Alliance!

Now Dalin has actually made up his mind: After he finishes fighting the Burning Legion and wins this time, if he can't fight the orcs, then he may lead the Seventh Fleet back to the Kingdom of Kul Tiras for retirement. Never participate in the war of Azeroth again.

"I tell you, the benefits in our league are super good!"

"Well, let me tell you another good news: After we finish fighting the Burning Legion, our alliance will create a large number of expensive magic runestones, and then bury them in various parts of the northern continent, and finally cast the energy of the new sun well directly Cover the entire land of the Flame Alliance!"

"At that time, all human beings can live as long as the high elves. That is a life span of tens of thousands of years, how about it, have you moved?"

Seeing that this old guy is so stubborn, Little Annie's eyes rolled around, and she simply shook out another top secret in the Flame Alliance.


Frowning, Dai Lin doesn't know how to talk about this little girl... The other party can even tell him this kind of thing to an outsider, is this really good?

"If there is such a good thing, then there will be magical energy covering the entire northern continent, and it can really increase lifespan...At that time, I might consider taking Catherine to the city of Lordaeron for retirement? "

The longevity of the high elves of Quel'Thalas and the immortality caused by those night elves bathing in the energy of the Well of Eternity, of course Daelin also knows. Therefore, in line with the principle of being cheap and not taking the bastard, he may be true by then. He was able to do the kind of thing that his family moved to Lordaeron, and then used the energy of the Sunwell to "care for the elderly".

"Wow! How can you, old weird man, be so cunning?"

" called me Uncle Dai Lin just now, why are you calling me to blame the old man now?"

"You are a stubborn old man!"


"If you tell me something nice and call me Uncle Dai Lin a few times, maybe, I will seriously consider your proposal just now?"

"Do you think I look like a fool?"

"Um...not quite like..."

"Then it will end! Blame the old man hello, blame the old man bye! I won't play with you now!"

Jumping directly from the wooden box on the dock, Annie disappeared in a teleportation, leaving the dirty and smelly dock!

Because, those sailor soldiers and this old guy named Dai Lin, they haven’t bathed in at least a month, and their bodies are full of that disgusting rotten smell, so Annie shouldn’t stay in this place, and those who don’t care about hygiene The weird guys are playing!


Somehow, when Dai Lin saw the little girl leave in anger, he suddenly felt that there is such a cute flame alliance, no matter how bad it seems, it shouldn’t be bad, right? Or... the all kinds of evil things that this alliance is rumored to do are all conspiracies or misrepresentations of hostile forces?

But, no matter what, no matter how big the impression is, the relationship with his daughter Jaina is there, no matter what the situation, he will not easily join the Flame Alliance... Maintain absolute neutrality, maybe it is them Kul Tiras can make the best choice.


Here in the Temple of Wyrmrest, the heads and minds of Azeroth’s various races and countries have once again been invited to gather here to prepare for urgent consultations and arrangements for the alliance troops on the battle of the Dragonblight that will determine the fate of the world of Azeroth. Coordination and command matters and so on.

And this is the main reason why Little Annie sneaked out at this time and ran to the port of the Flame Alliance fleet to the south to play! She didn't want to waste time with these adults who like to have meetings no matter what or no matter, big or small things!

For little Annie, meetings or something are the most annoying!

"All the heroes of the world of Azeroth here, the general situation is now like this..."

"The crisis of Ulduar at the Storm Cliffs in the north has now passed... A few days ago, I believe you have seen the huge movement in the north. After the unremitting efforts of the Explorers Association, the bronze dragon Chromie and Queen Anne Hasta Work hard, the crisis that may lead to the destruction of the planet has passed. This is a gratifying thing!"

"However, there is still a more serious matter before us. I believe you all know it too!"

"After Kil'jaeden the deceiver defeated Arthas and grabbed the Helm of Dominance, those Burning Legion demons who conquered Crystalsong Forest have now joined the undead and natural disasters entrenched in Icecrown Glacier! According to our investigation Intelligence feedback shows that their huge army has passed through the Crystal Rift Canyon and is heading south. At the latest four days later, they will join the other main force of the Burning Legion in the Tomb of Galakrond to reach the Titan Road in the north of our Wyrmrest Temple. Nearby, arrive here at the main camp of the Flame Alliance!"

"These many days of reconnaissance, I think you should have noticed that the demons of the Burning Legion have begun to set up a camp in this empty place suitable for the battle! Obviously, this is the battlefield they prepared for us!"

"So, if we want to fight, we must mobilize the main force to camp nearby within two days, and prepare for a decisive battle against a powerful enemy at any time!"

Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza pointed to the magic map and said in a place not far north of the Dragon Sleep Temple. That place is right in the middle of the new camp of the devil and the camp of the Flame Alliance. Except for the huge ruined Titan Road, the surrounding area is full of flat snowfields, enough for both sides to place hundreds of thousands of troops here. Come to a victory.

Of course, under normal circumstances, large-scale battles are generally impossible to fight like this. No one will pile all the chips on the battlefield at once and have a big decisive battle that will determine the outcome of the battle. The risk of doing so is too great. !

However, it is not the ordinary situation now, now it is the demons who have an absolute advantage! Judging from the current actions of the deceiver Kil'jaeden, the opponent may really want to complete his work and defeat all the resistance forces of the Azeroth Alliance in Northrend in one fell swoop?

If this is the case, the choices left to Azeroth's big men who are currently meeting here in the Temple of Dragon Sleep are actually not so many, these things, many people in the meeting are also aware of these things.

"Queen Alexstrasza, we in the Stormwind Alliance are eager to know, those many troops do they have?"

King Varian of Stormwind was the first to ask after being silent for a while.

The enemy army going south, their MI7 in Stormwind City and various sentinels, Griffin Riders, Hippogryph Archers, or Steam Helicopters have all been investigated, but because they dare not rely too tightly, they only know one. A terrible approximate number. As for the more specific, it is somewhat powerless.


"According to our magic and the statistics of the dragons of the Wyrmrest Legion, as well as the current unstable state of space, the various demons of the Burning Legion, the number is estimated to be about 400,000. This also includes the tomb camp of Galakrond. Those! As for those Scourge..."

"Except for underground cave monsters that cannot be counted, the number of undead army we can see is about 600,000... But fortunately, the strength of the undead is obviously not as good as the demons of the Burning Legion, and they are easier to deal with. !"

After looking up at Varian's scarred face for a while, Alexstrasza told the truth that this number was enough to make everyone in the room feel desperate!

Because what their Azeroth coalition forces are about to face will be an army of millions of evils composed of the demons of the Burning Legion and the undead of the Scourge! The number of such horrors is probably more than the sum of all the people in the current Stormwind Kingdom! After all, the Kingdom of Stormwind has lost the granary of the Western Wilderness with its huge population base. People from the Defias Republic certainly cannot be counted in the Kingdom of Stormwind.


"Although I'm sorry, I still have to say: Queen Alexstrasza, I don't seem to see any hope of victory for us? You know, all of us in Dragonblight now add up, maybe even Less than half a million, right?"

Everyone Varian said is still the number after adding up the Flame Alliance, Stormwind Alliance, Orc Horde, and Dragon Sleep Alliance! Strictly speaking, if they fight against the demons of the Burning Legion, they are probably at a disadvantage, not to mention the more than 600,000 Scourge Legions that have emerged out of thin air...

According to the intelligence of the investigation, the Scourge here in Northrend has a large number of elite death knights, abominations, undead Vrykul, frost dragon, crypt demons, and other undead transformed from larger and more powerful native creatures. , That is not the same level as the army of ghouls and skeletons that wreaked havoc on Lordaeron back then!



Hearing Varian's words, no matter it was the other members of the Storm Alliance, the Horde and the Flame Alliance, they all sat silently in their seats. Obviously, most people agreed with the King of Stormwind. This battle did not allow them to see the hope of victory. The difference in the numbers of the two armies was really too wide.

"If we have enough time and sufficient energy supply, I can use the two melting pots that our Explorers Association discovered and mastered on the cliffs of the storm to create many iron dwarves or stone dwarves and stone giants... but very Unfortunately, that may take a long time and a lot of energy!"

"Also, the cliffs of Stormwind are too far from here..."

Brian, who represented the Explorers Association, stood up and muttered wildly for a while, and then had to sit back again.

Yes, he is also eligible to participate in this meeting.

After all, their Association of Explorers has just managed to save the world once and it is not surprising that they are eligible to participate! On the contrary, it was a little girl. He had just been searching for a long time, but he couldn't see the little figure of the other party in the team of the Flame Alliance. He didn't know where he went to make trouble.

"On our Secret Blue Island, there are still quite a few warriors and powerful Naaru... However, under this kind of battle, even if it is time to send over, it will not help."

Draenei's prophet Velen shook his head, and slammed the Exodar Life Staff on the floor to vent his deep dissatisfaction with the devil.

Think about it for so many years, their draenei were hunted down by the Burning Legion many times, and finally ran to Outland Draenor, but now, under the poison of the Burning Legion and Ner'zhul, Draenor has collapsed... and then , When they once again ran into this beautiful world of Azeroth and were lucky enough to land on a fertile land called Azuremyst Isle, preparing to thrive, the demons of the Burning Legion were about to destroy the world again. Can he not get angry?

Those demons of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden the deceiver, obviously didn't plan to leave him Velen and his draenei people alive...


"If we night elves mobilize, we can finally gather a lot of troops! But, Queen Alexstrasza, you know, time is really too tight, such a short period of three or four days, What's the use?"

Tyrande? Whisperwind, the high priest of the night elf and the actual authority finally spoke.

Although the night elves have been a race with eternal life in the past, there are definitely a lot of civilians who have served and have combat experience for tens of thousands of years. If you go all out, you can still make up an army of one or two hundred thousand. of. But... Whether it is recruiting a new army, then arming and reorganizing, plus the cost of dispatching it, it will take time, a lot of time!

Anyway, this is definitely not something that can be done easily in ten days and eight days.



This conference room located on the Temple of Long Sleep became quiet again. The situation of all races is almost like this now. If they gritted their teeth, they could gather a lot of troops out, but time did not allow them to do that, and the demons would not allow it!

Therefore, at this time, many people have some bad premonitions in their hearts.

"If it doesn't work, I suggest to evacuate the Dragonbone Wilderness first and not go to a decisive battle with the enemy for the time being? Then, except for a small part of the army to contain the enemy, we will directly withdraw part of the main force!"

"There is..."

"The Flame Land of our Flame Alliance, some of you should all know... According to the description of our leader Anne, there will be less than half a month's time before the space barriers of the Flame Land can be completely consolidated and reopened. The various flame portals leading to the world of Azeroth! At that time, we will at least be able to scale up to millions of legions of powerful fire elements alone!"

"So, I think...we don't actually need to fear those demons and undead?"

After a pause, Sylvanas, who felt that the atmosphere was a little depressed, and now it was really inappropriate to start a **** battle with the devil, still revealed this confidential information that had been kept well hidden by them.

Now Ragnaros, the King of the Flames, who has been working on the Land of Flames, has been killed by the little guy Annie. Therefore, there is no worries about the Flame Legion. Once the space barriers are repaired, they can be used again. Return to Azeroth once!



Hearing this bad news, the tribe’s orcs and dragons did not have much reaction, because this matter did not help much to the matter to be discussed today, and did not help much in the battle situation here in Dragonblight. It really needs to be used. For those Fire Elemental Legions, I am afraid that the demons have all hit the Eastern Kingdom or Kalimdor.

But at this time, it was the people from the Stormwind Alliance who began to change their complexions, and then they looked at each other tacitly, their eyes full of jealousy, and they didn't know what they were communicating. Maybe they are worried about their own interests?

After all, where they are now in Arathi Highlands, there are still tens of thousands of Northern Expedition Army! And once the monsters in the land of flames rush out...

"Can't retreat! We must fight the enemy in a decisive battle in Dragonblight!!"

"Our Dragon Sleep Alliance will not allow this temple and the entire Dragon Bone Wilderness to fall into the hands of the demons! Moreover, once we retreat, I believe that the new Dark Portal will soon be built by the demons on this land. At that time, what we have to face is not just a coalition of millions of demons and undead, but also endless demons!"

"Think about it, once the demons have a firm foothold on this continent, when the endless army of demons goes south, can your Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdom stop it? So, we are now There is only one choice: defeat the army of the Burning Legion in Dragonblight and destroy their magic forge camp!"

As soon as Sylvanas' words fell, Queen Alexstrasza directly rejected the proposed retreat order arbitrarily, and still strongly demanded that the Allied forces conduct a decisive battle on the battlefield chosen by the demons!

"It's not impossible to fight..."

"However, Queen Alexstrasza... I think you don't seem to care much about the arrival of the enemy army, and you behave very calmly, seem to have some certainty?"

"If I'm right, can you tell us about your hole cards here?"

At this time, the orc warchief Thrall, who had been silent and observing carefully, quickly found the relaxed expression on the face of the Red Dragon Queen and a trace of joy in her eyes. He could see that, although the other party said things very seriously , But there is not the slightest sense of urgency that the last time I raided Icecrown Citadel, and there is even a kind of urgency that the demons wishing the Burning Legion to come to a decisive battle soon?

Therefore, after repeatedly observing and confirming some things, he tentatively asked the red dragon.

"Sorry, Chief Thrall..."

"You guessed it, I do have a certainty of victory! However, although we have the opportunity and determination to defeat the Burning Legion, this matter is too important and directly related to the world of Azeroth. Life and death, so, sorry, I can’t tell you!"

Seeing that the orc had guessed something, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza only frowned, then tactfully refused, unwilling to say something now.

"If you don't give a reasonable explanation, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to mobilize the warriors of our tribe to prepare for a doomed battle..."

Warchief Thrall, who was holding the round table and leaning out to listen, smiled bitterly and shook his head, and with a little disappointment, he retracted into his chair and sat down.

He is obviously a little dissatisfied with the words of the Red Dragon Queen, and he does not understand why the other party has to hide a certain killer that can defeat the demon at this time, because he firmly believes that all tribal warriors here are trustworthy!

As for other humans, it must be the same, right? After all, they are also people with status...

Well, after seeing a certain female mage from the seat of a human in Stormwind City, Warchief Thrall quickly dispelled his previous opinion. He suddenly felt that perhaps the red dragon queen's scruples were indeed right?

"That's right! Queen Alexstrasza... If you don't say anything, I will never let the soldiers of our Flame Alliance go to death in vain!"

"We would rather cross the sea directly to return to Lordaeron and return to Quel'Thalas, and then even if our own army resists the Burning Legion, we will never engage in a doomed war!"

"I think you should be able to understand that we have this ability. Our fleet has now built a dock on the south side. We can go south and evacuate Northrend at any time, right?"

Sylvanas didn't seem to be aware of certain things, so her attitude at this time was even more determined than the orc tribe!


The people of the Stormwind Alliance didn’t speak at this time, but judging from the expressions of Varian and the night elves’ Malfurion, Tyrande, Velen, Jaina and others, they were obviously similar. One meaning: If the Red Dragon Queen's rhetoric does not satisfy them, they may not put their limited forces into a battle doomed to fail.

"I'm sorry, everyone!"

"At this moment when it is about the life and death of Azeroth, there are some things that I will not let the third person know! Because this is different from the raid on Icecrown Citadel a few days ago. This time, it will be related to our ability Whether to win the invasion of the Burning Legion! And if it leaks out, it will probably fall short...At that time, it will be something we all don't want to see!"

"But everyone, here, I am willing to assure you in the name of the Red Dragon Queen and the Guardian Dragons: As long as you cooperate, you will be able to understand my concealed difficulties... I firmly believe that at that time, the decisive battle will be won. It will belong to us!"

Seeing that these mortals seemed reluctant to cooperate, Queen Alexstrasza could only use her name as the Red Dragon Queen and the Guardian Dragon to make a promise.

"Yes! I, the king of blue dragons, Malygos of the weavers, are also willing to use the name of the blue dragon clan and the guardian dragon to assure you: We are sure of victory, but... mortals, this Your cooperation is needed!"

"Think about it, mortals...From the battle of the ancients, to the battle of Mount Hyjal and the battle of quicksand, have our dragons sacrificed little to protect the world? And now, what you have to do, Just give us some trust!"

At this time, the King of the Blue Dragon suddenly walked out of a gate behind the hall of the temple, and stood beside the Queen of the Red Dragon, speaking to all the heroes of Azeroth who participated in the meeting and promised Persuade.

Now the strength of these mortals is not inferior to that of their giant dragons, plus, now that the situation is severe, Malygos has to lower his posture a little, and plead with these mortals in a pleading tone.

"We night elves choose to trust the assurances of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and the Blue Dragon King Malygos! Tomorrow, our Stormwind Alliance forces will go to the decisive battle area to camp!"

Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind of the night elves looked at each other, and quickly persuaded Varian, Velon and Jaina in their alliance, and stood up to give There was a reply.

"The same goes for other kingdoms in our Stormwind Alliance!"

Soon, after looking at the representatives of Ironforge and Velen and others for a while, Varian nodded and agreed to lead the army to the decisive battle site.

Although I don’t know why these two dragon kings kept secrets to such an extent, the signs of giant dragons are still very useful, especially the red dragon and blue dragon clan. The other side did protect Azeroth. Sri Lanka made great sacrifices and contributions.

As for the black dragon that everyone shouts and beats like a mouse crossing the street, I won't comment on it for the time being.


"Although you don’t know why you are so confident, Queen Alexstrasza, but... Since you have said so, our tribe will also dispatch all troops to the decisive battle site you just designated tomorrow! If the war is unfavorable, our tribe reserves the right to withdraw troops in time."

After pondering for a while, and exchanging opinions with Vol'jin and Tauren Chieftain Kane? Bloodhoof, Warchief Thrall even reluctantly agreed to the Red Dragon Queen's request for a decisive battle, saying that he would lead his troops to fight!


"Let's do it, I hope everything goes well! Otherwise... our navy in the southwest pier of the Emerald Dragon Holy Land will definitely take us out of this continent as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the orc tribe and the Stormwind Alliance had agreed to send troops, Sylvanas finally nodded helplessly, agreeing to this seemingly unreliable resolution.

"Then please everyone! Believe me, victory will definitely belong to Azeroth!!"

Having said that, there was no need for this meeting to go on, so everyone turned around one after another and left towards the various portals prepared by the dragons.

"Wait! Excuse me, this mage, are you Lady Jaina Proudmoore?"

When the people of the Stormwind Alliance walked towards the portal one after another, Sylvanas suddenly called a human woman with long blond hair.

"What do you do, Her Majesty Queen of High Elves?"

Jaina was a little puzzled, she didn't seem to be familiar with this female elf herself? So, what is the purpose of the other party calling himself at this moment?

"Next, this is a letter from your father to you!"

After confirming that the other party was the guy named Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas nodded, waved her hand, and threw a roll of parchment letter tied with a rope toward the vigilant opponent.


After receiving it subconsciously, Jaina frowned, and looked at the lacquer seal that had been uncovered and the tying rope apparently not from her father, Dailin Proudmoore, because no man would tie it. Such an exaggerated bow!

"Ha! You are right, I did take it apart!"

"After all, we were in a hostile relationship, didn't we? Besides, when I was in front of General Dai Lin the day before yesterday, he dismantled it. He didn't blame me!"

"Okay! Goodbye Ms. Jaina Proudmoore, you are so lucky to have a good father!"

After speaking, Sylvanas waved her hand regardless of the other party's reaction, and led her subordinates into the portal that returned to the Flame Alliance.


Pulling off the taunting bow, Jaina pulled the parchment away and began to look at it.

Jaina, my dear daughter:

The battle in Dragonblight may not be optimistic, and Queen Sylvanas of the Flame Alliance is also pessimistic... They are ready to evacuate at any time and let me lead the fleet to build it here on the coast beside the Titan Road in the south. Temporary dock...

Presumably, the navy of your alliance in Stormwind can't get here from the ocean, right?

Therefore, if the war is unfavorable, I will leave half of the Seventh Fleet to the south to help you evacuate. I have already made it clear to First Officer Jason that if you are to retreat, he will obey your orders.

—Your father, Daelin Proudmoore, twenty-seven years of the Dark Portal, February 2.


Not knowing what was thinking of, Jaina took a deep breath, clutched the parchment tightly, turned back and walked into the portal.


When all the mortals were gone, a man covered in a black cloak and unable to see the specific appearance walked into this empty conference hall with only the red and blue dragon kings.

"Malygos, how are you preparing? My new master, he is waiting for your reply..."

From the dark hood, a woman's cold and hoarse voice.


"After the victory of this battle against the Burning Legion, I will definitely find a way to let that Lich King set you free again! Then, I will find a way to heal you again..."

Malygos finally said firmly after looking at the face hidden in the cloak. UU Reading Yes, this woman hidden in the cloak is Sindragosa who was taken away by him! Originally, he kept the other party locked up until a certain guy became the new Lich King and spread the word through her, before he released the other party...

"Huh! My business, you don't need to be hypocritical here!"

It was still that cold tone and indifferent expression. After finishing speaking, the Sindragosa hidden in the cloak turned and left, seeming to be going to reply to the new master in her mouth.


"Malygos... you have to understand that she is dead now, and there is nothing we can do about it..."

Queen Alexstrasza sighed after seeing the other person leaving, and carefully persuaded Malygos.

"No! Alexstrasza, I won't give up!"

"There is no way for your life divine power, but there will always be other ways, right? Let her get her free will, just a small compensation from me... I believe that there will be other ways to save her. She made her come alive!"

Malygos began to ponder. He suddenly felt that the will furnace that the dwarf had just said might be a good thing. When there is time and after the Burning Legion is eliminated, he will go to study it!

Anyway, both he and Sindragosa have unlimited time, he is not in a hurry, there will always be a way!


Shaking his head, Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, said nothing more, turned around and left here.


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