Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 58: When power is out of control

   The Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world today is a bit different from usual. Several hours have passed since the morning, and now it is past noon, almost almost past lunch time!

   However, in the special canteen of the Ministry of Magic, apart from the chefs and staff who were preparing to provide services, there was not even a single person to eat! This is a free lunch provided by the Ministry of Magic! You know, usually this time, it is usually overcrowded!

   And now, the magnificent Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, is still in his minister's office anxiously approving various urgent documents sent by various departments! In fact, it is not just him, the Minister of Magic! Almost all the incumbent officials of the Ministry of Magic are already devastated!

   Right now, Fudge has no time to rest at all, let alone some lunch in the cafeteria! After all, things have reached the point where they are now, and things have deteriorated too quickly, and it is too tricky! Or maybe, all the staff of the Ministry of Magic today, including Minister Fudge, will have dinner directly at their posts! Still want to go to the cafeteria? It's not bad if you are not tired!

   Including the Secretary's Secretary Xiao Li Chad who came to report at the beginning, no one had expected that just after the announcement of Wandless Casting, it was just one morning, it was such a morning! The Ministry of Magic's monitoring system for wizards has a tendency to run out of control and collapse!

   When the extraordinary power of the wizarding world lacks effective supervision, it is just a short time in the morning! No one thought that the human nature of some wizards would be distorted and corrupted to such a state! Maybe this is the so-called inherent evil of human nature? One philosopher is right: once there is no effective supervision, whether it is power or strength, the first thing it shows will always be the hideous fangs!

   Now, due to the wandless casting, the various problems of various sizes have caused the Ministry of Magic to be exhausted! And the illegal incidents of wizards are endless! Including the Auror, all the staff of the Ministry of Magic were desperately busy like a clockwork! But even if it is already like this, they can feel almost a little overwhelmed!

   In Fudge's view, the masked wizards who took advantage of the opportunity to steal the Muggle Bank are actually good! After all, they are just looking for money, and apart from grabbing some pounds, which is difficult to cash, they didn't cause any deaths!

Anyway, the masked wizards snatched only some paper pounds. After the Auror got the number of the lost pound, he had already ordered the Gringotts Wizarding Bank to wait for it and send someone to focus on the gold Jialong exchange business. , Just waiting for those **** to exchange pounds for gold gallons! I think it should not affect the financial order of the wizarding world!

   As for the Muggle world? He Fudge is busy now! Where can I manage so much? Anyway, the Muggle world is not in his control! Couldn't their bank print pound sterling? Some paper is nothing but gold! Just print as many as you have robbed?

   There are many things like this! Just like the first few documents approved by Fudge, one of them said: There was a wizard who maliciously wandlessly used a spell to tamper with the memory of a super wealthy Muggle family member, making them mistakenly believe that the wizard is them. The long-lost brothers, and then, of course, the Muggles desperately invited him to their house, not to go!

   Next is a variety of delicious and delicious receptions, before finally leaving, the man took away a lot of valuable things! In this way, in just one morning, the strange wizard legally obtained a lot of wealth! This is really...! Fudge didn’t know what to write in his reply just now! They are all talents! Don't they usually go to work? Thinking about these crooked ways all day?

   There will be more funny next! Fudge didn't bother to go into details! For example: those old witches hooked up with butter niches to sprout the Nth spring! Pretending to be beggars who use the spell to confuse Muggles and have to give a lot of money! Eat Bawang Meal without paying money to empty the memory of others! There is also the addiction of being a high official in the Muggle government! Etc., etc! Those people have a lot of tricks and categories! It is beyond the limit of imagination that Mr. Minister can achieve...! It's just a scepterless cast spell, and it's about to be played by those people!

   In fact, in Fudge's opinion, the wizards above are all good! At least it did not cause much damage! It didn't have much impact on the Muggle world either! They are still within the tolerance of the Ministry of Magic!

   But some wizards are different! Those dark wizards whose brains have never been normal, those **** scums! Some of them even used the fascination curse or the Imperius curse to control Muggle women to do some extremely evil things! That nature is really too bad!

   Because, just now! When an Auror accidentally discovered and caught those **** during a routine patrol, all the young Muggle women in that entire building were actually killed! This is just a little longer! The shamans who lack supervision are even morally degraded to this point! In Fudge's view, this is simply sensational! It is heinous!

   When Fudge saw the document, he didn't know what words to use to describe the evil! After being stunned for a long time and thinking about it for a long time, in the end, he could only write his harshest reply today in the reply: For these wizards, it is recommended that the Wisengama Wizarding Court transfer them to the photographer. Ghost handling!

   And, just now! The British Prime Minister of the Muggle World also called him. After a period of official inquiries, he asked Fudge carefully: Is there something wrong with the prison in the wizarding world? Have all the evil wizards and criminals escaped collectively? Otherwise, why do so many wizard crime incidents happen in one morning? The Muggle Prime Minister said that if this continues, he will almost be unable to hide it!

   Damn Dumbledore! And those **** dark wizards who change their laws all day and think about troubles! This is really! So that the Minister of Magic lost his face to the Muggle world!

Fudge kept cursing in his heart, if it weren’t for Dumbledore’s bad old dog to be nosy with the mouse, and if she had to recruit that mysterious little girl to Hogwarts as a special professor, she wouldn’t teach students this kind of damn. Wandless cast! If it weren't for this **** wandless cast! The Ministry of Magic will not face such an embarrassing and passive situation now! Everything is the old immortal fault!

   For that mysterious little girl, even in his heart, Fudge didn't dare to scold her! Who knows if she, like a mysterious person, has magic to the people who speak bad words about her and can sense it? If there is such a thing, if you scold her, will she come to the Ministry of Magic to make a fuss? So, of course, Fudge had to blame all the guilt on that **** old man Dumbledore!

   After Fudge signed the last document and asked the secretary to urge the technical department to upgrade the monitoring system, he collapsed into a chair! I don’t even have the mind to eat lunch! He never expected that an ordinary morning would be so exhausted that he would almost kill him!

   But fortunately, the wizarding world has never cared about what happened in the Muggle world. Shouldn't those **** reporters pay attention to these big cases that just happened in the Muggle world? Just in case, Fudge has just issued a strict order, ordering everyone in the Ministry of Magic to keep this secret! I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes this time! Otherwise, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen to the Daily Prophet tomorrow!

   While the Ministry of Magic is busy, UU reading is still standing by, trying not to let the Muggle world cases spread to the wizarding world! Fudge is more at ease with the wizarding world. Those **** shouldn't use wandless spells to make trouble in the wizarding world, right? With the power of casting without a rod now, it's okay to bully a Muggle! As long as they don't have a problem with their brains, they won't be so stupid as to want to deal with a wizard with a staff!

   The good news from the technical department just now gave Fudge a sigh of relief. It is said that within one to two days, their technical department will be able to complete the monitoring upgrade for the wizard's wandless spellcasting! This is probably the best news he Fudge can hear today!

   As for the Muggle world, Fudge is so tired that he doesn't want to ask any more! Anyway, now it can't be prevented, so let's be a little messy! At most it was the matter of these two days, and Shinobu passed away! If you want to let the Auror and the department responsible for cleaning the memory work more overtime!

   Fortunately! This kind of bad passive situation only needs to grit your teeth for one to two days! Otherwise, if every day is as busy as the morning, this Minister of Magic doesn't want to do it! But if it's only one or two days, it shouldn't be too bad!

  Fuji decided now that after a while, he would go to the Finance Department and ask them to add a generous special attendance bonus to all staff in order to boost morale! For the busiest Aurors, I must add more! In this case, the people below probably won't complain too much, right?


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