Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 585: !!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ You frame me? !

? ""


"Tibbers... don't know why. Today, people keep twitching their right eyelids, and I always feel that something extraordinary is going to happen!!"

(; ̄д ̄)

"Is it impossible..."

||o(*°▽°*)o|Ю[Maybe someone wants to murder this queen?! ]

Holding her little bear Tibbers, Little Annie is frowning cutely, whispering in a very small voice that will not be easily heard by others.

You know, her Queen Anne's skills are already very powerful, and now, since there are certain inductions of this kind, there must be a big problem!



(There should be four big Ivans that you sold to a certain big toad in the castle of the gods. Although I heard that that guy used one, there are still three left. Isn’t it... you today? Will it be blown up by that guy?

 ̄? ̄)ゞ

——On the contrary to his own little master, Tibbs Bear thinks, today there must be something that makes him feel happy. Anyway, it doesn't feel any bad feelings now, it doesn't perceive danger, nor does it perceive its little owner to be remembered by some bad guys, everything is normal! )

"That is impossible!"


"Receiving nuclear bombs with bare hands. People did it as early as the first time they went to New York to fight aliens. How could they be afraid that others would bomb them with something like that?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Even if the big Ivan is really detonated in front of her, Annie can pause time instantly, and then open a portal to successfully escape, it is absolutely impossible to be bombed!

Besides, the big deal is to go and recycle those things by yourself first, that's not a big deal! Besides, Annie can feel that what is about to happen to her body is not something that endangers her personal safety. It is actually a kind of...anyway, something strange is about to happen!


(Could it be that today’s action is dangerous, any of your Shepard, Miranda or Ashley sisters will be killed?)

( ̄? ̄)/

"Definitely not!"


"They won't die with me, even if they die accidentally, just save them!"

(~ ̄▽ ̄~)

In this mission, I went to play with myself. How could they die? Anyway, that would never exist!

Even if she is really dead, she will be saved again!

As long as she has a good relationship with herself, Queen Anne is still willing to do simple things like resurrection full of blood and blue in place! The resurrection technique is really good at her level of existence! Of course, if she is an unfamiliar person, stranger or enemy, she will not mess up the balance of nature with the resurrection technique casually!

Death is not actually the end, but just the beginning. Just like the conservation of matter and energy in the entire natural world, the soul is also conserved. Even if it is really dead and dissipated, it will rejoin the new cycle in another way. ...So, those who are unfamiliar, strangers, or enemies, let them die.

(The little one really doesn’t know what will happen, the little one feels very good now...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Then just don't want to, just wait and see! The head of state wants to see, what unpleasant things happen on earth?!"


Since she didn't understand, Annie didn't even think about it. Anyway, it's not a dangerous thing, so let's take a look! She didn't believe it anymore, could it really happen to make her feel unhappy or something terrific that really happened? !



Ashley and Asari Liyala looked at the little girl who was muttering with a plush teddy bear sitting across from them. They didn't know what the other party was doing. They were talking to each other. After looking at each other, they made helpless expressions, and then continued to close their eyes and go to rest.

Because, soon they will reach their mission destination, and now they must adjust and enter a combat state! Although they are well equipped now, there shouldn't be any major problems in sneaking into combat, but to sneak into the enemy's back and fight in an environment where the enemy is waiting, they must always be vigilant and be careful!


The Horsehead Nebula, outside the orbit of the giant red planet Anadis, a small UT-47 drop-down shuttle landing craft carries Annie, Shepard, Liara, Ashley and Miranda. Grandly broke into the security circle of the God Fort space station.

At this moment, Cerberus had sneaked into the outskirts of the Fortress Space Station. There were several Cerberus dreadnoughts and cruisers. They seemed to be on alert? It's a pity that they couldn't find their little landing craft at all, so they let them gradually get closer to the sacred space station that had already opened the guard area and even carried the completed ‘Sky Furnace’!

It is impossible to imagine that when the Star Alliance has only completed most of it, Cerberus will be the first to complete the Optimus Furnace, and also get all the prerequisites to start it?

If they come one or two days later, then they will definitely have a big deal!


"This stealth device is really great, those enemy ships really can't find us at all!"

Miranda's voice rang in the landing craft, which caught the attention of Ashley and others sitting behind the driving seat.

"After defeating the Reaper, I will also get a set of stealth devices for my own ship. They are much stronger than the IES stealth system of Shepard's ruined Normandy II!"

?IES (Internal; Sink/internal radiation suppression)

"Little Annie, you can't be too stingy then, you must help me for free with a high-powered DN51 optical and thermal stealth device that is enough to put on the frigate!!"

Miranda, who was manipulating the landing craft in the main pilot's seat, found that the landing craft he was driving was flying past a terrifying cruiser or dreadnought ship full of gun barrels, and the other party completely ignored the existence of himself and others. , She turned her head excitedly, and yelled at some little guy in the cockpit who came to the castle for the third time.

This invisibility device and the new type of ghost suit they wore were all from the hands of the Hero Federation, and was specially prepared on the main star of Eden by General Galen in order to ensure the success of their mission. It is said that it was specially designed to help them Normandy II!

It's a pity that there is only one such stealth device, and there are only four ghost suits?

Therefore, everyone on Normandy II, including the prosciut Javik who was incorporated by them a few days ago, was not allowed to participate in this secret infiltration mission, but was ordered to be on the periphery with Normandy II. They are invisible on the track, and while avoiding being discovered by the enemy, they must be ready to urgently reinforce them when necessary.

"Hey! Little Annie!"

"What the **** are you doing, have you heard me?!"

Seeing that little devil was holding the plush teddy bear and muttering something again, Miranda yelled again in an uneasy manner.

In any case, she will build her own frigate in the future, and then directly install a set of this magical DN51 optical and thermal stealth device. By then, she will definitely be better than Shepard’s Normandy ship. Numbers are countless times stronger!

It's useless for that little guy to pretend to be stupid, even if she is shameless, she will get into a stealth device!

It is said that that kind of device was originally installed on the AH/G-24 fuselage of the Wraith fighter aircraft. Due to its excellent performance, the fighter aircraft has become a reliable hidden predator! After seeing its outstanding performance, the Mengsk Empire developed the DN51, making it a top invisible device with longer operation time, more reliable battlefield performance, and higher light refraction index! And now, most of the advanced small frigates of the Hero Federation and the massive Banshee fighters are equipped with that kind of thing, the kind of turbo fighter they saw on earth before!

And this time, an adaptable modified version was specially deployed for them, so that they can be directly installed on the landing craft and can be used with a little modification.

"Take it to Galen by yourself, don't ask me about this kind of thing..."


In addition to her own weapons and equipment, Annie's space pocket does not have such a bulky device placed in the spacecraft.

Because, her own magical invisibility is much more convenient than this kind of troublesome thing!

"Ha! That's okay!"

"At that time, I will tell them myself: You, the little head of state, agreed to give it to me!"

This kind of vague statements by the leaders, Miranda likes her the most!

Because at that time, she can pull the tiger skin as a banner, blatantly ask for what she needs and don't need, and even knock a lot of money?

Anyway, this kid will definitely not check, and those wealthy heroic federal military supplies department, even if they report to the little head of state behind him like the other person asking, the little guy will definitely not take care of this kind of thing. She Miranda had already figured it out!

This kind of thing is equivalent to her younger sister Oliana being arranged by her in advance to study in the Kepulus area for asylum. She used the little guy’s head of state to make arrangements for the federal officials. It’s the best school, and it’s the kind that includes food, shelter, and pocket money. Let Miranda kick her little burden of exploiting her own economy all at once, making her always feel happy. .



Going to the back of the cockpit, looking at the outside scene, and discovering that soon after arriving at the circle area of ​​the fortress, Annie looked curiously at the ring area of ​​the fortress with four huge steel claws. That huge chubby'Sky Furnace'.

"That thing, can it wipe out the Reapers of the entire galaxy at once?"


For the power of that thing, Annie herself felt a little bit incredible...

If that's the case, then the intelligent creatures in this world, especially the Proxian's technology is a bit too powerful! Although there are some tricks and the mass effect repeaters that are spread throughout the galaxy, they are really amazing.

You know, now that Little Annie herself, in this world of mass effect that doesn’t belong to her, and where there are almost no magical elements, and even less able to invoke the power of the universe, she is at best the reaper who can easily burn an entire planet. That's it, and consume a lot of power?

But now, these human beings on Earth are going to wipe out the Reapers of the entire galaxy at once?

Those reapers, they are so hot and so hot, and the galaxy is so hot so big, the kind of attacking the entire galaxy with a certain power or spell, Queen Anne herself has never dared to imagine it!

If that is true, this kind of mighty power, I am afraid that ordinary gods can't match it.

She knows that some gods in the small world still stay on a certain planet or a certain continent all day long, staring at that one-third of an acre or 800,000 believers playing in the mud! But now, if you look at the world of others, you will have developed a weapon capable of destroying the energy level of the entire galaxy!

However, if you think about it seriously, it seems to be right...

Think of the hapless King of Fear, the Big Pineapple, who is also known as one of the most powerful Hell Three Demon Gods!

But the result?

After that hapless guy accidentally ran into the Kepulu region, wasn't he caught by the Protoss for a good fight, and was honestly imprisoned? And if it wasn't for Anne to meet him, that guy would have been sliced ​​and studied by the Protoss, and then sold the meat to the Zerg by the catty?

Well, now that big pineapple will not end well...

Because, it has been thrown away by Annie to the lonely and intolerable two Balrog in the half-plane space, and thrown it to the other party to play! According to Tibbers, that big pineapple seemed to have a stubborn temper and often scolded her, so Erheizi used the burning whip to slap her almost every day, and was even beaten up?

I'm sorry to think about it...

Therefore, the great Queen Anne decided: How many more years will the poorer Erheizi who gave her the poor big pineapple play? When she remembered again, she would consider how to deal with each other! And if you can't remember it by accident, then pull it down!


"Wait! There seems to be something wrong here, it seems that they have just experienced a battle?"

"Miranda, look over there!"

Shepard, who was sitting in the co-pilot's position, suddenly stretched out his fingers to the places where their stealth landing craft flew:

"Here, and there!"

"There seems to be explosions of fire and gunfire in the ring area of ​​the Fortress? What happened there? Haven’t the people of Cerberus successfully controlled the Fortress Space Station?!"

The closer Shepard's heart is to the port terminal in the circle area of ​​the castle of God, the more puzzled she is!

Before, when she was outside, she discovered something was wrong: In the fleets outside the castle, the muzzles of their battleships seemed to face the space station of the castle, and even the bow of the ship, and it didn’t seem to be a huge guard at all. The external appearance of the space station, but is it concealed to guard against it?

What’s even more exaggerated is that when they approached the port in the ring area, they found that there were countless landing crafts that landed randomly, with Cerberus or the C-SEC logo on the outer wall, but in the surrounding area, Not even half of the guard on duty?

"I do not know either!"

"But, Shepard, you can look at those corpses! They have Cerberus, some unknown militants, and even those wearing the C-SEC equipment of the Fortress. Strange... I seem to have seen them wearing The Krogans equipped by Turian soldiers?!"

When they flew quickly through the passages of the gods, they looked to the two sides, whether it was Miranda or Shepard, they could easily clearly see the ones lying on the side of the offices, corridors and gates. Full of eye-catching bodies!

Anyway, among the fallen corpses, in addition to the soldiers belonging to the rival Cerberus they are about to deal with now, there are countless complex elements, or can be said to be complexly dressed guys?

As for what happened inside, I'm afraid I can only find out after they arrive at the front dock and land.


That's good, at least they don't need to be too careful when they land, because now, apart from the ‘guardians’ who are busy with automatic repairs, no enemy will embarrass them in the dock area! Those guys, I don’t know where they are busy fighting the civil war now!


"Joker! The Fortress Space Station is currently being attacked by unknown armed forces. They may be at war with Cerberus. Please be prepared to come and support at any time!

Although I don’t know what happened in the castle of God, Shepard thought about it for a while, and opened the universal tool in his left hand immediately, used the shipboard communication device to transmit the signal, and contacted directly My own Normandy II, which is hiding in the outer orbit.

Because now, in this chaotic situation, even if they communicate directly now, they definitely don't have to worry about being detected or discovered by the enemy.

‘Normandy No. 2 received! ’

‘Commander Shepard, the Marines and the N7 crews are ready in the shuttle cabin on the fifth floor, as long as you need it, we can set off at any time! ’

"Got it!"

"You also have to be careful, there are several enemy warships outside the castle, please pay attention to safety! That's it, the call is over!"

'understand! ! ’

As Miranda maneuvered the spacecraft closer to the dock area, Shepard hurriedly seized the time to explain everything and immediately interrupted and ended the communication.

"Successfully arrived at the scheduled landing goal!"

"Okay, sisters! We are calling at the port, and we are ready to enter the castle of God, and let's start a big fight!"

After Miranda carefully parked the UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft, which remained invisible, in a hidden corner of the dock area, as a burst of light twisted, a hatch was opened from the inside, and they finally saw the outside. A messy scene:

Countless corpses were lying in and out of the quay area, all kinds of blood stained the ground...The ones that fell on the ground, except for the white Cerberus armed soldiers, There are even more of those Turians, Klogans, Quali, and C-SEC SWAT team uniforms, and even those with weapons in their hands and no protection. Armed civilians of A?

Miranda doesn't know why these people fight, but this does not prevent her from cursing the obsessive leader Phantom Man! What Jack Harper did was wrong, or now, there will not be so many people embarrassing them!

Let's take a look, now that they have not waited for them to add blockage to each other, there are already countless people fighting with the careerists first, but they have saved them a lot of things.


"It's good now... I definitely can't take time to eat delicious food in the city! This is not fun at all!"


Wearing a beautiful tight-fitting red-and-white ghost suit and carrying the long sniper rifle on her shoulders, Annie, who is also wearing a certain bear at her waist, looked at the bad guys lying all over the floor with disgust. The corpses, then muttered flatly.

She originally planned to clean up the Phantom Man villain of Cerberus, and then take the time to run to the space station with many delicious castles, and go to those guarded cities to have a good time for a few days!

But now it's alright, now here... it seems to be more powerful than when she and Big Sister Shepard first came to the castle? Now, whether it's the circle area or the Five Davids area of ​​the fortress, there are fierce weapon exchanges and soaring fire and smoke everywhere. In this case, you don't have to think about it, you must not have fun. Up.

Those bad guys, it's so damning, they know that they fight war all day long...


"There really is a big problem here..."

"Alright! Let's not think about it. Now everyone turns on the invisibility device of the ghost suit. Taking this opportunity, we directly touch the control room of the'Sky Furnace', but don't let them Cerberus The people of Sri Lanka will succeed first!"

"The Sky Furnace, it has only one chance to be used, we must not miss it!!"

After talking, after Miranda used the control switch of the universal tool to close the door of the landing craft, so that their landing craft was hidden in the corner and could not be easily found by anyone, Shepard directly ordered and followed her The operation disappeared directly out of thin air!

She has taken the lead in opening the invisibility device of the ghost suit, and has begun to take the lead in touching the Optimus Furnace control room in the circle area.

And then, Miranda, Liara and Ashley quickly disappeared, with only a slight sound of footsteps and slowly going away... Although they have not received professional sneak training in ghosts, but That kind of small movement, in this chaotic battlefield environment, obviously no one will notice them.

‘Annie! Keep up! ’

When he found that a little guy behind him was still pulling the helmet of a quarian who died in battle, Shepard hurriedly urged him gently in the communication.

When is it, that little guy is still in the mood to study what the Querians look like?

Although, Shepard herself was a bit curious, because she didn't seem to have personally seen closely what a quarian would look like, apart from seeing the description of the quarian in the materials... …But now, time is urgent and she who is eager to control the Optimus Furnace, where is she in the mood to study that strange thing?

They have more important things, which are related to the survival of the galaxy! It is about the continuation of countless millions of creatures! !

"I'm coming!"


"Sister Shepard, I just discovered that those quarians don't look too ugly..."


While running fast forward, Annie also opened the invisibility device of her ghost suit at the same time, allowing magic to flow through her body, activating those phantom energy synthesis cells, directly refracting light, and completely invisible to her little body. Get up, let the pier passage full of corpses, there are waves of footsteps, and quickly move forward and gradually away...

Behind them, in addition to the corpses all over the floor, there is a certain beautiful elder sister Quli whose mask has been unmasked? It's just that the other party is very unlucky, as if he was accidentally beaten to death while fighting the bad guys of Cerberus.

And this is the reason why Annie doesn't like fighting...

Because, if it is a fight, whether it is a good or a bad person, whether it is one's own person or an enemy, it is possible to die!

Life is so beautiful. If you have time, it would be great to eat, drink and have fun. Why do we have to fight?

Anyway, the war or something, Annie hates her most!

And this time, the reason why she stayed in this world for so long was that she wanted to defeat the nasty reaper bad guys before going to other worlds to play? Of course, it is also possible to give priority to defeating the bad guy in the Cerberus organization, and that does not conflict with her ultimate goal.


The Arcturus galaxy, this is the first place outside the solar system that people on earth jumped to after passing the Charon repeater! Like the solar system, it also has a young star radiating powerful energy, but there is no planet suitable for human habitation, and this galaxy is mainly composed of Yunomia, Irene, and Semi Sri Lanka is composed of planets in orbits.

And Arcturus Space Station, this large space station that was originally the headquarters of the Star Alliance, this space station, which was originally inhabited by nearly 50,000 people, looks like a huge dreadnought ship, is located slightly closer to the planet Symis A little star in close orbit!

It's just that there are basically no people in Arcturian space now... Except for a team of last guards who can use the fast shuttle to evacuate at any time, there are some security robots remaining to maintain this empty place. .

Because, here at the Arcturus space station, a battle that may be related to the survival of the entire galaxy's higher civilizations is about to start! Therefore, this movement is not very convenient, the Arcturus space station, which has a huge target and is not easy to retreat, was directly abandoned by the Star Alliance.

Once the official order of the Great Retreat arrives, the dozens of Star Alliance officers on duty who were on duty here will immediately rush to the fast shuttle boat and rush to the third place in the Arcturus galaxy at full speed. The mass effect repeater between and the fourth orbit, then jumped back to the predetermined safe coordinates of the solar system!


At this time, countless battleships are densely arranged on the jumping orbit of this Arcturian galaxy, waiting in full array, waiting for the powerful enemies that are about to appear-the large fleet of Reapers!

The combined fleet is on standby. They use the Protoss' most powerful mothership and the "Arden Spear" as their flagship, guarding the nearly 100,000 Protoss and human ships that surround it in the fleet. They mainly take the Protoss Mother Ship, Storm Battleship, Protoss Aircraft Carrier, human fighter mother ships, and transport ships of various races carrying at least hundreds of millions of Transformers as their main combat forces.

Distributed on the two wings of the Chinese military formation are mainly human battlecruisers, battleships, super battleships, imitation magic battlecruisers, and Void glow ships of the Protoss. There are about 100,000 ships. !

As for the reinforcement fleets of the Star Alliance, the Asari, the Serraru, the Turians, and the Krogan or Querians, the mixed fleets of less than 30,000 ships, those with a small number of dreadnoughts and a large number of different strengths There are even a few old cruisers and frigates composed of no-name fleets, scattered in the gap between the joint fleet and the two wings.

Obviously, neither they nor Admiral Matt Horner, who is the commander-in-chief, had too much expectations for their miscellaneous troops of less than 30,000 ships. The reason why they came In the Arcturus galaxy, besides the focus on participation, I am afraid it is just to be a witness or to join in the fun?

Looking around, the 200,000 search fleets, large and small, are directly covered with a whole star field...

Although this large fleet of more than 200,000 looks spectacular and huge, but in the context of the universe, they are just a handful of inconspicuous bacteria in the Arcturus galaxy. ......If they are soft together, maybe they are not even a fraction of the size of a certain planet, right?

Therefore, although the various tribes of the castle and the three tribes of its federation have conquered the vast space of the universe in name, and are able to navigate freely between galaxies... However, in the huge universe environment, they are still a little too small... Including those harvesters, they are probably just a bunch of unremarkable bacteria in the galaxy.

However, today, the two groups with different purpose fleets are about to start a battle with the largest fleet ever in the mass effect world galaxy!

The final result of the battle will determine the life and death of millions of creatures in this galaxy!

If you win,

Everything will be restored soon!

The various races in the galaxy poisoned by the Reapers will get the opportunity to rejuvenate and thrive, and to continue to bloom their respective splendid civilization flowers in this galaxy!

And if it fails,

Everything will be in vain!

The Reapers will continue what they did for tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years before: raising their butchers, and beheading all the higher civilization races in this galaxy, and killing the countless creatures, one Do not stay……

For example, the cans of DNA information of earth humans, Asari and Turians that were made on Earth, Palevin, and Celsia, but unfortunately interrupted by Middle-earth?


‘Report to the Chief Commander! ’

‘The Chinese Army is now ready! ’

‘The left wing is now ready! ’

‘The right wing is now ready! ’

‘The God Fort United Fleet is also ready! ! ’

‘Your report! ’

‘Our fleet is now fully prepared, everything is normal for the entire fleet, ready to go into battle at any time, please give instructions! ! ’

A Protoss and an lieutenant of the Human Staff Group simultaneously stood up from a strategic holographic map next to them and reported loudly to Admiral Matt Horner who was standing in the main position.

At this time, on the platform of the General Command Hall of the Spear of Arden, apart from countless Protoss and federal human technology and communications command officers sitting in their respective positions and busy with their own affairs, they are beside Matt Horner. , There are also important officials such as Galen, Atanis, Cerandis, Zeratul, Anderson, Hackett, the Patriarch of Tunis, and representatives of the Asari.

"How long will the Reaper arrive?"

The formation of the fleet and other issues are naturally coordinated by the lower-level officers. Matt Horner does not need to worry about it. He just wants to know now, how much time will the Reaper have to reach the Arcturus?

Only by determining the exact arrival time of the Reaper’s enemies, he can make corresponding tactical arrangements, instead of waiting nervously and long as he is now, which is very torturous, and it is also very good for the morale of the generals and soldiers. unfavorable.

'report! ’

‘The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and all communication stations that we deployed in the Exardos star cluster lost contact one after another half an hour ago! If the Reaper does not stay in the Exardos star cluster, he should arrive in three to five minutes! ’

At this time, a federal officer stepped out and reported loudly again.

This is theoretically the time when the enemy arrives. If the Reapers are entrenched in the Exardos star cluster, there is nothing better than to continue sending unmanned reconnaissance ships to take the initiative to investigate. Way.

"No! They are here!"

"I felt that the great void conveyed to me that powerful and evil aura... that evil existence like Eamon's Chaos Legion, those reapers, they are coming..."

At this moment, Zeratul, who was standing silently with Atanis and Serendis, and did not interfere with the command, suddenly stepped forward and stared at the command room of the Spear of Arden. The dark starry sky outside the transparent shield.

Because he was the first to feel the arrival of the enemy, those harvesters, they... are coming soon!

"I also felt an ominous breath..."

"Powerful and evil!"

Archbishop Atanis, with the blue-white energy gleaming in his eyes, also went out and nodded in agreement with Zeratul’s statement.

In this battle, he did not ask for any command rights, because he himself knew that if he commanded a templar to fight on the ground or singled out, he Atanis would not fear anyone! But... is it better to pick up large-scale battleships, or the admiral Matt Horner in the Federation?

In the second expedition against UED, the opponent’s command talent has been fully proven. Therefore, whether it is Atanis, Zeratul, or Cerandis, they are very confident in commanding the fleet. Power to the other party.

"May Kara bless us!"

Cerandis received the preparation signal from Atanis, she could only sigh softly in her heart, preparing to inspire the soldiers to face the coming powerful enemy.

‘! ! ’

'report! ! ’

‘A large-scale energy response has been detected, and a large number of ships are leaping towards the Arcturus galaxy! ! ’

At this time, a Protoss technical officer suddenly exclaimed, and finally confirmed what the Master Zeratul had just said.

Soon after, without waiting for them to have more reaction time, a little red and blue light suddenly appeared in the distant starry sky... They just appeared out of thin air, if it weren't for the equipment on the Spear of Arden If all their information and quantities are clearly detected and captured, I am afraid that most people will just think that it is a starry sky when they look at it?

'report! ’

‘The Reaper Fleet is leaping quickly! ’

‘The current number is 10,000...’

‘20,000 ships...’

"Fifty thousand ships..."

'not good! ’

‘The current number exceeds 100,000! ! ’

'report! The number of enemies is still increasing a lot, and the energy response intensity of jumping is still rising sharply! ’

At this time, the Federation Protoss and human officers of the radar group that detected the enemy no longer report, but are engaged in intense and complex detection and statistical work.

Finally, five minutes later...


'report! The current number of enemy warships is about 700,000! The energy response frequency of the jump has begun to decline rapidly, and it is estimated that the final number of harvesters will be about...800,000 or more! ! ’

While everyone was waiting patiently, the officers of the protoss and humans in the constellation, after repeated confirmations and scans with instruments, finally got an accurate and shocking number:

Those Reaper battleships, their number is at least four times or more than their coalition fleet! ?


Matt Horner frowned, even he didn't expect that the Reapers would come so many...

This amount is like exhausting the tribal forces of the Heroic Federation of the Kepru sector, bringing all the warships together, maybe it is about 1.8 million, right? However, they cannot do that, because this galaxy is not the main base of their federation!

They are fighting here, just want to develop a safe and vast living space! Once things are beyond their control, if Matt Horner says nothing, he will definitely lead the fleet to run away, and then close the portal directly before the Reaper goes to the solar system, and wait for eight thousand years, wait until The next generation or generations will come back to explore the galaxy when they have time?

"Goddess Elsim is here!"

"They, how can they have so many harvesters, isn't it just three to five million?!"

The Asari people exclaimed almost at the same time, the number of enemies turned out to be more than twice as much as they originally calculated?

How to fight this?

At the beginning, the total number of Reapers who invaded their Asari’s Athena Nebula was only less than two thousand... But the result? After their guerrilla tactics were ineffective and they had to fight head-on, their Asari fleet was wiped out almost instantly, and the home planet Sesiah directly fell!

And if it weren't for Shepard and the others in time to support and summon the Golden Fleet of Protoss, then their Asari had now become another race that had been harvested by the Reapers after the Batari.

Therefore, she doesn't know how they will fight when the number of enemies is more than 800,000.

This thing is terrifying!

That is 800,000 powerful Reaper battleships, and there must be countless monsters of the overlord level, not 800,000 Reaper soldiers! Moreover, each of the opponents, at worst, is a powerful existence equivalent to the dreadnoughts of the Divine Fortress race, not comparable to the miscellaneous cruisers and frigates they put together!


"Even if we give the Turians ten years of preparation time, it will be difficult for us to defeat them..."

The new patriarch of the Turians, the Vixtor shook his head dejectedly after a little calculation.

Because he discovered that an enemy of that level is definitely not something that their Turians can match! The kind of reaper who has harvested the entire galaxy coefficient for tens of millions of years and harvested countless epochs in the galaxy is far more powerful than all of them can imagine!

"Or, let's retreat now and blow up the repeaters and destroy their 800,000 warships?"

Seeing that the enemy's strength was so terrifying, the leader of the quarians began to retreat again... Now the enemy is so terrifying, and their quarians' wealth is not enough for a wave of volleys!

So she felt that now, taking advantage of the fact that the two sides had not reached the combat distance, the whole army retreated directly, exploded the repeater and pitted the enemy, which is the best choice?

"Do not!"

"We can't guarantee that they will have more, so we must first confront them to explore their strength!"

Matt Horner refused without hesitation the Querian leader's suggestion for a direct retreat, and walked quickly to the command platform and stood still:


"All ships with projectile kinetic energy weapons are now free to fire at the enemy!!"

'understand! The order has been issued! ’

In the next second, countless ships that had been prepared for a long time used their cannons to launch countless main or secondary artillery shells at the large fleet of Reapers that were out of sight!

Whether it is mass effect projectiles or the various high-explosive or nuclear weapons projectiles of the Federation, they are all under the light of various shelling, dragging countless bright spots, and scattered like dense raindrops toward the extreme distance. past!

Matt Horner certainly knows that an attack with live ammunition at this distance is easy for the enemy to calculate the trajectory and avoid it in time. However, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy has just jumped over and the formation is chaotic, the ship is facing the wrong direction and is being adjusted. It’s always good to create a little trouble for the other party when

He didn't expect those attacks to cause too much damage to the enemy!

And if it weren’t for the human Yamato Cannons and Protoss’ energy attacks in their star zone at this distance, it would spread severely under the interference of gravity and other cosmic environments, and would not pose too much threat to the enemy, I’m afraid He will order the whole army to gather fire!

The attack just now took several minutes to reach the enemy’s position, so Matt Horner was not in a hurry. After seeing the ships with kinetic energy projectiles continue to fire violently, they continued to slowly give orders. :


"The raven, the banshee and the Viking fighters all attacked, approaching the enemy from the 12 o'clock position above the fleet!"

‘Yes! The air force has all attacked! ! ’



"The Protoss Phoenix fighter planes attack the enemy fleet from the 6 o'clock direction below, ready to intercept any enemy aircraft that may come!"

‘The order has been issued and the Phoenix has left the nest! ’



"All transport ships release Transformers, let them follow the fighter planes freely, don't block the attack area of ​​the fleet!"

'understand! The Cybertron Army has set off, and the transport ship is ready to return and leave the battlefield...’



"Now, the whole army is pressing, and the main gun is warmed up and ready to fire after reaching the best attack distance!"

‘The order has been issued! The main guns of each ship are warming up, and the best attack range is expected to be reached in ten minutes! ! ’

Following Matt Horner’s order, in addition to the Protoss’ carrier did not release those short-to-medium-range drones, countless banshees, ravens, Vikings, phoenixes and countless large The Transformers Cybertron Corps, which have changed into various types of aircraft, were directly accompanied by the fleet approaching slowly along the track and shooting continuously, and fiercely rushed towards the huge fleet of Reaper in the distance!

The shells fired at the enemy will reach the enemy’s position in five minutes, and those fighters will be mixed with enemy warships or cautious aircraft within 6 to 7 minutes; finally, the combined fleet will be Minutes later, launch the first wave of main artillery bombardment on enemies who have not had time to deploy in the distance!

By then, the most tragic battle will start! !

"Don't worry everyone!"

"We can look at the results first, and if the battle is not effective, it is not too late to decide when to retreat!!"

Seeing that the expressions of the representatives of the Divine Fort race were not so good, Matt Horner, who had nothing to do for the time being, smiled and soothed. Now that they are all set up, how can they be worthy of the title of the best fleet commander in the Kepru region if they don't try a game?

Furthermore, he had calculated in his heart that if they were to ignore the casualties, they would not necessarily lose to each other! If in the chaos, the enemy let their Viking fighters and Transformers robots get close, they will be finished!

At that time, his Matt Horner has the tactics to grind to death their reapers little by little! As long as it takes three to five months, after the Swarm's Corruptor fleet takes shape, he will launch a comprehensive counterattack to let those reapers know how powerful they are!



The representatives of the various ethnic groups did not speak, but worried viewers. The large holographic screens in the command hall showed the battle situation and the situation of the enemy and the enemy.

No matter what they are thinking now, at most ten minutes later, the official brutal battle will begin!

At that time, the final destiny of this galaxy will be handed over to the cannons of the battleships of both sides!


Da da da! !

‘Fire! Don't let them approach the Skyscraper console! ’

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

'shooting! Whoever dares to approach that ladder will kill anyone! ! ’

At the bottom of the console where God’s Fort docks with the “Sky Furnace”, the battle hero Grant of “Liberal Democracy” is leading the militants of his Liberty Alliance. He is facing the Cyberspace leader led by Jack Harper. Ruth remnants fought fiercely!

At this time, the surrounding ground was full of corpses of soldiers from both sides...

Although the people on both sides were very tired, no one dared to give up early! Because whoever gives up first is destined to meet the most tragic fate!

‘Centurion! Go up, hold the shield against them, there are not many of them, destroy them! ! ’

'Pooh! Is it great to carry a shield? Brothers, throw the pulse grenades and blow them up! ! ! ’

A group of Cerberus assault soldiers who were behind the shields of the two Cerberus Centurions just had time to shoot and kill more than a dozen of Grant’s men. They were blown up by countless pulse bombs. Even if they were all wearing the elite white full-body armor and powerful mass effect shields, they were all blown to the ground and their lives were reaped mercilessly by the enemy.

After the assault failed, the deadlocked battle between the two sides could only continue so meaninglessly...

As a matter of fact, there has been a fierce battle between the two of them for almost twelve hours! At this time, the war has spread to all parts of the God Fort space station. Whether it is the ring area, inner ring area, guard city or foundation world of the castle, there are fierce and **** battles between the two sides everywhere. I can't even call for support.

And now, the two sides are here, succeeding at this distance, and the closest place to the Qingtian Furnace controller has also been confronting each other for almost an hour! In this small place, at least a thousand people were killed or injured on both sides, and even at this time, the remaining number of both of them is basically less than double digits...

In this situation, both of them can only continue to stand in a stalemate. Everyone wants to gain control of the ‘Sky Furnace’, but no one will easily let the other party succeed.

Of course, now here, there are more casualties on the side of Grante's miscellaneous team, but they have also killed a lot of elite enemies with their advantage in numbers! Even the terrific Cerberus elite fighter with black hair and black armor just now, that seems to be called Leng Kai, was completely beaten to death by using up the power shield of the chaotic spear!

If not for both of them to refrain from using powerful weapons, I am afraid this platform would have been bombed long ago...

"You! Grant!"

"I have given you the spaceship, why do you suddenly regret attacking my castle?!"

The Phantom Man Jack Harper looked at the unbelieving guy with grief and angrily. Fortunately, he dispatched a fleet in advance and prepared to wait for the opponent to stay away. When he reached the Horsehead Nebula and could not threaten the safe distance of the God Fort, he died. The other party's!

But who ever thought...

After the opponent got the fleet, they did leave, but those warships secretly turned back, and used the dreadnoughts and cruisers they sent out to attack their guards?

What is even more shameless is: that **** Krogan man, actually arranged at least tens of thousands of ambushes in the castle? !

If it weren’t for the number of rebels that suddenly slew out of the foundational world, how could he fall into the castle?


"I've heard that your device seems to be able to control the Reaper? I don't know why, but Gurant suddenly felt that it seemed very good to be the overlord of the galaxy once?"

The boss of Cerberus, he really didn't know anything? !

Why doesn't the other party think about it. He Grant is a member of the Fortress Council and has the same authority as other members. What kind of information will he not find out? Shepard of the Star Alliance once informed the castle of God for something as obvious as the "Sky Furnace", how could it be hidden from him?

Well, although the Castle of Gods Assembly no longer exists, it doesn't matter, he Grant doesn't mind, because he will soon become the overlord of the galaxy, which is much more senior than the members of the Castle of Gods!

Soon, after defeating the last few of Cerberus’ strays on the opposite side, his Grande will become the emperor of this universe, walk to the pinnacle of Klogan’s life, and become Krogan’s savior and big hero!

At that time, those Turians, Asari, etc., will all be enslaved by him at his feet, and he Grande will become the highest sole ruler of the entire galaxy!

So, how could he be sent away by Cerberus's warships?

"You wait, until our reinforcements arrive, it will be your end!"

The Phantom Man of Cerberus roared hysterically. Victory was clearly in front of him, but he was hindered by a Krogan? Sure enough, his theory of human supremacy is correct!

Except for humans, all those aliens should be wiped out, no one left! After he destroys the opponent and uses Sky Furnace to control the Reaper, he will definitely order the Reaper to do that, definitely! !

"My doom?"

"That's not necessarily! I have more subordinates outside than yours! The support who will come here later is not sure who owns it! Let's see!"

Grant didn't persuade him at all. In the Fortress Space Station, he had people!

Although they have transported a lot, but the remaining poor people, as long as they are issued weapons to each other, then they are all his Grant's people! There are as many as you need, although those guys are not good, but the soldiers who brought the small Cerberus are still very good.

Therefore, now he is not in a hurry, because he is determined to win Grant!

"That's too right!!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

While a woman's voice was shouting out of thin air, several gunshots sounded at the same time, and then...

Except for their respective leaders, the two sides who were facing each other fell down one by one, leaving only the two bosses, the Phantom Man Jack Harper and Crogan Grant?

"who is it?!"

"That **** is sneaking?!"

Upon discovering this change, both the Phantom Man and Grande exclaimed at the same time.

"Ha! It's really interesting to think about it. This time, I seem to have finally made a oriole?!"

When the participating militants on both sides were shot to the ground by them, Shepard first appeared with a smile, allowing both sides to see her existence.

"You! Shepard!?"

"I care who you are!!"

After the Phantom Man and Grant exclaimed, the two turned their guns one after another, involuntarily planning to get rid of the woman in strange armor, who appeared in shape and threatened to be a oriole!


Two blue single-molecule light blades appeared beside their necks, stopping their movements.

"You are Miranda..."


I don't know when Miranda and Ashley, who had successfully lurked next to each other, also smiled and used a sharp blade to support their necks, and then gently took away each other's weapon from their hands.

The other party was very witty and did not choose to resist, which made them very satisfied.


"You may not believe it, I think, now is the best time for me in my life! Look, I didn't do anything, so I got everything easily?"

Shepard smiled and walked to the two of them, looking at the two idiots who were gnashing their teeth.

She never expected that Shepard had been running for this galaxy for many years, and even died once, but now, when she made the worst decision, she came to this divine fort space station abducted by Cerberus , She unexpectedly discovered: The two gangs of thugs and terrorists are fighting together because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, or because they are too ambitious?

One group is well-equipped Cerberus, and the other group is a large number of armed thugs. After the rush, she came to Shepard in time?

This thing is really interesting!


"It's time! Come on, let's complete this historic moment! I think you should do it yourself?"

At this moment, I don’t know when to show up next to the “Sky Stove” console, the Asari master Lori Liara, who is constantly operating a bit of something, suddenly shouted to Shepard under the steps and let her Come up quickly and choose to destroy those harvesters, so as not to have many dreams at night!

Victory is now in sight, Liara is not willing to make extravagances, if the enemy's reinforcements really arrive in time, the fun will be great!


"Come on, bring them up together, let us witness it all together!!!"

Victory is in sight. Shepard does not want to kill the Phantom Man of Cerberus or the Krogan who helped them so much. She will give the two to the court of Star Alliance or God Castle after a summary. Go to trial! At that time, regardless of their right or wrong, they will eventually receive their due punishment!



"This is the best opportunity for us mankind! Countless Reaper battleships are right in front of us. Although I have failed, you can! As long as you choose to control them, they will serve us humanity. The future threats of our galaxy fighting!"

"Think about it!!"

Miranda behind him stared at the phantom man Jack Harper, whose heart went up with a light blade. He gritted his teeth and stared at the woman in front of him who was resurrected by him, but in the end, he sighed, as if giving up. , To persuade the other party gently.


"No! The Reaper must be destroyed, we only have one chance! Moreover, the galaxy is not only human, it belongs to all the creatures willing to guard it!"

"In order to protect it, we have sacrificed enough! So, Jack Harper... I am grateful that you have resurrected me. Without you, I am afraid I am not who I am today... Although your recent behavior has become a bit crazy , But I will fight for you a decent ending after everything is over!"

"I promise, you can at least spend the rest of your life on a remote planet!"

Shepard said categorically as she walked up without turning her head. Cerberus is a very contradictory organization, and their right and wrong are not something she Shepard can easily comment on, but no matter what, everything will end today!

Because, the key to solving the problem is on the platform above, Liara is ready.


"I beg you, give up your narrow "fraternity"...for the sake of humanity, or for the Star Alliance, even if you don't want to do anything with other alien races, at least, you must control the control of the Reapers In our human hands..."

The Phantom Man persuaded him with an almost imploring tone. When he just wanted to step forward and catch up with the determined woman, the sharpest agent of Cerberus behind him, Miranda, slammed close with a light blade. Cut his neck, so he had to stop.

Although he resembled resistance, he knew that the woman behind him, that Miranda would not give him a chance! That guy had completely defected to Shepard's side.

"We don't need something like Reapers!"

"Jack Harper! Today, those harvesters must be destroyed!!"

Without hesitation, he walked quickly to the console that Liara gave up. Shepard turned around and finally glanced at the Phantom Man. After looking at the opponent's somewhat hideous and deformed face, he shook his head firmly. Turn around.

Now, she wants to be here, on this small operating platform, to understand all that!


"Human chick, I advise you to stay away from that console! Otherwise, I will blow up this place and ruin everything so that none of you can get it!!!"

At this time, the Crogan Grant, who had been walking up silently by Ashley, finally spoke. He grinned and motioned everyone to look at an inconspicuous switch in his hand.

"My'Great Ivan' in the castle of God has not been taken down yet. Think about it, if I blow up here, will the Reaper destroy the galaxy?"


"If you kill me, that thing will explode right away!!"

Seeing that the human woman behind him seemed to have plans to do something, Grant explained quickly.


Shepard frowned. She thought of who this guy was. It turned out to be the **** who bought the arms from Annie?

"How about this, you get out of the way and let me control the Reapers, and then... I ordered them not to attack you, how about this suggestion?"

If you blow up the fortress yourself, then the Reaper will definitely destroy the entire galaxy. At that time, everyone will die!


If he allows himself to control the Reapers, can he generously let the Reapers who become his own hands to let them go? Therefore, Grande felt that the other party would succumb! This method of using nuclear bombs to threaten others is really useful!

He believes that such a tried-and-tested technique must be as used as he used to threaten the castle council and threaten Cerberus!


"Annie, is there any way?"

Suddenly, after a few seconds of silence, Shepard suddenly said to an empty place where no one else could see.

"That big Ivan..."

"Oh! Wait a minute, I will recycle it now! Soon!"


The next second, a little girl wearing a red and white armor appeared out of thin air where Shepard was looking. Then, after speaking, Annie disappeared in a flash.

The troublesome things she accidentally sold, it seems that it should be taken back now... It seems that it is really not good to sell the big Ivan casually? It's a pity that there is only one left now, and she didn't even hear the three that were used by the other party!


"Who is she?!"

Don't know why, Grande always thinks that little girl seems familiar?


"You can't recognize the little girl who sold you arms?!"

Shepard hugged his arms to look at the astonished Klogan for a moment. As long as Little Annie recycles that thing, she will immediately destroy all the reapers! !


"She must not find it!"


However, just as Grant had spoken, the little girl who had just disappeared appeared again in the place where the other party had just disappeared.

"Okay! Big Sister Shepard, you're done!!"


It’s not easy for Annie to find her own things! No, one flashed past, got the big Ivan, and then flashed back, and within three seconds she was done.


"It's impossible! I've hidden it well. The Castle Council secretly searched for it and haven't found it for a long time! And you never left at all!"

Grande suddenly exclaimed. He felt that the other party must be cheating. After such a short time, he said that they found it. They thought it would be great to be invisible, so they could fool him into Grande? !

"You hide in that jar, dirty, I almost don't want it!"


Before the other party wanted to say something, Annie directly told the place where she had just found Great Ivan.

"This is impossible!!"

Grant exclaimed, then slammed the switch on his hand!


Sure enough, nothing happened, he could no longer control that big Ivan.

Bang! !

Annoyed, Ashley slammed the **** of the gun on the back of the opponent's head viciously, and then stepped on her foot in despair!

"Asshole! Wait for you to die!!"

Ashley felt that this Krogan man, even if he did not kill him, would be dead after the trial! His crimes, whether it was launching a rebellion, threatening parliament, attacking the fortress, robbing private property, deliberately murdering, assaulting a member of the council, or even attempting to blow up the fortress, are enough for him to die a hundred times!

"Shepard, don't..."


The Phantom Man just wanted to say something to the many who turned around and manipulated. Suddenly, he was electrocuted by Miranda directly on the cold steel deck.

"Well, now there is no one to make trouble."

Miranda shrugged and motioned for Shepard to act quickly.

"Then, let it all end now..."

Going to the console, Shepard raised his hand, ready to press the button, and understand everything!

'please wait! ’

At this time, suddenly another clear voice sounded.


Miranda, Ashley, and Liara raised their weapons at the same time and pointed in the direction of the sound.

They discovered that what appeared was a holographic image of a little boy? !



Little Annie also exclaimed suddenly, but at this time, no one wanted to care about her reaction.

"I am the castle of God!"

"It's the beginning of everything. It's the artificial intelligence that Leviathan devoted all his efforts to design and create. It's the leader of the Reaper!"

The little boy spoke without sorrow and joy in a mechanically synthesized voice, looking straight at Shepard who wanted to manipulate.


Now, without being reminded, Shepard drew the pistol from his waist on the spot and aimed it at the little boy's forehead.

"I want to destroy the Reaper, so you are here to stop me?"

Shepard was talking while looking at the button next to her. She wondered if she should just press it now?

"I control the Reaper, because that is my mission!"

"If you want to destroy them, that's your mission, it has nothing to do with me!"

Surprised again by Shepard and others, the little boy with the holographic image, the leader of the reaper, actually said this?

"Why? Don't you mind?"

Sheppard was a little messy, and then slowly dispelled the idea of ​​taking the switch while the other party was not paying attention.

"The conflict between the created and the creator is the more constant theorem of this galaxy since its birth! However, I have a way to change it!"

"So I created the Reaper."


"Wait, the method you said is to eliminate organic life forms, right?"

Shepard thought of something he had seen from the Prosen's beacon.



"We only harvest those advanced, self-destructive organic life forms. We will let the'young' races continue to evolve. As for the'old' harvested races, they can become reapers and survive forever. "

The other party continued to use that kind of emotionless words, as if harvesting the entire galaxy is a normal thing?

"How can you do this kind of thing?!"

Shepard couldn't understand the other person's thinking, because the living body would eventually destroy itself, so he should destroy them first?


She absolutely cannot accept this! Whether the living body should be destroyed or not should be decided by them!

"Yes, I can! I must do that, that's my mission!"


"We don't have to talk about it now, I will destroy you now!"

Shepard angrily walked to the front of the console and fiercely photographed the button to destroy the Reaper!


Nothing happened?

"This, why is this?!"

Is it possible that this Optimus Furnace is fake? ! Or perhaps, Cerberus failed to complete it?


"If it was before, I will respect your choice and activate it! But, not now!"

Seeing the other's confusion, the little boy explained without surprise.


This is simply funny!

What kind of horrible thing did the Proxian design? To activate it, the leader of the Reaper needs to agree. What kind of interstellar joke is this? !

"Because now the owner of the Reaper is her!!"

The little boy stretched out his hand straight and pointed at a little girl in a dazed state!



"how come?!"

"Oh, God……"

Exclaiming for four combos, Shepard, Ashley, Miranda and Liara turned their heads in astonishment at the same time to look at the little Annie and exclaimed!




"You said I was the leader of the reaper? I can tell you, don't talk nonsense, I am not!!!"


Not only Shepard’s four big sisters were frightened, but Annie herself was frightened by the slander of that kid!

Although Annie has many, many, many, so many that she can't fully recognize it, but... She is sure that among all her subordinates, there will never be a group of bad guys called Reapers! "

How could she be the leader of the Reaper, a little girl who is so good at Queen Anne? How could it be a badass?

Will not!

There is absolutely no such thing! !

"You are now the leader of the Reaper. We all listen to you, and only you!"

The image of the little boy said without any waves, as if this kind of thing had nothing to do with it.




"Annie, are you really a reaper?!"

Shepard didn't know what to do. This matter seemed to be beyond their imagination? !

"I'm not!"


"You are!"

The little boy is very sure about it!


"God, what the **** is going on, why am I confused?"

Miranda said, she believed that Little Annie shouldn't be any reaper, because the heroic federation of the opponent is probably preparing to fight the reaper at this moment!

Although this little guy is naughty, he will never do the kind of outrageous thing that beats himself! At the beginning, on the earth, in Palevin, in Circa and other places, she had seen all the performance of the other party, it could not be the Reaper's.

For this, Miranda is sure, she will definitely not be wrong!


(Sure enough, a great event has happened! Now, there is a good show...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)


??Super God??

?happy New Year?

I wanted to end Mass Effect Volume in one chapter, and then open a new world. However, it is more than 20,000 words, and it is estimated that 30,000 to 40,000 words can end this volume. So, go to bed first, it's three in the morning...

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