Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 670: Anne, daughter of God???(???)???...

In the evening, in the DEO operations headquarters, Kayla, who had just been forcibly injected with low-level kryptonite radioactive material and weakened and was comatose and arrested?? Danvers had finished the conversation with his sister, and the two stood silently. In a semi-enclosed small room in the DEO operations headquarters, staring blankly at several LCD screens on the wall.

Yesterday, Kayla, her colleague, and the computer IT man Wen Xiaote partnered to play her superwoman's signature, but it didn't go well...

She basically didn't accomplish anything, and she hadn't succeeded in making the impression of her "super heroine" from Krypton in front of the public. She was considered by a group of people that she had no ability before. Her earthlings who couldn't be invulnerable got caught here.

When she woke up from a coma, it was already night...

Then, she quickly learned everything, including the true identity of her sister Alex Danvers, including the Krypton prison Roseburg that she brought to Earth!

The most severe security prison set up by the Kryptonians, the evil fortress spaceship exiled in the phantom zone of the universe, was brought to the earth by the small spaceship that Kayla Danvers boarded in the past, and successfully got there. Countless murderous criminals in the Milky Way, let them all successfully escape, and are now hidden on the earth? !

She was the super heroine of the future who brought them to the earth? !


To make matters worse, now she unexpectedly discovered: She can't even beat the current group of ordinary earthling agents named DEO, and is even easily captured by the opponent? !

This situation makes her very difficult to accept for a while...

‘Dear viewers in front of the TV, good evening! Welcome to the evening news of "Planet Daily"! ’

So, when Kayla Danvers was mad at herself and her sister Alex and didn’t want to talk to each other, she was inadvertently attracted by a news program that was playing on a screen on the wall. look.


There is an image of her, a super heroine from Kryptonian—Superwoman? !

'Our "Planet Daily" is committed to digging up the latest and most timely news for you, so tonight, let us leave the **** plane on the Ottobaid Bridge for the time being, let us first bet our curious eyes Elsewhere...'

‘At dusk, at the intersection of Sixth Street and Spring Street, the bank in the city of Sinasino was armed robbery by two mobs! ’

'However, the unexpected thing for countless of us is: the two vicious mobs, the two robbers armed with automatic weapons, killed and wounded several bank guards, they were driven by a policeman 100 meters away. Was it easily subdued after two shots? ! ’

‘How about it, isn’t it amazing? ’

‘Trust me, audience friends, when we just heard this news, we were just as surprised as you guys! ’

'A P226 pistol, two bullets, and two mobs fell over 100 meters away. I am afraid that this kind of bridge segment would not dare to be performed in a Hollywood blockbuster, let alone happen to us. Up! ’

‘However, this did happen, it happened all around us! ’

‘And what makes us even more shocked is: The person who did all that was not a certain superhero in our imagination, but an ordinary person, or an ordinary policeman? ’

‘Okay, I think the audience friends should be a little bored with me. They must be the same as me. I really want to know what happened, right? ’

‘So now, let’s interview our ordinary hero! Because, he has used his strength to tell us that we don't need those superheroes, we ordinary people can do things well! Us ordinary people can also become "super" heroes! ! ’

The host on that TV briefly described the incident in a slightly exaggerated tone, and then stretched the microphone to an abnormally fat man with a sullen expression, and his whole police uniform was chubby and even that. The mouth of the fat policeman whose jaws began to shake.

"Excuse me, Mr. Tommy, our "superhero policeman", how did you achieve that level? ’

'Faced with two vicious thugs, faced with the threat of death, under the loneliness, what made you stand up, rushed to the funny woman imitating Superman, and easily subdued them with two shots , To protect the lives of taxpayers and people? ’

"Asshole! I never thought about imitating that guy Clark! I was better than him!!"

Hearing that the host on TV actually said that Kayla?? Danvers is a "funny woman" imitating her cousin Superman Clark, she couldn't help clenching her fists in anger, and hitting the screen with a big punch trend!

You know, Kayla?? Danvers was originally sent to the earth to protect her old cousin, she was already very strong! And if something went wrong during the period, where did her cousin take the turn to show off and become the well-known superhero Superman? !


‘You’re asking why I dare to come forward at that time? ’

The fat policeman, Tommy, looked at the camera lens for a while, and made sure that the audience remembered his fat face, before he pretended to say:


‘You may not believe it... Actually it’s all because of a little girl... Sorry, don’t look at me with that look, and don’t ask, because I don’t know her name! ! ’

The fat policeman, Tommy, first reached out his hand to stop the host’s questioning look, and arbitrarily pulled the microphone to his side again before continuing:

"I only know that she must be a little angel sent to me by God, she encouraged me, and she gave me the courage to fight the thugs... So, in order to protect that cute little guy, in order not to let the thugs After hurting her, I resolutely fulfilled the sacred mission God gave me...'

‘So I stood up and taught those two idiots a deep lesson with my weapon! ! ’

'Yes! The truth is like this! ’

'Although I don't think I am a hero, but... you should also know that it is really not easy to do all that. Only after the most rigorous training and a little bit of luck can you practice marksmanship to that level. In order to defeat that terrible mob...'

‘But no matter what, I still want to reiterate: The reason why I can defeat them alone is not because of my marksmanship and luck, but courage! It was the courage and sacred sense of mission that made me defeat them. That's the key! ! ’

While talking, the fat policeman Tommy grinned and revealed his yellow teeth that had become ugly because of excessive intake of sweets.

Anyway, Tommy would not say: In fact, which little girl secretly taught him how to aim and shoot and correct his grip posture is all the credit of that little girl! After all, if you say something like that, others won't believe it, so it's better not to say it, and take all the credit for yourself!

As for the witnesses around...

So far away, they shouldn't hear much of their conversation, so he doesn't worry too much! Besides, his current ambiguous words didn't say anything to you, and didn't completely deny the merit and role of that little girl!

"Okay, thank you Officer Tommy..."

Maybe the host can't stand a fat and complacent guy, so he quickly pulled the microphone back in front of him.

‘Audience friends! ’

'Through the robbery that occurred at the bank of Sinasino at the intersection of Sixth Street and Spring Street, in addition to discovering a very lucky hero, Officer Tommy, we should also be wary of other one thing! ’

‘From the body of the female trapeze who appeared on the scene and appeared many times during the day, it is not difficult for us to find: There are not many aliens around us! They are by our side, and they are likely to be we call on our government and military to be wary of aliens who don’t know when they will come out! ’

‘Just like a funny female trapeze with an S symbol in front of her? ! ’

Bang! !

A fist plunged directly into the wall, and after the LCD TV hung on the wall and the hateful host inside were "killed", Kayla took her fist back from the wall with a black face. .

"Sister! I'm going back first!"

"Let's do the things we discussed just now, the things I decided will not change, you don't have to persuade me anymore!"

After speaking, Kayla threw the big red cloak under the worried or surprised gazes of a group of DEO agents and staff and her sister, turned her head and walked out with her head high.



Tuk! Tuk!

After two clear knocks, the overbearing female president Kate Grant's office walked in the assistant president, that is, Kayla Danvers with glasses and an obedient girl.

She followed her sister’s advice and did not give up her position as a small clerk. Instead, she intends to become her own superwoman and an assistant in Karker Media from now on, just like her cousin Clark. , There is a coat that can conceal your identity a little bit?


Whenever I think of everything I have to compare with my old cousin, Kayla feels faintly uncomfortable.

"Ms. Kate!"

"This is the template of the Tribune magazine you want, please have a look!"

Opened the office door, walked quickly to the other party’s desk, and placed a copy of the magazine in his hand to be printed on the other’s desk. Kayla did not turn around and leave, but continued to stand still. He hesitated in my heart, and there was also a certain expression on his face that had no meaning.

Seems to have something to say, but hesitated?

"Say something quickly..."

"If not, you can go out now!"

Without lifting her head, the female president Kate just flipped through the magazine template at will, and then slammed her little assistant at her desk.

Because she is very busy now, if the other party has nothing important, then she can indeed get out.


"Ms. Kayla! I think... you are now going to vigorously promote that so-called mysterious girl, that'daughter of God', it doesn't seem like a good idea? You know, almost everyone, including the "Daily Planet", They all said, that mysterious little girl, she doesn't exist!"

Maybe it’s not the heart that Kak Media wasted resources on a thing that was doomed to fail, maybe it was because of the jealousy of a little girl who was spent so much resources by Kak Media to promote without knowing whether it existed, Kryptonian Kai Rabian cautiously persuaded their female president, Ms. Kate.

In fact, this is also the voice of most of their employees, but due to the majesty of a stern female president, they dare not discuss it publicly, let alone come in and raise objections.


"Miss Danvers, then you might as well tell me what happened to the plane that is still floating by the bridge?!"

Looking up at the other person, the female president Kate quickly put her attention on the magazine template given by the planning department.


"However, we don't know anything about her. Most people think which taxi driver is crazy or wants to be famous because he can't even remember what the other person looks like..."

Therefore, Kayla feels that instead of wasting countless manpower and material resources in the search for a new superhero, the “Daughter of God”, the media company might as well focus on other things, such as... a little publicity recently. The new "Superwoman"?

Of course, she must not dare to raise this matter casually.

"Don't worry, we will have a solution!"

Kate is already a little impatient...


"Excuse me, what is the solution?"

"Miss Danvers, are you free?"

"Oh, no! My work is still a bit unfinished..."

"Then what are you still standing here for? Instead of wasting my precious time here, you should think about it seriously, why the "Planet Daily" got the exclusive right to interview that fat man yesterday, and we can only follow behind.' Can't eat ashes?!"

Finally, after hurriedly scanning the magazine template in her hand, the female president Kayla raised her head and stared at the one in front with impatience and stern eyes after she couldn't find any improprieties. Today, she became a little boring and daring. The big female assistant.

"Sorry, I'm leaving now..."

In fact, Kayla wanted to say: It’s all because you, the president, poured resources on the so-called ‘daughter of God’, thus ignoring other places, which made Karker Media passive.

Of course, Kayla certainly wouldn't say such things, and she didn't dare to say it easily, so she couldn't do anything except turn her head and leave the president's office quickly.


After seeing the right finally left, the overbearing female president Kate snorted, first to see that there were no other people in the office, and then after thinking about it, she finally got her neck from yesterday. I took off a beautiful necklace I was carrying, and then lightly tapped the red, dripping ruby ​​on top.

Next moment!

A red light flashed, and a small figure wearing a beautiful and gorgeous fully enclosed ghost agent suit, with a charming figure, was projected from the gemstone and condensed into an entity, appearing in this Kate Grant’s Inside the office.

"Hi~! How are you, Aunt Kate!"


That's right, this little ghost agent who was projected and condensed in the gem necklace Kate carried with him since yesterday is Annie!


"Okay! I still don't understand, are you the real Annie, or the kind you said before...well, that kind of clone?!"

Seeing the other party lightly nodding the fully enclosed helmet on the head, it quickly shrank into a pair of eyepieces worn on the head and smiled and leaned to his side, unceremoniously picked up his office After the biscuits used to relieve headaches on the table were eaten, Kate stretched out her hand in a daze, and while gently stroking the other's warm cheek, she said with a little loss and confusion.

Although, since the guy Little Annie handed this necklace to herself yesterday, it was not the first time that she summoned this little girl who was basically the same as a real person, and summoned this girl to prepare herself to be packaged into a new superhero, "God's Daughter" The clone of...

However, she is still at a loss about it!

Because, she couldn't tell whether this little girl was really little Annie, or was it just the kind of strange clone made by magic?

She Kate can guarantee that, let alone her, even if anyone sees it, he will never think that this little guy who is eating a lot of food is not a person, but just made by magic, right? !

This little guy who can eat, move, talk, think, be angry, be cute, and can be touched, is clearly another living little Annie! And if she didn't see that the other party was ‘made’ by the so-called magic by that little Annie herself yesterday, she would definitely think that the other party was twins!



"Aunt Kate, let me tell you, I am not a clone, I am just a real magic mirror... But, I can actually use the power of my own body at any time! It can also be said that I am Annie? Hasta, Annie?? Hasta is me!"


"When the power reaches a level, there is actually no obvious boundary between reality and illusion..."


"Anyway, you can't be wrong to call me Annie. She can'see' everything I'm doing, and I can'see' everything she's doing! So, you are mine. Aunt Kate, I am also your little Annie!"




"That annoying guy, she can run out to play, and sleep at home, but let me come out to accompany you to do that kind of boring thing... It's really damn! Let me run into it next time She, I will definitely beat her!!"


Little Annie was holding her small fist, and she was talking cutely, and at the same time, she said to Kate in a daze.

"Wait! Wait a moment..."

"I seem to be a little confused... You mean... You are Annie, and Annie is you? What you are doing now can be seen and controlled by her, and what she is doing can also be seen and controlled by her. Control? Actually... are you the same person?"

In Kate's opinion, what the other party meant, in comparison, is two computers controlled by the same central server?



"Although it will be a little more complicated to explain it carefully... But if you think about it this way, it is almost right! We can indeed say that we are the same person, but we can say that it is not!"

(??????????) Right!

Her Annie is Annie, and at the same time she is not the Annie of the body...

Anyway, magic matters are very complicated, especially they often do some nonsense things, as if she is now very closely related to the body, unlike the mirror but it is the mirror of the mirror. If you explain it, I am afraid that even Queen Anne herself will be stunned!

In short, the mirror image of her, the reason why she appeared in Aunt Kate's necklace wearing the Hero Federation Head of the Kepulu suit was all because of the fault of someone who was sleeping late at home!

Or could it be her own fault?

Because she wanted to cooperate with Aunt Kate to do that kind of boring thing, she randomly created a mirror clone, but she wanted to observe what happened in real time, so she synchronized her consciousness to the mirror Above, and sealed the mirror image into a magic gem!

and then……

Her Queen Anne was very sad to find out that she did this as if she had gone to help Aunt Kate herself, and it seemed to be no different? However, now she can sleep and eat at the same time, that feeling is really strange!

"You say that, my thinking seems to have become more chaotic..."

Is this schizophrenia or physical split? Is magic such a strange thing?

Kate couldn't understand...and even more did not understand what this true mirror image, even like a means of creating a life, means in the world of magic!

"Anyway, Aunt Kate, as long as you know: No matter what, you say to the other'me' who is sleeping late, or to the'me' who is in front of you, it is actually the same! Just like you want to ask If I have something to eat at night, I will definitely tell you: As long as you don’t make it yourself, it’s okay!"


Yes, Annie, she is Annie, but not the same Annie!

Anyway, it's probably like this. She has already been laughed at by her own little bear before doing such strange things. Now she has a thick skin and it doesn't matter.


"Is that really the case? Annie... you and the other you are actually the same person?"

After struggling to straighten out the clues for a while, Kate could barely come to the conclusion: That is, the little Annie summoned by herself and the little Annie who is sleeping at home are actually the same person?

"Probably... it should be... right?"


The situation is a bit complicated, Annie, she doesn't want to explain too much about this kind of thing, because it's too shameful!


"Are you not sure about this kind of thing?"

Kate's mind is more confused, why the other party's words are specious, the more she listens, the more confused she becomes? Yes, no, no, how can it be considered?

"Of course not sure!"


"Let me tell you, once, I conjured hundreds of real magical mirror images myself, and then we quarreled with ourselves, and even fought with ourselves!"


When in the world of Azeroth, Annie did that indeed! It's just that, in the end, the unfortunate thing is a group of guys who are fat enough to assassinate themselves.


Who are these people.....

Hearing this, Kate, a shrewd and capable domineering female president-Grant, the strong woman of Karker Media, was completely confused.

"Okay, Aunt Kate, I won’t tell you anymore. That nasty guy is sleeping late, I have to go back to sleep too! Don’t call me when I’m fine in the future, otherwise, it will make this me and the other me both confused!"


Stretching, Annie was about to leave.

Stretching her waist, Annie is ready to flash, because this kind of strange state that seems to be sleeping, but seems to be awake, makes her very unaccustomed! So, she decided to go back to sleep in the necklace and let the state of both sides be slightly synchronized?


ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

A red light flashed, and the little Annie wearing a beautiful red and white ghost suit quickly disappeared, turning into a red streamer and sinking into the magic ruby ​​of the necklace Kate was wearing on her chest.

"Oh, God……"

"I still don't seem to be able to figure out what is going on..."

After holding the jewel in her hand, after thinking about it more seriously, Kate finally decided that no matter what the matter was, her plan would continue! There is: Slowly push Little Annie, of course, the little Annie in her necklace, to the super heroine she is preparing, and to the position of the ‘daughter of God’.

She must make her media company bigger and better!

As for what will happen in the, she decided to look at the results before talking... Besides, she also needs to take care of the emotions of the little guy, and if the other party is willing, she will proceed to her next step. ; And if the other party is not willing, she will certainly not force that cute little guy too much.

"Forget it, that's it for now!"

After taking a breath, stuffing the necklace into her clothes and patted it with her hand, Kate finally decided not to worry anymore, and was ready to work on today's work first, and then find a chance to communicate with the other little guy when she got home.


?? Ask for a ticket??

. Wonderful book house

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