Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 685: Why does that green guy look so spicy? �

deep sea……

The Kingdom of Atlantis, this is a mysterious world located in the depths of the earth's oceans, a deep-sea civilization with highly developed technology, and a magical place like a dream!

It is said that

When other races on the earth thought that the earth was still a round sky, the Atlanteans had already mastered the secret of infinite energy and developed a splendid and splendid civilization?


It is a pity that it may be that their achievements have angered the gods, perhaps they played with fire and set themselves on fire, or the earth’s continental shelf has undergone serious changes. Anyway, one day, the place where their civilization is located has sunk into the deep sea. in……

Since then, the Atlanteans have never been mentioned by people living on land, except for some documents.

As a result, the entire kingdom of Atlantis began to base itself in the ring valley of this submarine mountain range, struggling to survive and evolve at an altitude of minus 13,000 meters... This place is more capable than humans on the ground. The deepest known trench detected is even deeper and more secretive!

After all, most of the entire earth is covered by the ocean. With the limited detection capabilities and technological level of countries on the ground today, it is obvious that we want to discover the capital of the Kingdom of Atlantis hidden in the deep sea and covered by related hidden devices. It is not easy.

it's here,

There are all kinds of towering buildings on the seabed that are like high-rise buildings, exuding fascinating light, and ships of various sizes that directly imitate seabed creatures, and groups of seabed giant creatures, jellyfish, and sea rays that emit blue light Like shuttles, those densely suspended, various means of transportation passing through the sea in the city, those giant warehouses carried by huge whales, sea rays or turtles, etc., are full of the beautiful city. Every waterway, traffic is dense but not congested, making this place more prosperous, rich, and unknown to the people on the ground...

And, of course, the technology here may be due to being in the deep sea for a long time, the technology tree may be a bit crooked, or is the applicability too single?


The transportation in this city, except for the large marine creatures that are directly riding one by one, which may seem delicious to a little girl, the others seem to be too focused on sneaking. In terms of maneuverability, underwater movement, silence, etc., it has a different design concept that is incompatible with all vehicles and ships such as aircraft and cars on land.

Of course, all that is not important!

Because today, in this beautiful city, a grand event is going on. It has attracted countless underwater residents from the capital of the Kingdom of Atlantis to come and watch, and there is no time for someone to sneak in here. Some messy little girl playing well.

Ring of Fire...

This is a place similar to the ancient duel arena!

However, its location is special. It was built in the deep sea, deeper in the capital of Atlantis, on a dangerous submarine volcanic magma. It is a heroic Atlante The special place used by the Sri Lankan people to duel and show their bravery, it represents the supreme honor and some special ceremony!

But in fact, since a long time ago, this ‘ring of fire’ has been abandoned...

Because, the current Atlantis is a highly developed kingdom with splendid civilization and advanced technology. It is not the ignorant and backward barbaric era of ancient times. Those **** duel occasions have long been gone. Therefore, In fact, it is more used to hold some other events than it was built in ancient times.


Today, the "Ring of Fire" is rarely activated again... in order to make a choice between the Queen’s illegitimate son Arthur Curry and King Aum, who smuggled from the land, and let them win a legal one. , Suitable to be the king of the Kingdom of Atlantis!

They just want to use the ancient way to decide the winner here in the "Ring of Fire"! Because, in the tradition of the Atlantis, only blood can make their voices reach the gods! And that is the highest honor and the most legal and reasonable way! !

Boom! Boom!

咚咚咚! Boom! Boom!

A huge octopus octopus under the auditorium of the "Ring of Fire" constantly hits stone drums with its thick octopus tentacles, causing the huge roar and percussion to continue with the deep sea water. Vibrating in this lively and noisy arena, driving the rhythm and atmosphere, and constantly making the audience's enthusiasm rise little by little with the rhythmic sound of stone drums.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, above the arena, the two huge holographic water screens also began to display the specific information of the two dueling players, and even the relevant odds for the betting quiz. It seems that they want the entire Yate Can everyone in Lantis participate in this grand duel that determines the kingship of Atlantis through their respective data terminals?

'Aum King? King Mallos, the dominant player, King Atlantis, nobles, warriors, thinkers, Zebel Kung Fu eight-dan martial arts, Coral Heart Medal battle hero, the first place in the annual EAC Marathon under the sea, five times Won the invincible trident championship...'

‘Arthur Curry, inferior player, land dweller, mixed wild species, alcoholic, invader...’

Obviously, from the interface alone, the people of Atlantis don't need to think too much to know who will win in the end! After all, it will be a duel of great power disparity, there is no possibility of any miracle! Therefore, apart from watching the excitement, they are not too enthusiastic about the quiz.

At this time, in the sea above the auditorium, a little girl was drifting up and down with the filthy water outside the venue, looking at her rare things with her curious blue eyes.



To be honest, even Annie herself did not expect that she herself ran into the sea again because she was bored and remembered what the bad guys said the night before, to the seabed where she perceives and uses magic to detect the strongest signal of intelligent life. When I saw it, it turned out to be such an amazing underwater world?

Here, there is such a beautiful and magical underwater city?

"Tibbers, look at it, this underwater world is really beautiful and lively... If you bring Kate, Aunt Ella, and the little boy Carter to play together, they will definitely be very happy Right?"

(*?︶?*).. .:*

Before, she, who easily sneaked into this submarine city and liked to join in the fun, was naturally attracted by the movement of this lively ‘Ring of Fire’... Then, naturally, she followed the crowd to get here.

It's just that her Queen Anne's interest in those weird things is obviously higher than that of the two strange uncles who are planning to fight!


(Contrary to you, the younger ones think that they will definitely not be happy!!


——Tibbers, who was forcibly taken to the bottom of the sea again, is not happy at all now, and does not want others to be happier than him! )

"Oh? But why?"


In this world, Annie can guarantee that the humans on the entire earth may not even dare to think about it. How could Aunt Keira dislike such strange new things and scenery?


(Because they will be drowned!)


"Huh? It seems right too..."


Annie suddenly remembered...

Now this submarine city is here, but the deep seabed, the harsh environment of high pressure and inability to breathe normally, even if the Carter kid who has become Shazam comes here, it will definitely not be better.

And if she asked her to cast spells to help them, it would seem a bit too troublesome, but she hates trouble the most, if that's the case, why not bring them!

‘Wow! ! ! ’

At this time, Xiao Annie, who was wandering, suddenly discovered that the audience in this arena suddenly raised their arms and shouted wildly.


The two strange uncles in the "Ring of Fire", they have used their respective harpoons, you come and I have a duel... They are walking and attacking at high speed, that kind of super speed and fierceness The offensive even caused the phenomenon of "cavitation" in the area where they were fighting, causing waves of sea foam to burst around the two warring gladiators, as if the sea was given to them by them. Boiled...

But it's a pity that the fighting thing below is not what Annie wants to care about now, and she can't bring her any interest! Because, she is more concerned now, obviously somewhere else.

Just like...

"Hey! Can you sell me this seahorse? It looks so delicious..."


After wandering around, Little Annie found a guy riding a seahorse, and after staring at him for a while, she finally couldn't help but ask.


The Atlanteans didn’t speak, they just glanced at the little girl strangely, and after not seeing what was wrong with the other party, they continued to devote their attention to the fierce battle in the field. It's a matter of questioning.

"Huh! If you don't sell it, you can't sell it, what's so great?"

o(′^`)o hum!



Since the seahorse could not be bought, Annie had to look at the huge sea turtle in the sea above her. The other side was floating above her, and there were a group of sea-bottom monsters sitting on its shell. On the top, and is watching the duel match happily.

"Or not……"


"The turtle seems to be a bit too big. The house of Aunt Kate's must not fit..."


Regrettably, the turtle looked bigger than the house in her family, so Annie had no choice but to give up and stare elsewhere.

Since huge sea turtles can’t do it, what’s not said, sea rays and big whales are definitely not. Those things, if you get them back, you won’t be able to put them at home, you can’t finish eating them, and they might even scare the neighbor’s children. very bad!

"It seems that the jellyfish cannot be eaten, it is full of water, there is no meat, and it has no taste..."


"As for the big octopus playing drums..."

(..??_??..) Thinking...

"Hey, although it looks delicious, it is still too big, bigger than a tortoise. If you catch it back, it will definitely scare others..."


"Forget it! Let's leave Aunt Kate and others alone, I will find a restaurant to eat their Atlantean food by myself..."

?('?`?) Delicious!

Annie is very curious now, these humanoid races that have been soaked in the deep sea water all day, these Atlanteans, how do they eat? Could it be that they are not afraid that the sea water will soak the taste of the food? !

Or, they all eat raw, just like other creatures in the sea? After all, there is no fire in the sea. If you just use a heating device, the sea water will conduct heat. The general method will definitely not work!


"It seems that I don't have their money, what can I do?!"



( ̄△ ̄;)? ?

Just as Annie was about to find an Atlantis undersea restaurant to have an overlord meal, suddenly, a certain communicator in her pocket rang?

Under doubt, she could only quickly find a slightly hidden place, took out a small communication device that had been vibrating, and pressed the connect button.


"It can be regarded as contacting you, Annie, where are you now?!"

Kate Grant’s holographic portrait appeared on the holographic screen of the communicator, and the other party hurriedly asked questions as soon as the communication was connected.

"Me? I'm under the sea now!!"

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

That is, the communicator that Annie gave to the other party was an advanced interstellar military communicator from the Kepulu region. If it was replaced with another mobile phone, in such a deep seabed, or in the capital of Atlantis, first Not to mention that there is no signal, just take it out, I am afraid it will be crushed by the strong water pressure!

"The sea, the bottom?"

"Which underwater park are you playing in?"

Kate also seemed to see some marine environment behind Annie in the communicator, and then she thought that the other party was in one of their marine parks in the city of Nachonnell.

"No, the sea floor is the sea floor, a strange place called Atlantis!"

o(= ̄ω ̄=)o

"By the way, Aunt Kate, do you want to eat big octopus today? If you want, I will grab the biggest one and give it to you later, I promise you like it!!"

(?? ̄?ω ̄?)????

Annie turned her head again and looked at a drumming octopus. It looked really delicious. Although she was a bit bigger, she seemed to be a little bit older, as if Aunt Kate didn’t mind. Can you take it back and throw it directly into the garden?

Then, what to do, then she doesn't care, she just needs to wait to eat!


"No, no, no! Annie, I don’t like big octopuses, and I don’t like big white sharks even more! In fact, I really don’t want you to bring those weird big guys home anymore, that’s absolutely It won't be a good idea!"

Kate remembered that she was thrown into the kitchen by a nasty little guy yesterday morning, and also frightened a certain deadly great white shark who had just gotten up, and then she shook her head and quickly rejected it. Said.

She has other things now, but she doesn't want to discuss the food and drink with the other party, let alone discuss the big octopus!

"Well, it does look a little too big."

( ̄▽ ̄")

With a little regret, Annie glanced at a certain big octopus that was hitting the stone drum happily under the'Ring of Fire', and finally got rid of the need to catch the other party back and give Aunt Ella a small octopus leg and put it in the pot idea.

In fact, it is not very big, at most... just a few hundred tons?


"Annie, I have something important to tell you now! Very important!!"

After a while, the female president Kate Grant came back to her senses, and quickly got rid of the chaotic thoughts that had been crooked to a certain corner by a nasty little guy, and was ready to cut directly to the subject.

"Oh! I'm listening..."


Since you can't catch the big octopus and eat it back, then...

Annie decided: Go to the restaurant in Atlantis City to eat by herself, and then settle the bill with gold coins! If they don't accept it, then she will run away when she is full. Anyway, they who live in the sea don't know her, Queen Anne, and can't catch up with her!

"It's like this..."

"Just now I was talking to the director of the DEO Supernatural Operations Department named Hank Henshaw, and... well, those are not important now, we want to ask now: Annie, did you give Carter anything Something weird?!"

The female president Kate used the word ‘we’, so it’s obvious that there must be other people beside her now! Moreover, contacting Xiao Annie the first time, must it be someone else's instruction?


∑(′△`)? !

"You mean something doesn't seem to be there!"


After just thinking and recalling one-tenth of a second, Annie gave a negative answer irresponsibly. Because, she remembered that she didn't seem to have given that little kid anything other than passing on the power of the ancient wizard Shazam to that Carter.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"I know, Mr. Hank, don't worry, I will ask!"

Seems to have said something to someone next to him, Kate quickly turned to look at Little Annie after he had dealt with it:

"I don't know how to say it, and I don't know what happened... Forget it, Annie, you should see for yourself!!"

Following Kate's words, she didn't know what channel she switched to. Anyway, soon, an interesting video appeared on the holographic interface of Annie's communicator:

Inside, the Superman, the Superwoman, and Thunder Shazam in red and white cloaks, the three of them are flying high in the air, in a city that has basically been turned into ruins, joining hands to fight against a big green monster?

That seems to be a green giant? !

However, if you look closely, it doesn't seem right to say that the three of them are working together?

Because, Xiao Anni saw that it was the male and female Superman who were teaming up, constantly diving and attacking or shooting out that kind of scorching energy rays with their eyes, frantically attacking the green giant that was wreaking havoc! And Shazan in the white cloak was a little bewildered to resist the attack between the two sides. Sometimes he used to help the big green guy, and sometimes he used it to help two supermen, as if he wanted to give Both sides persuade? !

However, when he did that, it seemed that both sides were not pleased, and he could only resist desperately in embarrassment.



"The big green guy looks so familiar!!"

(; ̄Д ̄)

Seeing that a certain unlucky Thunder Shazan had just used lightning to push back the two offensive Superman, before he could turn around, he was kicked by the green monster, Xiao Annie couldn't help but exclaimed.

Of course, she was not worried about that Shazan, but surprised by the green guy's actions...


I don't know why, she always thinks that the green giant looks very eye-catching. Where did she see it? However, for a while, it seemed that she couldn't remember it again. Could it be that she didn't have time to eat lunch today?


Without a full stomach, how could Queen Anne-sama have the strength to think about other things...


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Annie, do you know what's going on?!"

At this moment, Kate's profile picture suddenly switched out, and next to her, there seemed to be a black scorpion whom Annie had seen from a distance?



"Well... maybe... you probably know it?"


Annie seems to remember She herself seems to have given that Carter something that she hasn't used long ago, and then maybe the other party accidentally touched something that shouldn't be touched?




O (╥﹏╥)o starting at 23:00

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