Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

~: Resting

When I was teasing the dog last night, I accidentally bumped the back of my hand into the dog’s canine teeth, and the back of my hand was broken and bleeding...

Q group posted pictures last night and today, it’s not an excuse...

I went to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention early this morning to get a vaccine and immunoglobulin.

6 shots were given to the wound on the back of the hand and it was all swollen...

Two shots on the back of the neck and one shot on the thigh...

I feel that the whole person is not good...


The most important thing is to spend a thousand and eight, and still not be reimbursed (?﹏?)

A long tube of immune protein hits around the wound on the back of the hand. It is all swollen and cannot be typed...

ヾ(@^▽^@)ノSo today you can rest blatantly again. Are you happy?

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