Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

~: Wan Gan Yan

In a blink of an eye, more than one million words passed...

Thank you for your long-term support!

Suddenly, someone came to me to help promote things like that. I thought about it, but I refused and didn’t join the author group.

Because I'm afraid that other miscellaneous things will affect my mood when I write a book. After all, I have enough of my own affairs on weekdays, so let me write my own book quietly and leave nothing to do. .....

Before the exemption, I knew that hundreds of bookmates had been subscribed silently. Although there were only a dozen or twenty of those who were active and talking, the subscriptions were basically never dropped.

Now, this exemption is still very useful. After just over a day, the collection has exploded and it has been doubled directly.

As for how many subscriptions can be converted into the final collection, let’s take a look again

I write a book, just by interest, for more than a hundred days, it seems that I have never stopped updating it. Every day, I am busy with my own affairs, or when I have time, I will calm down and write slowly, so I keep chasing it. The people of should also know: I update every day, with tens of thousands of words, but you will never guess when I update, because... even I don’t know...

Anyway, just keep changing it?

For more than a hundred days, I averaged 10,000 words a day. I didn’t ask for leave or stopped changing. That’s it, I guess it will last a long time!


Let me talk about my personal experience first. I still remember that when I first started writing, it seemed that when it was more than 30,000 words, the signing editor called me and asked me to send materials to sign the contract. At that time, I did everything. I don't know, I didn't care...

Then, I just write my own.

When it's about 100,000?

The editor came to me again and asked me: What is your situation? Why not send the materials?

Then, I suddenly realized that the book I wrote indiscriminately can still be signed?

Now think about it, at the beginning, if the editors were not in charge, now, it is estimated that you can only see this book of hundreds of thousands? Maybe, this book is another look...

(Because, at the time, I saved hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, and only wrote about the Caribbean, and I planned to write about Dragon Mom later... Then, I thought at that time, no matter what I wrote in the end, absolutely not Eunuch! There are hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, no matter how bad it is, it can finish the book, right?)

Many worlds originally planned, now it only depends on the situation...

The StarCraft 1+2 volume is a chapter of a huge volume...

I intend to write this volume as a story that can be independently turned into a book...

Then, change the previous chapters when you have time

I believe that the book friends who have been chasing books for a long time can see a lot. Before I started revising, the exclamation marks in those chapters and their abuse...


At that time, there were people in the book review area who scolded me and ranted about the leader. I wonder if they are still chasing the book now?

Then, there were people who helped me push the book in Longkong, and several of them turned around and asked me to revise the previous chapters.

Seeing that several people have been saying this all the time, at the end, after thinking about it, I found it reasonable, so I turned around and started to modify...

At that time, it seemed to have written three to four hundred thousand words?

The chapters you see now have been revised at least once. Those with revision 1 at the end of the chapter are basically revised once. When there is free space, I will slowly go back and revise it, but because every day It needs to be updated, so it can only be revised one chapter a day.

Fortunately, the VI chapters basically don’t need to be modified too much. If there are typos, you can mark them for me. Every day I will find time to read what the chapters say. Things in the comment area seem to have been managed. I deleted some. The starting point has also been deleted.


Then, after more than 500,000 words, the problem reappeared

Many people asked me in book reviews and chapters, why not put it on the shelves? They were afraid of raising them, so they died...

Then, I was dumbfounded... on the shelves? what is that? Isn't it listed automatically after signing the contract?

Then, I went to the editor and asked what was the status of the listing?

Finally, the editor didn’t say much, just said: I will put it on the shelves next Friday

Later, it started to be on the shelves...

When it was on the shelves, the subscription on the first day seemed to be only more than 400? At that time, there were only more than 3000 collections, right?

This group of book friends who have been subscribed are probably the ones who have been reading books until now.

Then... I saw book friends talking about Long Kong, talking about posts, I was dead again, and I went to see those places

As a result...I was stunned by the thousands of subscriptions from others...

So, I hurried to find the editor in charge and asked about recommended things, such as popular recommendations, category top recommendations, etc.

Then, the editor in charge said, I didn’t record the specifics, which means: let me write a book with peace of mind, don’t ask anything, don’t think about anything, and don’t worry about recommendations or publicity. , Calm down and write your own book seriously than anything else.

Then, I felt quite reasonable. Since then, except for the wrong chapter in the middle, I found another editor at the time of the second volume of the Caribbean. At other times, I didn’t seem to have contacted and kept silent. Write your own book...

Then, collections and subscriptions are basically increasing steadily in dozens of places every day...


Until now, the editor gave me the best recommendation without warning? It's really unexpected...

At the beginning, I thought that everything would be free forever!

Then, the book friends who had been chasing the book reminded me, and I realized that this is what the limitation is?

This exemption is said to be one of the best recommendations? Look at the collection, probably, should it be considered?

Now think about it, the reason why we can go to the present is thanks to the book friends who have been subscribing and the editors in charge.

Otherwise, this book is a matter of another dimension...

Okay, I'm going to continue writing,

Although there are hundreds of thousands of manuscripts saved now, but...I am a bit obsessive-compulsive, and I panicked if I didn’t do it

Otherwise, I wouldn't have written hundreds of thousands of manuscripts before sending the book...

Actually, there is another book with 72 chapters in my USB flash drive. It is written in TXT. It has a total of more than 600K, which should be four to five million words.

It was after writing Anne, after finishing the three volumes of Anne, I felt that Anne’s book seemed a bit too dare to publish, so I ran to write a book by a male protagonist. At that time, I had The manuscript of Chapter 72, after writing for more than a month, suddenly felt like Annie seemed good?

I went back to write Annie...

Fortunately I didn't have a cheap hand to delete...

So, a month later, I hurriedly posted the copy of Annie, which I thought had enough words...

Thinking about it, the manuscript with 72 chapters, I don’t know if there is still a chance to send it out?

Maybe, will you lie in the USB flash drive forever?

Because...Annie, I plan to write it like Conan...

In other words, how many episodes and stories does Conan have? Does anyone know?


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