Shaman from Afar

v2 Chapter 93: Directions to Ebden (top)

The blue sky, the dusty road, and the song of birds and flowers on the tip of the nose. When the pace of spring came quietly, the whole journey seemed to become better.

Saying goodbye to Liya and leaving the border of the Principality of Lotaire, Loren Turin, who kept the agreement, finally set foot on the road to Ebden, and once again became alone.

Of course, it ’s a bit wrong to say this, because strictly speaking, I ’m not "alone", the black-haired wizard turned back slightly, glanced at the exquisitely crafted carriage, and the dark pupil seemed to vaguely see a certain Is peeping his sight.

This is a small caravan, a dozen horseback guards, plus accompanying servants and buddies, with a scale of dozens of people, it looks like the caravan that appears in the market near the village and town as usual the difference.

Just after leaving the last town of the Duchy of Lotel, they accidentally encountered their dark-haired wizard who heard that he was going to Ebden, and they were hired by them as wandering knights and became guards of a caravanserai.

A glance at the bulging linen purse at the waist, the weight alone is beyond imagination-Loren once followed Leonardo Turin as a wandering knight for two years, so many silver coins are enough Two or three mercenaries are hired.

So the other party is definitely not just because of wandering knights, there must be other reasons why they want to hire themselves, but they are still unclear for the time being.

However, considering that the salary is so rich, plus that he also wants to go to Ebden, it will definitely save a lot of trouble than following a caravan on the road. It seems that Loren, who can't find any reason to refuse, agreed.

After leaving the Principality of Lotel, even the weather seemed to be much better than before. The days were cloudless and clear, which made Loren feel more comfortable.

"It's amazing, my dear Loren, you would be so unsuspecting?"

The scarlet eyes of the black feather eagle on the shoulder blinked hairy, and a very clear "sound" appeared in Loren's mind-it seemed to be swallowing part of Mezka's consciousness After that, Asriel suddenly possessed this ability, even if he maintained the shape of the bird, he could communicate with himself.

"Please forgive my use of the words, but even the most careless guy can see that the caravan leader who hired you must know that you are a wizard. Will you still promise him?"

"Of course I know, but what about that?" Loren riding on the horse whispered lazily: "If a black feather eagle can reflect its value as a" bird "to some extent, we don't have to follow them. Walk together so you do n’t have to worry about getting lost! "

"... really as expected, complaining that people have become your habit."

Although the bird didn't have an expression, Loren seemed to be able to see the expression of grievance on a certain teenager's face-well, but this has become a habit.

The dark-haired wizard slightly raised the corner of his mouth. In fact, it was not the most important thing to get lost. The real reason for him to answer the question was because this was a caravan from Ebden. They actually wanted to return home.

In other words, if it goes well, Loren can get a lot of information about it there from the caravan before arriving in Ebden. And if you enter Eboden as a caravan guard, you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble. You only need to do the job of guarding yourself.

Just in the past few days, the rumors heard from the caravan guards have corrected many of Loren ’s past mistakes-yes, Eboden is a wizarding city, but the real ruler of this city They were never wizards, but a group of powerful nobility.

Some of these families have fleets capable of ocean trade, some control the workshops and chambers of commerce in the city, and some are leaders of some mercenary regiments ... In simple terms, this is a group of rich and powerful, and control Hold the power of the entire Ebden.

These nobles are rich in financial resources and have power in all corners of Ebden. If all the wizards who have completed their studies want to have a place in this city, they must find one of them to become their own sponsor, otherwise there is no future. Language.

There is nothing wrong with this-no matter what discipline it is, it is very expensive to study. Without a stable and rich source of income, it is impossible to maintain the operation of a laboratory.

Not to mention that this is Ebden, the place with the most wizards in the Sakran Empire. You can imagine the level of competition among the wizards. It is definitely a life-and-death level.

But again, here are the most generous funders of the whole empire-it is conceivable that as long as they can turn their research into reality and earn huge profits, these nobles will not be stingy in their hands Gold, to fund wizards who are useful to them.

"Do you know what that means?" Loren chuckled like he was talking to himself.

"Because research that can be turned into money can be funded, and those that are unlikely to be abandoned?" Asriel's "naive" tone sounded in his mind: "It's really ... cold and yet Realistic place. "

"It's also a place full of dreams, opportunities, and adventures." Loren sighed with some emotion: "I can understand why Ebden became the wizarding city, and why Dean Peter had to leave and ran to The wilderness of Wimpal has opened a college. "

Peter is eager for free research and is not subject to any intervention. If he was in Ebden he would definitely not find anyone willing to fund him, and what dreams would he have without enough money?

Suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes in front of the queue, and the caravan that was on the road was gradually slowing down. More or less experienced Loren knew that this was where the pathfinder had found a place to camp.

It didn't take long for the caravan to come to the bank of a small river, and there was a small forest and a flat open field nearby. Several carriages formed a circle on the grass, and the surrounding caravan guards also started to build temporary camps, apparently preparing to spend the night here.

Picking up firewood, setting up tents, packing up luggage, taking care of horses ... Also, a dark-haired wizard who used to be an servant was familiar with these familiar doors, and even missed it a little bit, remembering the days when he had followed the old knight for more than two years.

"Is Lord Loren Turin?"

The voice of the middle-aged man came from behind, and Loren, who was still busy setting up the tent, looked back at the other man in amazement-he had just heard the footsteps of this man from the beginning, and he was constantly being suspected Teenagers with "persecution delusions" have been reminded again and again.

"Excuse me, please?" With a formal smile, Loren asked the caravan leader: "If it's a campfire, I'll pick up firewood after the tent is finished ..."

"No, no, you totally misunderstood, I'm not here to tell you to do those rough jobs ~ ~ The caravan leader with a fat cheek waved kindly:" I'm here to ask you to please Things, and I hope you can agree. "

"Please one thing for me?" Loren raised his eyebrows. "Can I ask what it is?"

"Uh ... this, I'm very sorry, I can tell you only if you agree."

"Don't be fooled! He must want to do it!" Asriel's excited voice shouted in Loren's mind: "Trust me Loren, this is a trap, you must not listen to him, otherwise Ruined!"

I believe you are really finished ... Loren snorted and couldn't help but twitched.

"Excuse me, did you just say something?" The caravan leader asked cautiously: "If it's really impossible, then don't trouble you ..."

"No, I mean I agreed." The black-haired wizard who slowly opened his mouth nodded with a smile: "Since you have been hired, the employer's wishes are my wishes.

So, can you tell me what is happening now? "