Shaman from Afar

v3 Chapter 42: Can be entrusted (below)

"Connold de Salion ... My beloved brother, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Sacran Empire was raised as a future emperor from his childhood, and he was so anticipated by everyone; manners, etiquette, energy, words and deeds Even the way of thinking-all are the same as the father emperor. "

Staring at the iron crown banner in the distance, Brandon sighed and muttered to himself: "Even if you don't want to, you must admit that he will indeed become a qualified Supreme Emperor-at least, it looks more decent than I look Now. "

Although he had concealed it, he still had a little unwillingness in his tone.

Slightly frowning, Loren thought for a moment and nodded silently.

Because this is the case.

If the two Desalion exchange positions, Brandon will definitely not give Connold any chance, and may even try to make others evaporate from the beginning; but Connold can tolerate for a certain purpose Brandon, even if it is likely to end with Brandon's death.

But this alone shows the difference between the two-Brandon is slightly inferior to his brother Connor.

Perhaps compared with the cruel and conscientious Connold, the easy-going prince such as Brandon gets along better; but measuring whether a person is eligible to be a ruler is never based on benevolence as the emperor. The amount of energy is the key to determine all factors.

In this regard, Loren is not too broad in self-confidence-yes, he can watch the death of hundreds of people who have nothing to do with him, and let the people around him believe in him to sacrifice for the ultimate goal; but He still cannot accept those who are important to him and becomes a tool for others to threaten himself.

For a ruler, this is a fatal point.

"But it is precisely because he is" born to be emperor ", that pair of anticipating eyes has kept him cautious so far, and even dared not to do it himself even when he had the best chance of killing me, because it would make him in the eyes of others Stained. "

Brandon ’s mouth hung with a smile: “Because of this caution, he could n’t believe anyone and doubt everything around him—just like I said before.”

"And his suspiciousness is the key to our use!"

"You mean ... acting on the opportunity?" The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows. "Sorry ... but I don't think it's possible."

"You are really underestimating yourself, my wizard advisor." Turning slowly, Brandon smiled and looked at him: "No matter what method you used before, Connold agreed to yours. Request, it must be related to his suspicious personality. "

"In other words, the suspicious brother and sister will never believe in 100% loyalty." Brandon's smile is getting colder and colder: "He saw an opportunity from you, a once in a lifetime, let me die Great opportunity in the North! "

"Fortunately this is not just for him, it is the same for me-so we must not only find the trail of the monster army, but also find a way to end this invasion!"

"In Ebden, Brother Connold can use various methods to wipe out my traces, so that the turmoil has nothing to do with me; but this time I swear in the name of Holy Cross, he will never have a second time opportunity!"

"This kind of pretending to be crazy and selling silly, and being monitored all year round, I am tired of it!"


"Tell me now, what the **** is going on?"

Looking at the back of Loren's departure, the small wizard, who was tolerant of anger, sat down and took the lead in breaking the silence between the two: "Why would you let Loren agree to keep me in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain?"

"Ain you calm down first, I know you are in a bad mood right now, but please listen to me slowly explain." Isaac spread his hands: "This is a very complicated thing, I need time."

"Then you better say it quickly!" The little wizard's expression was very irritable, and even a little unwilling.


Isaac stared at her, and then had to choose to give in under the stubborn blue eyes, and sighed slightly: "First of all ... you should know better than me that the place to go this time is simply hell. At the door, it's no surprise that you can't come back, it's dangerous. "

"It should be very dangerous!"

The unyielding Ain immediately retorted, but was ignored by Isaac directly:

"But these are not the most important-in Ebden, we have also experienced the moment of life and death. I once saw two people in order to protect me and ended up tragicly killed under the crossbow and dagger; believe me, after these experiences, death came It ’s not that scary anymore. "

"It really scares me, or it's another thing that makes me worry."


After a pause, Isaac biting his lip was very difficult to say: "Remember when we were in the furnace town-that night, we used my latest formula and the help of the alchemists of the furnace college Helped to complete the new 'Bright Silver', proving that the void power can be stable in a short time. "

"Yes, a very successful experiment." Ai Yin's expression gradually calmed down: "I remember that you were not very attentive at first, but in the end it became the one you care about most."

Isaac didn't speak, and was silent for a while, scratching his head very annoyedly.

"You're right, because that time I discovered something that I used to ... have never experienced."

Things I've never experienced ... The little wizard frowned slightly; wouldn't this arrogant be surprised?

"Look, I used to focus on discovering the secrets in the void world, or mysticism; the result is second, exploration and searching are the most critical. I never realized that my discovery would What changes have brought to this world, or everything around me. "

"But that time, I really realized that this brand-new technology will bring earth-shaking changes to the entire mysticism and alchemy, and even the entire wizarding world, maybe good or bad, but Since it is a new technology, it will be used by someone sooner or later. "

"We used this technology to complete the" bright silver ", but this is actually only the roughest direct use, it can actually do more things-think about it, if we can use this to improve, will It can be converted into flame or some kind of power energy, which can replace the original inefficient manpower.

At that time, maybe a day will be able to build a city wall and build a castle; it can also be transformed into a super trebuchet that can project 300 meters, and instantly flatten a town from the ground that you can't even see-- This is not a joke, you should be clearer than me as long as the technology is mature enough, this is feasible! "

Ain looked at his expression and couldn't believe what he heard.

"You mean ... we might have made a wrong decision." The little wizard asked hardly, "Give them a very dangerous technique casually?"

"No, why can't you grasp the point?" Isaac's inexplicable expression: "Did I say any vocabulary that is difficult to understand? With such a straight brain, you can't stand your alchemists. Efficient thinking mode! "

Sure enough ... this is Isaac Grantham, the kind of maddening one who doesn't pay for his life-Ain finds that he now wants to punch his scornful face.

"I mean ~ ~ Any kind of discovery must be tried and experimented by someone in order to really become a technology that can change the world; and my experience in Ebden tells me that when making a choice Must be very careful, otherwise it will be irresponsible! "

Isaac shook his head suddenly and lonely: "No matter what Loren said, the real developer of the Holy Blood Elixir is me; it is me ... indirectly killing half of Ebden!"

"Isaac, you shouldn't blame yourself for this kind of thing, it's too ..."

"So the two of us made a decision, which is to share our common research results-of course, ninety-nine percent of them are my results ... all are left to you for safekeeping!"

Isaac solemnly looked at the little wizard in front of him: "This is the most cautious decision I can think of. It is up to you to decide how to use these contents, and to decide what kind of experiments to conduct. The choice is all up to you. "

"If I am destined to die on the path of finding ancient knowledge, Ain Rand, my only best friend, you are the only person I can trust and use my wisdom to change the world!"

"So ... you have to live!"