Shaman from Afar

v5 Chapter 25: 0 Encirclement of the City (Part 1)

The clear dome, the goshawk that rises with the long wind, the expansive grassland ... and the pearl inlaid in the middle of this prairie.

Great Green Sea, Thousand Accounts City.

This ancient fortress is not the birthplace of the Boi people, but it is the only "city" in the true sense of the entire Principality-relying on architectural crafts and mountain rocks from Sakland, plus the fertile land along the river, making thousands The account city rose from the ground.

The Qianqian City is not a walled bazaar on the grassland; it is a giant fortress with five gates and mountain and rock walls and more than 30 towers with a high tower fortress as the core;

Not only that, there are hundreds of villages and camps with protective walls around the fortress. When the Grand Duke of Poi called the horsemen of the whole Poi every year to hold hunting banquets and grand bazaars, white tents It will transform into an invisible ocean beyond the city.

Therefore, she was named "Thousand Account City".

From the moment she was born, she was destined to be in the absolute position of the Principality of Poi. The people who controlled the Thousand-Tier City were equivalent to controlling most of the Principality of Poi; losing her would mean losing Poi ’s heart and the entire Poi. Most of the wealth.

As long as the fortress still stands on the Great Green Sea, no matter how many times the Boi people are defeated, they can make a comeback; there are horsebacks from all directions in the Great Green Sea wielding sabers, bows and arrows, and gathering towards the fortress.

For this reason, whether it is a nomadic big Boi collar; or a little Boyi collar who has begun to "bearing", this indestructible, prosperous and rich city is called "the mother of the Great Green Sea" ".

But now around this majestic fortress has turned into a burning **** place.

The blazing flames rose up against the wind and raged on the grassland that had been stained with charcoal black; the soot that covered the sky and the sun made the sun in the midsummer a bit dim;

On both sides of the river bank outside the city, large fields of grass and tents were engulfed in flames and black smoke; scattered horsebacks and the cattle and sheep they drove were seen everywhere;

Centaurs wielding war spears and long-handed axes drove them out of the sea of ​​fire, ha ha and followed them, laughing and encircling them as if hunting herds of bison and deer.

This is no longer a battle, but a unilateral hunt and slaughter; when the unruly horseback people guard their families and draw their swords to meet the enemy, what is waiting for him will fall from all directions, like rain. Shooting.

In the screams that followed each other, the herdsmen screamed on the ground without resistance, and then turned into invisible flesh and blood under the trample of crowds, horseshoes, and animals.

The blood on the grass had already dried up, and there were corpses of dead and livestock overlapping in piles everywhere; all the horseback people who were still alive under the torso of the spears, with their own animals, were locked in half Among the fences temporarily built by men and horses.

For humans, Centaurs are no different from monsters and beasts; for Centaurs, there are no differences between humans, prey, and livestock;

Of all the surviving living people, except for a very few who will be brought back to the rear as drudgery and live to death after countless heavy labor, the rest will be "made into meat" together with their livestock .

The silent Chiyan flag "challenger" Chakar stood in place, looking at the scene in front of him without expression: crying and howling and the indulgent cry echoed in the dim sunlight, in the blazing fire, and another The camp of the two-footed man turned into dust.

Looking at the Centaur Warriors who were carrying their prey in this "carnival" and were full of loot and excited, Chacar didn't have any joy on his face.

Since the defeat of the "Laszlo Varna" chief and his grandson in the east, all the fighting has stalled, and it can even be said that there has been no progress.

That ’s right, they defeated the chief of the two-legged people, burned hundreds of two-legged camps, and all the two-legged samurai who tried to resist all retreated in front of their iron riders, and broke down again and again; , Most of the big green sea will become things in the pockets of the four-hoofed man.

But ... they failed to win the Thousand Account City.

Chacar's bloodshot eyes looked at the huge fortress in the distance, his teeth clenched.

Chi Yan and Bai Lang two flags, 40,000 elite pioneers besieged for nearly three months, during which the siege battle was fought dozens of times, half of the towers were smashed, and even the city gates were broken through two return;

But even so ... the flag of the chief "Laszlo Varna" still fluttered over the fortress!

Not only that, during the period, there were also cases of two-legged cavalry torn through the defense line-this was mainly due to the villages and towns outside the city, and the load of the centaur was almost exhausted.

The rear supplies were not available, and the fortress could not be defeated for a long time; Chakal had to withdraw the blockade of the siege, allowing the four-footed warriors to burn and plunder outside the city.

Within half a month, nearly half of the camps around Qianzhang City were captured and slaughtered in countless numbers-but even if they watched as the compatriots outside the city were killed, Qianzhang City remained immobile and showed no signs of shaking.

Thinking of this, Chakal couldn't help but yell.

"What a sigh, we won today!" A strong Centaur Warrior, the leader of the Bailang Banner, Barsay Yeha laughed, and slapped Chacar's shoulder hard:

"The gang of two-legged people in Thousand Accounts City, afraid of seeing the bravery of the four-hoofed man, would be scared of urinary paralysis ?!"

"But because of their timidity, we still haven't been able to lure the two-legged people out of the city and capture the thousand-account city." Chakar shook his head: "It's almost three months, and the two-legged people should follow The last fiasco was back to God, and the comeback is coming again! "

"What are you afraid of?" Barsayer of Bailang Banner smiled and widened his eyes: "At that time, just like last time, will it be possible to kill them without leaving a piece of armor?"

"not that simple……"

With a sigh, Chakar really didn't want to explain to him ... but there was no way. Among the eight "flags" of the Four Hoofs, Bailang Banner was the most popular and strongest among the "Four Flags".

If Chacal wants to compete for the next big Khan position, he must win over the idiot who only eats meat and kills in his mind and listens to his own words in order to win the banner of the "Four Banners".

"The number of bipeds in the Great Green Sea is far greater than ours, and they can't defeat them in a fiasco." Chakal patiently said: "Thousand-account City will not fall in a day, and Laszlo Varna can summon more Samurai of two feet; let alone ... "

Chakar frowned suddenly, and paused before saying, "There is another two-legged leader in the south, and he has already brought the people to rescue Qiancheng City."

"You mean the devil's children?"

Barsay's expression was solemn, but it was only a moment: "It's okay, what about the fifteen thousand two-legged warriors? The four-footed warriors on our side are forty thousand!"

"Even if he is so powerful, he can win the warriors of 10,000 Chiyan Banner one-on-one at night; but I don't believe that he can still defeat one of the four, and defeat our two flags at the same time ?!" Barsay said more and more Excited:

"Brother Chakal, don't worry, I will kill him with an axe; then use his head and flag to wash the shame on you and your Chiyan flag!"

"Kill your enemies, plunder their wealth, take possession of their land, and then listen to the voice of their soul's pain and wailing, which is the greatest happiness in this world, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

Listening to Barsayer's wanton smirk, Chacal turned irrevocably to his head ~ ~ Covering the contempt that had appeared on his face, he turned his gaze to the distant city of Thousand Accounts again.

The devil's descendants, he will march towards the city ... must not be enemies at such a critical moment, let the glory of the thousand account city slip away from my hands!

"Blow the horn and let the warriors gather!"

Chakal said abruptly and looked at the owner of Bailang Banner with a doubtful look: "Taking advantage of today's victory, we will try to attack again!"

"Even if you can't win the city, let them drain the blood!"

"Okay, just do it!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to fight, Bassaya of Bailang Banner was excited, waving his long-handed axe and screaming: "Warriors, who would accompany me to kill a few more bipeds ?!"


Among the roaring roars, countless centaurs resembled wild beasts stimulated by blood, once again gathered up billowing dust, and rushed towards the direction of the thousand account city ...