Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 249: Imperial Parliament

No one likes the Imperial Parliament, but there are many ways to dislike it-the heart that can't enter is full of resentment, and repeatedly asks why he wants to come in.

This noble assembly, which was once used to collect taxes and enlist the army, gradually evolved into the highest power unit of the empire after three hundred years of evolution. It gathered a series of power interests such as administration, law enforcement, legislation, and decision-making. ;

Hundreds of nobles with "political privileges" gathered together to bite each other for every fat flesh or bone.

No one knows her merits—communicating and giving orders, clarifying the code, concentrating and organizing ... in a sense, the reason why an empire is an empire depends on the imperial council being able to carry out every command of the emperor accurately.

Everyone knows her bad things—corruption, antiquity, rigidity, and inefficiency ... This power unit that embodies all the real powers of the empire except the emperor himself, refuses all changes, and the hegemony occupies every position;

So that every member of the parliament can chase down the family tree and find out which chair belongs to his family in the parliament.

For this power monster, let alone pass a controversial law, that is, a slight change in the position of a certain chair, or a new chair may cause turbulent waves, and several or even dozens of ancient families fight openly. .

Wisdom like Brandon I, heroic like "Queen of Mad Dragon", shrewd like Eckhart II ... all helpless to this power monster, and can only make a fuss in his own Yuqian cabinet.

This is true of the emperor, and even more so for the minister of the seal, Metternich Leopold.

Every time he walked into this "sacred temple", he felt like he was squeezed into the pigsty of his hometown in the countryside of East Sackland, countless piglets were calling, yelling, and then head Planted in the trough, swallowed swine food mixed with okara and various coarse grains.

Every time I talk to them, Metternich feels that he is talking to a group of stupid pigs; and as the Minister of the Seal, he must also talk to them often, and it seems that he is more stupid every day.

From the beginning to the present day, the imperial aristocrats of the imperial capital almost made their timid and timid, unbelievable and cold-heartedly exposed.

When pleading, I ca n’t wait to kneel down. I do n’t need help, so I try my best to drive people away. When the situation is tense, I order them to “fulfill their obligations”, turning my face faster than turning a book.

When the emperor is not there, they seem to really regard themselves as the rulers of the empire; they really think that without the authority of the emperor, they can also order these uncles who hold military power to bow to their ears and obey themselves.

After seeing the two motions of "corresponding to the prohibition of the Duke of Ellerman, and his army's control of the important city defense facilities", and "dismissing the use of important military supplies and the permission of the Royal Granary by the Byrne Legion", Metterne felt speechless for a while .

If you do n’t give those city defense facilities to Grand Duke Yuli Wiltz, who is loyal to the empire, would you have to entrust the nobles with their own private soldiers?

Or did they think they could control Byrne ’s legion by controlling their logistics, and really the knights from the south were so hungry that they did n’t dare to indulge the soldiers to plunder on the street, or even capture the granary?

Shaking his head, the tired Minister of the Palm Seal was awakened by the buzzing noises in his ears and dragged him back from reality to his reality.

Familiar quarrels and loud shouts made him very annoyed-that was the murmur that he had always wrapped around his ears since he started politics in his youth.

"We must order them and control them! Limit them!"

Among the buzzing noises of the main hall of the Sky Dome, a drooping old voice suddenly stood out, and the loud voice was comparable to that of the young

"Dear respected adults and humble servants of Holy Cross, I don't need the guards outside the door to tell me that a group of robbers and villains have appeared in our great capital because I saw the Bayerns and the Elmans!"

"The gangs of the south, and their mountain people and serfs regarded our great Golovin, civilization and noble incarnation as their stone fortresses and earthen shacks, showing their rudeness and brutality!"

"Yes. I know there must be someone who is in a hurry to quibble for them now! Well, come on! Let's discuss all day and night, what barbarous acts they have committed!"

The old nobleman with his hair lost and his eyebrows covered with white folds spit and splashed. Ricket's waist and his arms swayed up and down with his excited words

"But before that, we must first order them to obey their innate missions;"

"We must control them so that these barbaric and rude people will know how to surrender to civilization;"

"We must limit their actions so that the great Golovin is not destroyed by barbarism!"

As his hard words came out one after another, cheers erupted in the hall immediately; shouts and applause, opposition and applause, endlessly.

Until a new voice is added.

"This is a crime!"

A young nobleman interrupted the cheer suddenly and stood up with **** dark circles and a vacant face. "Respected adults, we cannot ignore an important fact, that is, these brave, from Eller The warriors of Mang and Byrne defended our capital, Golovin! "

"Think about it, if we do n’t have them, can we still sit here so safely and start talking about the future of the empire; without their bravery, would n’t the Azores rush into our city and burn Kill the plunder ?! "

"It is they who protect us, we need them, not turn them over!"

"And just what the respected adult is doing, he doesn't trust them! Distrust protects our brave knight knights and brave Ellerman warriors!"

"So I want to give you a suggestion, look at the top of your head, and look at the sky palace we are in-she doesn't belong to Sacran, she belongs to the great Sacran Empire!"

"It is a great nation composed of Sacran, Lotel, Byrne, Elmans, Arles, Poy, and Ebden; I suspect that with your prejudiced and narrow mind, you cannot even accommodate so many names! "

Listening to the excited cheers and boos from behind, the bloodless young noble clenched his fists excitedly, so that there was a trace of madness in his expression

"The great kingdom that makes up the empire is not just the Sakran, our emperor is not just the emperor of the Sakran, our great and civilized imperial council is naturally also the parliament of the entire empire, not just the Sakran ! "

"If our esteemed lord does not think so, then ask him to lead his family and servants to the front to fight the Azores! If not, please close your mouth, stand aside and turn this Give an honor to those who belong to it! "

As the young man's "cutting nails" fell, the old nobleman, who was suffocating with breath, stood up again tremblingly. "In this young gentleman's opinion, these barbaric soldiers should be condoned to rob and destroy us. city ​​of?"

"On the contrary, we should reflect on what caused these brave people, and we need this dishonest way to obtain what should belong to them!"

"Then we should give the city defense to them, give them all our belongings, take the last copper plate of the poor, and hand over to them begging them to protect our city?"

"Wrong! Our rigid and narrow-minded lords do not seem to realize that protecting the great emperors from harm is not only our duty, but also their duty!"

"Duty to be fulfilled? I don't know how the young gentleman is going to persuade these barbaric and brutal soldiers and uncles to fulfill their obligations?"

"Although this answer is obvious, I know that your narrow mind can never take this into consideration-that is, we should accept them and let them become us!"

"Accept them?"

"Yes! Accepted-set up a few temporary special seats in the Imperial Parliament, and let the honourable Grand Duke Elmans and the commander of the Byrne Legion, the Earl of Shanyanbao participate in the discussion in the Parliament!"

"This way we can put their army under our control, let the parliament control their army, manage their logistics and every soldier, and let them truly allegiance to the empire!"

"Yes, this is the point of today!" The young nobility shivered a little. "We can no longer look at them with outdated eyes. On the contrary, we should use more appropriate countermeasures to let them actively join us!"

"You actually want a group of foreigners to participate in the Parliament ?!"

"They are not foreigners, they are part of a great empire!"

"They are barbarians, they are barbarians!"

"Dear Lord, you and your family are being guarded by these barbarians!"

"How can you expect them to obey the orders of the council ?!"

"How dare you question the loyalty of these warriors to the empire ?!"

"You are destroying the tradition of the empire!"

"You are splitting the empire!"



... ....... The whole hall of quarrels, cheers, roars, sighs, and refusals was swayed ... noisy noises came and went; no matter how the ex-officials in charge of the parliamentary order maintained their order, they could not see a little change.

Everyone is arguing for their own purposes, everyone is expressing their own ideas, everyone is refuting proposals that are different from what they think or are not in their own interest ...

In the end, what was being discussed at the beginning and what the issue was was not important because everyone no longer cares. What everyone cares about is whether their interests can be extended, protected or at least not lost in today's quarrel.

The minister of the seal of the seat, Metternich, who sat on the seat, watched so coldly, and even had a little bit of gloating, looking at his already blushing, hoarse throat, and still doing such useless officials as "maintaining order."

When His Majesty Connold returned, he was almost due to resign, and the task of managing this terrible pigsty fell on the young man's shoulder.

Well, let him practice more, just as he warmed up before taking office.

Metternich thought "maliciously".

"Boom! Boom--! Boom--!"

At this moment, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Metternich's contemplation and interrupted the quarrel in the hall.

"Boom--! Boom--! Boom--! ''

There was another continuous sound of smashing the door, and for a moment the dead hall burst into a stormy roar again.

"How is this going?!"

"Who on earth has the courage to dare to interrupt us while the meeting is going on ?!"

"The guards, the guards outside the door, pull them apart to explain the problem, otherwise they will be deprived of their military status and titles!"

"Go and find the Royal Guard, and arrest this brave man!"

"Severe punishment, this kind of behavior must be severely punished, otherwise the majesty of the empire?"

"Boom--! Boom--! Boom--! ''

In the noisy clamor, the thoughtful Minister of the Palm Seal slowly got up, left his seat, and walked towards the gate.


With a loud noise, the main entrance of the main hall of the Heavenly Dome was knocked open.

Two figures, one tall and one short, knocked down the royal bodyguard who wanted to block forward;

And on the ladder behind them, there were no more than ten heavily armed legionnaires lying in a row.

Grand Duke Elleman, Julie Wiltz, Guy Angert, Earl of the Rock Fort.

The Duke of Elleman in the **** cloak took a vigorous pace, and his extremely proud and solemn expression flashed in the silver-gray pupil.

The earl of the burly mountain rock fortress standing next to him, just like his guard, followed closely, and kept pace.

The moment when the two figures appeared, the quarrel in the hall came to an abrupt halt again; with a trace of fear and anxiety, the dissatisfied but dare not express their eyes No one dared to stop their pace.

Until the elder who had approached them and stopped.

"Here is the Imperial Parliament, and we are discussing a series of important issues." Metner, the minister of the seal of the seal, smiled and looked at the two heavily armed legion commanders without fear.

"The two of you are here, are there any requests and proposals to appeal to the Parliament?"

"There is no request, there is only one very important piece of information." Yuli Wiltz said coldly

"We received a message that the Battle of the Boundary Mountain in the North was over, and Duke Loren Turin of Byrne was leading an elite knightly army south and arrived in the hinterland of West Sakland."

"There are not many troops in the Duke, but it is still not easy to pass the blockade of the Azores." The Earl of Shanyanbao sneered unabashedly. "Yes, it is those who let the rabbits because of the inaction of the adults Land easily occupied and controlled. "

"So please ask all the adults to approve the opening of the Imperial City Gate and prepare to accept the Duke Byrne into the city!"