Shao Song

v2 ~: Doujin Six: Mrs. Yu——Narkissos

Zhang Lihua's father is a fisherman.

Zhang Lihua was the demon king of Yun County.

Zhang Lihua finally married Tanhua.

…True Tanhua, not from the Liao State, Liao State is long gone, this Tanhua is the kind that will walk around in Tokyo.

Do you believe it?

Zhang Lihua didn't believe it anyway. Then I don’t know where I went to Yunxian, the old man who said it was a fortune teller. When talking to Zhang Lihua, Zhang Lihua pinched the basket with half a basket of fish. It's up and flat. Finally, staring at the gully on his face, remembering what her father said about respecting the old and loving the young—oh no, her dad can’t utter such elegant words—that's probably what she meant anyway, her slap-sized face is gloomy Stared at him for a moment, then twisted his head, turned loudly to the side, and uttered--


She is young and illiterate, but she is not stupid. Who visited Hualang to take her such a fisher girl? Is it yours? I don’t know how round the whole circle is when I make up a lie. If I want to swindle money, I just say it. Anyway, Zhang Lihua is also poor, and she can't give it to anyone. Zhang Lihua, who felt that she had been tricked, bitterly carried a half basket of fish home, and mentioned this to her father. She didn't expect her father to just laugh twice as if he was amused, and cast his lips together. Stare: "Why can't my Zhang Rong's lady not be the wife of Xiang Gong?"

"Hey?" Zhang Lihua's muddy and dirty face was covered with the words "True Twist", "Couldn't you be crazy? What can you look at me?"

Her father pondered for a while: "Yes."

Zhang Lihua was half-dead by her father again.

What do those drama scripts say? Oh, there are no coincidences. Zhang Lihua called her kind when she heard these words, why? Because she also felt that she was in harmony with the fairy ladies in the script, and it was really just like the nonsense that the old man had arranged, and the result of the calculation was the same as that of marrying a Tanhua Lang. At that time her father was already a majestic general.

Zhang Lihua never thought that she could catch a beetle-in-law, just as she never expected her father to be a general and wore embossed leather boots. Zhang Lihua's first hope of her father was to stop playing prestige in the southwest of Shuibo, trying to suppress those fishing tyrants. Later, her hope of her father was to quickly find a gangster. It is said that the previous official wanted to get some flowers and stones, but her father was raised to a certain height and went to jail, and her mother was crying to death.

When her father was rescued by those uncles to kill the officials and revolted and went to Liangshan, the gentle Uncle You smashed her, and hurriedly caught up with her father, but did not leave her behind. Zhang Lihua looked at his father's clothes soaked in flesh and blood for a while, and then she was stunned for a while when she listened to the rippling call signs of "Grandpa grew up in Liangshanpo, and his temperament was born to kill."

Zhang Lihua said to her father: "Mother is dead, she just died a few days ago. Uncle Xiao and Uncle Wu borrowed some money and helped to bury it, you remember to pay it back."

Zhang Lihua's throat was a little dry, and she licked her mouth and said, "I haven't rested, let me sleep for a while if I have some place."

——After sleeping, she Zhang Lihua is again a surviving female devil in this realm.

Her father led people to sing "Don't be afraid of the court or officials", and she was not afraid of Zhang Lihua, not even her father. Her father still sang "Heroes don't know how to read poetry and books, but only live in Liangshanbo", she despised it. Huh? Can't read poems and books quite proud? He didn't know how to read poetry, so he was put in jail by someone who could read poetry, and he said that he killed the official Tokyo bird. Bah, when his girl doesn't know his details? I don’t know what the calendar is, and when I come back, I don’t know the "richness and honor" that I learned from a birdhouse in Tokyo. I am envious of it. When she didn't know that Zhang Lihua would want to live in Tokyo with 10,000 fathers?

She Zhang Lihua thinks too!

Zhang Lihua thinks very clearly: there are riches and nobles in Tokyo, so why only teach the officials and ministers to share it, and not ask them to send flowers and stones? Don't you know that they can't fish to send flowers to Shi Gang? In the past, Zhang Lihua was able to jump out of the sky without a trace, and took a bunch of children out of Yunxian County, so why can she only stay in Liangshanpo now? Hearing her father said that Tokyo has all kinds of things, but Liang Shanbo is hasty in addition to water and water. What is there?

This is not what Zhang Lihua remembers most. Liang Shanbo looked at him, and the aunt and the little lady all have masters, what about his father? When I come back without my mother, I know that I will point to her. It’s not as good as my mother’s food. Is it fair to say? ! There is still a mile, an uncle who helped her bury her mother, young Qing cut a hole in his shoulder, tied it up casually, there was no way to go to the outside world to find a good doctor and died, there are so many things. . Don't die, Zhang Lihua doesn't take it seriously, but her father is a leader, does it have to take care of other people's lives? Just like before, when you said you were a fisherman, everyone recognized that Hua Shi Gang made everyone hungry. If you don't go to the official, who will tell you? Is the fish in the basket?

Doesn't make sense!

Zhang Lihua does not recognize the truth of the chief officials in Tokyo, and feels that these birdmen have no reason. She has a reason, but it is reasonable that she can't survive the perversion of reading. Later, Zhang Lihua added another reason, that people who read books can't survive with swordsmanship. Those who fished better than them-she later learned that they were Jurchens from Jin Guo-were more wild than their "heroes" who did not study. Before putting it away, it was a secret jab to make you feel, making you feel that this world doesn't want you to live well, now? Now it is displayed in an open flame, telling in this world that some of you who are fishing and farming woodcutter can't survive!

Zhang Lihua refused. The officials and ministers even killed and chopped them one by one. What about the Jurchen? Why not let people live? Why should the people of Jeju be your target? Why are you slaughtered clean by more than a dozen cities and towns in the west of Beijing? Those people from Hebei also have two eyes and one nose, so what makes people look like animals? When her father spoke angrily, Zhang Lihua nodded like a little chicken. She had never been to any of these places, nor did she know a few people from Hebei, but she felt that her father was right! She picked up the wine bowl and drank it in one breath, and put it on the table heavily, Cai!

Cai fart, her dad's face turned black, and he raised his hand.

Her father's black face is actually not obvious, Zhang Lihua has never seen her father's face pale. She looks like her father, a close-knit boudoir and daughter, tall and dark-faced. She never understood why her father wanted to call her Ewha? Doesn't he know this pear flower is so white? Who do you mock at this name? That's fine, Zhang Lihua realizes that she is not a flower, right? The flowers blew and swayed, like birds and birds, Zhang Lihua would only climb up the tree and shook, making the flowers hanging on the branches rustle without wind.

Zhang Lihua asked her father about these words, and her father squinted at her: "You won't learn from the lady of Liu Daguan's family?"

Zhang Lihua was impatient. She kicked the plank and threw it into the firewood. She chopped up the **** cows twice, and sneered and asked, "I learned, tomorrow there will be a pink and willow green waiting for me too. ?"

Zhang Rong stared at the bladed knife in his daughter's hand, and quietly shut up.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you learn or not, the fierce ones won't suffer. Zhang Lihua knew that her father would just say so. After fifteen, she hasn't even liked one of them. Who is it to blame? But it's not that she is famous for Zhang Lihua. It's not that her father does not have a good youth like her, but her father is not happy. Seeing that he wants to have a future without a future, a culture and an uneducated person, he may not be able to fight his girlfriend with his small body. So Zhang Lihua didn't bother to persuade him. Those who love to marry or not did not care. Seeing how hard her father picked, what kind of flowers could he pick out!

...I didn't expect it, I picked a flower.

She was not there when her father did such an outrageous thing about tying people to Tan Hualang. It is said that at the beginning, it was her father who made a tying mistake, but somehow Tanhua finally came to her father with the imperial decree. Oops, Zhang Lihua surprised her when she learned about this. She lived more than ten or twenty and hadn't been so scared. Now her father is also a high-ranking official, and Zhang Lihua also has a mirror that her father bought. She just took such a picture, oh, look at the appearance of the person... She also looks very good at a little lady, but it is a little darker-but the bronze mirror is not bright. But can her reputation as Zhang Lihua reach Tokyo? In the ear of that Yu Tanhua? impossible? So what does Yu Tanhua like about her?

Don't be a fool, right? She doesn't like a fool who can only read books? !

The small school who came to pick her up used to be familiar with her brother in Shuibo. At this time, he smiled and said: "Where is the horror looking for you? It is the official who is looking for your dad!"

Zhang Lihua understood. Although she always felt that there was something wrong with this, it did not prevent her from suddenly realizing. Who is the official family? This official family is different from the previous two. This official family looks at her father, but she is 10,000 people willing to rest assured!

But that's how it is said, to marry a man she still has to marry Zhang Lihua. The stubborn family that her father later married was not very appropriate. Can you play with a knife? Can you ride a horse? Tea water? Do you like sour or sweet? Can you drink a pot of vigorous wax wine? The newly-married mother had a real heart and stomped her feet in a hurry: "Why are you talking about this! Tanhua is a Wenquxing! Reading!"

Oh--! Reading! What books did Tanhua ever read...No, what books did Tanhua never read?

Zhang Lihua rolled her eyes and her face collapsed, can she live this day? Did he study and come to me to play a knife? Isn't it because people want to despise her immediately after marrying? Her father was someone who was admired by the official family anyway. Maybe Xiu Shu couldn't get it out, and she had to have a copy of Zhang Lihua with Li Shu?

Zhang Lihua sighed and sighed, sorrowful and sad like a little a petite little lady...not like it. The little lady was so sad that she said flatly to the birds and birds. The little lady was worried and wielded a whip to ride a wild horse. People who used to be like fish in the water are now making great strides in riding horses. Before getting married, she was awkwardly smeared and powdered and put in a hairpin ring. She went out to face the Pearl Flower and looked at each other with her dad. For this marrying style, she felt very funny, and a little bit Embarrassed by surprise. On the contrary, her mother was crying, her lips moved and buzzed and hummed for a while, and she squeezed out: "If you quarrel... come back... don't fight with you with a knife..."

Zhang Lihua heard it really, and her father couldn't hold back two pops. She came up furiously, flicked her sleeves and turned and walked out in a stride. When she reached the entrance of Tanhualang's mansion, she poked and looked around, hey Zhang Lihua slammed back to her senses!

She, the only daughter of Taiwei Zhang, Zhang Lihua in Yun County, was married by decree!

Her waist is stiff, and she's arrogant!

Zhang Lihua was energetic in an instant and shuddered. She entered the door of Yu's house arrogantly and became Yu Tanhua's wife... Yu Tanhua Yu Yunwen's wife...

Zhang Lihua stared straight at Ren Xiaoyu with a pair of apricot eyes, without blinking. The heart that had just been born and rushed into the sky instantly broke in half.

The face is handsome.

Tall and majestic.

To explore flowers, talented.

She also burned the golden boat with her dad!

hiss! Zhang Lihua was in a trance. Really? Is such a person her husband? She Zhang Lihua is worthy of such a character?

——She lived for so many years and lived in vain. I didn't expect her Zhang Lihua to be such an amazing little lady!

Zhang Lihua refreshed her understanding of herself. Leaving Xiaoyu to explore Huayu Yunwen's place, he also felt a little nervous. I don’t know if he used to compare Zhang Taiwei to imagine that Zhang Xiaomao was too much, but now, at first glance, Liu Mei, Xingyan, and Zhu lip are not as dark as Taiwei Zhang. The height is a bit higher, but not as high as himself. .

It's definitely not the natural beauty of Tianzi, and Yu Yunwen never thought about it a word. However, this doesn’t match the word “no-salt”, and the little lady is also pretty!

Asking such a person who will become his wife to stare at him with swarthy eyes, will the newlywed Yaner be embarrassed?

——Of course it will!

As soon as the first day and night of this auspicious day passed, Zhang Lihua's dark clouds swept away and became more energetic. Yu Yunwen breathed a sigh of relief and was a little tired. Zhang Lihua is very satisfied with Yulang, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her father who tied Yulang to her is incredible. Later, Zhang Lihua was really curious. She held her face and pressed her voice. She rarely called others with a bit of shyness, "I ask you something."

Yu Yunwen raised his head: "?"

"Hey," Zhang Lihua said in a low voice, "Why did you think about taking the imperial decree to Daddy's door?"

Why is this wrong? What is a door-to-door? Yu Yunwen was about to speak out the reason and argue for innocence, but it is not easy to tell the reason, and secondly——

"Why do you ask this when you think about it?" Yu Yunwen said.

"Oh, it's not that thing, that thing..." Zhang Lihua didn't think of it for a long time. "What is the saying that your courtiers always said?"

Yu Yunwen was at a loss: "...please kill Yang Yizhong?"

Oh, so cruel. Zhang Lihua slapped the table and said annoyed: "——Everything must have a beginning!"

Yu Yunwen understood, he pondered for a moment: "I happen to have no wife..."

Zhang Lihua's face darkened slightly.

"Then they were left for many years, and the officials also knew that most courtiers did not have young ladies of the right age..."

Zhang Lihua's face became more and more like her father.

Yu Yunwen's voice was faintly stained with a smile: "So this is not a coincidence. There is a thread of marriage for thousands of miles, and no one on the same list is as good as us."

Zhang Lihua's expression eased, and she became married to Yu Yunwen again. After recollecting it for a moment, she came over to explore the flowers, and did not say why she agreed. She stared at Yu Lang under the lamp, and the beauty under the lamp became more and more drunk. Yu Lang was indeed a Zhuyu Lang recognized by Zhang Lihua, and he couldn't give birth in half the weather. She rubbed it over, wrapped her neck to her back, and talked with her ears. She inadvertently whipped her breath and scratched her auricles, and became anxious. How do you say it?"

——A red fragrant dew condensed incense, Yunyu Wushan broke the heart in vain.

The heartbroken Yu Sheren had to get up early the next day. Before leaving, he looked down at the lady who was sleeping sweetly holding the quilt with her black face and husband and wife face. In the same year, I was also asked: "Why did you also hold on to your belt and learnt with the king of Yan'an?"

Yu Yunwen remembered Liang Hongyu, the wife of the county prince who could go on horseback with the army to kill the enemy, and felt that she had no need to be so sour to the unique jade belt before.

Everything must have a beginning. It is estimated that Tai Shan tied him to Yu Yunwen at that time. It was because he was extraordinarily majestic and taller in the same year.

Zhang Lihua, who had slept soundly three poles in the sun, didn't know her husband's thoughts, so she ate a full lunch with all her face. To be honest, she has really fallen asleep since she got married. In other words, people are also a flower explorer, and it is not a problem that Zhang Lihua is always so ignorant. So she looked for a book, and saw what the poem "Goddess' career was originally a dream, and my aunt lived in this place" is okay. If you write "Zheng Burke Duan Yuyan" on the paper, you can even give it to the habit of taking a nap. She raised it. If you look at the basics and formulas in the newspaper, tell her to say that it is Mongolian sweat medicine, specifically for her.

Zhang Lihua is sorrowful, you say she is like her father, then if she is a kid, wouldn't she be like a mother? How can that work? ! So she gritted her teeth and insisted that she finished reading the so-called "basic" book that Yu Tanhua said, and then read the notes of the Dibao, the newspaper clippings were more detailed than those of Yu Sheren, who is very versatile. Later, when Yu Yunwen taught his son to read a book, he would say, "You are not as good as your mother!"

Zhang Lihua often stares at her daughter who doesn't want to learn needlework and sullenly: "You are not as patience as your father!"

Then the couple came to look at each Finally, Yu Yunwen helplessly and inevitably raised her forehead to correct it: "It's patience..."

Patience means patience. What's wrong with patience? You can hear Yu Tanhua really! Zhang Lihua waved away a few noisy children, and took a long time to pull a pear flower from the bottle and threw it over. Yu Yunwen gently and skillfully caught her and asked her: "What's the reason for this?"

What kind of flowers did Yu Tanhua find? Zhang Lihua can remember clearly, and what he served was the red begonia flower on the top of Bianjing city, which was hard to see in the festival at that time!

"What's the reason? The reason why a pear blossom presses a begonia."

However, Yu Tanhua is not the young man who was still ashamed at the beginning. Tanhua Lang's handsome face is narrow: "One tree pear flower pressed Begonia again wrongly."

"I used the wrong one, what should I do with the wrong one," Zhang Lihua was unreasonable and strong, "Can't you let it go?"

So, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, the flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy.

This is what his talented Yu Yunwen meant to explain to his lady!