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Chapter 12: Lightning

Dog Sixteen and Dog Six Six concentrate on how to generate electricity in the original environment. In fact, they really want to ask if there is a copper coil in Fenglianzhu, and the communicator can be charged in the most primitive way. However, seeing that the adults of Kiratus do n’t even know what the ephemeris 7019 means, the two finally understand that Kiratosron ’s view of time and science are completely different from humans, and cannot be inferred by common sense.

Expect a Kirat Sloan to generate electricity, it is better to study how to rub the electricity.

The two discussed intensely with what they learned from compulsory education. They didn't notice that Feng Lianzhu stood up next to him, held his right palm up, and faced the sky.

A dark cloud gathered above the originally sunny head.

"It's going to rain? Find a place to shelter from the rain." The dog swayed its tail, and he hated the rain most.

"It's raining?" Dou Liuliu's eyes lit up. "I want to take a shower."

The Union Welfare Institute's rules for naming children who return to their ancestors are the same. The order in which the subjects to which they return to their ancestry joins the institution constitutes their names, regardless of gender.

Canine Sixteen is an ancestor of the canine family. The sixteenth hospital admission is called Canine Sixteen. Dolphin Liuliu is a porpoise, but his serial number was not obtained at the welfare institution, but was given the name Liuliu when he was discharged. The porpoise is different from the canidae. The canidae belong to terrestrial organisms. The diet is closer to humans and easier to survive. The porpoise is also a mammal, but it is a marine creature after all. The external environment requirements are completely different from those of the canidae. Many guinea pigs die from the rejection of environmental or ancestral genes and human genes as soon as they are born.

Dolphin Liuliu was the only dolphin child who survived in the hospital where he was born. He was responsible for caring for him and gave him the name Liuliu which in ancient books stands for luck and demon.

Sixteen in the canine family hates rain, which will wet his fur; six in the dolphin family likes to rain, and he is extremely water-scarce on land.

I do n’t know if Master Kiratus likes rain ... Kenu 16 sneaked a glance before looking for shelter to hide from the rain.

This sight immediately scared him.

I saw a silver thunderbolt slashing towards Master Kiratus, and the dog rushed towards the wind with a rush.

He couldn't tell whether he wanted to help Lord Kirat to block the danger or to push the person away. The dog sixteen couldn't help but rushed over.

"He is Kirat Sloan. How could he be afraid of such a thunderbolt? Are you stupid!" Gui Liuliu roared.

As soon as Dou Liuliu's words were shouted, he saw Feng Lianzhu standing in front of himself with a dog in his hand.

"So, is it okay?" Feng Lianzhu asked the sixteen dogs on the ground.

"What is it?" Dou Liuli rubbed his eyes hard, he didn't see what happened just now!

At the moment when Dog Sixteen flew over, he did n’t want to see his comrade ’s death, but he could n’t help but blinked his eyes, but blinked quickly. After opening his eyes, Master Kiratus stood in front of him. A black mark left on the ground where Fang Cai was standing.

"Electricity." Feng Lianzhu pointed to the ground struck by lightning.

After the upgrade, he found that he was more proficient in mastering the skills. Instead of using his body to attract lightning, he used only one hand to attract a less powerful lightning. At the same time, his speed was doubled and he moved at full speed to 400km / h.

This speed is far less than the speed of thunder and lightning, but Feng Lianzhu moves instantaneously after performing his tricks. Thunderbolt's attack range is very small, but this 0.1 second opportunity is enough for the wind to escape.

At first, if he mastered this ability, he would not hack himself to death fifty times.

On the way to avoid the thunder and lightning, Feng Lianzhu met the flying dog sixteen, and he took him in his hand and dropped it on the ground. The action was done in one go, and this unimportant memory of saving was deleted after completion.

"Electricity? Ah! Electricity!" Dolphin patted his thighs and pointed to the darkened ground on the ground. "Is this what you call Master Kiratus?"

Feng Lianzhu nodded and asked, "Enough, charging?"

"Enough is enough!" Dolphin Liuliu nodded again and again. "It's a bit more, smaller, smaller. I can use the wood and communicator shell and the damaged solar charging wire to make a lightning charging device. , It works, it works! "

Is it still smaller? Feng Lianzhu is a bit worried, and this requires very fine Reiki control. He wonders if he can do it.

Once again, the protected dog sixteen stood up and gave the elbows of the dolphins who danced and danced. The dolphins stopped, and first thanked the wind and bamboo.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time remembered the descriptions of Kiratstron in different books.

The Biology Book says that it is only a powerful species, and it is obviously a simple and rude creature that has wisdom but is more willing to solve problems with power; the military book's view is that the Kirat race has no weapons and resists attacks entirely by the flesh, even if The innate power is very powerful, and it will also perish under the human army; Kiratosaurus in the fairy tale book is always a villain, snatching gold coins and beauties, and eventually being deceived by brave teenagers and losing gold coins and beauty.

The "Apocalypse of the Epoch Times" says that Kiratosaurus can survive in the universe, and its body is strong enough to smash a planet, and it can control the dark matter in the universe. Every step of running on land will cause an earthquake. The breath they emit is flames, roaring like thunder. Because they were strong enough to destroy the world, the universe consciousness carried out a major cleansing of Kiratosaurus. 500 years ago, a big explosion occurred on the edge of the azure galaxy that affected tens of thousands of small galaxies. Kiratus The dragon has since become extinct.

The author of "Apocalypse of the Epoch Times" is unknown. The reason why Kiratosaurus is not to describe how powerful this species is, but to use this metaphor to humanity, to continue, sooner or later will be blood-washed by cosmic consciousness, ushering in the end.

This book is a forbidden book. The children in the orphanage only saw the scraps, which said that what humans are doing will lead to perdition, but what things are missing in a few pages.

At that time, the children of the orphanage only regarded "Apocalypse of the Epochs" as a novel, and when they came to this planet, they realized it personally. The book said it was true.

At this moment, in addition to the description of Kiratosaurus in the book, the two have a new insight-this one is a powerful and gentle species.

Dolphin Liuli first drew the design on the ground with branches, borrowed the claws of Canine XVI and the leaf knife handed over by the wind bamboo, disassembled the casing of the communicator, and made an electric energy conversion device using solar energy storage plates.

Feng Lianzhu looked at it curiously for a while, and determined that he would never learn this thing, he took his gaze and concentrated on how he would lead to smaller and smaller thunder.

"Okay." Dolphins raised their thumbs in six or six directions.

Feng Lianzhu was reminded by his gestures to cut down the trunk of a dead tree, cut out a trunk that was flush with his chest, put the device on it, and put the thumbs up on the voltage conversion device.

The area is much smaller than that of the former, and only the dark clouds that cover the wind and the bamboo head gather, and a thin thunder cracks his thumb.

Feng Lianzhu was worried that the lightning energy was too strong. This time he did not avoid it. He first blocked his arm and put his little finger on the charging place. A lot of weakened current passed his little finger to quickly charge the communicator.

Dolphin Liuliu was worried that the energy of thunder and lightning was too strong, and designed a device full of automatic power off. After the energy is full, the charging device is disconnected from the communicator, and a prepared tree branch falls, blocking it in between.

The remaining electrical energy is led to the ground by the line and eventually dissipated.

Gui Liuliu rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Okay, okay!"

He picked up the communicator and looked at it for a long time. He admired: "It is a communicator made by Aga. The quality is really good, and it can be used in 379 years."

In 379, they seem to think that 379 is very long? Feng Lianzhu secretly wondered.

"Traveling Too Virtual" is a fairy holographic online game that depicts the scenes of the ancient and ancient wilderness. The npc settings in the game are easily tens of thousands of years. I do n’t think how long 379 is. Fat Kiratz said he did n’t realize that he was wrong when he was still underage. After all, the dragons may not be able to hatch from eggs in 500 years. 379 ca n’t really become an adult.

However, Dolphin Six and Dog Six seem to think that it is a long time, and Feng Lianzhu can't help but ask: "Human, the longest, can live, how long?"

"People with a higher genetic level have a longer lifespan, but they will not exceed the racial limit," Canine XVI replied. "People below the genetic level c can live up to 150 years, and those with a genetic level S have a sufficient lifespan. 200 years! "

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He took out the gold coin and asked the two to confirm the time. Dou Liuliu looked at it and said, "This is a gold coin at least 300 years ago. The Aga sub-branch announced its independence as early as 300 years ago, and it is no longer a subsidiary bank of the Union Bank."

"Interstellar pirate, is it human?"

"Of course it is human," said Dog Sixteen, "but it is the worst kind. It is not a matter of production. It specifically robs other people's labor results. It also threatens the safety of the alliance.

In those 379 years, did the Star Pirates remember that this was the gold coin they grabbed? Did all the people who experienced it die?

Feng Lianzhu was very puzzled.

At this time, Dolphin Liuli placed a communicator with sufficient energy on the tree trunk just made by Feng Lianzhu, activated the communicator, entered interstellar coordinates, issued a signal requesting contact, and waited for the other party to respond.

Inu XVI is still telling the fate of interplanetary pirates for Feng Lianzhu: "They are reselling arms, attacking planets on the fringe of the alliance, and also selling gene fortifiers. Among interplanetary pirates, there may be A-level or even S-level strongmen. To annihilate interstellar pirates, they are very cunning and have escaped the Alliance ’s numerous encirclement and suppression. "

Gene enhancer? Feng Lianzhu heard the strange name and was waiting for detailed questions. Dou Liuliu said, "There is a response!"