She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 18

The door of the locker room rang loudly: "Ahui?"

Cao Pinhui fell to the ground, motionless.

The doorknob was turned frantically: "Fuck! Don't listen to the sound, it's not an accident. Go and find Da Yue, he has the key!"

The door slamming hasn't stopped since this moment, Chi Nuan trembles horribly, Gu Ningzi lifted her up from the ground with her arms, half-pulled and half-hug moved to the side of the broken window, and broke the pieces on the window sill with her hands. The glass was swept away and said, "Go!"

The rain hit Chi Nuan's face, she was a little awake, and she broke away from Gu Ningzi, and found the phone that Cao Pinhui had dropped from the shoe changing bench, as if holding the straw: "I recorded the video! It was Cao Pinhui who harassed me first. Yes, you go, Gu Ningzi! You go!"

Gu Ningzi: "You are obedient. Once the door opens, none of us will be able to leave."

There was someone outside the door, Chi Nuan didn't even dare to cry, sobbing, he pulled Gu Ningzi and desperately raised her head and begged her: "Cao Pinhui is still alive! I have a video to prove that it is a legitimate defense! Gu Ningzi, you go. Come on, I beg you, you go!"

"Listen!" Gu Ningzi lowered her voice and said calmly, "I was the one who injured him. Even if I leave today, as soon as he wakes up, he will come to me sooner or later!" She listened carefully, outside the door. There was a mess of footsteps in the corridor.

Not tolerating Chi Nuan and then rejecting her, Gu Ningzi pushed her onto the window sill: "Obey! Chi Nuan, how about being obedient?"

Chi Nuan has never been so scared as she is now. She firmly grasped Gu Ningzi: "Please, Gu Ningzi, please..."

Gu Ningzi looked at her deeply: "Remember, don't say anything, today's affairs have nothing to do with you."

"Things will be resolved, warm late, don't be afraid."

The key was inserted into the keyhole, and the person outside the door turned a few times, and the door lock was opened with a click.


After school that day, all the teachers and students of Yuncheng No.1 Middle School were discussing the incident of Gu Ningzi's injury.

An ambulance and a police car drove into the campus and took Cao Pinhui and Gu Ningzi away respectively.

The dinner appointment in the evening was automatically cancelled, and Xue Wen went to the hospital with the ambulance. Xu Dan was restless in the bedroom: "It's over, Gu Ningzi is afraid it's over. Cao Pinhui's family background is so deep, she will definitely not let her go!"

She whispered: "This is the ground breaking on Tai Sui's head! Cao Pinhui is fine. In case he wants to have a long life and two shortcomings, will Gu Ningzi...will..."

Du Min shuddered: "Does Gu Ningzi want to... go to jail?... I heard other people say that when the basketball team opened the door, Cao Pinhui fell to the ground covered in blood and almost no air intake. NS……"

Chi Nuan opened the bathroom door. She took a shower and changed to a high-necked T with long sleeves to cover the scars.

Xu Dan glanced at it: "...Fuck, you wear this one to cover your prickly heat this day?-What's the matter with your forehead?"

Chi Nuan sat in the bed and said muffledly, "I hit the cabinet. I was shivering a little."

There was a nasal sound in her voice, Xu Dan said: "Let you hold an umbrella, you must be cool and ignore people. Look, have you caught a cold?"

Du Min opened the medicine box from the desk and put a packet of granules on the Chinuan table: "Drink it now, don't have a fever."

Chi Nuan took out the candy Gu Ningzi gave her this morning from under the pillow, peeled it and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhao Jingjing continued the topic just now: "I will stand by Gu Ningzi for this matter. Cao Pinhui must have provoke her, otherwise she went crazy and ran to the locker room of the basketball hall to hurt people?"

Xu Dan: "Obvious! But what background is Cao Pinhui's family? Even if Gu Ningzi's family is rich, they can't help it!"

The sweetness of chocolate soothed Chi Nuan's taste buds, and her tears flowed silently.

It doesn't count if I killed my brother, and now I hurt Gu Ningzi again, so good Gu Ningzi...Where will she be now, the police station? The palm of her hand is full of glass slag, will someone clean her wound, will she feel as scared as herself...


After being exposed to the rain and a series of accidents, Chi Nuan developed a high fever that night. He was dizzy and took the anti-fever medicine, but his body temperature could not fall down.

Early the next morning, Xu Dan asked He Liwen for leave for her, and helped him to the infirmary to get an IV.

Chi Nuan stared at the table in front of the bed blankly. The last time she lay on this bed, Gu Ningzi stood by the table to accompany her.

Thinking of Gu Ningzi, my heart was panic again.

I don't know what she is doing now... I don't know what will happen to her, whether she will be starved, whether she has been beaten... She is also in the rain, will she be as sick as herself? ...Or, or is it possible, that she has already returned to school?

Hanging on the drip, Chi Nuan fell asleep, woke up feeling a little relaxed, and immediately fluttered under her feet back to the classroom to confirm.

During the class, the classroom was not as lively as usual, as if there was a low pressure, pressing on the heads of all the students in the second and sixth class.

Gu Ningzi's position is empty.

The little fat man wiped Chi Nuan's shoulders and walked into the classroom, with a heavy voice bringing the latest news: "Cao Pinhui's mother came to the principal's room to make trouble! Lao Hu was trained as a tortoise grandson by her! He also said that he would get Gu Ningzi's parents out. To make them ruined and ruined!"

I don't know who said: "Gu Ningzi is miserable! The Cao family will never let go, just like anyone who offended Cao Pinhui before, we won't see Gu Ningzi in the future, right?"

Chi Nuan held the door frame, stood for a moment, turned and walked out of the teaching building.

She went to a mobile phone repair shop at home and abroad and asked the staff inside to help restore the video deleted by Cao Pinhui. Later, holding her mobile phone, she ran to the police station in the district.

Chi Nuan walked into the office, and the young policeman asked her, "What's the matter?"

Chi Nuan took out her cellphone, but before she spoke, two people passed by behind her, and the police flower yelled, "Li Suo."

The Lisuo nodded, and sent the people with him to the door of the hall.

"A Hui's business will trouble you."

"Where to say it, you still have to go there yourself-ask Mr. Cao for me."

Chi Nuan heard it really, Xiao Jinghua asked again what's wrong with you, Chi Nuan put the phone back in his pocket again.

She walked out of the police station reluctantly, stood on the busy street, clenched her fists, and cried.

Her mind was full of Gu Ningzi who grabbed the window frame and took the rain into the locker room to save her, but she was useless but couldn't help her.

She didn't know how to return to school, Chi Nuan burned in a daze, and it was the evening two days later when her consciousness was completely restored.

Zhao Jingjing took out her thermometer and looked at it: "The fever is gone."

Xu Dan lay on the side of Chi Nuan's bed and said with emotion: "Squad leader, you usually don't make a sound. You care about your classmates so much."

Chi Nuan sat up, plucking her eyebrows weakly, not understanding what she meant.

"You, the fever has been so bad these past two days, and I was calling Gu Ningzi's name when I fell asleep."

Chi Nuan's nose is not ventilating, and the urn asks in an annoying voice: "...really?"

Xu Dan nodded and said, "Cao Pinhui has transferred to another school, and his family came to do the formalities for him in the afternoon."

When Chi Nuan heard the words "Cao Pinhui", she shrank her body subconsciously, and when she received the content of Xu Dan's words, she said in surprise, "He transferred?"

"This is terrible. We didn't believe it at first, so we asked Xue Wen for verification." Xu Dan clicked on the chat interface between himself and Xue Wen to show Chi Nuan, "Hey, Xue Wen confirmed that Cao Pinhui is still in a coma. His family eagerly transferred him to another school first."

Chi Nuan looked anxious: "What about Gu Ningzi? Is there any news about Gu Ningzi?"

Xu Dan shook his head: "I can't get in touch, and I haven't heard of it. Xue Wen's tone is very tight, and he didn't ask anything."

Du Min draped Xu Dan's shoulders: "No news is good news, think about it, Cao Pinhui's background is so stellar, and they all gave way. Gu Ningzi might not..."

Du Min and Xu Dan looked at each other, and both saw something incredible in each other's eyes. Xu Dan exclaimed: "Fuck! Is there someone on Gu Ningzi?"

Zhao Jingjing laughed out: "Cao Pinhui's mother clamored to ruin his family's fortunes and ruins. Now he is not slumped and transferred to another school? How can I say-there are mountains outside the mountains!"

Du Min sighed: "That's a mountain so high!!!...No, the law is the embodiment of justice. This shows that Gu Ningzi is right, and Cao Pinhui must have done nothing good!"

Xu Dan: "By the way, Nuannuan, don't you know Gu Ningzi's family? If you are really worried, you can take a trip and see the situation."

Her words reminded Chi Nuan, who immediately went down to the ground, stood too fast, and felt dizzy in his head.

Zhao Jingjing quickly supported her with her eyes and hands: "Don't worry about it for a while. We brought you the porridge and warmed it in a thermos. You fill up your stomach first."


When Chi Nuan arrived outside Gu Ningzi's home, the sky was already dark.

She couldn't walk fast, and she was sweating all over her body when she moved.

There were no lights in the house. Chi Nuan tried to ring the doorbell. After the doorbell rang several times, no one came out to answer the door.

There is probably no one in the house. Chi Nuan knew it well, but was unwilling to go back like this. She sat down on the lounge chair on the side of the road and looked at the house in the dark in silence. Later, she took out the phone and didn't know how many times she called Gu Ningzi.

Like every time before, the beep is shut down.

Chi Nuan sat there until the news of Xue Wen came.

"Chi Nuan, are you better?"

Chi Nuan returned a few words, thought about it, deleted them all, and called Xue Wen directly.

Xue Wen answered quickly, sounding flattered: "Chi Nuan? Did I disturb you to rest?"

"No," Chi Nuan said, "I'm done."

Xue Wen explained: "I have been with Aunt Cheng for the past few days. After Ahui's accident, she was emotionally unstable. Uncle Cao's work may change again.... It was messy, so I didn't visit you either. I'm sorry. "

Listening to her taking the initiative to talk about Cao Pinhui, Chi Nuan covered her faintly painful forehead, pressed the nausea that was constantly surging in her heart, and asked her: " is Cao Pinhui?"

"He, wake up, first be hospitalized, and slowly raise." Xue Wen sighed lightly: "He asked for himself, and there is nothing to sympathize with, but seeing him lying down half-dead and alive, it hurts."

Nothing in Xue Wen's words involved Chi Nuan. Chi Nuan guessed that neither Gu Ningzi nor Cao Pinhui had mentioned himself to the outside world.

Chi Nuan hates Cao Pinhui. Although she knows that Xue Wen is innocent and does not know it, it is inevitable that she will be separated from her.

Chi Nuan didn't speak, and Xue Wen said again: "I am...the three of us, I, Ahui, and Da Yue, who grew up together. We have been in a good relationship... Hey, love with Ahui was Hu Lai."

Chi Nuan didn't intend to answer the conversation, and she didn't know how to transfer the topic to Gu Ningzi without a trace. Xue Wen became more embarrassed as he explained, and the receiver gradually became quiet. Later, Chi Nuan heard Xue Wen ask: "...I heard that Gu Ningzi didn't go back to class?"

"Ah..." Chi Nuan said blankly, "No."

Xue Wen hesitated to speak, and was silent for a while before he said "Oh".

Chi Nuan looked at the house in front of him again, listening to Xue Wen's words, Gu Ningzi should be fine, but where is she? Didn't come back to class, where did she go?


In the new week, Chi Nuan, who had recovered from a serious illness, still had a cough, and his face was not very good. Frequently distracted in class, she turned her head to look, but Gu Ningzi's position was still empty.

After all the morning classes were over, she was called to the office by He Liwen.

There were three girls standing at He Liwen's desk. Teacher Zhuang, the Chinese teacher of Class Two, moved a stool and sat next to He Liwen. There was also a stranger who looked like a teacher standing beside the desk with his arms folded.

The atmosphere is a bit serious.

Seeing Chi Nuan was coming, He Liwen introduced her to her insightful teacher: "This is the head teacher of the first and third grades of high school, Teacher Gao."

Chi Nuan said, "Hello teacher."

Hearing Chi Nuan's voice, two of the three girls glanced back at her at the same time.

——Chen Wan and her tall classmate?

He Liwen held up her glasses: "That's it. Teacher Zhuang lost a bunch of keys on the day of the sports meeting. She left school early and didn't tell us. When she returned to school after the May Day holiday, she knew that you were locked in the office. The more things are wrong-since the keys of other teachers are all there, isn't the person who locked you using her key?"

Teacher Zhuang pointed to the petite girl standing on Chen Wan's left hand: "It's a coincidence. I met this classmate this morning and she asked me about my keys. I got a little eyebrow."

The girl said emotionally, "Teacher Zhuang, I was going to catch up with you and return the key to you, but Chen Wan said that he could return it for me. I was anxious to go to the bathroom and gave her the key.—— Who knows she hasn't paid it back at all!"

Chen Wan rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.

Teacher Gao has a quick temper. Seeing the girls in her class so piercing, he shouted: "Chen Wan, what is your attitude? You said, why did you lock the second-year senior in the office!?"

Chen Wan said nonchalantly: "Look at her not pleasing to your eyes."

Teacher Gao poked Chen Wan's forehead angrily: "Look at you, a good girl, I don't learn well! I'm ashamed of your parents!"

"Teacher Gao", He Liwen had no choice but to come out and make a round. "It's fine to talk to the classmates. As for the kids, there are always times when mistakes are made."


When Chi Nuan saw Chen Wan and the others, he had a foreboding the direction of things. This progress was like a ray of sunlight tearing through the dark clouds, giving her cold body some signs of warming up.

In the afternoon of the same day, Guo Dezhi criticized Chen Wan and her tall classmate in the school broadcast. The tone was always heartbroken, and finally rose to the whole school, saying that there is a bad trend in the campus now, and it seems that a new round of discipline rectification is imminent.

Chi Nuan was lying on the corridor. After listening to Guo Dezhi's words, she was about to return to the classroom with Xu Dan and the others. The phone kept vibrating in her pocket.

Chi Qingchuan's call.

Chi Qingchuan never contacted her when she was in school, and Chi Nuan hurriedly connected her because she was afraid that something bad would happen again.

Fortunately, she had a hunch this time. Chi Qingchuan’s excited voice hit her ears through the earpiece: "Nuannuan! The perpetrator has been found!"

Chi Nuan: "...Didn't the police say that the chance of finding it is slim?"

Chi Qingchuan: "I heard that several policemen rotate around the clock to watch surveillance and conduct day and night investigations. Only then did they find it!-These days, the people's police serve the people, and they are still reliable after all!"

Chi Qingchuan was relieved, he was too excited, otherwise he would not call Chi Nuan at this time anyway.

No, it's very peaceful.

Slowly, there was a little smile.

What Gu Ningzi said is right, the matter will be resolved, but when will she come back?

After school that day, Chi Nuan was blocked by Chen Wan at the door of the classroom.

"Let's talk a few words." Chen Wan raised his chin with a provocative look.

Upon seeing this, Xu Dan and the others protected Chi Nuan one after another, glaring at Chen Wan.

Chen Wan did not show weakness: "What are you doing? Fighting?"

Xu Dan said quickly: "It's interesting enough that we didn't bother you. Do you dare to call?"

Chen Wanbai glanced at her and asked Chi Nuan, "Hey, are you talking about it?"

Chi Nuan said to Xu Dan, "It's okay, let me talk to her a few words."

Xu Dan and the others were worried, and did not go far, watching from the corner of the stairs.

Chi Nuan and Chen Wan stood in the corridor, and Chen Wan was straightforward: "Is Gu Ningzi for you?"

Although Chen Wan didn't know the details, she could always guess something. Whether it was SEVEN or the playground, Gu Ningzi had been protecting Chi Nuan. And Chi Nuan's reaction made her sure that she might have guessed right.

Chi Nuan asked her: "What are you going to say?"

Chen Wan: "Now Ahui has transferred to another school, as you like?"

Chi Nuan frowned.

Chen Wan said in a weird manner: "You have two sons. You know who can be your backer. Gu Ningzi has only been here for a few months, but you have been accepted by you? It's all gone!-Chi Nuan, what magical powers are you able to make her willing to be a murderer for you?"

The words "murderer" directly pierced the abscess in Chi Nuan's heart. She knew that in order to save her, Gu Ningzi almost lost her life. She was ashamed of Gu Ningzi, she didn't dare to think deeply about this guilt, she didn't know how to make up for it.

Chen Wan: "Alright, since Ahui can't provoke Gu Ningzi, then I can't provoke it even more. ——Don't worry, I won't dare to bully you again in the future."

Chen Wan snorted and left.

Chi Nuan stepped mechanically to meet her roommate. Xu Dan was still embracing her, staring at the disappearance of Chen Wan's back and chattering: "Is this person's brain pitted or something?"


When she went to the language group to send homework the next day, Chi Nuan couldn't help but knock on the side: "Teacher He, classmate Gu Ningzi hasn't come to school for a few days, she..."

He Liwen said indifferently: "It's okay. She has greeted the school at home, and she may still have to go back to the north to study, and she may not come back to class."

Chi Nuan didn't expect that things would take a turn for the worse, and panicked: "Why?" Didn't Cao Pinhui have all changed schools? Why did Gu Ningzi also leave? However, he still knows how to make an inch and didn't rush to ask for an exit.

He Liwen said "Oh": "I heard that her family is not satisfied with our No. 1 High School."

Chi Nuan was desperate all day, and the news from He Liwen made her realize that not only could she not make up for Gu Ningzi, she might even have no chance to make up.

The more I think about it, the more sad it gets.

Before school in the afternoon, Lao Mo called her to the office and opened the exam papers he had just made in class. His tone was mild: "Chi Nuan, you can see for yourself."

Lao Mo was used to marking the exam papers of students with excellent grades first. Chi Nuan was the first one. This score, which was far below her level, shocked him.

Chi Nuan whispered back: "Teacher Mo, I'm sorry."

The problem-solving ideas that I usually know by heart are completely forgotten during the exam. Chi Nuan's mind is messed up, and all she thinks about is Gu Ningzi.

Lao Mo sighed and said earnestly: "Chi Nuan, you are a good seedling in the class, and your grades are also ranked high in the school. The teachers are optimistic that you can be admitted to the key prestigious schools. But look, The test questions this time are not difficult. At your level, you should not lose a point."

Chi Nuan: "I'm sorry, Teacher Mo, not next time."

Lao Mo deliberated his sentence: "I found that you have been distracted in class these past two days. I don’t know if you are in poor health or have concerns... If you have any concerns and find it inconvenient to tell me this old man, you can go to you. Teacher He. Xiao He is patient and young, so I can comfort you little classmates, one by one..."


Chi Nuan took the test paper back to the classroom, Xu Dan and the others had packed their schoolbags. Chi Nuan folded the test papers into today's homework, and said to Xu Dan, "I will go to Gu Ningzi's house again."

Chi Nuan still had a ten-thousandth expectation, but it finally fell through.

There is still no one in Gu Ningzi's home.

Chi Nuan went back to school in no hurry, took out the math test papers, and corrected them one by one while sitting on a chair outside the courtyard.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell in the lush green yard of Gu's family, Chi Nuan bit his pen, unknowingly and distracted.

She remembered that early in the morning, Gu Ningzi woke up very early and stood by the window to look in the yard.

In the same yard, Gu Ningzi was gone, and she was locked out of the yard, unable to enter.


A small ball rolled to Chi Nuan's feet.

A three or four-year-old girl rushed over, her fat little face was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Chi Nuan picked up the little ball and handed it to the little girl.

"Thank you sister." The little girl grinned and stared curiously at the test paper in Chi Nuan's hand. After looking at it for a while, she pointed to Chi Nuan's mobile phone on the chair, "Sister, someone is calling you."

The three words "Gu Ningzi" flashed on the screen of the mobile phone that was turned on silent.


Chi Nuan had imagined many possibilities, under what circumstances he would get in touch with Gu Ningzi again. What kind of opening remarks should be used at that time, she has so many ideas to talk, she hasn't even been able to figure it out.

However, when this moment did come, apart from calling the other party's name, I couldn't think of anything else at all.

"Gu Ningzi!"

Gu Ningzi on the other end of the phone, stunned by the urgency of Chi Nuan's words, was stunned for two seconds before saying, "It's me."

Chi Nuan said softly again: "Gu Ningzi..."

Gu Ningzi: "I'm here."

Chi Nuan's throat choked: "Where are you?"

Gu Ningzi said, "I'm home."

Chi Nuan had a hunch, but still said, "But there is no one in your family."

Gu Ningzi: "Home in the north....Have you been to me?"

She went back, He Liwen was right, she was going to transfer school.

At this moment, the torrent of tears frightened Chi Nuan, and she covered her eyes: "Gu Ningzi, did you stay in the north to study?"

Gu Ningzi: "No, I will return to Yuncheng."

She answered simply and firmly. Chi Nuan got up from the chair and couldn't help walking back and forth: "Then when will you be back?"

Gu Ningzi said: "It won't be long. I should have contacted you long ago,...but it was not very convenient before."

Chi Nuan: "It's okay — Gu Ningzi, how are you? Is the injury on your hand healed?"

Gu Ningzi: "I'm fine, don't worry."


On the way back to school, Chi Nuan received a photo from Gu Ningzi. In the photo, her left hand wrapped in gauze, the palm of her palm is properly wrapped, and the shallow wound on her finger has been covered with thin scabs.

The last dark cloud gathered above Chi Nuan's head also disappeared.

Chi Nuan told Gu Ningzi that the person who locked her in the office was Chen Wan, and was criticized by the whole school after finding out.

Gu Ningzi expressed surprise.

Chi Nuan also said that the gangsters who smashed Mr. Ji's car had also been caught.

Gu Ningzi replied calmly: "Very good."

After that, Chi Nuan sent messages to Gu Ningzi from time to time, asking her questions such as "Have you eaten", "What are you doing", "Did you review your homework at home?" Gu Ningzi always responded promptly.

Gu Ningzi seems to be packing up her childhood things recently, and she will take the initiative to take pictures of Chi Nuan some rare things that have been sealed for a long time: small wooden guns, little books, jelly beans packaging boxes...

One day, she sent a photo of a doll and asked Chi Nuan: "Does it look like you?"

Chi Nuan looked at Ragdoll's small nose and eyes, ugly, and said, "Where does it look like?"

Gu Ningzi answered the question: "When I was a child, I liked holding it to sleep."

Chi Nuan: "..."

Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye. Chi Nuan didn't ask when Gu Ningzi would return to Yuncheng, but Xu Dan suddenly came up while Chi Nuan was talking with Gu Ningzi, and asked in a loud voice: "Big boss! When will the boss come to school to cover us?"

Gu Ningzi chuckled at the other end of the phone.


In June, the college entrance examination season, during the college entrance examination days, the school is closed.

Chi Nuan took the car home and got off the bus. She was sweating without taking a few steps under the big sun. She hurried home and ran into Chi Qingchuan at the gate of the community.

Chi Qingchuan stood beside a car, carrying vegetables in his hand, saying goodbye to the people in the car.

Chi Qingchuan has been working under Mr. Ji for seven or eight years. Chi Nuan remembers the license plates of many luxury cars. She walked to Chi Qingchuan, tilted her head and waved at the people in the car.

The handsome and handsome Mr. Ji saw her, raised his lips and smiled.

Chi Qingchuan turned around and smiled, holding Chi Nuan's shoulders: "Go, go home with brother, and eat wontons at noon today."

The siblings walked into the community, Chi Nuan curiously asked, "Mr. Ji sent you back?"

Chi Qingchuan: "He is going to vacation abroad with his fiancée, and today I have a vacation."

Chi Nuan: "Mr. Ji has a fiancé?"

Chi Qingchuan smiled: "Yes, his fiancée has a good character and looks good, and she fits well with Mr. Ji."

Chi Nuan sighed after hearing it: "The plot in the idol drama."

When the two entered the house, they felt cold and cold.

The pregnant person is afraid of heat, and Yue Yun's abdomen is already swollen, and she is holding half of a watermelon while eating while blowing on the air conditioner.

The latest idol drama is being broadcast on TV, and Yue Yun can't stop watching.

Chi Qingchuan went to the kitchen to set aside the dishes, washed his hands, and habitually went to the living room to take a look at Yue Yun first. There are water drops on the watermelon skin. It should have been taken out of the refrigerator not long after, Chi Qingchuan said: "Yunyun, eat less ice watermelon, don't be greedy for cold."

Yue Yun nodded perfunctorily when she saw the sensational place on TV.

Chi Qingchuan sighed and turned back to the kitchen.

Chi Nuan followed him in. Her fillings were not as good as Chi Qingchuan's, so she beat him, and when the fillings were mixed, the two of them wrapped wontons together.

Chi Qingchuan asked Chi Nuan how he was at school recently. It's okay if Chi Nuan returns to him. Chi Qingchuan said, "You will be on the battlefield next year. Are you nervous?"

Chi Nuan: "Don't be nervous.... Brother, you put too much wonton wrapper on this stuffing!"

Chi Qingchuan "Huh" said: "Really!"


After eating lunch, warm back to the room for a nap. When I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door opening and closing, and when I woke up, I realized that Chi Qingchuan and Yue Yun were not at home.

Chi Nuan didn't care, took out his homework, and unknowingly wrote it until the evening. Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, she walked out of the room and heard Chi Qingchuan's voice coming from outside the gate.

"Yes, Mom, I'm not good, I didn't take care of Yunyun."


"I've been to the hospital, the doctor didn't give me water, and he prepared some medicine. I'm home now."


"I know Mom, I will pay attention in the future."

Chi Qingchuan apologized and opened the door with the key. Chi Nuan stepped aside, Chi Qingchuan helped Yue Yun to enter the door carefully, Yue Yun's face looked very bad.

After Chi Qingchuan settled down, Yue Yun came out of the room. Chi Nuan asked him worriedly, "What's wrong with my sister-in-law?"

Chi Qingchuan: "Stomach hurts, I have pulled it many times."

Chi Nuan: "What did the doctor say? Doesn't it matter!?"

Chi Qingchuan: "I caught a cold in my stomach."

Chi Nuan thought about the half of the ice watermelon that Yue Yun had eaten before lunch, why didn't Chi Qingchuan know it, and shook his head helplessly, and went into the kitchen to make porridge for her.

Chi Qingchuan took care of Yue Yun meticulously for two days, and she finally got better.

Yue Yun’s mother couldn’t make a phone call at noon every day to care about her condition. She was far away from her daughter and only hated that she could not take care of her personally. In the end, she still complained that her son-in-law was useless: “It’s not that you can’t live there. How can your mother have that face to make you? Husband sleeps on the sofa in the living room all day? Oh! My dear daughter, don’t you know, Lulu just bought a new house for her mother, the old couple moved in, and invited me to visit once, dear, upstairs It’s close to three hundred square meters, and that house is magnificent... Lulu said that she will have a child in the future. Grandma’s house shouldn’t be too shabby, otherwise the child won’t even have a separate room..."

Yue Yun was irritable when she heard it, she was nestled in this small house less than 100 square meters with her big belly and out of shape, while Lulu's circle of friends, which she showed up last night, held her husband charmingly, showing a huge pigeon on her finger. Egg, with the word "I'm talking about projects abroad with my husband again, so tired", Yue Yun was anxious and couldn't help but tantrums her mother on the phone and said, "You are so dissatisfied, why didn't you be tough and let me take the child? Forget it? It’s better than it’s not good now, it’s not good, not dying or living!"

"Oh! Did you blame your mother when you got pregnant when you were unmarried?"

"How can I blame you, I blame myself for being blind!"

Chi Qingchuan found apple water to cure diarrhea on the Internet. He was peeling the apples and was preparing to cook for Yue Yun to drink. Hearing what she said, his hand slipped, and the fruit knife cut into the fingertips, and blood immediately poured out. He set aside the apple and rinsed the blood stains on his hands with water.

Chi Nuan walked to him, silently put a band-aid on the desk, and then went back to the room to pack his schoolbag. The college entrance examination was all over in the morning, and it was time for her to go back to school.

The sun was very hot at noon, and Chi Qingchuan insisted on sending him warm to the platform. The two did not talk, Chi Nuan got in the car, and Chi Qingchuan went back.

Chi Nuan felt uncomfortable, and pulled out his mobile phone to send a message to Chi Qingchuan.

"Brother, you are the best person in the world."

Halfway through the journey, Chi Nuan received a reply from Chi Qingchuan. He said, "Little fool."

Chi Nuan's nose is sour.

It was too early to warm up to school, and none of the roommates came back. I opened the English book and memorized a few pages of words, but my heart was still impetuous. Chi Nuan closed the book, lay on the bed with her mobile phone, and called Gu Ningzi.

Gu Ningzi answered it after a while, and Chi Nuan asked her, "Gu Ningzi, how are you doing today?"

Chi Nuan often starts like this, and Gu Ningzi also replied "okay", but Chi Nuan's voice sounded listless today, and Gu Ningzi asked her back: "What's the matter with you?"

Chi Nuan said, "Nothing..."

After she finished speaking, both of them were silent, and then Gu Ningzi asked, "Where are you?"

Chi Nuan said, "In the bedroom."

Gu Ningzi: "I'll pick you up."

Chi Nuan stared at the top of the bed, the next second, turned over and sat up: "You're back!?"

Gu Ningzi: "Just got home."
