Shenhao: Get Rid of 101 Girlfriend

Chapter 142

   When he heard the news, he immediately thought of who did it, and he could know it without even investigating. It was definitely Long Tenghui, which was his usual practice.

   The last time he met in Mufu, he offended Long Tenghui too harshly. He thought that the other party would have to wait until his new film was released before they could target it. Unexpectedly, he couldn't wait so much that he would not even miss a web drama.

   It can be seen that the other party really hates him to the bone.

   Zhang Fan sneered, and the Longxiang Group’s hacking incident had just subsided on the Internet, and this guy began to stir things up. It seems that the lesson last time hasn’t been remembered for a long time.

   In that case, he doesn't mind to come again, see who can't hold it first.

   "Is the company okay? Do you want me to find someone to solve it?" Ling Moyu also heard the content on the phone and couldn't help asking.

   Zhang Fan shook his head, and gave her a soothing look: "It's okay, leave it to me, I can't just leave the problem to you every time."

   "But..." Ling Moyu wanted to say something, and finally changed his words, "If you are in trouble, don't be aggressive, I am also a member of the company, there is nothing to be ashamed of..."

   Zhang Fan smiled slightly and squeezed her small face: "Don't worry! If it can't be solved, I will definitely come back to you as soon as possible!"

   After rushing back to the company, he quickly learned the details.

   Currently, Mortal Entertainment has only filmed the first three episodes of the show "Soul Ferry". The first episode has just been online for two days. Due to the large number of reports, the website was called back. The reason given was that it did not conform to modern values.

  As a TV series with supernatural themes, this reason is almost universal, because some supernatural elements will inevitably appear in it, but if a ghost movie does not have ghosts, is it still called a ghost movie?

   According to this standard, all supernatural films on the Internet have to be removed from the shelves.

   Just like the last time in the "Unexpectedly" incident, the reasons given are equally far-fetched.

   "Boss, did you offend someone?" In the office, Li Ming hesitated for a long time and finally asked.

   "Why do you think so?" Zhang Fan asked casually.

   "I heard some wind noises, this matter is likely to be..."

   "Longxiang Group did it, right?" Zhang Fan asked.

   Li Ming opened his eyes wide: "Boss, you already know?"

   "Apart from them, who else can do such a disgusting thing?" Zhang Fan said lightly.

   Li Ming was startled: "You don't seem to be worried at all?"

   Zhang Fan didn’t care: “What’s there to worry about? If you’re disgusted, then go back and be more disgusting than anyone else! Okay, don’t worry about this, let’s go ahead!”

   After watching Li Ming leave, Zhang Fan turned on the computer on the desk, but before he could do anything, the phone rang suddenly.

   "Xiao Yueyue" is displayed on the screen. .

Chapter 303:

   Chapter 300 I apologize to you for my dad (please order the full list)

   Zhang Fan took a look, thought about it, and died directly.

   After the encounter in Mufu, the two have not contacted each other again. She thought that the other party had already recognized the reality and accepted the fact of the breakup. Now it seems that she is still a little unwilling.

The fact of feeling is too troublesome. If the two love each other, it’s okay. The point is that he doesn’t feel Long Yue at all. If it hadn’t happened to know her name when they met, he would not remember what the other person looked like. NS.

   The most important thing is that she is Long Tenghui's daughter, and he doesn't want to have any entangled relationship with her.

   I thought that after hanging up, the other party should be able to understand what he meant.

   But Zhang Fan has forgotten that this is a girl with a dead-headed mind, and her way of thinking is different from that of ordinary people.

 14  So, one minute later, the bell rang again.

   He was a little helpless, knowing that if he is not connected today, the opponent will definitely fight endlessly.

   "Let's talk, what's the matter?" He answered the phone.

   There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Long Yue's voice rang: "I apologize for my dad for what happened last time!"

   "Apologize! If he really feels wrong, he should apologize himself, not you." Zhang Fan said.

"I know, my dad used some not-so-bright tactics to make your movie lose money. Fortunately, no such thing happened in the end, but anyway, it was my dad who did it wrong. I am his daughter. There is nothing wrong with apologizing," Long Yue said.

   "Your dad is your dad, you are you, I will not confuse the two." Zhang Fan said.

   "My dad gave birth to me and raised me. If he did something wrong, I will take care of him. Is it wrong?" Long Yue said.

   Zhang Fan was a bit speechless: "If you are here to talk to me about these common principles, then I may not have the time to talk to you."

   "Can you still forgive him?" Her voice sounded a little pitiful.

   Zhang Fan bluntly said: "The last time, although he used some informal means, it was only a commercial competition. There is nothing unforgivable. It's not a matter of conspiracy."

   "No!" Long Yue shouted, "He deliberately targeted you because he knew my relationship with you."

   Zhang Fan was taken aback, where is this and where? Just because they knew the relationship between the two, so they targeted him?

   He suddenly felt that he had suffered a disaster from Wuwang. It was really someone sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky. He always thought that Longxiang Group was targeting Qingyi.

   After a long time, he was the culprit.

Long Yue said: "Since my dad knows about our relationship, he has always opposed us being together, so he makes you embarrassed everywhere. My dad does this for me. In the eyes of outsiders, he may not be a good person. But in my opinion, he is a good father."

   Zhang Fan didn’t want to comment on whether Long Tenghui was a good person. He just wanted to discuss the matter: “So this time, it’s for you?”

   was silent for a while again: "Are you talking about that web drama?"

   "We have broken up, should your dad know about it? If so, why does he stare at me?" Zhang Fan asked.

   "If I told you that my dad didn't do it this time, would you believe it?" Long Yue asked.

   "Who else is there besides him? This is his usual style!" Zhang Fan said.

"Whether you believe it or not, I just want to tell you that my dad really didn't do this this time. During the recent period, he has been very busy with the company's affairs and has no time to take care of other things. Although there are some comments on the Internet, I said that this time is related to him, but I can guarantee that it was definitely not done by him." Long Yue's tone was extremely affirmative.

   "It's not him?" Chen Yang was a little at a loss. If it weren't for him, who would be there?

   He thought about it, and during the time he came to the imperial capital, Long Tenghui was the one who offended him. Besides him, he really couldn't think of anyone else... Wait, there seemed to be one person.

   That is Ling Moyu's suitor, the second youngest of the Yang family.

At that time, he and Mo Yu played a performance, which really made this guy very angry, and when he left, he caused this guy to lose face in public. Mo Yu also told him at that time that this guy held a lot of grudges. Will definitely find a way to trouble him.

   At the time, he didn't care too much. After so long, he almost forgot about this person. If he hadn't mentioned this incident suddenly with Long Yue, he couldn't remember that there was such a potential enemy.

   If this incident is really not done by Long Tenghui, then the eight achievements are the second youngest of the Yang family.

   "Who did it, I will investigate it clearly." After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he wanted to hang up the phone.

   "Wait!" Long Yue stopped his behavior in time.

   "Is there anything else?" he asked.

   The other side hesitated, and said, "Can we... meet?"

   "Isn't this necessary?" Zhang Fan said, "It's not good to let your dad know!"

   "My dad has been in the company every day during this period, so I won't know it," she said.

   Zhang Fan suddenly became annoyed, how could this girl's lingering shadow: "No! Goodbye!"

   He felt that with this girl's personality, if he really met her, then there would be no end. .

Chapter 304:

   Zhang Fan hung up the phone, stared at the phone for a while, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party did not call again.

   The other party has been so entangled in this way, it is not a solution, although she can be blacked out, but she will add it back with a trumpet, which is of no avail. If you want to completely solve this trouble, you have to make her give up.

   As for how to make her give up, she has to think of a plan.

   However, there is no need to worry about this matter for the time being. What needs to be dealt with now is the company's business.

   He didn't fully believe Long Yue's words. Whether this matter was done by Long Tenghui or not is still to be investigated. Before the matter has been investigated, let him go for the time being.

   Now there is another suspicious person added, that is, the second young master of the Yang family, who is a suitor of Mo Yu. If he did it, he would be regarded as one of his own rivals.

   He still doesn't know anything about this guy. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy, he won't fail in a hundred battles. The first thing to do now is to investigate the details of this guy and see what the so-called Yang family comes from.

   was thinking, suddenly a few electronic beeps sounded on the phone, he turned it on, and it turned out that someone had added his WeChat friend.

   "The Red Queen?" He glanced at the other party's screen name, and found that he didn't know each other. The picture should be a woman. After thinking about it, he added her.

   "Are you?" he texted and asked.

   waited for a while, but the other side did not reply. He thought that someone might have accidentally added him and was about to delete her.

   At this time, a message suddenly came from the other side: "I know your secret ¨`!"

   still had a smiling face with a tongue out behind.

   "Know my secret?" Zhang Fan whispered, feeling a little funny, what secret can he have?

   80% of this person is playing mystery.

   "Who are you? I deleted it without answering!" he said.

   "Guess?" With a playful smile on the back.

   "I'm not interested in guessing." Zhang Fan replied, planning to delete this person.

   At this time, another message was sent from the other side, which was a picture of a cartoon character.

   When Zhang Fan saw this picture, his fingers suddenly froze.

   Now this cartoon character can be said to be popular all over the Internet, because the day the Golden Shield Guard was hacked, it danced on tens of millions of computers for ten minutes.

   He drew it casually, but no one knew it was his hand. At that time, he paid special attention and eliminated all traces of himself. It is impossible for anyone to find him related to this matter.

   "I won't answer any more, I really want to delete it." He thought it might be because of his carelessness, maybe the other party just sent a picture at random.

   "Don't you think this cartoon character is very kind? It's like drawing by yourself?" Honghou said.

   Zhang Fan's eyes narrowed, does the other party really know anything? impossible! He is very careful, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to know!

  He has full confidence in the skills given by the system.

   I must have thought too much, it was just a coincidence.

   He replied: "Don't go around in circles, who are you? What can I do for you?"

   "Illegal intrusion into someone else's company, but it's illegal, you have to go to jail for many years." Honghou replied.

   Zhang Fan took a breath of air, and quickly manipulated his hands on the keyboard, while taking time out to reply to her message: "How did you know?"

   is said to be so good, it is equivalent to pointing to his nose and telling him that this is what you did.

   "Hee hee! I guess I was right, you did it!" said the red queen, with a happy expression behind it.

   Zhang Fan: "……"

   After a sigh of relief, he replied: "Don't defile people's innocence, this matter has nothing to do with me."

   I thought that the other party had some kind of evidence, but now it seems that it is just a guess, so there is nothing to worry about.

   "... Don't even think about denying, you just admitted it!" Hong Ho said.

   "When did I admit it? I just said casually, did I tell you that I am the president of the country, and I am the president of the country? You have to pay attention to evidence in everything. If you think I did it, then show the evidence!"

   "Don't worry, I will find the evidence!" She made an angry expression.

   "Then I will wait and see! Can you tell me now, who are you?"

   He was full of curiosity about the person behind him. Although the other party did not have any evidence, it was extremely difficult to find out that this matter was related to him. He wanted to know how she identified herself and found her contact information.

   "Huh! You are so capable, won't you check it yourself?"

   After saying this, (Wang Lihao) she didn't send any more messages.

   Zhang Fan stopped his movements and frowned. He just wanted to find the address of the other party through the Internet. Unfortunately, this person was very cunning and didn't use his real address at all.

   "Who would it be?" He couldn't help thinking.

   This person can guess that Long Xiang’s hacking incident is related to him, and he must have been paying attention to him, and her hacking skills will not be inferior to her.

   Know yourself, high level of hackers, female.

   After narrowing the scope to these three points, he quickly recalled the relevant characters in his mind, but found a circle, but found nothing.